HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/1987 331 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 17, 1987 Cont. -----U ---------_.._-- ,- 2. No back-lighted building materials shall be used in the development. 3. Any major change in the landscaping plan submitted at the Mareh 3, 1987, Jefferson-Port Townsend Shoreline Management Advisory Commission hearing must be approved by the shoreline commission. I 4. All outdoor lighting of the development shall be shielded to prevent adverse glare inpacts to adjoining property. 5. Required landscaping shall be in place no later than six months after occupancy of the development 6. A public meeting room shall be provided in the deve lopment. The Port of Port Townsend, or the current owner of the building, may reasonably regulate the times, conditions, and charges for the use of the room; however, charges for the room shall not exceed actual operating costs. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM. 63=t7 ~ Mayor Attest: I I~~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 7, 1987 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 7th da~ of April, 1987, at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S. Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmember present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, and Mary Norwood. Also present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Publ ic Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. Councilmember Janis Hunt was excused because she was out of town. MINUTES Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of March 17, 1987, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Council- member Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Park Hotel/Motel transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Capital Improvement Water-Sewer Stormwater Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and ReI ief $52,1115.28 4,826.62 727 .48 15,2~ 6.53 2~ 2 . 82 9 , 198.04 20,606.74 1 , 1Z8. 59 63,6~35.41 ~n. 45 ..-- .. ,-.. ----""".-- 332 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 7, 1987 Cont. ----------,-- --------------- ..------------------------- ------ Library 1956 Transmission Line Replacement 4,310.61 69,234.78 Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. , COMMUNICATIONS IA letter dated March 19, 1987, from Kathleen Maurer to David Grove was copied for I'the counc.il r,esPO~ding to questions regarding operation of the Washington Cities Insurance Authòrity as it affects Port Townsend from a letter dated March 9, 1987, from Homer S~rth. Br~ _Grov~ explained that much of this is a repeat of the in- formatio'n he p-r'~s_ented at the last council meeting. The Council received a letter dated March 27,1987, from Emily Drake expressing support for animal welfare services in our community. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Police/License/Animal Control Committee. A letter dated March 30, 1987, from Richard Zukowski, Director of the Loan Servicing Division for the Economic Development Administration of the United Stated Depart ent of Commerce to David Grove was copied for the counci I accepting the city's payment ¡of $14,656 as full satisfaction of the debt for the grant on EDA Project No. 07- 81-D2082 and indicating that they agree to withdraw a~celeration of a bond paymen in the amount of $20,000 for an overdisbursedment arising out of the loan portion of the project. Mr. Grove explained that this ties up all of the loose ends on . th i s one. A letter dated March 30, 1987, from Kenneth McMillen, President of the Board of Commissioners for Public Utility District No.1, to Mayor Shirley was copied for 'I the council inviting them to a workshop on the Open Public Meetings Act at 1 :OOPM ¡on April 29, 1987, in the Third Floor Çonference Room of ~he County Courthouse. Mayor Shirley asked the council to let him know if they would like to attend. The council received a letter d~ted April 1, 1987~ from Will and Lorraine Gariss indicating their support for the varianèe requested by Bud Van DerVorst. Mayor Shirley referred this to the public hearing scheduled for later in the m~eting. (The Council received a letter dated April 2, 1987,. from E.H. Raiguel indicating ¡his refusal to pay the storm drainage charges and complaining that they have no Istromwater problems and are not getti'ng any action on the sanitary Si8Wer system- ¡for the Seaview Estates. A letter dated April 4, 1987, from Philip and Beverly ¡Rich was.also received by. the council cover~ng similar ac~ion for t~e same reasons. ¡Mayor Shirley referred this to the Street/Light/Storm Drainage Committee. , IThe Council received a letter dated April 6, 1987, from Sharyl O'Danne indicating Iher refusal to pay the stormwater util ity chargeS because her street is~not in Ithe plan for drainage improvements. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Street/ jLight/Storm Drainage Committee. A letter from Sally Weinschrott, Cooperative Extension Chairman Agent, to Mary ¡Norwood dated April 6, 1987, was copied for the council expressing support for Ithe staff presently operating the Animal Control Shelter because of their positive ¡ChangeS and servic~s to 4-H members. I ¡The council receivéd trree Environmental Checklists: Walter Wilson proposing to I ¡construct a 106 feet by 55 feet commercial building at 1104 Water Street, Jefferson General Hospital to add to the existing hospital approximately 8-9000 square feet, land Joan and David Deering to open their home to the publ ic for use as a guest ¡house overnite accomodation. Mayor Shirley referred these to the Legislative/ Environmental Committee. ¡The council r~ceived a letter from Jack and Karen Chang in complaint about the 'way the Police department handled a direct act of violence. Mayor ShirLèy re- ferred this to the Police/License/Animal Control Committee who is meeting on the 14th to discuss it with the Police Chief. i IA I etter dated Apr i I 3, 1987 from Edna Anderson, Conservat i on c.ha i rperson for the !Admiralty Audubon Society was copied for the council requesting ~hat the council ¡keep constant vigilance over the care and custody of the flowers and fauna at the ¡Spring Valley Golf Course. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Adhoc Committee. \ I I I I 333 ------_._------------------~Ji!:JI.~.s_QF_I~i_.BÉ~_UL_~B..?_~?S I q~_.OFI~p~_I.L _L, J ~8Z- çon_t ~ -----~~-~------- ------l------_U_----------- 'u_-- ----BID OPENING I ¡The following bids were,:.opennedarid:read aloud to provide the city with trash ! recept i ca Is: u- _u - - U - --- - ------- ------ -~------ ------------- , I P. T. Foundary Institutional Industries Urban Accessories Upbeat Sitecraftc G P Middleton Woodworks & Cabinets Public Space Furniture Co. $560.58/unit 267.40/unit 435.00/unit 125.00/unit 325.00/unit 704.30/unit 431.70/unit 540.00/unit i IMayor Shirley referred the bids to an Adhoc Committee headed by David Kahley ¡for a recommendation to be given to the council later in the meeting. ! PUBLIC COMMENTS I I I ¡Mr. C.W. (Jim) Broughton was recognized and expressed complaints about Ordinance ¡No. 2062. He indicated that CH2M Hill has proposed expensive improvements to our system and the cost is not evenly distributed. He requested that the charge~ ¡be distributed based upon percentage rather than average number of units occupted.. ,Mayor Shirley referred his request to the Water/Sewer Committee. I : I I ¡Mr. Wayne Hackett was ¡Townsend Seniors with end of Ap r i I . ! COMMITTEE REPORTS ¡JaCkSOn Bequest. Mr. Robert Little was recognized and reported that the Jackson ¡Bequest Project in before the Çorp of Engineers and the Department of Fisheries for permits. He indicated they expect the permits to be issued by the middle ¡of May. The specification are presently being written along with the drawings land should be co~plete by the end of the month. The call for bids could go out ¡at the beginning of May. , ¡Secondary Sewer. Mayor Shirley reported that the city has been awarded a grant ¡ for 50 percent funding on the engineering work to be undertaken by CH2M Hill and I he has instructed them to begin wòrk. i I ¡Community Services. Councilmember Norwood suggested that the city present peopl~ ,who resign or retire from service on a board or commission receive a certifi~ate i ¡of appreciation or other recognition for their service. She requested that the \ ¡council look on the proposed resolution for the library favorably. ¡parks and Property. Councilmember Camfield introduced Tim Richer from the De- partment of Fish and Wild Life and asked him to comment on the proposed improve-' !ments to the pond on the Spring Valley Golf Course which he did. He indicated that the plans meet with their approval and a permit has been issued. , ' I Street/Light/Storm Drainage. Councilmember Jones invited the council to a special meeting to consider alternatives for downtown parking on April i from 5:30 to 6:30 PM at City Hall. I I ¡Use of Fire Equipment. Mr. Harper asked that a committee of the council consideri I the merits vs. the liabilities of the present Fire Department practice of giving: ¡children rides on the fire equipment. Councilmember Kenna made él motion that the 'I 'request be referred to the Finance Committee which was setonded by Councilmemb~r! Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote.' I ¡Extension of Animal Control Agreement with Bayshore Enterprises. Mr. Grove ex- : !Plained that the extension for the Animal Control Interium Agreement as approved; did not include any additional compensation. Councilmember Clise made a motion ¡that the city pay Bayshore Enterprises at the same pro-rata rate as in the pre- vious agreement which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously ¡by voice vote. rec~gnized and reported that a survey is underway of Port the results ready for reporting to the City Council by the! attend! 16, 198~ I PUBLIC HEARINGS Ivar'.ance Application No. 187-01 - George D. Prindle. Mr. Grove reported that th~ Planning Commission is recommending approval of this request to add 576 square 334 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 7, 1987 Cont. -----"---------------- -------------- -1--;-~:-t-=-~-hOUS~--:-t--6~~-~-BU~-~~~~-~iring variances from the setback require- I , ments in front, rear, and side. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the audience. Mr. Prindle was recognized and spoke in favor of,his application. There being no further testimöny, Mayor Shirley turned the application over to the council for d~sposition. Mf. Hildt explained a height restriction suggested by the Planning Commission as a condition of the approval. Councitmember Ison made a I motion to adopt ,the following findings of fact and approve the variance provided that no development within twenty (20) feet of the rear (east) lot line shall be higher than fifteen (15) feet above average grade at the east lot line which was seconded by Çouncilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote: I FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone and constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the official zoning map. 2. Because of the combined effect imposed on the subject property by the abutting commercial building on the north and the placement of the existing residence on the lot such that the rear yard abutts the side yard of the residential property to the east, special circumstances and conditions exist which do not result from actions of the applicant and which are peculiar to the subject property and are not in the aggregate applicable to other lands in the same district. II 3. The v~riance reques~ed would not confer a special priviledge to the subject property that is denied to other lands in the same district. , i I I I i I I I 'I Variance Application No. 287-01 - Bud and Sunnie Van Der Vorst. Mr. Grove ex- I plained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of this request I to allow construction of a 640 Square foot garage within five feet of the I . I extsting ho~se at 415 26th Street rather than the 10 foot separation between . required in R-I zoning. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the audience. , Mr. Van Der Vorst was recognized and spoke in favor of his application and ¡ indicðted that he has djscussed it with all his neighbors and they are not : opposed. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing ! to the a~dience and turned the application over to the council for disposition. I Councilmemb~r Camfield made a motion that the council make the following findings : and approve the request which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed I urianimously by voice vot~: I ì 4. The granting bf the variance under this condition would not be detrimental to the ~ublic welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity.andzone in whic~ the subject property is situated. 5. The reasons set forth in the application together with the above findings justify ,the g~anting of the variance which is the minimum variance that will make pos~iblß theréasonable use of the land. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone nor constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the official zoning map. 2. Because of the combined effects imposed on the ~ubject property by the irreg- ularly shaped lot and the traffic noise generated by Discovery Road, special conditions exist which do not result from actions of the applicant and which are peculiar to the subject property and are n~t in the aggregate appli- cable to other lands in the same district. Though the existence of the berm may be a conditiòn created by the applicants, its removal would not diminish its noise buffering effects, thereby compounding the negative impact of the traffic noise, a condition beýond the applicants. control. 3. The variance requested would not confer a special priviledge to the subject property that is denied to other lands in the same district. 4. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare - or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. 5. The reasons Set forth in the above referenced application justify the granting of the variance and the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable uSe of the-land. I I I 335 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 7, 1987 Cont. --------- -------- -- ----'-___-n___-- ------ -- __-_un_--____----- - _u_-- -- u --- _u- - --- -- ---- - -- -- -- --- __un_----- - -- --_u_-u-_n__- ---- - ----- ------------,-- -- ------------ --,---- --- -- - ----------u_---- - --------- --------- _-U__n -- --------------~- I Street Lease to Port Townsend School District No. 50. Mr. Grove explained that I ,notice of a public hearing has been published as required by law on the pro- ; posed lease of the north 15 feet of that portion of 16th Street abutting the I ¡south line of block 119 in the Eisenbeis Addition to Port Townsend School Distriqt INo. 50 for a period of ten years for five dollars and other valuable consideratidn. I Counci lmember Camfield anno~nced that she would not participate in the discussio~ lor vote on this issue. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the audience. Mr;', ~ Curt Danielson was recògnized and spoke in favor of the lease. There being no ' further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over to the council for disposition. I I I I I i . ' councllmember Jones made a motion to adopt the resolution which was, seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I OLD BUSINESS : I I I , ¡Animal Control Service---:Proposals. Councilmember Clise reported that the Police/: ¡Fire/Animal Control Committee, is recommending that the C.o,uncil instruct the MaYOr.,. to negotiate a new contract with Bayshore Enterprises for Animal Control Service~. ¡He m~de a.motio~ to that ~ffect whic~ was seconde~ b~ C?uncilmember Norwoo~. After a brief diScussion, Councllmember Cllse amended his motion to reduce the time; period from five years to the end of calendar year 1988. Council member Norwood . who had seconded the original motion seconded the amendment. The motion as amended was passed by