HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1967 f' ,. ..., (,a MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7,1967 8 March 7, 1967 Port Townsend, Washington The ci ty council of the Ci ty of Port Townsend met in regular ses~:;ion this 7th day of March 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of' the City Hall. Mayor Sullivan presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as foilows: Mayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Swietzer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenb?um, Lindsey, . Carter. I MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION Minutes of the previous session were read in full and it was movEd by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion c'arried. BILLS & CLAIMS Bills and claims as audi ted by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows': I CURRENT EXPENSE FUlID-----------------Voucher No. WATER FUND---------------------------Voucher No. STREET FU1ID--------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND-------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND----------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FU1ID--------Voucher No. ORD. NO. 1321-----------------------Voucher No: ORD. NO. 1506-----------------------Voucher No. 4561 through 4600 -...;-$4,218.37 1432 through 1447 ---r'253'75 938 through 946 --- 1,294.99 894 through 907 ---'4,463.92 1122 through 1144 ---~t 665.95 630 through 636 ---$ 161.75 144 through 151 ---il,102.18 247 through 249 ---12,109.50 7 through 10 --- 69,311.02 8 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the bills and claims be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper f'unds for paYcment of same. Motion carried. OFFICERS REPORT CI TY CLERK The ci ty clerk reporœd the regular salary warrants for tlle Month of Feb. 1967: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------Voucher No. WATER Fm~D---------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND--------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FŒID- -- --- - - - --- -- - ---- - - - ---V ~)Uci1er No. LIBRARY Fm~D~------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND----------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND--------Voucher No. 4543 through 4560 1425 tJ;1rough 1431 934 throu gh 937 889 thr ough 893 1121 629 142 through 143 -- -~~4, 893. 50 ---~þ2, 214.65 .---$1,268.34 ,---$1,983.55 .- --$ 360.60 .---$ 273.58 ---$ 275.00 TREASURER The treasurer's report was read in full for the Month of Feb. 196'7 and was ordered filed. 20LICE The police report was read in full for the Month of' Feb. 1967 and was ordered f'iled. BUILDING PERMITS 8 Th e following building permits was IT esented and ac ted upon as f'ollows: Frank Kilham, House, 28'X48', Frame, Block 13, Lot 7 & 8, Phillips Addn. ~þ6, 000.00. I t was moved b~y Counc ilman Ruby seconded by Counc ilman - Hoglund that the building permit be granted. Motion carried. COML1UNICArrl JNS The following communications were presented and acted upon as f'ollows: I From Sproptimist Club of'Fort Townsend Feb. 12, 1967 to:wit: Mayor Sullivan and Council Members Port Townsend City Council Port Townsend, Washington Dear Sirs: I The §oroptimist Club of' Port Townsend wishes to urge the council to establish public rest rooms in the down town area for the comfort of shoppers and touris t~;. Sincerely yours Mrs, Jean P. Myers Secre tary 8 Mayor Sullivan stated that as f'ar as he was concerned as Mayor of the City of Port Townsend he would not be interested in putting up public rest rooms down to~n, he said that rest rooms had been tr:ied before and they had nothing but trouble such as torn out plumbing and fixtures, Ci ty Attorney Abraham so.id from what he had read on that subject :he gathered the trend was away from publ'ic rest rooms, the public did not seem to appreciate ~:uch facalities and also stated that such places tend to be a rallying point for some pretty undesirable class of peopl . Cauncilman Ruby stated that the county rest rooms at north beach were always being torn up, and why the public didnt appreciate them he didnt know. After some further discussion, Councilman Siebenbaum made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy that the 001illci1 go on record not to be in favor of public restrooms, Motion carried. ...-... ~ 66 ~:InJUT~~S OF TIn R,~GULAR S;.ESSION OF ;,lARCH 7, 1967 CJ:~TT¡}UED -------- -_..- - -' --- --_.----_.----.------ ---_..--. -.- -----.-.--.