HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1987 320 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 17, 1987 ------------- ------ ------------------~--------- --------- , The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 17th dat of February, 1987, at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent sl Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Janis Hunt, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, and Mike Kenna. Also present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, and Michael Hildt, Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner. Councilmember Mary Norwood was excused. MINUTES I I ¡Councilmember Camfield made a motion to approve the minutes of February 3, 1987, I'with the additi~n of Ms. Jaman name on page 316 and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street - Library. .. Parks. Hotel~Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Capital Improvement Water-Sewer. Equipment Rental $107,243.78 5,218.13 400.00 614.10 215.60 1,639.26 5,673.41 14,404.02 2,028.57 CouncilmemberHunt made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the propeF funds which was-seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I - IAn environmental checklist dated January 26, 1987, from Union Wharf Associates I'was copied for the council on the proposed reconstruction of Union Wharf. Mayor Shirley, referred this to the Legislative/Environmental Committee. I , - !A lette~ dated January 30, 1986, from L.A. Leonard,'Assistant Manager of Public ¡Protection from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau to Mayor Shirley was ,¡COPied _for the Cou~cil indicating that the fire protectio~ classification for Port- Townsend has lmproved from Class 6 to Class 5 effectlve February 1, 1986. I COMMUNICATIONS , "- A letter dated Febr~ary 3, 1987, to all Revenue Sharing Recipients was copied for ~he council reminding us that all compliance requirements relating to public participation, audit and civil rights including handicapped remain in effect and ¡reporting that on or about February 20, 1987, the Revenue Sharing Reserve Funds of approximately. 71 million dollars will be distributed as the final payment. A letter dated February 3, 1987, from Mayor Shirley to Charles Lean, Assistant -Attorney General, was copied for the council to document the conditions of the ¡compliance schedule for secondary sewer treatment which WßS~ agreed upon at a ¡series of meetings held last fall and t~ present our understanding and approach Ito satisfying the initial report requirements. liThe council received a letter dated February 5, 1987, from Mary Gaboury inviting them to attend the demonstration of a new voting system being considered by the !county on February 26, 1987. I ' ¡Letters from Mayor Shirley dated February 6, 1987, to Senator Paul Conner, Richard fFisch, and Jim Hargrove were copied for the council asking them to assist the cit~ ¡in its battle with the Department of Ecology and the Environmental Protection I Agency because of a report recently released by the bffice of Financial Management ¡recommending a 20% level of funding rather than 50% to assist cities in meeting ¡secondary waste treatment requirements. Mayor Shirley then reported on his !efforts in Olympia to influence legislation. ¡ I I I 321 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 17, 1987 Cont. ----------------------------------- .,-------- --------- --------------------- - ..,-- ------ -- -- - ------- --------______H--_____--------------------- --------------- - __--__--m____- ----- ---------------- ------------ ------------ I A report dated February 9, 1987 from Kent Swisher, Executive Director of the I Association of Washington Cities, on the impact on towns and cities of Governor \ Gardner's Proposal to Extend the Sales Tax to Services was copied for the council. I Mayor Shirley reported that this legislation will probably be our only chance fot ! additional income this session. i The council received a letter dated February 10, 1987, from Donald J. Barrows i - protesting the city's requirement that businesses pay for garbage service whether they use it or not. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Community Services II Committee. A letter dated February 13, 1987, from Bob Little, Port Townsend School District Construction Manager, was copied for the council requesting a lease of a portion of 16th Street right-of-way to allow placement of portable classrooms at Grant Street School. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Street Committee. IOn February 13, 1987, the council received a proposed lease of city property to the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Shirley referred it to the Finance Committee. PUBLIC COMMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I Community Services. Councilmember Jones reported that the committee met with representatives from the senior citizens to discuss their problems and funding I r sources for a Senior Center in Port Townsend. He reported on the income levels: used for consideration of a discount on property taxes by Jefferson County and ! suggested that the city's be increased. i I-! i Police/License/Animal Control..