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Mr Badolato said that is what the böok is for.
Councilman Judy asked ¡,II' Badolato if tho plans & Specifications dj,dnt take care of this
~ituation. Mr Badolato said that you are entitled to for this partj_culor plant, books on the
pWìlpS, books on the motors, we have books that you are going to get.
Engineer Becker said this seems like a very financial thiD.g on the part of Carey and Kramer.
'The city hc;.s hired the se people to design and to SUPAI'V ise the builcl.ing of the plan t but they
are not going to tell us what they have done unless we pay them to. How it dosent seem right
to me that vve shou.ld have to pay them to tell us hovi to run SOfia thing thèJ. t t.lley lwve done for
us. This $eems like a scrofuJOus effort. to me and I vlÌll not hold m:y- tongue, but I think it is
a very unethical thing to do and I ti:1Ìnk it should be referred to the licensing board of the
state of Washington to fjnd - out vihy. It kind of disturbs me to have anything said about
enginee:r:s, like this, beinc; ono !11YS c:;lf, but it is no t right thiCl t ShE:Y should do th is.'
Tnis shouldnt be any. secret in that tllÌs shouldnt be the only plant like this that; is in
operation. Basically, all plants are very similar to this, maybe di.í'forent hol?se pm'ler pmnps,
rnaLle different flumes 80 through,thc:; thinG-or a different clarifier, different aspects like
this, but basically it is the same. So I dont know why we talk about $2,500.00 to wrie up
something that is already vlritten up. l-ilaybe not J_he exact form for the Ci ty of Port Townsend,
it may have been ìn"itten up for the City of Oak £labor or so!ne ody IJko that. This writing; of
this book for $2,500.00 is a real plum, boy it should be a cinch. -
Mayor-Smi th said he was a little surprised Hhen he found it was not included in the original
contract, and as it -stands nOV'1 they will not do anyt;'ing about tJ1Ìs unless we tell them to
go ahead and do it.
CO'L1l1cil!lîan I-I 'glund said he failed to see the need of this typo of publicati 'n and vlould
assume vIe woLÙd receive the necess3ry maintenance manuels and OT.'-'-'T'ation instructions of the jab
and fail to see the need in reducing this down to the grade school lovel of philosophy. POl"
tho average individual to understorld what is happening out there I &,ssu.rne that the only manuels
we need is for the field strip 'ing of eQuipment, and if it is for something more technical
then we co~Üd c,Ül in the manufacturer. Councilman Hoglund asked I\1r Badolato if this book goes
farther than just maintenance &:. Operation, the answer by Mr Badolato was yes it does.
L'Iay:)r Smith asked if there r¡ere any further quest:ions - there ;¡iaS none.
As thero was no further business to come before the council
Counciloq.n Siebenbaum seconded by Counc ilman Lindsey tha t the
i.-lotion carried.
-~?; /) - -~ \
j,IA~)R-~c/l~~ ~
at this time it was moved by
mee~,eetir~o now adjourn.
l,IHJUTES 01<" TIm REGULP,-R SE~;SIOlT OF JAlJUAl1Y 16, 196ß
January 16, 1968
Port Townsend, Via~3hington
~'he ci ty council of the Ci ty of Port Townsend met, in__regular se~;si()n this 16th day of January
1968 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chanbers of the City liall. Ivlayor Snith presiding.
Officers and me:rnbers present we~-'e as follows: ~'I:ayor Sill th, Ci ty Attorney Abraha:.o, Ci ty Clerk
Youngblood, Councilmen Schier, Hoglund, Judy, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Moody, Councilman Ruby absent.
Minutes of the previous sessicn were read in full and it was nroved by Councilman Lindsey
seconded by Councib:an I':ioody that the minutes be approved as read and the i'ilayor and City Clerk
sign same. Motion carried.
The following bills and claims for the year 1967 was presented and acted upon as follows:
CU¡~REH'I' EXPENSE FUND------------------Voucher ]\Jo.
Street FUND---------------------------Voucher No.
WATER FUND----------------------------Voucher No.
LIBRARY FUlTD- -- -- - ---- - ----- --- -- - -- - -Voucher No.
GARBAGE FUrW--------------------------Voucher No.
FIREj';]ENS PENSIOn &:. RELIEF-------------Voucher No.
ORDINANCE NO. 1506--------------------Voucher No.
5208 through 5215---~694.28
1115 through 1119---~584.54
1714 through 1717-..-~¡;255.84
1378 through 1379---$ 49.01
1099----------------~ 5 08
If .