- --- ,---",.,---,----'----'- ... .. - '-. -- Ró .u.,:!::ST FOR ST1ŒET LIGHT To the Members of the ~ort Townsend City Council We, the undorsip,ned, would like to hctve a street l.ight installed on the corner of Third and Sheridan. Sip;ned by. UIr and I.Irs Robert Be id, I,Ir & ¡Irs '.!m -~ennet t, fIr t~ ~iIrs J ,Ja1 ter Johnson NIr and I\'lrs Osv1Tä1d .i.ia11, Mr (}. ¡'lIrs Carl Tuttle, f,1r & Mrs Jay N Dyer, T-iIr (}, l'.1rs DoT'.. McKee, Mr 8: IlIrs Arthur L. Tickner, NIr &f f.1rs Go1a A Bare, rUgS Betty II 3are, I;Ir Tlm'Jard C. Reid, '.Irs JI..ildred Shannon, ß~s Dana Granger. ~'.1ayor Sullivan referred the above request to the Fire [~ Lin;ht Cortll':J.i ttee. ANNUAL REPORT OF TjU~ POnT TO\~/T.:SE~m FIRE DEP.',RTTL~NT The city clerk read the annual report of' the Fire Department è:lS follows: TotE.1 number of alarms 95, Residential 51, l'!Iercanti1e 3, I.Tisc. 15, J.:""ass or brush 20, Emer'q;ency calls 4, False A1è:lrms 2, Estimated Loss, $20,720.00. N~",i & OLD BUSINI~SS Councilman SVJietzer reported on the Elks rof1ues t to purchas e some of the propXerty at táe . city owned .o;olf' course, saying that a meeting hè:ld been canceled but he himself' was not in f'avor of selling any city property. Councilman Ruby spoke in favor of' the Elks Club. Af'ter some discussion it was felt by the council thät another meet"ng be held before the next council meeting, Councilman Lindsey f'el t that a public hearing si.:c.ou1d be held. Councilman Swietzer made a motion seconded by Councilman Ruby that a fublic .Iearing be held at the regular council '. meeting of the 21st of I'/larch. f.lotion carried. -, Councilman 3wietzer reported on the garbage situation at .~ort ',"orden sa:ring tl1at a meeting had been held and all thät was lef't now was to set a priee on the garban;e. -e also statsd that :','[r Die1 brought up the subject that they felt ti1.ey were paying to much for water, that the city should lay some new l.ines, )Jut meters in. Tha't tile coas t r~uard, the navy rese:r've, the s ta te park and the cemetery Sll JUld all nave meters, that they wel'€~ paying more than their share of the water be:T.np; used and also that they v¡ere tearing SO::1e old bu:: ldirg¡ down and the fire protection rate should also be lowered. Councilman Siebenbaum said that all the water Ijnes vvere insided the state p:r'operty that they were trying to get rid of the maintenance on thoes lines and that the ci ty nNx has not;Üng to do with thoes lines at all, it was up to the treatment center to deal with the COè:lst ~uard and the others involved. Council':1an Hoglund alstb stated that the city was under no obligation to settIe any disputes on the fort property, if' they are liissatisf'ied with the water lines r~oing to d:Lf'f'erent!J1aces the it is there problem not tne citys. City Attorney Abraham aI.so stated that the center had all the control inside the propeBty and if' they wanted to shut ti1.e water of'f from any of the others they could do so. Police Chief' Phegley reported on the renuest again of' the PTA for sidewalk on blaine St, he said that he felt it would be better to not baracade the street to cope with ~le problem, to leave it as it is until the time when the street could be widened. Mayor Sullivan asked for a report on the trai10r problem, it was brought out thät tIle meeting thè:lt was to be held with the planning comJl1ission for discussion had been ccmceled. Councilman Hoglund asked f'or a meeting to be held at 6:30 at the city hall with the p1ann:Ln,¡::ç colìL'TIission d10 discuss the trai10rs and that anyone could attend Wìl0 wanted to do so, the meeting to be held at 6:30 at the city hall on the 21st of March. Councilman Judy said that a stroet light had been requested f'~ at the Boy Scout cabin on =florgan hill, he said it häd been cheõked and mè:lde a motion seconded by Councilman Ruby that a new vapor light be installed at the b~y scout cabin. ~otion carried. Mr Frank Badolato Engr. f'or the City sewer project said that he hè:ld two proposals t,o bring before the council ê:md anything that cost f'ive hundred dollars or more hè:ld to be ap 'roved by the city council. The f'irst proposal was to reroute the sewer l~ne to take in De1s Grocery and home, the cost would be around 1,000. but to of'set that most, the city vDu1d save around five hundred dollars of' thä't cost due to not tearing up some of the asphalt at Blaine & Kearney. After some discussion it was the opinion of' the council tha t if ;!Ir Grewell would pay f'or the additional cost they would be inf'avor of tho chunge. The second proposal was a chanße had to be made at Gains street where a pumping station had to be installed, the line had to be rer~uted due to a 21" storm sewer directly underneath where the pumping station is to be installed. The cost would be around 700. dollars. It was moved b7¡ Counci Iman Ruby seconded by Counc ilman Lin ,:;,s ey that Engine3r Badola to chanp;e the sewer 1 ine in order to install the pumping station. Motion carried. . Mrs Grady chairman of' the beautif'ication commi ttee of' Port 'Townsend, sroke bef'ore the council on her trip to the nè:ltions cai'i tal to accept ti1e cleanest town achievement awa:~d that had been wn by the city of Port Townsend. Mayor Sullivan again reminded the city council that if house bill no. 219 which would ~ive the citys additi~na1 money for operation, if' the bill did not pass then the council would have to seek additional revenue for 1968. ADJOURNT'¡IENT As there Councilman carried. was no f'ur'ther business to come bef'ore the council at this time it was moved bv Linsey seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion &. \ C /J,~ ( IiIAYOR . /J4---y1.«> ~~ Attest: ~~l<"~ -C;-1 Y v::: 1 ',-- 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8