HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1986 213 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17, 1985 Cont ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 8:56 P.M. I Attest: ~~ ~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 1986 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 7th day of January, 1986, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Pro- Tern Mike Kenna presiding. OATHS OF OFFICE City Clerk David Grove administered the oath of office to Councilmembers Jean Camfield, Janis Hunt, Vern Jones, and Ila Mikkelsen. ROLL CALL I Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imis- lund, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, and Ila Mikkelsen. Also present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Strickl in, and Clerk-Trea- surer David Grove. MINUTES Councilmember Hunt made a motion to approve the minutes of December 17, 1985, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Council- I member Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Library Park Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue Kah Ta i Park Water-Sewer Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief $66,374.55 5,095.33 5,444.71 1,409.42 2, 125.96 2,609.00 18,791.03 12,787.02 110,202.93 48.00 I Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS An Environmental Checklist dated December 17, 1985, from Mark and Juanita Bunch was copied for the council on a proposal to operate a 5 room bed and breakfast inn at 2037 Haines Street. Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna referred this to the Legislative Environmental Committee. The Council received a letter dated December 30, 1985, from C.W. Broughton requesting that the council renew the Conditional Use Permit for the Heritage House Inn at 305 Pierce Street. Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the Council renew the permit for one year which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. 214 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 1986 Cont. ---~----------------------- ------------------------ ------ ---------------.---.-- ---------. --.-.------ .---------.----- ----------------- A petition with ten signatures was copied for the council on January 3, 1986, in support of the annexation of the Island Vista Subdivision and opposed to the I proposed R-II zoning for lot 23 in that area. They suggestèd: instead that this I lot be zoned Rl-A. It was indicated that this matter is subject to a publ ic I hearing later in the meeting. I I I I COMMITTEE REPORTS Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the council issue a declaration of non-significance on the environmental checklist submitted on the proposed annexation of the Island Vista area. Councilmember Hunt seconded the motion which passed unanimously by voice vote. I Committee Membership Restructuring. Mr. Grove indicated that the surveys requested have been returned by some of the councilmembers. Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna asked for volunteers to serve on an ad-hoc committee to propose the new structure. Council- I members Camfield, Jones, and Kenna volunteered. I I I I I PUBLI C HEAR I NG Proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Additioris for Futur~Annexation of the Island Vista Estates Mr. Grove explained that the area is a' portion of Section 15, Township 30 North, Range 1..West, W.M. adjoining the city limits at the Eisenl beis Addition. He read the recommendations of the Planning Commission whicH were copied for the council on January 6, 1986. A map of the area was then' displayed showing the areas of P-l, Rl-A, R-2. Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna opened the I hearing to the audience. Mr. Terry Steben was recognized and spoke against 'Ii condominium development of lot 23 because it would change the neighbohood from single family by allowing higher density and taller buildings to occur. He II spoke in favor of the annexation, however. Mr. John Becker was recognized and spoke in favor of the proposal explaining that the zoning as it now stands in I the county would allow the construction of condominiums on lot 23 and felt that I it was only fair to offer the same chòices he now enjoys. He indicated that there is plenty of open space already allocated to rest any concerns about the I'density. He explained that there are other multifamily units adjacent to the property and property owners in the subdivision bought their land with the I understanding that condominiums might be built on this site. Alan Carmon of I the Planning Commission was recognized and explained that R-2 will not change the density requirements from that of Rl-A but does al~!ow for units to be clustered. He indicated that views would be blocked with any size building. There being II no further testimony, Councilmember Kenna explained that the matter must be ! tabled at this time in order for the requirements of the State Environmental i Policy Act to be met before the action is taken. Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna also I recognized for the record all documents received bY the council with regard to ! this proposal. Councilmember Hunt made a motion to continue this hearing to the next regular meeting which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. Proposed Sewer Rate increases. Mr. Stricklin explained that the city has been ordered by the Department of Ecology to have a consultant on board by mid-1986 which will cost the uti I ity between eigh~and ninty thousand dollars to prepare for secondary sewage treatment. He indicated that the increase of sewer collec- I tion charges by three dollars per unit will generate approximately seventy-nine \ thousand dollars in a 12 month period. Mr. Grove explained that the proposal has three elements: the residential rate would be raised from $12.00 per month per unit to $15.00 per month per unit, the low income senior citizen rate would increase from $5.00 to $6.00 per month, and the commercial rate would increase from 150% to 175% of the water charge all effective on February 15, 1986. Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna opened the hearing to the audience. An unidentifed man was recog- nized and spoke against the proposed rate increase because the Lawrence Street Apartments which he manages have gone from a 1% vacancy rate to a 17% vacancy rate and their occupancy rate continues to go down every time they are required to raise the rent to pay for costs like this. There being no further testimony, Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna closed the hearing to the audience and turned the proposal over to the council for disposition. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Ison made a motion to approve the proposed increases and direct that the ordinances be prepared which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. . ,. I I I 215 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 19&6 Cont. ------------------- ------ -----_u_----------------- u- ---------------- ---------------------_____m___- -- Condominium/Subdivision Application No. 485-03 tonditional Use Permit Application N6. 485-04 Shorel ine Substantial Development Permit Appl ication SH-85 - Gerald Rodgers I Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of I this proposal to construct a 12 unit condominium on Lots 1 through 4 of block 17, Hastings First Addition located at 1805 Water Street. He read a description of the project and conditions proposed by the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Duffy was recognized and reviewed the staff recommendations and comments of : the Shoreline Advisory Board on the Substantial Development Permit. He indicate~ a variance from the required setback of 30 feet from the ordinanry high water ¡ mark to allow the proposed construction to come in 15 feet is requested. After I a brief discussion, Councilmember Ison made a motion which was seconded by Counc;l- member Hunt that the council make the following findings and grant the permit i with the following conditions: I FINDINGS I I I 1. The foliowing sections of the Jefferson-Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program apply to the proposeå project: 1.20. "Purp6ses"; 4105. "L'rban Designation"; 4.201. "Primary C'se"; 5.140. "Parking Facilities"; 5.160, "Residential Development"; 5.180. "Shore Defense \\'orks": and 7.20, "Administrative Va,iances." The proposal has been administratively c1c.ssifieà c.S ê prlIìîc.ry use lfi ap- urban shore!ine designation. The site is zoned C-3. The proposal is for a !lon-water dependent use. The folIo'Wing permits or approvals are required for àevelopment of the proposal: 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. City of Port To"'~se[1d building and conditional use per::1its. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 10 permit. Washington State Depc.rtment of Game and DepartmeTIt of Fisheries hydrc.ulic permit. c. 6. The proposed project has been reviewed in accoràance 'With the Washin.gton State Envirorl::1ental Policy Act by the City of Port To"'~serld as lead è.gency. A determination of non-sigrÜficance was issued on October 15. 