HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/1967 101 MINUTES OF' 'rEE REGULAE COUNCTL fiIEETING OF NOVEf:IBER 7th 1967 8 Novemb er 7, U/67 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the Ci ty of' Port Townsend met in regular sesslon this 7th day of November 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. Nlayor ~)ullivan presiding. ROLL CALL Of'f'icers and members present were <:is f'ollows: Mayor Sullivan, Ci ty Attorney Abraham, Ci ty Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Swietzer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Carter. I MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION Councilman Swietzer made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes be dispensed with at this time. Motion carried. BILLS &: CLAII';IS The following bills & claims as audited by the finance committee v-'ere presented and acted upon as follows: I CURR&1T EXPENSE FU}ID---------------------Voucher WATER FUND-------------------------------Voucher STREET FlmD------------------------------Voucher GARBAGE F'UND-- -- - - -- - --- -- -- -- --- - - -- - ---Voucher LIBRARY FUND----------------------------~Voucher PARK FUND--------------------------------Voucher FIRE&ŒN PENSION & RELIEF FUl:1D------------Voucher ORDINANCE NO. 1506-----------------------Voucher No.5036 No.1647 Ho.1064 No.1049 No.1307 No.722 No.183 No.36 thr ough through through through throu,sh thr ough throuO'h '::> through 5079 1662 1078 1063 13::;4 727 184: 42 ---~3,925.86 ---~1,839.39 ---1.1'720.59 --- 1,187.44 ---ß 887.25 ---' 146.12 --- 63.58 ---~97,555.35 8 It was m.oved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Mayo~ and Ci~y Clerk draw waBrants upon the proper f'unds for payment of same. Motion carried. OFFICERS REPORT Ci ty Cl erk The City Clerk reported the f'o',lov¡ing salary warants for the f'Æonth of' October 1967. I CURR2NT EXPENSE FTlliD---------------------Voucher WATER FUt~-------------------------------Voucher STREET FUND------------------------------Voucher GARBAGE FUlID-- -- --- ----- - - - - -- - - --- - ----- V¡,UC her LIBRARY FUND-----------------------------Voucher FARK FUl:ID---- --- --- - - -- --- -- -- --- -- -- --- -Voucher FIRÐ1EN PENSION & RELIEF FU}ID------------Voucher No.5018 No.ï64~ No.ïð6å No.lð4'@ No.ì,366' No.72î No.i8~ through thr ough thr°1.f; h through through thr ough through ß036 ---$4 859.8~ 1646 - --~p2 207.]5 1063 ---~pl/2'3]).ëG 1048 - - -~?ï 9.4õ, 8~ -'/'1 ¿i. -.~.-.~". .:...;..;,~- ---~~ 3,5'8.]:;0 ,"<;>,-- ¿!. "'14 ~ - a ~¡4--:==¥ ;öB:~§ Ci ty Treasurer The Ci ty 'Treasurers report vvas read in full for the ¡'..Ionth of October 1967 and was ordered filled. Police Report 'I'he,tJolic e r epor t .was read in full for the Month of' Oc tober' 1967 and was ordered f'iled. BUILDING PERMIT The l' ollowing building permi t Vias presel1 ted and ac ted upon a:3 follows: Floyd Imislund, Sun-porch, 5'X12', Frame, 30th & Sheridan, $25,.00 e, It \'fas moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Co"-mcilman Lindsey that the buildinp; permit be granted. Notion carried. . . COMMUNICATIONS The following communic at ions were pr e sente d and ac ted upon as f'ollows: From McLean & Company, Inc. Tacoma, Washington Nov. 1, 1967 to-wit: I Mayor Dennis Sullivan Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Re: Hastings & Jackman Street Sewers Dear Mayor Sullivan: We received today from Carey & Kramer the estimated cost of' constructing seVJers in the Hastings & Jackman Street area which you and I drove through last sprin.§;. I We uDders tand from Car ey & I\ramer tha t there may be unexpended fund s available from your curren~ construction project up to $40,000. Carey & Kramer also indicate that they have made applicatioth to the Farmers Home Administration to determine if any federal funds may be available for this project. . Inasmuch as the con trac tor will not be finished wi th current cons true ti on until spring of 1968 and you VJill undoubtedly desire as answer from the Pederal Government 2.3 to possible availability of trants prior to adopting a f'inancing program for this extension, VJe will not make a detailed study until after the first of the year. Ple as e advis e us of any word rec ei ved from which \'1 ill materially aff'ec t the amount of' plan to be in touch with you shortly after regarding financing for this project. the Federal Government or of any other condi tions money needed to f'inrlDce this construction. 'fie will the first of the year and have a firm recommendation! 8 Very truly yours, McLean &: Company, Inc. By S.J. GranBerg. . No ac tion was taken by the counc i1 on the above communication. ".