196 through 197-..-~þ 52.70
It was moved by Councilman Hoglund ::3econded by cou,I1cilman .Schier that the bills (.:; claims be
approved as read. and that the l','Iayor and City Clerk draw vlarrants upon the proper funds for
payment of sameL~ ?:Iotion carried. ',"iith the exception that the claim for ~~39,452.36 fOl-' National
construction be held until all claims against the a:nount has been satisfied.
The following building permits were ~ esented and acted upon as follows:
Richard Morgan, Office Bldg. 12'X20', Frame, 10th & Sheridan, $1,400000.
Ro>ert Sahli, I-louse, Frame, 26'X50', Frame, Lot 13, Ellis Addn. ~~17,~500.00.
Julian Oen, Port Office, 20'X22', Frame, ~ater & Benedict, $4,000.00. .
I t was moved by C01ffiC ilman L:~ndsey seconded by Counc il"an Jl1dy that the bu~; lò:Lng permits be
granted. L~otion carrie d.
The follo~'l:!_ng cor:J,n1unications v¡ere presented and act::òd upon as follows:
From Joseph C. Heitz,
Port Townsend, ~n.
Jan, 10, 1968
Attn. - City Council
We have a claim of ~;9.93 ",gainst the sewer construction company for damage done our automatic
washing machine ~S a result of a broken water pipe.
Joseph C. Heitz
I,=nTUT_;~S O? TR"= l--Li;GuLAÁ' SESSIocT OF JANU1-\.l1Y 16, 1968 '~~:UTr'U.::D
,-,--,..--",,------ - --- ----------"---------------"-----'------------
---,,--' _.- _n-
:-- ---
- ----- ----,,-_. ------,-----_. --.------_u_---------..---
Action hud been tal~en on the abo e com::.'lUnication on the pa,'sins of the bills ,=: claims.
-"layor and Councìl of Port To':msend ',JasÌlinßton.
-':e the business 2leople of l"ort Tormsend vlould like to exr:-ress our feel ins as to tile building
lrnovm us the Rec. Center in the Up Tovm district. ,'ie v:iGuld welcoue the City of :?ort Townsend
and all the Cities personell to l11alœ the Rec. Center their home in the near future.
Up torm T£ea tel" Richard '!Tiley, Buds Auto Rebuild, N.::". E'LLr:1[";arner, 3-lendale Dairy, 't. L. Curtis
?ashion l"lare 3eauty Salon, Hilda Good, Ken 3rovm Electric, Ken Brown, Jack And Jill Shop,
:-ielen B. Gunn, ¡'iIaster Cleaners, Louis B. Schultz, gorges Grocer, ,:I'.A. ::\radle7ST, UpTovm (~afe,
'."falt and Lillian ",'filson, 'Uptown 3a2:'ber Shop, I"red Lester, U"Jto',ïn Beauty Shop, Œladys A. In~uk~
Port Tovmsend Chiropractic Center, Robert ':I. "freg, DC, AldI'ichs Inc., A.3. Alq,rich, Buds j:eauty
Bazzar, George E. 3ard, The Dressy Shop, Anna B. Olsen, ',:,kips Union Service, lla:rold Lewis,
-'jusic Center, Linda E. DIAndrea, TTontgomery ,:.Tard Co. ::arvin E. :.Iartin.
:!Iayor SrÜth refeI'red the above conmunication to tl"o buildi:l?, comnittee.
To the City Council.
I reQuest th~t there be a Street light installed at 54th and Landes Street.
Harry ~Ieyer
I,ia:Tor Smi th referred the reques t to tl1.e PiI'e (2: LLrh t C Œ:1:ni t tE!>e.
J ù-
FETI TI Œ,: FOlt SIDE-;:.3EH-m1 C C,:,:rl'RAC TORS LIc.~;=TSE
Port 'l'or¡nsend,
,lashinG ton
To the llonorable ~layor and Council
of the City of FoI't Townsend
The undersigned hereby petitions and represen ts that he is a person skilled in tl1e busineE,s
of 1 ayinß 3.nd CO:'1nec ting sewers, and asks that he be ;;ra:1_ted a lice:.1se for such pruposes under
and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance Ho. 1527 and current a'nendements t:,'leroto.
The undersiGned further agrees to abide by the provisi_ons of Ordinance ITo. 1527 and current
ë'mendments thereto as completely as if it were incorporated l'lerein.
Applicant J'anes J'T. 'Jest
City AttorDey Abraham said that t:'lC a_'~)lication uno. oond v¡ore in :OI'OClOr forr.1 cut t::...cre \'l01"e
trIO questions the council had to consider, one is i:7D.etjler or not -cI'lG q:()},licant is a qualiried
contractor, -~he second is since tJ'lis is a personal 3Ul"ety, vlÌletl'lor tl-:e bond is su:C:-:'iciont. ~e
said under the ordinance a corDorate surety \ïo.S not required, it sa;,,"'s cluly-oblißee suI'ety bond.
