HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/1967
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:':IINU'l'-iES OF TliE Rj;GULAR CO~~-NCI L,I¿;:~TING OF I-JOVE:':IBER 21,- 1967 -
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lJo'lember 21, 1967
Port Townsend, 'i:ashin.r:;ton
:::'orl':1er ~,iayor Sullivan dispenced VIi th the reßtÜar order of: business so he :r:1i,"';l:1 t introduce the
nevI :,Iayor and Councilmen andn;ive his f'arev¡el1 ädc;r,;ss. ill" Sullivan expressed l1i s lìleasure
in having been associated 1:'Jith a very f'ine co~'ncil and thanl~ed them f'or the cooperation t:wt
they had given b_:i m during his term of of'fice as :~:1ayor. -Ie also thonked all tho city departments
for their fine cooperation as v¡ell. I'Ir C}ull:i,von asked former C':)11nc i1man :}wiet:~er to e~š:cort
councilman elect Sëhier to his chair. Ee thGn ;-:sked cm::nèi1manLindsey to escort counc5~lr:lan
elect :vIoody to his chair. 7':r Sul15:v an con,c-;ratulated the tvlO new elected colmGilman and -;lÌshed
them ever sucess during their term of' off'ice.
'Ihe City Clerk asked Councilmen elect ::oody and -3c:-:ier, al1d reelect;d c:)l1-ncL~en T~ol?;lunÖ,
Judy and Lindsey to come before his stat::_on and a"sur,le their oath of office. After takir_~ the
oat~'1 of office they v¡ere consratulated Dnd returned to t:~æir respective s~at]ons.
Former I'Iayor Sullivan asked councilman Siebenbaum to escort :.,ayor ~lect ~èrank S::lith to the
City Clerks stat:i,on to assume the oathof ol'fice. After taking the oath of off:Lce he vms
congratulated and escorted to the I:1ayor station ';lJ:~_erol:.on for'1er :,=ayor SulLi_van t'L7-rned tbe
.savel of' authority over to :1]_m and ':lished him ever suees s durinG :is term as ::1ayor.
i,Iayor Smith said that Dinney had been passin:; out boquets to everyone else and t,o ught it
was a Good time to toss one right back to him. iia.;-or Smith said that he knew t:l.ctt everyL'Üng
",:1" Sullivan has ever done has been ,,~or the sood of POl" t Towns end and no one sl-:"ollld l~nov¡ t:la t
be'i:;ter than the council, people i1.as Gone to I:':"m Hi th their problems and ideDs for tIlG city of
:eort 'l'onnsend. .laypr S:.lith said he felt that he could s~)eak :i,n behalf' of everyone and say,
tll.ank you ","Dvor ::)uJ.li van.
oJ U
:,ïayor Smith s ta ted that there was qui te a bi t of bus ine S s toni:)lt èlnd -i/ould ':,ry to move aJ.onG
as f'ast e:.:S possible and since tllis 5_s a 1'1e face up here :1.e felt a cow::>le of remarl~s sèlid in
public :;1Ìßht be appropriate. ~~irst a lot of pcolJle ~-:'è',S asked what :'"18 planned ':'0 do, he said
he f'e1 t a mayor could do a lot, he felt a couï)le of tl1in:o;s needed attention and.:ould br:ing
them up in the nec'r future co'l'..nci1 meetin,,",;s. ~::e stated that he felt that the "lOst iaportant
t:~.ing a mayor can do is to ':lOrk ni tb. t:1.e council, and hope the council can seG t?1eir r¡ay to work
closely with each other and with him. ile said he felt thDt if ~:ou :r¡el"e the head of an de1)artmcnt
you ran that depar tmen t und tl'1e heo.d of' the C::,epart:':len t '.1[18 to s oe t:l.ät it ';,T['.S 1'11.11 effec tj vely
and v¡ou~d be responsible for tl'le ò.e:!)artment. ,îth thc,t ,,-ayor Smith caJ..led for roll call.