19B5 declaring the anticipated environmental impacts were adequately addressed in the environmental checklist. proviàed the elevep. mitigative measures contained in the checklist addendum are met. :\'atice of the application was made by publishing legal :Jotices in the 1>fay 8 and 15, 1985 eàitions of the Port Townsenà Leaàer-, postir,g the site with notices an ~1ay 15, 1985, and r1Otifying by mail immediate aè'jacent property owners. í. Variance Filliii.ngs 8. The proposed setback of the strùcture varies from Performance SLa.r:dard 12 of Subsection 5.]60. "Resider.tial Development", of the Jefferson-Port. Townsend Shoreline Management Mester Program and is subject to review under Subsection 7.20. "AdmiD.istra tive Variances." The setbacks for the two adjacent structures are approximately twenty-two feet from the ordinary higr. water marK. The site is bordered on the southeast by Port Townsend Bay anà on the southwest by the Water Street right.of-way. Aàåitiona! property is no: available in the east-west direction. 9. ]0. . CO~DlTIONS Issuance of a shoreline suost.antiaì deveiopment permit f.or the proposeè . -' .. ,.t' the Washington State Shoreline Management Act project rpqUlres comp!lance '^ 1 n . - r M t and the ~pplicable policies of the Jef~erson-Port ,!?WTJsend Sh?re IDe anageme!"1. M~ster Program in addition to the fO!lOW¡ng .conaJ.t1ons. T~e- llrst ~en r' .<.;.. th .t. -. m",,---r-es conramed '0 the er,vLonmen..e.J _ne.....1S,- condití,)[1S are e ffit ¡gauve l C d~lL ,~ . addendum. -_.~.,.,-"",-.,'--.;.".'.-.;(I'.' sh?!! ::;.e ~~st.a:,!:<;heà pnor to the -:nE: '~or'rio),",:!r:i'JIT. :)\\"n-;-" n"". 'r-,~ '.' "r.'.~,-.-.r~. of tflf:: C:)~j ¡"~-;~,¡: rn c,~..~¡: ¡J.o >-) .".: o.}'.é-.--::--C'; -,f" '~E: "..;;.. "."rr CO" J~ ...',t:," -~. -",~,C(-f\i 216 ------- --------~~~~~~S_.~~-~~~_~_=~ULAR SESSION 'OF J'ANUARY 7, 1986 Cont. ------'----------. ------.------------ ====---=--===-==-=---=:--------.---- -------- 2. ThE:: conåominium CCR shal; irlcìuòt: vo\':sions for the nor!lìal !1Iajn~(:nance and repair of all lallòscapirlg, public access areas, signs, and parkiIig areas. Ground-related lights (versus pole mounted) shall bE:: provided and o}>e¡-ated by the conòominium owners ~ssociation 'òuring evenÌrlg hours along the waterfront walkway. Consideration shall be gj\.'en to building coDstruction mat eria1s anè llJethods that woulå reduce noise impacts to thE:- úccüpcnts from traffic noise impacts coming from Water Street. The storm water pipe sizing and dispursE:ment method and materials shall be approved by a guaJified designer. such as a registered professional englneer. The planting and landscaping a1ong Water Street shall be a minimum of five feet in v.idth in order to IJroviòe adequate room for plant materia! to develop into an aesthetically plecsing border. The sidewalk and planting area on the east side of the project site shall not be reduced in width in order to accomplish the ",idening of the pJanting strip along Water Street. AU lightìng, both inàoor anà outdoor, shaD be so designed, placed, and, if necesary, hooàed so as not to creat~ glare that would impair the safety of automobile and/or water-borne traffic. The conòominum owners cssociation shall agree in their CCR to participate in an equitable extent., as de~ermined by the City of Port Townsend engineer, in the cost of providing a center tumin~ lane to serve the subject site if and when the city engineer should detennine that such a faciiity is warranted. The city engineer shaD review the plans for the proposed òeve1opment and inc1uàe an evaluation of the site disLance avai1able at the corners of the site. The city engineer shal! specify any appropriate changes to the proposed development that are deemed necessary for the maintenance of safe site dislances. A registered professional engineer shall àesign the proposed seawall. Special consideration shall be given to ensure the integrity of the seawall given the past and expected environmental conditions that may affect the wall. The applicant is encouraged to retain an engineer familiar with the unique environmental factors of the area. Erosion control measures shall be emp]oyed by the developer during construction to prevent seciimentation irr.;pacts to Port Townsend Bay. The condominium structure shaH be limited to a rr.aximum height of twenty-nine feet above the existing grade: The eastern siòe of the second floor ceiling shall setback at least eight