HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1968
April 2, 1968
Port ToÌ'vnsend, Washington
The City Council of the city of Port 'Townsend met in regular session this 2nd day of April
1968 at ?:30 p.m. in the council chambeI:'s of the city hall. Mayor Smith presiding.
Officers and membeIJs present were as follows: Mayor Smi th, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk
Youngblood, COQYlC ilmen Scheyer, Judy, Ruby, S ieb.enbaum, ¡.¡oody. Counc ilman Eogl und, Lind sey
The minutes of the previous session we:æ read in full and it v'!as moved by Councilman Judy
seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as I'ead and the l'iiayor and City Clerk
sign same. Motion carried.
The following bills and claims audited by the finance co!îlffiittee were pI'esented and acted
upon as follows::
CURRENT EXPEnSE FUND------------------Voucher No.
":"iATER F'UHD-SE',JER PUf3D- - -- --- - --- ---- --Voucher No.
STREET FUìID---------------------------Voucher No.
GARBA'}E FUrJD--------------------------Voucher No.
LIBRARY FUND--~-----------------------Voucher No.
P J\RK FUND.- - -- - - - - --- -- - -- -- -- --- - -- --- V oucherNo.
ORDINANCE NO. 1506----------------~---VoucheI' No.
tl1P ough
d'7 692 ~(')
;u: , '7 r. 00
~~2, 570.55
~~1, 929.15
J~l, 007.32
"J 618.50
~:¡; 72.59
It was moved by Councilman Sieb,enbaum seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims
be approved and the I;lJ,ayor and City Clerk drav'! warrants upon the proper funds for payment of
same. 1,,'10 tion carried. ....
--"iJ.'he city clerk reported the reguiliar salary warrants for the r\~onth of ii'larch 1968 as foll.ov:!s:
CURR,~N'l' EXPENSE FU1'TD- ---- --- - ----- - --.- Voucher No.
WA'rrŒ FŒm-;:-SE;Sm FUND----- -------- --- -Voucher No.
S'l'R:ZT FUND- ---- -- --- ---- -- - --- - - -- ---Voucher No.
GARBAGß FUliD--------------------------Voucher No.
LIBRARY FUtill--------------------------Voucher No.
PAm~ FUND-----------------------------Voucher No.
FIR-:::;.:~N PENSION AND RELIEF YLJND-------Vo1iï.cher No.
thI' ou@1
~~6, 178. 84
¿i~ LJ.~' 9 8':"-
~i' ~o..:.>
~? 284.63
~? 300.00
through 208
'rhe treasurer's repor twas re ad in full for t he ì,~on th of If!arch, 19Ej8 and ViaS ordered filed.
The police report vIas read in full for the ¡-..'lonth of ¡:larch 1968 unci was ordered filed.
T'ne follo\'iing bu:i.lding p~rmits were presented and acted upon as follows:
Glenn Healas, Garage, 24'X24', Frame 413 Polk, $900.00.
Julius Pedersen, Foundation for Service Station, 24'X36', metal & C~)ment, Quincy & Water, $2,'00
Lloyd L. Hansen, Remodel House, 26'X321, Frame BJk. 23~ Lot 5&6, Petty grove Addn. ~~;400.00.
Lloyd L. Hansen, remodel house, 24'X28', Franæ, Blk. 20, Lot 7&8, Puttygrove 2nd. ~400o00.
Lloyd L. Hansen, remodel gara:e 50'X20', frame, Center St. Lot 6&7, Cherry Park Adc.1n. $;100.00.
Lyle Fink, Side walk & driveway, 21'X60', ConcI'ete, 1111 22nd st. ~200.00.
fiIarvin R. STIli th, machine sh6.p, 33' x72', frame, 47th & Haine s, ~~3, 000.00.
Councilman Ruby made a motion seconded by Counci.Lman Judy that thE: building permi ts be
gI'anted except the permit for a Machine Shop at 47th & Haines. Motion carried.. Councilman
Ruby said that permi t ~hould be loolœd ¡nto for the size of the buildiD-f; and type should be
in an industrial area. Mayor Smi th also refeI"red the building permit to the plannin...¡;; cormnissio
for a repoI't at the next regular session.
The followinG moving permit was VC'3sented and acted upon 2S follows:
Julius A. Pedersen, GMS Station from Quincy & Washington to Quincy & Water St.
Councilman Ruby made a motion seconded by Councilman Moody t::1at the moving permit be granted.
¡'¡lotion carried.
The follovv"ing tear down permi twas pI'e sented and ac ted upon as follows:
Don T~cker, Shed, 2nd & Hancock to abide by Ord. No. 907.