Officers Dnd l11embers present i'lGEE as foLLoW: ~.layor Smith, City Attonney Abraham, CiÞj Clerk
Youngblood, Cöupci1men ;:oody, Lindsey, Siebenbaum, Ruby, Judy, Hoglund and Schier.
':Iì\~UT3S 0:::<' 'I1n PH3VI'ìU') ST}S:C):'T
The m5_nutes of the previous sess 10~1. rJere read :i,n full Dnd it vIas moved by Co~-,nci ,I 'an Lj n( sey
seconded by Councilman i:Ioß1und that tll.e m'nutes be a-::proved as read and the ~.~a70:::' and City
Clerk sign same. i',Ioti:m carried.
;:"äyor S:l1Ìth announcGd that the standinß committees no 1d remain the same until the first of
t11e ~{3ar and he appointed Council~~lan Schier to ~che Olym ic llealth ~istrict:::oa3:,d of' =:ealth.
;:ayor Smith stated tll.at un1e3s tÏ1.e::cc riDS an objection frO1:1 the council tllere would be a change
in tlle order of business o.nd hold tl'1G public l1earing that vIas due toni",;ht at L,is ti~ne.
';Iayor Smi th said that the meeting is now declared an spen hearing for the pU1'pose of hearing
any request or coJY1..ment by the public in connection with the vacation of Jackman Street f'rom
the South boundary of state Highway to the ',:est boundary of' ::rill street and that portion of 7th,
Street South of State ilighv¡ay, that portion of' the alley in Block 118 of' the E:Lsenbeis Addition'
to the City of' Pa' t Townsend which lies South of' the state Highway an all of that portion of' the
in Block 215 of the ~isenbeis Additi ~n. ..
The City Clerk read the f'ollowinG letter f'or the objecti,n of vacation of the said streets.
Zonorable ~ayor and City Council
City of' Port Townsend
The Puget Sound Power and Light Company is compelled to interpose an objecti n to the proposed
vacation of Jackman street f'rom the::>outh boundary of' state Highvvay to the routh terminus of'
said street; 8th Street beb7een the south boundary of' t~1.e state Highway to the west boundary of'
Hill Street; That portion of 7th Street south of State :1ighway; f'or the f'011owing reason:
that Üle portions of' the streets sought to be vacated are novl covered by our main transmission
line serving Port Townsend and the distribution line serving Saint John Hospi tal and adjoining
area. Our Franchise on these streets will not ,.xpire until Sept. 22, 1969.
Respe c tfu11y submitted,
By Philip L Copps
Resident l;Iana ,er
I=ari10u Green Chairman of' the Planning Commission, said tha t they had oGen asked for a
recommendati n and that three members voted for ~nd three against.
Councilman Lindsey, Ch2-irman of the Street Com'11Ìttee said he could not r;et toGether vrith the
other two members of' the col1ID1ittee but had looked over the streets in r1Uestion and also
understood that t>e other tV¡O members had also investir-;ated und according to what ~'Ir Copps
had said we do have a proble, they do have a f'ranchise and would like to hear i'rom tile otffi r
two members of the committee.
Councilman Siebenbaum stated that due to the Light Com-::>any having a franchise, he tel t that the
streets 'should not 'ce vaca ted at this time.
Councilman Judy, commented that the Power company had a franchise and that it was a main
poYJer line colTI..->ning into the city with a 66000 vo1tar~e.
Councilman Ruby, SCtid that he ';Jas all r3ady to ';0 for the vOOJitLm ',~,ntil he f'ound out abot...t the
f'ranchise ~nd now could not go along vIi th the vacat -. on of the streets.
;'¡]r Copps, Resident ~:¡anaßer of' PSPc:L said that a nO'.'íer l.~ne was on the corner of Jackman Stret
which makes a complete rÌ:~ht angle at that ter'~Ünus, and on a Dort='_Jn of' 7th st. even thouO'h
it is not very much tr-~e triang1ethere is about 10 or 50 :='ee t .Long. He s aid he still ';¡ould':>
stick with the portons as stated in the letter, the rest tbero vJ'ould be no object::,:ms to.
Councilman Hoglund commented that he shared Counci1mans Rubys attitued about ,the vacation.