feet from the eastern property line. The €êsiern siàe of the third Door ceiling shall setback at least sixteen feet from the eastern property line. .6.. public access sign that meets the Washington State Department of Ecology crit eria for color, size, and design shall be placed cnà maintained on the corner of Calhoun and Water Streets. The sign shall direct the public's attention to public water view and tideland access points on the site. A public pedestrian easement over and across the tjòe]ands adjacent to the site and over and across the siòewalk fronting the northeastern or water-side of Lots 1 and 3 of Block 17 of L.B. Hastings 1st Addition to the City of Port Townsend and Tidelcnd Tax District 87 shall be granted to the public and recorded viith the Jefferson County Auditor prior to the occupancy of the condominiums. '-, ') v. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ]0. 11. 12. 13. 14. ]5. ~he ~otion passed ~nanimously by voice vote, Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna then opened the cea~~~? tol t~e audience to receive testimony on the proposed subdivision and' on ~ lo~a se Permit. Mr. Bill Schwilke was recognized and spoke against the appJ Icat/ons because it would be incompatiable with the t'lre st r h door H . d . 0 e e owns next- : e site as reasonS the noise of his equipment and late hour emer enc ~epalr~d Mrd DOU~ Scott was recognized and spoke against the proposal b~cau~e t7rWou nee to, a~dle most of the' noise problem complaints as manager of the 't~ stor~. hHe Indicated that there is no practical way to be quiet at 3'00 A M WI l,an ~Ir ammer, , Mr, Gerald Rodgers was recognized and spoke in favor'of the' app Icatlons reportl~g that he has owned the property for eighteen ears and h :~o~~a~~ment,rented ,~ the present building four different times wi~hout comPI:1nt will go ~pn~~s~heH~ ~I~e?l~~ support for the ~roject the fact that property taxeJ- ~:r~~:/~~~~:~~?;~ ;:~:f~~:~~t:~~~;~f:~~;~~~~:!;~~~~~r~~~~~a:~~~:~el~~f~~ir turn~d the application over, to the counci I for disposition, After a brief d' - J cu s S Ion Mr. G rove not d t h t h " , ' s be mad' f eat e council as received correspondence which shouJ d' e,a part 0 the record on this proposal hearing which was done After furthie~ ISCUSSlon C '1 b . , I , ounci mem er Ison made a mot ¡on to amend condition number 12 propos¿d .j- -. -, --, --- I I I I I I 217 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 1986 Cont. ._-- ------------ -~-- --~---~-_. .-.--. -- - -- ~------- ------------~----_._-- - -----~-------------~-- -î by the Planning Commission to include this statement at the end:".. ,and any other uses permitted within a CIII zone may at some time be carried on, This notice shall be repeated in the protective covenants and condo- minium rules~ Councilmember Imislund seconded the motion which passed unanimously by voice vote, After further discussion, Councilmember Ison made a motion that the council find that the appl ication meets the revew criteria establ ished in section 6,08 of Ordinance No. 1625 and that the conditional use permit be granted under the following conditions: J. A publ ic Use Easement be granted along the seawall, sidewalk and the tideland area lying waterward of the seawall, 2. The planting strip along Water Street be increased to a minimum of 4 feet in width, 3, Protective covenants and Condominium Rules be establ ished which prohibit the storage of boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and similar vehicles within the boundaries of the site, 4, That a qual ified Professional Engineer, famil iar with local conditions, shall certify the design and construction of the seawall, The seawall shall be designed to meet a 100 year storm event, 5, The seawall shall be flanked at the Tire Store Property and connected to the Motel seawall, 6, The seawall shall be designed so as not to interfere with the movement of vehicles utilizing the waterward bay of the Tire Store, 7, A qual ified Professional Engineer shall certify the design and construction of the storm water drainage system, This system shall be designed to meet a 25 year storm event. 8, Parking along the western margin of Calhoun Street shall be limited to two hours during normal business hours, 9. All security lighting shall be hooded to prevent glare to passing motorists or boaters, 10, A public access sign shall be posted at the stairway on Calhoun Street. 