It Vías ,HOVGd by Counc i m an Judy sec onded by Counc ilman Ruby that the tear dOìrm permi t be
granted. ~'iïotion carried.
T...rle :following comrnunic i.l tions wer e 1'13 ad and ac tad upon as folIo\': s:
From q,uimper Grange ~.l:720, Por t TovlYlsend, March 16, 1968
Ghe Hon. ì:'Iayor Frank Smith
Members of the City Cowlcil
City Hall
Port Townsend, ~ash.
~.__n.~~}2'Q1_~;:).Q,1:;'.._~~~~lJ:'U?~;:LA~~:'3":;'_~~IJ.T_O::? AZUL ~~ lG68 :::CL'1.'L:U....:D
~--_._--- --...,
Dear 'jirs:
~:;e uDders tand tha t tl-:.e nro ,jec t'Jd seHer :Jro jec t '.'::Ul end D t 32nd and St.eridan. .,e UI',-;e t~l.C
extension of ~-is lino to include the area known as the Corona .Jtreet additi~n ~~~ch ~ill ~ore fully
cover t>e 1r esent ~ s pe J.l as .-:;otential oui~.d.inr::, s i to s ~n a r:otor 101'-sl~r '1011 utod c.rea.
.:'e also ur:;e any adê,iti~nal se.'!o.::,;e fo.cilJ,ities that t:l.O o:"',r-;in,:;crs s>,olJ.J.d find :~oasible. I. "ore
co::nplete SC',7er syste::l for ~)ort Tonnsend should be o.cc'):]P}.:'_~hed ['s soon :'S nossible d.ue to
certainty of rising fut~~e costs.
:=ay vie of:Cer OEr tll.anks to the::::ity Col'-~"',cil for t:'le'--;ood jo"o it :"'..~s already ò.one, 3:.'ld aSE::ure
.,ou 1.Je stand firr.lly bo~'J.ind ~"ou 0:."- t:.is ;.,:atter.
~)in: 131' el:,~,
John'~. ::erril1, '.:crtIly ~ :as tel"
:; [' tlDr =.no :err :i.ll .:-jec,r.
Uembors or (~uLIlJor :-:+ra~.3e ¡;.:;~70
':ayor S::1i ty said. tl1ati~l1e cor~.te:~ts i;1 tll.c L:::"~':Jor '.1cl,':-.d :"."1 rela"c:' on of so.,;or e:;~'>ns' on l".ter
in t:l0 :-.r1.oe t:ì.n.g.
~')J;'l'I'~'I y- ~,10R SI:J,~ ~..:;'..'.~l~ ::::0 :,'~J.:::TOl¡S' '3 ~I'J..,3:~
Po:;",t Tormsell.dJ, '.:asl:in:;tc::1
To tho ~'=onorable ::ayor and:::ouncil
of tho City of 20rt To1Jnsend
The undersi,n;ned herebYY:3titians end rel)I"OSeDts t11at Lo is 0. person sl~illed in the OnSill.eSS
of layin?; :':1d connecti:J.n; se-:!ers, ['nd p-sks that :le ;")13 ::;:c"'o.::1.ted a l:.co:r..seCor such ')ur.;oses ~:mder
al:.d ò~r virtue of the ',l"'O'lis:'.o':1S of OrdÜ:.n,llce ~TO. 1527 p::1.d cur:c"ont Gll1endnlGnts thol"eto.
Tho un orsin;ned :r'urther aGrees to abide by th.o 'lrOViE:J:i.Dl1S oJ:' Ord:'nance :to. 1527 and curl"on.t
amend'~,ents t!':.ereto as cœroletely C:J if i t .~le:.'e :i:ìcor-'orated.
~ol1ald L. 3to iliens
~30x 147, ::~adlocl{, .'n.
, :05-:)157
..a'~ror S:'Üth c.slæd. if it :i.1ad oee~l. a)~:rovod a:,d 3i2;l1od ìJY tJ:.O ';eìIer Su::t., t:: [US-liar VI[13.'0.
::::oimc;il".:al1. Huby s¿id t:-:.o.t t. e a;J')licat:~.ons :{'or ::;o~./er _I.iconses s oulc1 be sig:1ed ')~C t:l.e J ~.~I'
,::';upt. !..'.nd t:"l"ee coo...::.ncil:jl0:',oel"3 m:cì. suG,~;osted c::c..t t: 2.:J :"':;roUOS-C ~}:l.c: all oL;>or rC)r-l,::st '.'01'
lico:1,ses s::.o,,--Üd bo Y;ro~)o!"ly si2;nod. "..:ofo:c,'e co'l":cil to.; 0: ,1.n~;T 8.c-C: on. ::9.YO1" S:dt:l. ref or ;od the
reC'iUost :ror a co:ltractors license to t~lC :Jo',"ler COT.1ÍttoO.