~ ~ ~-_._. ..- . ----... - - 102 IiIEIUT C:S OF TliJ; R:'::GULAR SZ~)SI ŒJ OF EOVZ-J3ER 7th 1967 C JETE;-u::-m "--"_U- "_u_"- ---~- --~---------"----- - - "U - "- - - - - - "-- - u --"--- -""-------- "-"-"___"_n__-_u"_n____" ------------ " "-_U - -" - " ~rom J~mes Brooks 201" t r-L'ownsend, ~'I ov. 2, 1967 to-Hi t: Dear Sirs: I i"JOu1d 1Jprl:-inc; enc1ine of park someone like to see the ci ty l:wrk of'f dia;,,;ona1 parlciYlß i~ front of t:'1e "Dost Office. :In T'Rrralale 1",:i.l1 0~Î1y alone about three cars to :9arJ: in fr')~lt next to tho side-aalk.. Being--.ûn- -".J the~e, some person mi~ht leave small children in the car and they could let the car out or the emergency brake off' and the car could run over t~'1e bank I?nd lr5_11 them and ""layte else. I U:ink parrale1 Darkin,'2; i'lould be a good safety factor. ~;5_ncor.L'T J ames Brooks :1'0 Dox 217 Ci ty ilayor ,3ullivan ref'errod the above co";ynmication to the ';olice 2nd license comnÜttee for a re:ort at the next regular session. From Carey And Kramer, October 27, 1967 Ueatt1e ',In. to-vlÌ t: The ={onorab1e ..layor and ;'.iemb er s of the City C ounc i 1 City of' Port To~nsend 20rt Townsend, '~~;ashington Gentlemen: In accordance \Vi th the approval Given by the State ,LLea1 th lJepartment anò, tl1e :Pollution Ccn~ro1 Cormnission, the City of' Port To\Vnsend is required to purchase and maintain certain testir_f: equipment in the sewaC;e trea tnent :?lant. Informal bids for till s oqui-9ment have been solie i ted and the results are as f0110ws: ï:m. ~I. Reilly and Co. (:700.00 v I Scientific 3u; ;lies o. ~)838.35 It is our roc o':;i;lenda tion that tLis eCluipment be Tmrc;:_ased L'om '..'m. :=. ::1eilly and Co. -::;nc 10s eel are co~ies of the bids as received by Us. If '.-ou have an:r ClUGSt:: ms, "Jlease f'eel free to call. Very truly :.ronrs, Car ey lend Kr alller Robert 3. To1lef'son =.=ayor Sullivan r'eferrsd the above co!Y'."lUnication to t:'1e ,'Jtreet and SeYler Co"'l11:ittee for E report at the _next regular session. From Lamoine Leavitt, Port Townsend, '.,h. Oc tober 27, 1967 to-nit: = =ayor (c City C ounc i1 llort Toì'msend, ',-íashin:::;ton Dear Sirs: I æi1 ma}<:ing a request that tl'1e street beside tho car wash betVleen 3rd a::1d ,3Ìl:1S be o';ened. Sincerely, La-oine Leavitt .=ayor Sullivan ref'erred the above request toe t:::e street Cor:n:Üttee for a report at tJ.l.e next rec;u1ar session. ?-:TITJOj} -:;'011 '-A'JAT-o;- OF ;-jTR"~:CT To the Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Port Townsend, ~'-Jash:in~ton: CŒ.I3 NOW the unòersip;ned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 of the Revised Code of' ~ashin~ton, respectf'ully show: 1. The undersigned 1}eti tioners rertuest the following described :Jort 0 n of :.rood Street :i.n the City of'lort Townsend LJe vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 of' tl:e Revised Code of 'Jashlngton that certain port:í::m of Hood Street running northDrly from the northerly rir;ht of' way line. of 35th Street along the v.rester1y side of' Blocks 2 and 3 of' Fairmount Addition to POiUt Townsend, . Jeffe~-son Co'--mty, ':asl-:inston, 2.S per :91at recorded in Volume 2, pae;e 82, of Plats, records of' said county, to the south3rly boundary line of Block 9 of Davicl.s '~lat, as recorded in Volune 2 of Plats, 44, records of said county. 11 The unders igned pe ti t.. :ners represent the ormers of r( ore than two- t~-~irds of' the property abutting upon the part of such street to be vacated. III The names and addresses of the ovvners of pro-;Jcrty abuttinG on said area are D.S f'ollows: Roger Dickerson, LID Anne R. Dickerson Robert L. Hansen 2012 :Iap1e St. 2012 :.:ap1e St. Courthou~e Port Townsend ~'nIßR::!:FORE, peti tioners pray that proceedinGs be had he e on for the vacation of said area of' said Hood street in the Danner prescribed by Chapter 35.79 of the Revised Code of'~shington. RGsnectf'~lly submitted, Roger Dickerson, ~.D. Anne R. Dickerson ~obert L. Hansen Lil-ian C. Hansen .:~.;:- Ro'1ald 7Iinaker -;:._;:- ..~ J Carroll :::: 2012,iap1e II 9/29/67 II 9/30/67 10/1/67 10/1/67 10/2/67 C our t:l.OUS e Rt 2 ¿as t~ D"'S -- ". ) Ì1t 2 :::I as tin,,; s S:~ms ..ray ~H" l-lot abutting real pro'Jerty ovlners, 1::;ut owners of' real rro-¡erty Ül vicin:i- ty of' street to be vacated. _II L 8 I I 8 I 8 IE ge I I 8 . .) 103- MINUT~;S OF THE REGUL7Œ SE3SL;N OF NOVEMBER 7th 1967 ,_..Qi'NTI HUED -- 8 I t was moved by Co'unc ilman Lindsey seconded by Counc ilman Ruby ths.t a Public Hearing be held on the request for street Vacation the 19th of' Dec. at a regul~r colmcil meeting. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1523 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,600.00 TO 'l'RE EMPLOY~E BENEFI TS AP tROPRIATI ON IN THE 1967 BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOill~SEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AIID DECLARING AN EMERGENQY. I Due to the na tur.e of the above ordinanc e it had to be held over un ti 1 the next regular session. ORDINANCE NO. 15~4 I AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE sm~ OF $1,700.00 TO ~RE FIREMENS PENSIOl'J AIID RELIEF FU1IJD OF THE CI TY OF POR~' TownSEND, FOR THE EMPLOYEE BENEPI TS APPROPRIA'l'ION OF SAID FUND HI THE 1967 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EIvIERJENCY. Due to the nature of' the above ordinance it had to be held over until the next regular session. ORDINANCE 8 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FIRE LIMITS, AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CJNSTRUCTION, ALTER- ATION, REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, EQUIPMENT, USE AND OCCUPANCY, LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILD.::- INGS AND STRUCTURES. Councilman Lindsey stated that he would like to know who was going to pay for the inspector and hOY1 rn.uch for he heard no provis ions in the ordinanc e along tha t line. Councilman. Siebenbaum si:d.d that he would like to see the ordinancE: held over for study by the entire council. It was also the opinion of the council that the planning commission should also meet with the council and go over the proposed ordinance. A ttoneey Abraham mentioned tha tit \vould be a good idea for.. a public he;:u~ing. be held at the same time the council and Planning co,:1!!1Ìssion met. I lifter some f'lœther discussion it was moved by Counci1n13n Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that a Public Hearing be held at 7:30 pm in the council chambers on the 28th of Novembe!r' to discuss the proposed building code ordinance. Motion carried. Counc ilman Hoglund reported that the COlmc il mad me t to discus s trle pay reaise for the women employees of the city, he said it was decided by the majority of the counci1memoers present that a pay raise should be granted to the nomen to crase this discriminatory label that had been pasted on them. I t VIas decided ',)1")on a pay raise of' ~?10. 00 pormonth. Counc ilman Hoglund made a motion seco~ded by Councilman Swietzer that the heads of the re~pectibe departments be advIsed tha t they are to increase tho pay of their women employees 41;10.00 a month beginning January 1, 1968. Motion carried. 8 Councilman Ruby reported that while driving sovm i'.'lonroe St. he noticed a portion of the Memorial Field Fence had been blown down, he said he also noticed that all the fence was hbout ready to go and probably \'D uld in a hard bloVi, ;ctnd sugges ted that tr~e county should be notified of the condition of the fence. LTayor Sullivan informed Councilman huby that the matter would be taken care ßß. I Marilou Green, chairman of the Planning commission reported to the council on why the slow up of the third phase of' the planning program. She said that the city now had to operate through a regina1 planning commission which she hoped would be formed i':Ionday even:ing, the reginal planning Co'JJ11Ìssion must be elected officials, council members, Mayors, Fort Commissioners, County Commissioners, PUD plus a few others. She said that once th:~s commission is formed progress on the third phase should move right along. Frank Badolato, resident engineer of the sewer project suggested to the council that an ordinance should be. dravm: up .in regards to the nevo! seVlcr hookups for hookups would be ready in the very near future. City Attorney Abraham stated that such an ordinance was in the hopper. I City Attorney Abraham informed the council that at the next regular meeting of the ccmncil an ordinance would be presented which will repeal a great nlDTIber of old c~~XQordinances due to the codification of all ordinances, he suggested that the council memb0rs~-tho titles of' the ordinances to be repealed for time wo1.Üd not allow to reaQi. all of the ordinances repealed. He also said that an ordinance would be read ~-.¡hich willltflå'fJ. overall penalty for violation of any city ordinance. AD JOURXHENT As there was no further busine ss to come bef'ore the council at this time it 'was moved by Councilman Siebenbmuu seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjo. n. Motion carried. ~. Attes~~ I;¡~ YOR~i~/. 8