HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/1967 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 " ., 95 T',i-¡JïFflT.¡'Q. !ìE 'fTT-1'H' Q.r¡:ß'T'TI'I'rlf:<_Y- "RTmr'-R.:r' Q.l?Q..S.T-D-ì\f (ìJ:i1 r]1l1\T f'nTT',Tf'TT nf'll1nVVD t") 1nc:Yì f'n:'TIl1T:.,lTrDT'I GARBAGE COLLECTI N SERVICE . . Under Salaries & Wages, Item a. reduced f'rom 7,500.00 to 6,600.00, item b, reduced f'rom 6,900.00 to 6,000.00, item C, reduced from 13,800 to 12,000.00, iterl d, reduced from 6,900.00 to 6,OGO.00, item E, deleted. Under híaintenallce & Operation, Contraetual services, item C reduced from 1,750.00 to 1,500.00, item d, reduced from 500.00 to 100.00. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey tthat the changes in the Garbage Collection Service budget be coni'irmed and the Garbage Collection Service Budget for the year 1968 be adopted. Motion carried. Attorney Abraham said f'or the record that due to the superior court ruà:.ìng;: the ci ty is unable to add an extra mill to the Firemens pen~JÌon and relief f'und, for 19þ8. FIREMEN-RELIEF & P~NSION FU1-TD BUDGET . . l~ò changes on the Firemen Helief & Pension Fund Budget, It was mo'Ted by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the Firemen Relief & Pension Fund Budget f'or the year 1968 be adopted. ¡'..'Iotion carried. . -' . . - - . . ~ðiìT TQi:'vlJSEND GEITERAL OBLIGATI N BONDS 1955 . 0 No changes in the Port Townsend General Obligation Bonds 1955, It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Counci.Lman Siebenbaum that the Port Townsend General Obligat ion Bonds 1955 Budget for the year 1968 be adopted. Motion carried. . . PREPARATIONS OF ORDINANCES all changes in the It ¡,,¡as moved by C'Juncilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that X1U Budget for the City of Port Townsend be confirmed and the-Budget f'or the year 1968 be adopted. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the City Attorney be authorized to prepar.~ the necessary ordinances for the 1968 Budget. Motion carried. Dolores Hoyt, City Treasurer said she would like to go on record that discrimination was made due to the raises for male employees and none f'or the female employees. ABJOURNlvlENT Consideration and adoptLm of the Budget for 1968 hèl.ving been completed, it v.¡as moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Counc ilman Lindsey that the meeting do nOVi adjourn. M@tinn carried. Attest: ~-::r~ ~ it C- k MAY OR & ~".~ - ",,!Æ~ ~ . . . . . MINUTES OF ~qE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 3, 1967 October 3, 1967 Port Townsend, Washington . The city council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 3rd day of Oct. 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chB:lI1lIBrs of' the City Hall. Mayor Sullivan presiding. 0 ROLL'CALL . - Of'ficers and members presen t were as f'ollows: Mayor Sullivan, Ci ty Attorney Abraham, Ci ty Clerk Youngb].ood, . Counc ilmen Swietzer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Carter. . MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION The minutes of the previous session were read in f'ull and it was nloved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Counc ilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as read and that the Mayer and Ci ty Clerk sign same. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The f'ollowing bills and claims as audited by the f'inance committee were presented and acted upon as f'ollows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND----------------------Voucher No. CITY STREET FUND--------------------------V'mcher No. WATER FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND------------------------------Voucher No. ~AHKÚ FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND-------------Voucher No. ORDINANCE NO. 1506------------~-----------Voucher No. --$5,807.61 --!1,850.12 --'tt4,990.02 --:¡¡J2,273.19 --I~" 447.93 -- 559.08 -- 28.91 --.;t\90, 061. 65 4974 1051 1621 1029 711 1292 181 32 through through through through through through through through bO17 1059 1639 1043 ?20 1305 182 ()5 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Swietzer that the bills and claims be approved as read and the Mayor & Ci~ Clerk draw warrants upon me proper funds for payment of'same. Motion carried. OEEICERS REPORT . CITY CLERK . The ci ty clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the Mont h of September 1967. CURRENT EXPRHSE FUND----------------------Uoucher No. 4956 through 4973 --$4,859.88 CITY STREE:T FUND--------------------------Vouche,r No. 1047 through 1050 --$1,231.60 WATER Fmm--------------------------------Voucher No. 1614 through 1620 --$2,207.15 GARBAGE FUND-------------------------~----Voucher No. 1024 through 1028 --~þl,940.87 LIBRARY FUND ----->------------------------Voucher No. 1291 through-=;;;----~~ 358.10 {M1~~ð~!~!T~ !_O!~;- ~E!"!~!_!_~--::_--------------::::oo::cc::ee/ ~: 1fð- - ~~~ ~::§?