::;~'J_.'-~', .0.. L,;\ .~(1~J
j. claim for da".1a,<,jes Üle.t nas presented to c:o council at t:....o la~d~ ro:3l'.la:,:' :Je3:J5.0'.~ b~r Loc
Arey for 13.25, r¡:1.~.ch \io.s t1.~rnod clo'.7n d-u.o tOt.-:lO reaso:'1 '> è.l~ it YIPS not in ~Jro"Y,œ for:" \"1::3
e.[.';a::,n bro1.:3ht oefo,-"e t;,.e COl'.l1.cil. '_'::1e cIerI: i:L~Ol":'lOQ tJ1O C'lJ.llcil t:lo.t 'c::e cla:".::: fo,-'" (~a"'D..;ns
rlr.s :-:0':; in 'Y)rOYJ'Jr for!'".. Gi 17:,. ~'- t'~orl'1oy ¡'l~Jrall.3.m reco . .Dl:èod ':;:-at .;:;:0 C:::"9.:i.rl ;)e t-"':T'GOÓ OV~H' '~o
", ~ -, """'t'h ""f" "t' " 1" 1'" '!
-cD-O ;'.l1.suro.l1ce conpany. .a-':'-or ,'::>~'ll .f,!.I. saQ.o. J. 'G,.',ore "'.IC.S 1".0 O;)J:;c ;.-011.S 'C:',C C_o.:.l:l r:or. c. ,)0 'Cl1"lCo.
ove::- to 'U"'.e inCU2'c..ll.CO COll'po.::1.Y.
,.., ^ T T "ì ') --, T-"
v"_.-J"-J . .,., ~_JJ',)
':::he city clerk aslced JJðr::Ü3s5_0~". o~ '~:-e c-l',~nc:5.1 to c"ll :::'01' bids :."01" J.it'.;)~J_it~'. i.'S1.l2"'o.~'lce
covoro.""e re"l.Üro'lollts fOl" t~:e citv 0-:'-: ~:o:;",t 'l'o-.:r:"e;1.d ":~d t~-:..') ~:::i,=.,s .:~o ':e 0 o:"od :-.t t:'l:J re--;Fl:"r
collncil ::l') 0 ting of ~.:ay 7th leGe. ":::o.~':-:ciJ.:l1D.n Judy :~mdG 0. notio~1. seconded 1::::,1' =';'unciJ.,~Tn ~:L3b.Jll~J[J)m
t~~G""; '~;ho city clerk -Je a.ut:'lor:i_zod to cf'J.l.'or ;¡ic'.s. ':o-c:;.O:l ca:.'::."bd.
O'-;~)I'¡J.:UJ~ --0. 1533
L-- O:::D::;r~¡~':'~~~ LC":) ~2~T:~ r.:..';~~~ ...:; >~:ì';t..L'J:: T' .\l~
,~~~T~:.':;:::,C 02 :T-r::- 3'.1..'.: ,~T, 1,000 .', ;'..:' :):~~_'T
..,:~;J : ':L..: ':;..J::;-.T.1...,;~C r.1.'.~J.: ..: ";:J 0.' I'rY';'='=~~T,
Oounc iL.,8.Yl ~iub~ï ::0.::::.0 a :'.10ti ID. seco:l,~:.ed "oy COlJ:"C il:1U1,;:'1 . .ood;'T tlla t 'L.~-:'3~~.:2.~S .j~ :,"'::;oè.i.::'j -:0 CC '3 id3'7cd
t~:c socond l"eadins e.nd tho t::5.rd roedL'.=; ;)0 by title 01"_1.:-. =ot~on car::..~ioQ.
Or6.inance 1:0. 1533 \7C3 ac;a:i.n read "oy titl0 o:;::'y ['.Dd it ('fr,e, '070 d by :JoU'.1cilr:-:'3n Jucl~r secnded
ì-:-y co:'.ncil~1an ~~1..~~J t>at OrÚiG[',:'lc;e ~':'o. 1533 do nor¡ ~)a';J .:otion. co.I",'icd.