"Attorney Abrcl1am 'corm18nted that thè coúncil could vacate only such portions of streets as
i t sho~,:s as thfustime on the basis of the existing peti tion.
Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by Council.:nan Ruby that the city grant vacation
for the portion streets envolved excluding the ones under conf'licill v!ith the powe~ franchise
and the city reserve all rights for public utilitos on all vacated portions. ~otion carried.
The following building permits Vlel"e pres en ted and ac ted upon as follow s:
Robert Sahli, House, 301X501, Frame, Block 42, Lot 6&8, Pettygrove 1st. $19,500.00.
Geiék Const., Addn. to homè, 61X261, Frame, 19th &. Hiil, $4,200.00.
Geick Cònst., Addn to home, 141x261, -Fra..rne, 1630 Washington; ~~3,500.00. .
Wa1te~ P. Hoffman, Addn to hocie, 25IX40', Frrune, 903 Jaskson St., $5,000.06.
George Green, Addn to Res't I-iome, 101X24', Prur~1<:, l.Javvreq.ce &. Kearney, $100.00.
'Fred Stapf> Home, '44'X39', ~rame, F &: Cherry, }'Þ15,000.00. ,
- .
It was rnoved by Councilman Ruby seconded by'CoLJ.ncihlan Siebenbaum that the building.permits
~e granted. Motion carried. - .
C OL1T:íU1n CAT 1 OH,s
. ..
Thè fol)oY,¡ing con!nunicat1~ns were Rresented ßnd acteq upon as fOllows: "
F'r.om C"arey .& Kramer,- Seåttle Wn. . lTov. 20; 1967
to-VIi t:.
Ci ty 'of Port Townsend'
Pórt Tovmsend, ~ashi~to~
D'e ar Mr. Y 6ungbl ood: .
1~ationa1 Construction Co. has completed their final flushing of the se'/fer lines on \,Yater
Street in preparation for ou~ final inspection. During the time our- Residnet Inspector VIas
making this inspection he observed considerable motor oil in the lines and he also smelled
cleaning solvent odors.
The City Cov.nci1 should take LJrrlediate steps to pass an ordinance, if one does not exist, to
prevent entrance to the system of any car oils or cleaning solv,ents. These wastes will cause
serioUs prob1erí1s v!ith "the operation of the treatment plant, ~'tl1j can not be tolerated.
National Construction Co. has completed the installation of' th8 sanitary se';lers in the Southv10~ t
area of Schedule "c" all in accordance \'fi th the plans and specifications and they are now read;Y1
to be used. We reco~nent that property o~ners be allowed to connect to the sewers in this area
and that the City accept these lines for operation and maintenance. 'Yhe street restoration I
h~s not been completed and can not be co~)leted until the spring of 1968. A satisf'acøry
arrangement for this \'!orkd will be presented to the Council when tho contractor is ready f'or an
acceptance of Schedule "C".
Very truly yours,
Carey and I\:ramer
KeithE. Grim
City Attorney Abraham said that an Ordinance in part would take care of the above communicatlJn.
Port Townsend City Council~
Port Townse~d, Washington
To \lJhom -1 t May C one ern:
l,'Je the peop'le and residents of' .4th .and Logan Street, here in P:::>rt Tovmsend, would very much
appreciate it if you would consider putting a Street Light on the intersection of Logan Street
and Sims Way. Tne1'e is no light there at all, it is a very dark corner, and very hard to turn
off Sims ,Way at nite. This street (Logan) is a very rough p1aee to turn, as 75% of the time
it is f'uLl:. of' chuck holes, and you have to always go in second wi tll your car to malŒ the turn,
if you hë:.tve to dim your 1 ites for orlcorning traffic, it is nearly impossible to see the turn,
along wi th trying to miss the large holes in the street. Vie ho.ve cr-.:ecked v¡ith Mr. Phil Copps
at :uget Power and he tells us there is a pole there to erect a street lite.
VIe would <:1.11 the undersigned appreciate very much if' ,au vlould take t~Üs into cdmsideration,
and give us SO:;le lite on this street.