~ - ~~?9 - - = =~ ~~£: 8& ,._'.,._.._.-.~_..._.- - '- -., ..._-_.~......,-_...""",-. .~._- . . ~tJ --- -- - -.- - --- ---------_u --.- -.-------------- I'iI NUTES OF TI-iE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOEER 3. 1967 CO:NTINU2D ___n_-__- .---- ----- -- ----------------- ----------- CI IT TREASURER The ci ty treasurers report was read in f'ull f'or t'hei.:on"th of' Sept. 1967 and was ordered filed. 8 POLICE REPORT The police report was read in f'u11 f'or the ;',;onth of' Sept. 1967 and was orderød filed. BUI LDI NG P3m'~I TS The f'ollowing building permits were presented and acted upon as follows: John Newsom, Fence, 6'X104', Cedar, 335 Sheridan Ave, (145.90 Robert Sahli, Fence, 8'X200', Pipe & Asbestos, 927 \1lalker, ~",1,600.00. Fred Lester, Carport, 14'x30', 538 Taylor, ~;300.00 Donald D. Smith, Fence, 70'X6', 1:Jood, 449 J1cPherson, ~;60.00. Tom Parks, Remodel Bldg., 734 Water 3t., V3,000.00. Tom Parks, Remodel House, 834 Taft, $6,000.00. Andy DeLeo, Remodel Porch to Living roo, 6'X12', Frame. 18th 8: Nilson, $650.00. Ralph A, i\1inard, Carport, 20'X20', Frame, 211 ,Üllow, ~;;210.00. R~KèI It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Ruby, that the building permit s be granted. Motion carried. I T3AR D m-m P3RMI T I The f'0110wing tear down per~ñt was presented and acted upon as f'ollows: Fred E. Stapf', House & Garage, to abide by Ord. No. 907, 803 F St. It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Judy that the tear down permit be granted. :'.iotion carried. C 07::"JJNI C A TJ ON 8 The f'ollowing communication was presented and acted upon as f'ollows: Prom Jef'ferson County Public Utility District No.1, Oct. 3, 1967 to ; wi t: ~-:onorab1e ¡"Iayor and Ci ty Council Ci ty of' Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington Gentlemen: it r! ..t Permission is requested by Jeff'erson County Public Utility District No. ]I;: to g'] on lands of' the City of' Port Townsend f'or the purpose of evaluating the cost of' f'iels testing the city well near Ironda1e to determine vlheter or not that water can be treated satisf'actrily by conventional methods so as to permit domestic use. . Tüis is another step being taken by the P.U.D. following the report of' Carey & KrMler, Consulting Engineers, of' October, 1966, wherein, among other things, they reco:Thùended: "Field testing should be conducted on the City of' fort Townsend well at Irondale to determine ef'fectiveness of' standard treatment processes on the removal of iron and manganese concentrations in this water and the cost associated t:1.erewi th." ,;e are sure that the CJi ty has in its files the particular report of' Carey & Kramer herein ment'oned, but if not, a copy is available at the County Auditor's of'f'ice at t::1e courthouse. Again seeking your cooperation in this particular, we !!Temain, I Very trc1y yours, Jeff~rson County Public District No.1 By: Linda L. Anderson P.TJ.D. Auditor Utili ty 8 It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Council:::lar:. Lindsey that the P.U.:). reQuest to test the well be approved. ~'Totion carried. EETITION The following Petition was presented and acted upon as follows: PETITION FOR STRß~T VACAT ON I TO TH~ cr T'l" COUï\!CIL OF T1B cr TY OF :PORT TO.:1.TSBIJD, ';JASEr:TGTOX The undersigned, owners in f'ee of all lands abutting upon the street herein reQuested to be vacated, respectf'ully petition and request that the City Council, after due notice given and hearing thereon, cause to be vacated the portion of ci ty streets described as follows: Jackman Street f'rom the South Boundary of the State Highway to the south terminus of' said lJackman Street; 8th street between the Soth Boundary of the State Highway and the 'Jest Boundary of' üill St.; That portion of' 7th Street South of' the State Highway; That portion of' the alley in Block 118 of the Eisenbeis Addition to the City of' Port Tovmsend which lies south of the State Highway; and all of' that Dortion ~ the alley 1yinœ in Block 215 of' t~e Eisenbeis Addition to the City of' Port Townsend. I Allen H. Lloyd Katharine Lloÿd 8 S TETE OF 1,'IASH NGTON) S S COm~TY OF JE??~RSON) . A. H. LLOYD and KATH.ARINE LLOYD, being f'irst duly sllorn on oath, de "ose and each says: I am one of the Petitioners above named; I have read the above and foregoing know the contents threof' and believe the same to be true. f' or h 5.ms e If' Pe ti t:'- ~;n, Allen H. Lloyd Katharine Lloyd Subscri~ed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of Oct. 1967. Glenn D. AJraham Jr. Notëœy Publ ic in and f'or the $ta te of' Nashington, res iding at Po "t Townsend _L - , - " 97" MINUTES O"Fi'. THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 3, 1967." CON~~INUED 8 Councilman Siebenbaum stated that this petition. VIas brought up once before budt due to a new law pending it was held up, he suggested that the street co~nittee and the planning commission take a looke at the streets in nuestion. It was moved by Councilman Lihdsey seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that a Public Hearing for the Street Vacation be held on the 21st of Nov. Motion carried. The f'ollowing Ordinances pere presented and acted upon as f'ollows: ORD. NO. 1517 I AN ORDINA~'.rCE OF THE CI TY OF PORT TOVN SEND FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF T"tIE CITY CLERK, CITY ATTORNEY AND J.,-1AYOR OF THE CITY OF PORT TOW1ŒEND FOR THE TERM COMtŒNCING JANUARY 1,1968, AND TERMS FOLLOWfNG. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that"the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only., Motion carried. I Ordinance No. 1517 was again read by title only and it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that Ord. No. 1517 do now pass. Motion earried. ORD. NO. 1518 . AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TO~mSE1ID FOR THE YEAR 1968 It vvas moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy tha':::; the first reading be considered the second readìng and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1518 was again read for the third time by ti tle only and it was mOl ed by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1518 do now pass. Motion carried. 8 ORD. NO. 1519 AN ORDINA1'JCE OF THE CITY OF PORT 'l'O\iVNSEND FIXING ArID ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1968 I t was moved by Counc ilman Hoglund seconded by Counc ilman Judy that the f'irs t 're'adïng be considered the second reading and the third reading be by ti tle only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1519 was again read for the third time by title only and it was mOled by Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy thDt Ord. No. 1519 do now pass. Motion carried. ORD. NO. 1520 I AN ORDINANCE OF T"tIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ~"JATER-SEWER DEPARTMENT OF T"tI;~ CI TY FOR THE YEAR 1968 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the first reading be considered the second reading and the thir~,reading be by title only. Motion carried. ,~-{, Ordinance No. 1520 was again read for the third time by ti tle only and ï t was mOl ed by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord. No. 1520 do flnw pass. Motion carried. ORD. NO. 1521 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BlJDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE: COLLEC'rIJH SERVICE FOR THE YEAR 1968 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Swietzer that the f'irst reading be considered the second ~eading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1521 was again read f'or the third time by ti tle on~y and it vvas moved by , Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Swietzer that Ord. No. 1521 do now pass. Motion carried. NEW & OLD BUSINESS I Councilman Siebenbaum said that he would like to clarify the matte~ for the public on sewer hookup f'ees, saying that when the present project is completed, homeowners not now on the sewer v'lill pay a $75.00 hookup charge. ' Counc ilman Lindsey brought up the Bishop propertiescconcerning the sevver hool{ups. Ci ty 0 Attorney Abraham said tha t while it appears that several blockE: of nl3W sewers will server o..nly a fev! rewidences, the ar3a actuall was included in the projec't following an agreement wi th the ovmers of the property, The Bishops will pay the ci ty the e-quivalent of a minim"J.m number of sore M]!! 14 hookups, utnil such time as homes are built and owners assume the expense. I Ci t'r Attorney Abraham explained the new elec tion laws on \'lhen new::'13mec ted offic ials take office, saying that due to the new law, all new or relected of'ficials will assume office ten days after the general elec tion which this year would be on the 17th day of' November. 8 Councilman Rub'! said that the J.!iayor hadbrought to his attention to a helicopter landing [ad at St John~ Hospital and felt that it was a very good idea, the cost to blacktop an area of around 60'X60' would be around ,1500.00, which would or could be sharded by the city, County and the hospi tal. Ci ty. Attorney Abraham said that he had checked into the matter and that the Ci tyJ County could enter ~mder a type lease so that a helicopter pad could be bu~lt with emergency landings only, he said he thought the Port Commission should be brou,;sht into the act f'or they, were in the airport business. Engineer Becker menti oned thä t the pl9.n t f'or black top mix was leaving tomorrow noon but there would be another sometime next year. After some fu!Jther di sc ussi on it W[¡ s the opinion to 1¡vai t until next year for fur ther ac tion. ADJOURNil.ilENT -As there VIas no further business to come before the council at this time it was moved by Councilman Rudy seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that t.he meeting dO2ailjourn. Motion carried. II J Attest: 4~ ~~ ¡'lAYOR~- d"'~ Cl lerk --~. ..... - .0. . . ~