Œ;~LfJ.:::)~ j,TJ. 1534
¡¡':: 0~;~:::-:1\.~.~ L)':~O~").:Y.'~I,:J '.::~L_' 0::' ,:6,000.00
r_'0:~ ~ ~~ ;,:.'p"I::-'. ,'.:~) --¡\::::'.'.=='::~ .; , /~;'.,.'_~)L:I\::I'~:":J:-:' l.'...::~
1968:}0_CT 'J.'O ,:':3.~.,:D ~-/"J.~:'~" :::>,T, ::;':':'::-; J,J~":C::;; 'ì,~~:. :T~
~""-~ ='~:;:r,!.~:I:~G. .',-' ~.~~:JG~=TCY.
Due to tl~.o natul"o of t:'le o.:~ovc ol"dinance it 11è~d to .:e :::Jld over pntil t>.e l1o.xt l"o:';ular1c).3sion.
C;0~Jnci2Y.:an ~uby s['L~ t>o.t :10 ::od taJ.'w to 3u~')'c. B~r1~~.:r's-:o:/ca7"'j_.",r, '::;0 t>.o o:ed'::a.,C'-o" >:-,; 3['.i(
tl-::'f'.t t:1.e dozer e.t the Ccs ~os2.1 arca 'tc.S ::":1. ' ~'d nood 0.:' rc'¡ai:ï.".
~=a7ror 3mith 3o.1d j.t is 0. !~retty :,~ai1" ì7hc.ck Oi':::; of t:-:o ;Y--~d--;ct; ]':'01' t'lO 3G}~.itat'cn (eno.rt"lCn-c
cnd :'lad ab;"t co"',e to t>e ca'ì.cll1.s:i.o'~ tJ.'lat ('Ie l"C311~r S J'lei. (-;1"0) to ~~OlT :',len :'.1.1 t>.C't cìe~)['.rt.~o:lt,
!:e said t::ere r:as no :lurry 2-n tl:is and ',70.,..ld ò.iscuss :it '.::ttll t:~.~ co' '1~:.l lc.ter.
J- .
~ },J'
__,__0- -.
"":d :-::eckor, :::i ty -':;nGi'~oor ~1" id t:1C'. t it 'X.3 tc.l1æd
in.3ta.:'.!..Ll;'; a:'l Gl'-to~nD.tic vc.lve à~ coj¡trolj,ll,'; clovic 0
L,is :,:il1 '~&læ aòout t',lelve '\Joo~:s to :.;ot~>G .,Tc.Jve
of tlle r:l&;3j,'1.i tude of 'c::o :-:'..'-.:r'cl:c.se, l::,; ìlO lò. 1:::0 to
oic:s 0:1 t;>o valve. :;o:}':'1.~;iJ::,:a:1. ~:oody :'.'-0.[,0 c :.:otion
;JÐ aut:ori~;ed to call -,~or "oiè.s. .,0dt:.CF carried.
C.',jOl:t 1:,. 'Jt :'.'.(;3t.:,;,:; . -- co..'.l:',::.':; ;~or ,i¿s for
.,:'01":::10 reservoir, .',1:. vL:,':! of '~lL) fo.ct t;'.e.t
c:~c t;~èlt He do ::"vo 'CO c[)lJ_~or òics because
:~::;.::; :.-;Cl':ÜSS:'Lol: :::'l"O:~l:':'lO c;o :1c:il to c~.11 :':"01'
30CO:-:'c. cl,y~o;~:c;iL.IQn ";..,d~T '~:..¡:"~ '~:..O C:::~::"TJ";1"
~=rs ..,'0.1 l:i. n , _'.i' l"o.l"iecl1 [11'l'.ol~nced "c ,~.t li::':,...,.l"~~ '.;'OO~: ...éJ-...1l6 ~;o ::'l"O ~ .\"-:1"i1 21st to -c::o 2?tll. ,'.l.Q
ur:~ed all to atto:1d if )03siòle.
ì.uNUT~S O¡" TI-po; R~GULAR SESS T Oì\T OF' APHIL 2nd 1968 C QJ:lTJJillli12
r:Tayor Sn;ti th said thi:J.t under old business he riOuld like to tE.lœ up the HastJngs & Jackman
seneI' first for Uír Grimm vIas hel~e from Seattle. He said 1Ni.th the e~.:tensions tl~at vlere discuss d
at the last meeting, the proJect would amo'Jnt to around 194,500.: Ho~stated that nbout 50,000.11
was lef t over from the prev ious ge\'fer job. He said t ha t he had talked to LlcLcLean (;,; Co and
they indiclJted that the financing necessary for the project was fea~3iblè-;ö.ut it is rip'ht at the
borDer line, \"Ie cant stand anything more on the current revel',ues from the sewer syste~. The
question before us now is to authorize the call for bids.