ì\1r & Mrs Luther Cox, Bill SerhGnbeI'ger, Herber t Hylend, Pe tel" Link Lora Burkhardt, 1.'11" ~" 1'.'Irs
MaI'vin Morris Sr., Mrs Betty Cline, r.:Trs John R Peters, ¡vIr John R Pe ters, rÆr &; Ì'iIrs Stanley W.
Russell, Nellie Taylor, D.L. Judd, ¡;I[r 6: rrirS R.W. Canfield, Mrs Etta Cline, j'{irs Elouise Miller,
j\Tarcus H I'Eller, Daro1d Halvorson, í\'Irs Darold Halvorson.
We would like to add theI'e are no street signs at 4th and Logan or ;Srd and Thomas, may people
including our own residents of Port Townsend do not know where it is. Would it be possible to
have these two streets marked, I:1S many other streets have been in the pè1.st f'ew months.
híayor S'Ei th referred the above J'eouest to the Fire & Light CoJmmi ttee and the Police and
License commitee and to the Stre.et COlmnittee for a report at t::le next regular sessinn.
The city clerk informed the Ivlayor &. Counc il that tHO emergen~y 01"6 inane es duly incorporated
in the minutes of the last previous sessLm 'Here to be acted unon at. t;-lÌs time. Ord. Ho. 1523
for ~;},600.00 to the Garbo.ge Department, Ord. No. 1524 for ~Ü7'jO.00 for the Firemen Pension
Relief Fund.
It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by CounciLnan Siebenb£um that the. first reading
of! Ordinance ITo. 1523 be considered th e see onded I'eading and t::l.e tilÌrd l'e ading be by title only.
]\'10 tion c arri ed.
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Ordinance ~'Jo. 1523 ."las again read for the t:-~ird time by title o:'ly and it na,3 :'loved by
Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilrnan Judy that Ord. ~jc. 1523 do nQ1¡,/ pass. ==otion carried.
o~:m.' ~~Al:C~ ~w. 1524
It was '11oved by Co'-..1.l1cilman Lindse~T secœlded by CouncLLmt::n ::'>iebenbml_rí- that tne {'j_rst reé(.li:.l.Z
or Ord. ~o. 1524 be considered the second reading and the t:ird reading be by title 011y.
;',Totion carried.
°rd. Eo. 1524 \'Jus a:=ain read by title o':ly end it r¡csoved by Councill'lan:o~;lund seconded
by Councilman JU(~y that Ord. :No. 1524 do non ;?o.ss. ::oti~l1 carried.
OnDE"Þ.-~'~:~ ~'TO. 1525
An Ordinance Repealing Ordinances =TO. 1 (F'ebrua1'7 20, 1~78), 7'0. 1 (Se:'Jt. 1, 1082), :':0. 1
(:<'eb. 10, 1883), ~To. 2, ~To. 4, ~To. 5 (",:al"ch 7, 1378), :'0. 5 UTov. 1, 1880), -'0. 7, -'0. 10,
No. 11, -To. 12, ìTO. 14, un:'1u::nbered of' Apr:i.l 6, 1078, ~TO. 15, --0. 16, ;'0. 18, 1-0. 27, =co. 31,
7:0. 32, no. 38, ¡'To. 40, 1)0. 44, ~,TO. 58, l'To. 5C', -':0. I'll, i-o. lO3, -'0. 112, no. 116, -10. 121,
Ho. 123, ~:o. l2~, no. 141, No. 157, 'To. 189, ï?o. 211, :Sect~0ns 7 and 8 of' Ho. 215, ¡TO. 21E, 'roo
No. 231, Ho. 250, No. 252, j\To. 26°, ?To. 2Cl, ~TO. 2G8, -"0. 2C'7, ~,:o. 315, TO. 30'7, Fo. 312,
I'To. 315, Yo. 318, ::0. ol~, ~To. 324, ~.To. 363, ::,TO. 334, :TO. .s33, :';0. 353, ::':0. 3'7;3, --0. 377, O.