- -- Councilmember Clise reported that the committee t ! met with potential respondents to the request for proposals on animal control ! services. i I I I Cheryl Van Dyke was recognized and reported on the plans made by the Library Board to finance the improvements to the library facilities. She reported that I they have openned fundraising accounts in virtually every bank in the name of I the Friends of the Library. Mr. Grove asked who we should send the State Auditor I to in order to audit these funds. She indicated théir bookkeeper will be in : : touch.with the Clerk-Treasurer. COMMITTEE REPORTS Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the council: issue a declaration of non-significance on the new office building proposed by the Port of Port Townsend which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed: unanimously by voice vote. A discussion ensued about parking problems connected¡-- with downtown development like Union Wharf. ,! Appointment.- -- Mayor Shirley announced the appointment of Lars Watson to the Library Board. Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the appointment which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. I i ! Variance Request No. 1286-01 - Coburn. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning i Commission is recommending approval of the request for a variance from the I I setback requirements to allow her to add on to the rear of the house:=_at-=::840_-_Adamy ! Street. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the audience. Ms. Connie ÇO5'u:r-nw.a;s i recognized and explained that the kitchen is undersized because it was built be-! : fore 1910. The addition will only square off the house and improve the victoriah 'I' appearance. There being no other testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to: , the audience and turned the application over to the council for disposition. I I Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the council find that the application 'I: complies with the requirements of section 6.10 of Ordinance No. 1625 and that the variance be granted which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed ! unanimously by voice vote. i i I I PUBLIC HEARINGS Appeal from Garbage Charge -'Frank Vane. Mr. Grove explained that he has pre- sented the council with information on the background and possible conclusions which might be reached in response to Mr. Vane's appeal from the manditory gar- bage charge for 334 Sherman Street. Mayor Shirley then opened the hearing to the Audience. Mr. Frank Vane was recognized and asked that he be relieved of : some obligation to pay garbage charges for his shop at 334 Sherman Street becaus~ 1) no one had approached him until four months ago to subscribe to garbage: service, 2) two one can services are being charged because there are two separat~ businesses sharing the building, 3) there is no need for refuse pickup, 4) , ¡ 322 ----~_~~~T~S O~ TH~~GULAR__~ESSION OF FEBRUARY 17, 1987 Cont. l---- ------ ------------- the City Attorney was slow in responding to his request, 5) in his opinion the __I ordinaces are vague and out of date, 6) no reference is made to the number of businesses in a building or the number of entrances which was used by the garbage I collector to assess to one can services, 7) only one water and sewer unit charge i is assessed against the property, and 8) the manner in which his business was I solicited. He indicated that he is now prepared to pay for one can of garbage service once each week. He asked that the garbage charges to date be cancelled and institute services for one can per week commencing March 1, 1987. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the audience and turned the proposal over to the council for disposition. The council asked a series of questions to establish the facts of the matter. Mayor Shirley explained that there have been approximately fifteen similar cases like this. Most have accepted the requirement. After the Mayor and Council discussed the request briefly, the City Attorney req~estedthat he have an opportunity to review the proposal now being presented. Councilmember Ison made a motion to table the request until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. BID OPENING . The fållowing bids were opened and read aloud to supply the city with one tractor I mower as specified: I I I i I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I Mayor Shirley called for an executive session at 8:52 PM to discuss present i litigation and union negotiations. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 PM. i I Louie's Repair Shop Jennings Equipment Clallam Cooperative Association $10,427.00 10,078.65 11,492.02 Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the council accept the bid of Jennings Equipment which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing. Councilmember Hunt made a motion tat the council conduct a public hearing on Short Plat Application No. 986-02 ~Beers during the regular meeting on March 17, 1987 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION I I There being I at 9:10 PM. I I I i Attest: I I i I I I i I I I I ! ADJOURNMENT no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned 6?d:J ~ Ma;:; ~~---- City Clerk ------ I I I