If the council anr;roves t:'lO bond it r.1GanS acce'l')ting the ~mr3ty as beinG rJOrth ~::2,500. }:e ::1aid
that t:'le t\'loorevi~ us case s the boi1d onvol ved nas a c or~-;orc. te bond 'oy an insnranc 0 Cc::.lpany. In
t: is case it is up to the counc il ':Ùct:er or not '~u arc ','lillin.r; to 2.CCeì~t ii. J. Carro]. o.nc~, !.;.lic e
Carroll asiEureties.
The Question Has bro~'Ght up "ühë.t in case ei thaI' =~r Carroll or his r'.lother Alice carroll ynuld
marry or one of t11e;;1 died n>_at '.-¡Quld l'la:open. r.L'ho c'):mcil .,QS i'.1œ'or:',1ed that in case of :naJ~ri8(7,e
a novi bond vlould have to be Inade and Lî death of one :::'01' all practicc.l TJUr':)O.3es t>.O bond ;10- 10.
bo revo]~ed.
Councilman TIoglund said that ho felt that it Has in bhe best int~rest of the city X~ ~ot to
accept tlÜs t7~e of bO:ld based on ])ersonal insurity c,nd tl'lat it should not be dif:ficult for
::r lJest to r:;et a corDorate bond.
Councilman :~oody made a mot50n.. s:;~onded by CouncLb!!wn ~:ogl"L'.nd that the city dellY tho c:oèltractor
l:tcense on Ground of tho t7De of bond. ì:otion carried.
A R¡;;SOLU~lI 03 AP::-,HOVLTG O~ 'l.'~:,~ PLAC~ ,"";lTT OF A PLAr-:w..
01: 31.:3 .JAY, II: -'i1"; VICIlJI'lY O? 7tll ,-;':.:IL~T, 11: '1'::'-:
=~E::ORY Œ~ :,IABVIIT G-L~LT .J3I-:':;LDS.
-,;'"UR:DAS, ~,~al"vil1 Glenn Shields \'laS a residont of Jol'f'orson County, -,lashington, rrl'lo died in
combat in the Vietnam ,¡aI', and YlaS t:10reaftor arrarQed tho ConGrossionDl ::eclal of ::onor, and
vIas e1.oreaf'ter arrarded the Conßress~_onal :',:edal of' :~onor, and
'.::I:=R2:AS, tho said- :,Iarvin Glenn S}Üelds is a person \'I':'-1OS0 ",1ernory is ÓeseJ'vinc; of' preservation'
and l'lonor, and
',,-c:3R:~AS, the DauGhters of tho American Revolution, Ad;:iralty Inlet Chapter, propose to cause
to be erec tad a plaque to the mer'lOry of tho said darvin Glenn311ields on Sins -,iay in tho vicinity
of 7th '3t1'oet in the City of Port To'.msend, 1:0',', T -_:l¡~~i'OHE,
TIE C;ITY COU:'TCIL 0-:::' 'J:'..r~ CITY OP'--'O::1'l:' 'l:'o-,'lTS~~,:D, Il: ~1'-=GULAi~ S:;3Tl:')l'T ASS=::~'-:DL::::;:;), DO:;S:-=::-¡E Aim
i~R~3Y R~SOLV3:
Thet aPDroval of the said City Coè:'-ncil be and it is :L-wreby granted tor tl'lG erection of 8,
fitting plaque, by the DauGhters of tho American :;:1evolut=~0~, on ,Sir2s'ay in tho vicinity of
7th Street in tho C:ity of Port Tormse;îd, to the mernory o:C l"-a.I'vin Glenn ,3hields.
Passed this 16th day of January, 1968
l"RA~:I( ::. S"ITiI
: -a"7-0r
Ci ty Clerk
C-L:~~~: ADRA':iAj'j
City ,Attorney
It \la3 1"_10ved by
;,:otion carried.
CounciLlan L::'ndsey seconded by Co,nciJr.1an ."oody that tl'le reE!olution be adopted.
TDe f'ollm7inp; ßasoline and fuel oils bic.ls ì!Ore o,?enod at this time f'or t:'1.e year 1968
Standard Oil Company
~Þ. 2519
~;> 13Q
~v. ~
Suprem_e Gasoline
Diesel Fuel
Heating Fuel #2
Heating Fuel III
Harper Oil Company
Shell Gasoline
Stove Oil
Furnace Oil
Texac 0 Inc.
Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline
Texaco Sky Chief Gasoline
~? 2179
Bud Amneter Oil Company
- ,
Diesel Fuel ~Purnace Oil
Stove Oil - . '-.