IIII' Grinnl1 ;:Jaid that he would like authorization to call for bids, i~o advertise on April 11 th
and April 18th, and wou'ld like to open the bids April 30th and a~'/ar(L'; the bid on ¡,'lay 7th.
Councilman Ruby made a motion seconded by Councilman ~iebenbaum that Carey 8: Kramer be
be authorized to call for bids as requested. LTotion carried.
. Coui1c.i~manJ.. Ruby said he would. l~ke to have t?e council to look again at the pl~operty along
slde of uhe iJreatment plant, for l t \vould not De long; in the futt1re when another secondary
trea~~ent plant ~ould be n~eded. After ~me discussion Mayor Smith referred the suggestion to
the J. lnance comml ttee and -che sevver c ommi ttee for study.
Mayor Sm. !Lith said that under old bu sines s, the rent supp lemept hous ing which was brought up
at the last meeting. ~Ie said he had discussed it wi th the plamÜng commission sorne, the
planning CO!Mlision is not in opposition to it but basicly they feel the location os such a
place would really make them know whether they were for or against. ,
j',layor S:1"i th said he would c~11 the FHA v/hether or not it wou1d only take an informal letter
or what, this he didnt lrnow. He aslŒd the council if they had any feelings as to whetl1er they
would like to. approve or hold it over. Councilman Moody said he passed some information to
the other councilmen so they could study it but had not contacted Mr' Winterburn. He suggested
to continue the study until the Mayor contacted the FHA.
Councilman Siebenbaum said in looking at the piece of property
to build on, he felt ti was to nie e of proper ty to put that tY;Je
th.at there was other prop81~ty in outlaying districts that should
~here Mr Winterburn intedded
of housing on. He §aid he felt
be used for that type of
I'iIr Grimrn of Carey and Kramer aslœd the city clerk to read tn.3 two following letters thabhe~\cJ.
had brought on the sewer project.
City of Port Townsend
Ci ty Hall
POl" t Towns end, Wa slli ngton
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Ott-Atwater Inc. contractor for Schedule flAfI Treatment Plant a:Cld Poop Stations in the Sewer
System Improvement Program has substantially completed his contract with the exception of
landscaping around the treatment plant and the construction of the 1::ccess roads. ~Ve have
enclosed a-signed statement from the contractor agreeing to allow $',000.00 to be withheld
from his retained percentage to i:lsure his completing this 'Nor:k in the early summer, in m(Jœe
favorable weather conditions.
The water seal on Pump no. 7 in the Gaines Street Pump Station failed and is in the process of
being replaced by the contractor. This is a contractor's expense ur..der his warranty on the
equipment furnished.
We recormnend that the City accept the project for operation and maintenance and approve the
final estimate. The contractor has a bond in the contract documents good for one year to insure
the City against faulty work or material and in addition the cJntractor has agreed to the City
holding $1,000.00 of the $8,000.00 until August as a quaranty that any leak that nay appear in
the spiragester will be repaired:::'to the satisfaction of Carey and Kr'amer.
The contract completion date on this project was January 1, 1968. ['ue to the contractors late
~ompletion the City had additional inspection costs until Marc:Cl 1, 1968. The Standard conditio s
article 21 of the contract documents covers the conditions for assessing liquidated damages.
Enforcement of this part of the contract is the decision of the City.
Very truly yours
Carey and Kramer
Keith E. Grim
ott-Atwater, Inc.
605 - 10th Avenue
seattl~, Washington
Schedule flA" is substantially complete. 'de are willing to recommend to the City, acceptance of
your Schedule flAfI and submit the final estimate for payment pr'Jvided. that you agree with the
following cormnents and are willing, to comply with the var;iious :requests.
1. The City wo1..11d wi tlll1.01d $8,000.00 from the retained ')ercer,tage to insure
completion of the work that can not be completed at this time. Upon satisfactory
completion of the 1,vork, then the remaining money will be released to the contrac tor.
(a) There are parts of the site that are too wet at this time to allow for the final
contour grading. The landscape gardner suggests that it is too early for seeding
','Ii th maximum germination. I,ll plantings, top soil, fc:,rtilizer, lawn seeding and
grading shall be c~91eted before June 1, 1968 in accordance with the plans and
specificati ns. Failure to complete this work by, June 1st slìa:r.lfueousedl"àsl":illetd!èeh
to the City that others may be engaged to complete the '.'iork and payment made from the monies
withheld from the contractor.