42C, ~::o. 430, -TO. 43~,TO. ~52, :?o. 461, ::':0. '-:Gr, ::To. 4C7, iTo. 1 5, :To. 54'7, ~TO. 552, =::0.554,
ITO. 564, iTo. 569, l'To. 573, 1':0. 580) Ho. 584, =,:0. 505, ~To. b"O, iTO. 60" =:0. 60~~, -:0. 61'7, =:0.
618, Ho. 619, Eo. 620, ;,'To. 621, 'Yo. 6G2, Fo. 635, ;':0. 637, Eo. 638, ;To. 63Ç;, ::0. 641, ,TO. 647,
No. 651, ~To. 654, No. 665, Eo. 667, :No. 6'76, ~TO. 670, :;'0. 6:'0, ?To. G~l, ~:o. 68:5, No. 684, =:0.
685, lTo. 688, 1':0. 692, :;:0. 693, 'TO. 6;'4, :,"0. 6ca, lTo. 705, Ho. 706, ~:-o. 710, =~o. 714, :':0. 715,
1'To. 716, ~To. 722, Eo. 727, ~,TO. 728, Ho. 733, Xo. 710, =:'0. 752, =:0. 757, -'0. '75~;, 1:0. 761, 30.
763, ~To. 772, ~;o. 776, 1;0.784, ITo. 7c.1, ~':o. 7[,3, ~'-o. 7[,8, i;o. C05, ~~o. 808, =,To.. 823, j.To. 324,
lTo. 834,1[0.836,1':0.842, Ho. 850, To. 85'7, 1'To. [)63, Ho. 867, :¡-To. 888,1':0.899:, 1'-0. ~OO, :~o.
902, No. 906, No. 909, No. 920, No. 934, No. 945, No. 948, No. 958, No. 961, :10. 936, ~o. 987,
No. 989, :¡-;o. 1ß26, lJo. 1027, No. 1028, ¡To. 1030, 1-:0. 1036, ::0.1039, ::0. 1049, 110. 1050, ::o~
1051, Eo. 1053, Ho. 1061, 1'0. 1078, :,To. 1009, :':0. 1091, 1:0. 1092, Ho. 1093, ::0. 1111, :To. 1112,
Eo. 1114, no. 1124, :i'To. 1136, ~'-o. 1141, Ho. 1147, :':0. 1160, ~To. 1179, Fo. 1188;, :;:0. 1207, :'To.
1208, Ho. 1243, ::0. 1252, No. 1255, no. 1292, ::0. 1333, ::0. 1368, :i-10. 1394 2.nd no. 1401.
221, "-0. 224,
Attorney Abraham said it :-1ay seem like He are ajpoclLl'7 all -~ho 0l"cJ~.n2.:,1coS SO~>':'lt -~>e n,,],'1
...ayor èJnd co:'nci1 c-m1d start trash but tllat 'is l!,O-C t1:e cose, if :rou noti::;ed t'-ut';:o tiLl.os
of some of' tl1.e ord~,nances de1t ';¡i th ani1"1a1, Jiî'uor und etc 'alL'~Cll. ',:e do ~:.ot use any :';'01"0 E.-.ld
;,,-os t of v/:'lich ',Ie c u ld not use j,f "-10 v.'antod to.
It nas "loved by Counci',man S:ie>cmbaum sec);lded 'oy Gouncil"1an ::0r-.,1und t:lat',he ':"5.rst :i.""ecdin,ß
be considered the second readin:; a"ld t~1e t:1ird ro'Jd':':.l.Cj e by ti tIe o'::'.ly. ':Jtion carried.
Ordinance :'To. 1525 Has an;ain read' y t1 tIe o',ly o.nd it nag ','loved by COl:tDC il'an :..;uby sec'.)11ded
by Councilman ;loro;lund tho.t Ord. Ho. 1525 do nm'l pass.:ot5,m carried.