It was movod by Co'L'-ncilman Hoglund seconded by Counciiliman Lindsey thö.t 'the lm--¡- bid of
Harper Oil CQmpany on Gasolin0 be accepted and tho low bid of Bud Ammet0l" Oil COlnpany on StOV0
Oil Furnace Oil and Diesel Oil be accepte<:1. ¡"lotion carried.
I!ïayor :::3mith said that in response of a letter nritten to the Port Col11rnission , the Port
Commission said they would taJ-::e tÌl.e matter under consideri1tion for plans of jetty repair and
unless the cost is prohibitive there vlould be a railing on t1~e neVI jetty.
Engine er Becker said tho. t in vie~>l of th0 f ac t wha t he s aid two woeks ago, he would
retract the statem0nt in that he falsy accused Carey 8: Kram0r of being unethical, he
wasnt right. It hus been discus;3cd since then, the engineering contract VJith Carey &
not only prove the provision of the operation manual for the sowoge treatment plant,
that time they have proposed to furnish tlYis manual on a certa:~n basis.
HI' Al"k Chin of -Carey & Kramer read a letter that had been sen t to the ci ty in November and
said it was unfortunate that it hö.d not been read before the council Tor this appears to be the
basis of the -misundel"s'tanding. After some -further discussion the council at this time took no
action on the proposed manual. .
like to
said thi s
KraJneI' did
unCí s iœ e
Councilman "Judy said that the request for a street light to be insctalled gt WashI_ngton and
Thayer street had been chedked and there Y'J3.S a need for a light at th1';.t locaticm. Councilman
Judy made a mot5.on seconded by Councilman l,'ioody that a stree t 1 ight be installed as requested.
Mati on carr ied.
Mayor 4nith informed the council that on tho ajenda for tonight ¡¡!as the Building Code Drd.
and a'sked if there was any discuss ion at this time, and that the Building Code O"-"dinance had
been read for the first time at a regv_lar council meeting ':m Hov. 7, 1967.
Councilman Scheyer made a mo t:lon seccomded by Counc ilman Hoglund that the city accept the
buLLding code ord~,n3nce and that the first reading be considerod the second reading and the
third reading be by title only. Upon the ques ti on i\Iarilou Gr0en, Chairman of the Planning
comrnission suid she urged the aqoption of the :National Bldg. Code, but said however that sire e
the citys consideration of' tne "'ational Buildill["s Code it had CElme to her attention that another
uniform code sponsered by the building con'tractors of america was in existence and had been
admp ted by some c i tie s . -
Councilman Hoglund said that he believed the l\JatIonal Buildin.'š Code that has been under
consideration was adequate. ìJIayor Smith called for a vote. Ivlotion VIas carried.
Th0 buIlding Code Ordinance No. 1530 was again read by title only and it was nl0ved by Councilman
Judy seconded by Counc ilman Lindsey that the Ordinance do novv pass. I'/Iot ion carri 0d. I
Mayor Smith mentioned that the code is primarely for new constructim, and only in a few
:ins tanc os 'Ivill it apply for anyth:i_ng th1';.t is allready buil t and th,Ü he vVQuld proceed VJi th
appointments of a board of appeals and other officials in conn(3étion vIi th the °reauirments of th
c~de. -
Lfarilou Green, chairman of the Planning Commi ss ion, re;Jor ted on the c i tys c omprehens i ve
planning, proe;ram, explaining the ci ty is pr0sently av¡ai ting approval of federal funds for the
third and final phases, she also disp layed maps ill us tra ting land us age :in c onnec tion with
pr-ojected future growth and also mentioned that the planning cormniss:lon would meet the evening
of Jan. 29th at Fort 'Norden and the planniD.g consultant V:J<DiUd be present to answer any Questions
presented by the public.
Dick ~iley, oporator of the Upto~n Theatre, asked tho cQuncil to consider r0Eloval of the 3%
admission tax. He said that the had been operating at a loss and that tl:ere ','h~S only a fO\"i
small toiim theatres lef t th¡~,t VieræJ still baing charged admiss ion tax. ì:'Iayor Smi th l~efel>red
the request to the Finance Co:'~JTlÌttee. Councilman l-I?gLmd said that ther-e rJculd be ," report
~t the next regular session. '
AD J ) DE 1'n-,:IE1r T
As there \"laS no fur tlier ousiriess to come before the c ounc il at this tir!1e it was move d by
Cou_ncilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Siebenbau.rn that the meeting~ nor¡ ~dJourn. M,otion
carried. ~ - / ~../J
Attest: ~ /J~7) 'P.
~ 'ity -,lerk
.. \
., ~.- ,-