(b) It is inconvenient for asphalt delivery until after the ferries resume their
summer schedules. All asphalt paving, crushed rock s'C.rfacing and pit run road
ballast required to complete the project shall be in r;lace before June 1st, 1968,
otherwise the Ci ty shall engage others to do the ì'iork and make payment from the.
monies withheld from the contractor.
(c) The nevI access road shall be constructed as part of the contract before June 1st.
(d) If all leaks from the spiragesters have not satisf~ctorily healed by August 1st
the contractor will move in not lateI' than August 5th and start repairing the leaRing
areas in a manner and method approved by Carey and KrEJner.
=.:I=~UT -') O? T~=-':; X~GULA' S:~SS:;: o:'~ CF¡LY¡:CL. 2nd lÇj68 CO~Tr:U:~D
.... ----.----,--..---...
- -.. -..-- ""--'--- '-
.... --- - .. .. ..,- ---,- ---'---'-----
---""",--,----,,- .., ,-
U;'on satisfactory completion of Items a, band c, the City will release (;,7,000.00
of the contractor's money. Tho other (:1,000.00 shall be hold untLL after Au"ust 1st
to determine if any additio;'1.al rJork is neco8sar~T to sto-:J existinr:; leaks. ~:-- on
recomrnenda ti..on from Carey and Y.:ræner tl-:at t.~-:.e leak arc; 2,8 ore sa tis:~ ac tor'!', tl::.en the
rer:1ainine; ~;1, 000.00 nJ.ay be re leased to tl~e contrac tor.
Keith E. Urim
:; l'. T:;Y rm ICR jL"3R
Charles R. Ott
O'::"l'_J\'f ". T 'R, ,'-,.C.
j:ayor S:;1ith said tl'lat tho '"'1.Wst:'_::n befoI'o tll.e C-,1U1C~_1 L~ to D.c'Je:-:t th.e -creat".lc)!",t rlo.;1.<ß '."".doI' J,jhe
ter'11s spec ifi cd and to o,ec icle tho ~::)I'oble:"'. ':lhet11or or',ot to ",;e t 5_n to Lle penalty as [JEST 'on t.
=:1" r;rim ::;aid tl1at tJ.le contract docmnents set fbrtl:: i3 t: Dt t:".e ci ty can assess 50.00 ..~ p
calonÖar date for daJ:1.aJes provided tl1ey co.n ~)rove t;:at t: 37 -.701'~ darlD."'"ßd to tl;.Ð.t exta1J.t. 'ile
contract -,'IC,S su_:'osed to be co;nnlotecl Jal1. 1, 1~G8, 'Cl'e ex 'on3e that tl:C; cit.:'" ~:as :-:'ë.:.d is L_l.O
expense 01~ t:l.e ins,Joc tor. Af tei' sone di SCUS:3 ion, it Vir:.S ¡loved by Counc ilr:1an Judy Geconded by
CO1..'.nci..Lllan .,_oody tl'lD.t the city accc;~jt tllÐ troat-:~)nt center and V_T1.:? stat5_ons o.s rOCœ1.::1enÛ3Q by
Corey and. Kramer a:"'J.d tl:at '~ho city-'or:~ot t:.le {)Gl:.alty Cl3.u.3e.ot::"œl co..rri d.
:.¡r Donald S te.9hens W 0 ho.d pe ti tioned for a s ide- SO,lor contrac to_:3 Ij_c 0": se c.net l:,:c:.~ be 3D t:'rne è~
dorm Ðcrlier in 't;ho De::Jtinc ';11'len it nas presentod 'oefo- 0 tÜe co 'n.cil d:~le 't;o läck of si'::'lat.J.r:Js,
saiò. t:1at l:e :-:äd tc11~Gd to t:le Je',:er co.'iT",1ttee f1::1.d t~le SCL.cr :)l:)t. [1nd t:ley !'~ad a::;r,;od to Ji';n
t e netitj_on. .~r .~ar¡loy senor supt. Gaid tj~ut he ',:ould s5_zn .?3ld if it ',í~'S :m G30d :'.0\1 it -;iould
save -I' ste :"ens a ..Lot of unc os s ary delay. :I'~; '.:o.,~'oved ')Y :]ounc 5-LlOD sche~Ter Deconc: od l1Y
Coè.'_ncil:'.1an Ru:')"" t~'lä~ the cor.r~:ractors 1.icor..so suÌJ1'li ttod èJy I' ,'jtephens 'oe cnantod. ::otion
::-=:-,' :J~:SI~~ ~::;3
l1ndor neVI buš.~_nes s tho follo\íÌnlj I'esol ut i,m .'J.r,d pc ti t:i_:Yl rJClS >:re SO". te::i to t:'l0 c 5- ty co"'nc il.