O;,1j)J-jl,7C.~ -TO. 1526
A:T ŒW ITA:IC;:; IT :7"(mTíl;;A-~:; 0-,1 C,l:DI::<'~:::Ùr;::C:F, '"-~J '1'ì--'} G:n'l'!iL~ -~ :,,'rnT::'-.T:S. 1~
G-~=j';":¡iL ?-~=TALTY CLAU-,~ t ïD PHO(>~J)TJT~ 'l'J :.~ =jlJL:-,/') I'~'~ ". ~E II" :J¡~_ï';-T¡,Ù-~~~ ,<'AIT,':; '1'0
PAY J1JDG: ~NT n~, :DSI1.JD ¡',:}l~::r =,;ST ~IL; 'Jl{ VIOLl',J_'}:'} 'J, ~,j l)~WVI ;1 JL'fS (L' X:T :)n~)rL'LTc;3
O:ï' fORT 'l'O,'-j\T::r~~;;D ¡C:J G.,j;~'~'-::"LLY >' ~L-J:'~:-: ~ :~~T.:',-':- L,OVI ':;:;:-:3.
Attorney Abraham stated that the above ordinance '.1as self' exp18::'natory, the penalty prevision
5s what vIe have been fo110winr; all tb.e years that he as been city attorney, the ordinance does.
not include such th~_gs rmnishable by fine not to exceed such and such and so many days in jail'
becuase the state statute provides that violation of a city ordinance constitu~es a misdemeanor
and a misdemeanor is punishable by a f'ine of f'ive hundred dollars. It does not really
change anything, the d ,n_na tions are ::J.ainly for the teneri t of the peo-ole doin~~ the new code
dr af' t .
It was moved by Councilman Üog1und seconded by Councilman Ruby -Lhat the firs'~ reading be
considered the second reading and the t~l.jrd reading be by title œlly. -Iot:~ on earried.
Ordinance No. 1526 was again read for the tllird time by ti tle orÜy and it was moved by
Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1526 do now pass. :':lotion
1:1. ttorney Abraham said that the í'olloYling ordinance to bJ read had to do wi th the regulations
of' sewers and it is sponsered jointly by the concult::'nc; 3ngin;er the Supt. of' water-sewer
dep2.rtment and the city engineer. The ordinanceis based on the ~ercer Island se~er district
resolution, the ordinance has "~een modif'ied to fitthe city of Port Townsend si-~uation and
recomnended the passage due to the ~act that so~e ar3as were completed and was ready to be
hooked up to. .
UjE O:? ?U~LIC Al':T:, PHIVATE .')-:;','-3]') /,~'~D DRAL:S, P:RIVAT;~ .s;;',','AGE
It vIas moved by Councilman Siebenbau.rn seconded by Co"ncilman Judy that the f':~rst reading be
considered the second read:~,ng and the tll.-~rd reading be ~ y ti tle œlly. ]'lotion earr:ted.
Ordinance No. 1527 vIas again read for the t:tird time by title oô:lly and it ',-,as moved by
Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Ruby that Ordinan~e no. 1527 do now pass. T:ot;.on
Councilman Lindsey re-CJorted on the reC1uest for diagonal :')arkin~ at the ;:ost CH'f'ice, he ::"aid
tha t he had talked it over ì'li th t~le C~'lÌef of' ~ olic e V/ho t~_ou;h t it ì"-' uld be 8 Dood idea to
cnange and ~"Bve it marked off' for dia"[,onal par]~iJ:1ß. CounciLnan :::'inè_sey naCte a ',";1otion seco:.l.ded
by councilman huby t:c..£.~ :~arqll.e1 parKinG; be c:lan:;ed to dl~'ßonu1 -l)nl"~:~.n3 at -c:,1e :903t o:ffice.
:iotion carried.
Councillnan Lindsey re~ortod-::-~t'Jtd~jl~e of certain tcst:i.lr,,; eC"uipment ßor the scìTa,~;e troaklent
plant that vIas roco'Ìr:lendsd :JY Carey and ICramer.:le said that it hod been talkEd over VIi t'],
,_1" 3adaloto B:ld ~-),D.d : ~r~:- daloto :inform Carey and Eramer to order the equ:í,pmen t thö. t was n'~ces s i y.
Councilman Judy reported on the request for a street light at 52nd & Landes, saying that he
an f':¡r Copps had checked the location and a street light was needed at that location. Councilman!