roll call vote with five councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Councilmember Jones voted against the motion. RESOLUTION NO. 87-17A A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO LEASE A PORTION OF 16TH STREET TO PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 50 I RESOLUTION NO. 87-18 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MANAGEMENT CONTRACT WITH THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA CHAPTER OF THE WASH- INGTON NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY Councilmember Ison made a motion that the council adopt the resolution which was! seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Union Wharf Lease. Mr. Hildt was recognized and explained that the leasee has ¡only recently received a copy of the proposed lease and has not yet agreed to it. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the council table further discussion ¡¡of. the lease which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I NEW BUSINESS Petition for Side-Sewer Contractor's License - S & W Enterprises (Bob Sahli) Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the application which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE I AN AGREEMENT WITH THE JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMIS- ¡ SIONERS FOR MUNICIPAL COURT SERVICES ¡Mr. Harper recommended an addition to the agreementðt the end of paragraph 2 J"and administrative fees, costs, and assessments." Councilmember Ison made a I , ¡motion to amend the proposed agreement as stated by Mr. Harper which was seconded Iby Councilmember Jones and passed unanimousl9 by voice vote. Councilmember Ison' made a motion to adopt the resolution which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 87-19 RESOLUTION NO. 87-20 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GRANT PROPOSAL TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE PORT TOWNSEND LIBRARY BOARD FOR LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT TITLE II FUNDS 336 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 7, 1987 Cont. -- --- ---------- ----- - ------- ------ ---- -------- -- --------------- ------------- --- I Ms. Cheryl Van Dyke was recognized and explained the proposal and II council that there is no monetary commitment involved on the part i Council member Norwood made a motion to adopt the resolution which I by Councilmember Kenna and passed unanimously by voice vote. Public Hearings. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the council conduct public hearings during the regular councilmeeting on May 5, 1987 to consider application No. 287-03 for a variance by Aoyama and application No. 287-02 for a street vacation by Houser which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. assured the of the city. was seconded I I Emergency Appropriations. Mr. Grove explained that the council has received copies of requests for emergency appropriations for the Kah Tai Park, for Library equipment, as well as action take~ by the council to purchase a new backhoe for the Sewer Department. He.explained that an ordinance will need to be prepared. Amendment to the Golf Course Lease. Mayor Shirley explained that the council has received a proposed amendment to the lease for the Spring Valley Golf Course I which was worked out by the council committee. Councilmember Ison made a motion II to approve this, amendment to the lease which was seconded by ,Councilmember Camfield. After a discussion of the fees, Councilmember Clise made a motion to amend the ¡ agreement to provide that the rates to be charged will be negotiated between the Ileasee and the city which was seconded by Councilmember Kenna. The amendment I passed by voice vote with five councilmembersvoting in the affirmative. Council- , member Ison voted against the motion. Councilmember Clise made a motion to I eliminate the proviiion for the right of first ref~sal which died for lack of a I second. After further discus?ion, it was proposed that the section be re-writtem ~ to allow the right of first refusal to occur within the last six months of the I fifteenth year. Mr. Hårpèr',explained that the design for the basement is not I included in the draft before the council. After a brief discussion, Council- I member Ison made a motion to table the proposal which was seconded by Council- I member Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I I I I I I ¡ I ! i i Trash Receptical Bid Award. Mr. David Kahley was recognized and reported that the committee is recommending that the council accept the bid of Urban Accessories for a'total price of $8,900.00. He explained the reasons for their recommendati6n. Councilmember Kenna spoke in favor of the Port Townsend Foundarv bid because he woú I d . like to keep the money I oca I: Counc i I member C I i se echoe1!¡'-'couhè i lmember Kenna's sentiments. After further discussion, Councilmember 'CJise made a motion that the council accept the committee's recommendation and award the contract to Urban Accessories which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed by voice vote with four councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Councilmembers Kenna andtlson voted against the motion. I i i I I I ì There being ! 9: 37 PM. I I I i i i i I Attest: ADJOURNMENT no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at ~ j~~ City Clerk I ~ ~~ £'~~~ ()~ ~ (/