~-, ST,U~'I;'I
T:~ "')ORT TO' .'rTSg1) P-:E-SC-~OOL 31\.11 ~~~T T ~A':J ~--:;I\' 3 p, ,-;,::y:;:-,'/::'1 --:-T, DJ'~,'1
, ~p m'T RT~SOL'.r-~:
'l'hut FloridatLm of :"u'olic ,:a tel' is ;:!idel~T roco,j:cli7,e¿, ':8 a saj':'e a:1.d fe8.s5_'ole T18 t:'lOd :for tl"'o
prevention of tooth decay i~ young children, end
'l'hat the floI'idat on of the :~ublic -\;/atn~ slFìC)ly of tho ':Jity of POI't 1'0Yrnse~d;'Jo1.J.ld co:,.1tribute
to t:lO il.3al th ~md YJelfare of the ci t5_zens of the Ci ty of 'ort 'l'ov:nsend ",;onerally, and to its ""ounger
yopulation in ps.l"'ticüìEr, al'ld it is tJ.-ierefore ur,':ed that
'l'he City C:ounc il of the ':Ji ty of :eort To-.mse:1d movo vii t:1 all ',:0 ss ible s~)eed to Llple:'len t a
proGram of floridatiun of tl1e public Hater s1.J_p:.Jly for tlJ.e:::ity of .c'ort 'l'onnsend.
Dated this 2nd day of April, 1968
POWl' 'l'O .~~3~~,TD PfŒ-S'::::=OOL .LJ!~:-:,,~=':T
T:;.l\.; ';:.1 L'3~O::;Ii\T:::: ~~
By Lynê,a J. S:Jindor
Patricia J. Pedersen
F~'rrrIT ON :?OR FLUOTIIDArJ..'I1=':
To the =ionoI'ab1e -=em~:~ors of the :;:i_ty Council of tile ::;it~r of :?ort TO'.'ll1serld:
Tho unders ignod ros idel1 ts and or",;a,".iz2. tions of :C)ur :J i t~T regno; tfull¿T ~JO ti tioE ,s folIo s:
¡.-.-:E~::1~jI.S, the undersj_:~ned favor fluoridation of the nateI' s1.r,r;-'_y of the :::ity of' Port 'ro':!n:JOild;
'.'T_~=:njl_S, fluoriG.at:~_on c;.'loa'1y Er.d effoctivel~T DrO'ITor.ts sixtY'Jor ~o-~t 0...:' :101"'1181 nm! toot>:,
deaay; and
'-:=:lT~AS, fluoridation :l.ol;~s our elderl~.r c i tize:ls
and fl'J:~ibj_li ty so i'.S to avoid ::;riovo~l_S fracb,T s;
.'.--':;:KEAS, the '..:aÛlin-:;ton :3t9te -"::;oo.rd of :.~e2.1t~!. 0"'.
by causLng t>oir bo"1es to rGtahl :~>eir "JtrGn-:;th
Ja~uory 8, 1\)51, ne..C1sed the f'ollo-.::i_ng
I! In vieì:v of the pas t :-::olic les of the ..;as}d:cr~ ton
~t3.te -:?onrd of -~ealth concor:1.~'1.C f'luoric1atio~ of'
pu'-::lic '\'!at:)Y' s'L1:<)lies g"ld ~_n li'~ht of f"rt>':)r
overvÒellí1inr; c lL:ic 2.1 a:1d. sc ien-c;if ic ovidenc e,
t~18 .:ashington 3to.te uoard of Health il, [~hly rec-
o:':;;'-,lsnds m'ld encol'.ra:=.;es the adô..l t;_on of fluorides
to all ::;ublic ',lC,tOI' Sl'.::.T)lies L: t:lO l.:Jt3..~e defi-
cient in t~e sa~e, for ~:~ control of dental tocay
\1:'.ere s'..lch a l)l~o:..;r2.;n co':l')lies '.11 th t:le s tanàards,
rulss and r°,3lÜutio:-.:.s 0.:' t:'is o081"d. II C~ .'ohasis
added 'oy ,;etit::"oners.)
'..'" ~::'=^S, accorò.inc~ to t::..e ..asJ-::in.c;ton
by the folloning orßanizations:
;tate Depurt::;,ent of :Teal tll, fluo::'idat:i_o:-- 5-s ap:Jl"oved
'..'as~;, n.--.:;ton :;tate Con';ress o~ P.T.!:..