Judy made a motion seconded by Councilman Buby that a new Vapor street light be installed at
the location that was requested. Motion carried.
- .
C~mncilman Lindsey reported on the request f'or a street to be openE:d at 3rd and Sims way,
saying that the committee vwuld have a report at the next regular se~:sion.
iVíari10u Green, Chairman of the planning commission, inf'.orriled theco1.Jncil thètt at the last
regular mee ting of the council she hdd told them tha t ace ording to s ta te law a regina1 planning
commi3sion board had to be set up, ètnd it was to be made up \'lÌt..h. elective off'icia1s, the r¡íayor
and one council member from the city. I¡la-yor Smith said that he would give the name of the
COlillcihlan to be a member of the board in the near future.
Frank Badalota, res ident Engine er said that the Sou th ',,'.íes t Area Emd the North Beach area \'las
completed, the ITortl East area would be completed by tomorrow evening and recolTh.¡lended that the
property o'.'vTIers be a1~owed to connec t to the seVIer.
As there Vias no f'urther business to COnE before the COlmc il
Councilr.lan Lindsey seconded by Councilman Siebenballm that the
carr ied.
at thÜ: time it .,,¡as moved by
meeting do now adjJurn. Motion
_~l ~
December 5th k967
Port Townsend, Washington -
The Ci ty Council of' the Ci ty of Port Townsend met in regulë:œ session this 5th day of Dece\nber
1967 at 7:30 p.m in the council chambers of the Cith Hall. Mayor Smlth presiding.
J ¡Y\ ({ft
Officers and members present werB as follows: Mayor ~m11V'Ðn, Ci ty Attorney Ab.raham, Ci ty
Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Ruby, Judy, Schier, Siebenbaum, Lindsey. Councilmen Hoglund and
Councilman Moddy anived during session.
It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes of' the
previous session be dispenced with. Motion carried.
The f'ollowing bills and claims audited by the f'inance committee wer!e presented and acted upon
as f'ollows:
CtmRENT EXPENSE FUND--------------------Voucher
WATER FU}m------------------------------Voucher
GARBAGE FUND----------------------------Voucher
STREET FU}ID-----------------------------Voucher
LIBRARY FlnW----------------------------Voucher
PAlli\ FUND-------------------------------Voucher
FIREì'iiEN PENSION AND RELIEF Fmm---------Voucher
ORDINANCE NO. 1506----------------------Voucher
No. 1069
thr ough
thro ugh
thr ough
5140-,- -f4, 598. 48
1688----~~2, 213. 00
1079-- --~ 843.23
1348----~? 399.45
734-~--f 445.49
192--,--* 133.27
r.t vvas moved by Coilllcilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Ruby that the bills and claims be
approved as read and the 1\'1ayor and Ci ty Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment"
of same. T.10tion carried.
Ci ty Clerk
The city clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the Month of November 1967.
CURRENT EXPENSE FŒ{D--------------------¥oucher
WATER FUND------------------------------Voucher
GARBAGE FUND----------------------------Voucher
STREET FUrm---------~-------------------Voucher
LIBRARY FUND----------------------------Voucher
PARK FŒ\ID-------------------------------Voucher
No.5080 through 5098----$4,839.88
No ~ 1663 through 1669-.--$2,207.15
No.1064 through 1068-'--~1, 940. 87
No .1079 through 1082-,--)(.1,194.99
No.1335-------------~--~ 358.10
No. 728-------------~--~ 271.08
No. 188 through 189----~ 300.00
Treasurer Repor t
The Treasurers reDort vias read in f'ull for the Month of' Nov. 1967 8.nd 1¡vas ordered fIled.
Folic e Repor t
The Police Report \VaS read in f'ull for the Month of Nov. 1967 and Vias ordered filed.
The f'ollowing building permit was presented and acted upon as f'ollows:
Nicholas R. D'Andrea, House, 1500 sq', Fral:le, Block Z, Lot 2-4, Kunz Ranch Addn. $9,000.00.
It 'NCIS moved by Councilmèin Ruby seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the buildïng permit be
granted. Motion carried.