.as:-::i_n[;tŒl. c:;tate Dental {I,.ssociat:~nn
'-.'asl1in,r-;ton State 30ard ofTIealth
":'asl1.hlgton ':)tate '-=eal th Council
ArrericÐ.n ::edj_cal As:Jociation
A.:m.erican Dental Associat:i_'Jn
U. S. Public ~=e'al th '3ervic e
Fa t ional J1.l.n5_or ChÐ.m'o)r of Co "-1.8rc e
Nat~onal Research Council
A:-'er ic an Leg 5- or: Aux. il i ary
Natinnal Con3ress of P.T.A.
American Association for t~'e !,dvance:.'ent of Science
I"ssoc iat:i_on of :Jtate o~d ri.'erri torio.l :,eal tll Of:C'icors
, ' ' , '\,
':vBEREAS, water consumed presently in the City of Per t Townsend is not naturally fluoridated
and must therefore be fluoridatéd artificially in a manner similar to the way our water is
presently chlorinated,
NUiif THEREFORE, we petition that you, honorable members of the City Council" by your own
resolution and consequent ordinance effect fluoridation of our City Water.
Hespe c tfully suhJini tted,
By Lynda J. Spindor, President
By Patricia J. Pedersen, Secretary
Petitjon signed by 235 citizens
Councilman Ruby aade a motion seconded by. Councilman Scheyer that Ploridation be instituted
in our water.
Upon the quos tion Counc ilman SiebenbaUlTI said he read the pe ti tion over and there were around
240 names theI'e, and if you are ~oing to let 240 people talk for the I'est of the 5400 living in
the city of Port Tovmsend then I dont think that is a fair shake.
Jack Tice, President of the Central Labor Co'j:;i.nå.il in Port Tovlnsend, spoke in favor of
Kay ì-:Idmer, Spolœ before the council in favor of flourida tion.
C;>unc ilman Scheyer asked if' it lias tr'ue \'10 cannot adopt flO'\E'ida tion b;c, ordinance at this
meeting. City Attorney Abra.'h.am said that :i.f an Ol~dinance had been prepared it could be adopted,
but there didnt happen to be an ordinance prep~red this eveni~g. He also stated that the motiOl]
lias not in order strictly ~pea~ing, ,he.;:ook :i.~ that t:10 Y:lotj_on rea~.ly -means t:".at cm ordinance
be prepcœed to adbpt flourldatlon, If 'CDe motlon passes, he rfould J.nterport tnat you ':'!ant an
ordinance prepared so it can be pr'esented at the ne~:t I'egular m.eeting. He also pointed out that
he rICtS sure all the councilmen Imow tl.ì.è;tt1"J@ß(~r cost is envolved, i t,nJ.st be handled in the usual
financial nay.
T.'Iayor SmittI said he did not Imow hm'l the two absent councilmen felt, but v/Ould lite to see all
councilmen gocon'rëêoI~d <;onc'Orni:lg>it, i:e w':.:mld bo a little reluctant to EJee it done eitJher ~'ray
with two absenttees and also whether you care what it costs or not, [JUt consideration OI~ the
subject, he thouGht it called for consideratinn of all aspects, we have a unique situ~tion here,
wheI'e; 90% of the water goes to the m.il1, the questi n V/here and hor¡ is vital, I hate to see
action taken defini tely I'd thout all councilmen present.
Councilman Judy said he thJDught the floridation shouldonly be inside the city.. He also st.z.ted
that he didnt think this project should go into effect until we are 13ure we have the ~oney to
do the job.
City Attonney Abraham said that an ordinarlce rwuld be prepared {or the next regular council
meeting, the ordiné:ìnce v/ill not say that it tal-ces immcÖ:Î.ste effect, ,~ou councilmen dec:l.ding
a:'Jong Y°l)..I'selves whatev::;r date the money is available, VJhich might be until the first of the
year, i t -~.tOnt say that t11e next day flourides VJill be introduced into th v/ater supply, and sho 1
inw:;ine thö.t provisions shofuld be made as to the regLJ.lations handling, not specific details
but it 1.vould be undor supervision o;f, -:'f.hB heal th depaI"tliwnt ÐS riell 211 the \'Jater departmont.
!Javor Smith c allod fop a vote on the mot ion bv c Ollnc :1..l!'{lém Ruby to ins ti tu<te .rlor' iàa tion in
ou~ ~/ator. Upon roll call. Llotion vIas cal~ried:
As ther'e '\~as no further business to come before the council at thJ.13 tln10 it VIas ynoved by
Councilman Siebenbèlum seconded by Counc ilman Judy that the liB eting do now adjourn. J\10tion
Attest:)¿d rf~
. C i t~ ' G L [;7"