11. In consideration fo the Fire Department concern for vegetation along the waterfront area being a hazard to proper ladder placement in case of fire, all landscaping along the waterfront walkway area shall be dense covering; but limited to minimal height generation types of no more that 1 to 2 feet in height. . 12, The Final Subdivision (Condominium) Plat shall contain a (INotice to Potentia!l Purchasers" stating that the structure is adjoined by existing Commercial. use allowed in a CIII zone, and that those uses and any other uses permitted within a cttt zone may at some time be carried on, This notice shall be re- peated in the protective covenants and condominium rules, 13, The architect shall work closely with the fire and pol ice chiefs to mitigate their concerns regarding publ ic safety, The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote, Councilmember Ison made a motion that the council find that the Subdivi- sion application meets the criteria establ ished by Ordinance No. 1671 and that the subdivision be approved under the same condition establ ished for the conditional use permit I isted above, The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote, BID OPENING i ! i The following Bids were opened and read aloud to provide the city with petroleu~ products for the calendar year of 1986, Regu I a r Ga so line #2 Diesel Unleaded Gasoline Furnace Oil Harper Oi I $.814 ,85 .859 ,85 Thomas Oi I $,8044 ,8434 ,8664 ,8434 Councilmember Hunt made a motion that that council award the contract for regular gasoline, #2 diesel, and furnace oil to Thomas Oil and the contract for unleaded gasol ine to Harper Oil which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote, OLD BUSINESS Engineering Agreement for Jackson Bequest, Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna reported that the council has received a draft of an agreement which would authorize the artists to hire the necessary engineering work done and completE: other prepar- 218 MINUT~S OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 1986 Cont, _._--- ----.--- ----.. - ---- - - . - _h _n~'_. '----------'---- ---------'------..- --- ----------- .------. _. _n____..----.. -------------- at ions necessary for a call for bids on the proposed project, He explained that! feedback from the artists is necessary before any action is called for, He asked for an ad-hoc committee to meet on this to work out the details, Councilmembers Kenna, Jones, and Hunt volunteered to serve on that committee, Keith Harper re- ported that the latest estimate on the total funds available for the project are approximately $256,000, He indicated that this agreement covers the entire pro- ject thröugh the construction stage, A discussion ensued about the sequence of events to come relative to this project, Easement for Seaview Sewer Transmission ~i~e, Mr, Harper explained that a Mr, Levinski owns property which would be necessary to cross in order for the city to install a gravity line to serve the Seaview area, He indicated that Mr, Levinski is not willing to donate an easement and asked the council for advice, Councilmember Ison left the room at the beginning of this discussion. Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna called for an executive sess1on to establish a dollar figure which : would be acceptable to offer in negotiation, The meeting was then recessed into executive session at 9:18 P,M, The meeting was reconven~d at 9:35 P.M, with all councilmembers present except Co unci I member Is on, Councilmember Camfield made a motion to authorize Keith Harper to negociate a purchase prlce with Mr, Levinski and report back to the council with the results which was seconded by Council- member Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote, Shorel ine Substantial Development Permit Appl ication SH14-85 - Port Townsend Yacht Club, Mr, Robert Duffy reported that the Shoreline Advisory Commission is recommending approval of this appl ication to complete the construction of a 35 by 72 foot building located on Washington Street adjacent and west of the Port Townsend Boat Haven and explained the staff findings and recommendations, He indicated that a permit for the original construction was issued more than five years ago and has therefore expired, Councilmember Jones made a motion which was seconded by Councilmember Imislund and passed unanimously by voice vote to grant the permit under the following conditions after making the following findings: FINDiNGS 1. The [ol1ov-.ing sections of the Jefferson-Por.t Townsend "Shoreline" Management Master Program apply to the proposed proJect: 1.20, Purposes; 4.105, ~Urban Designation"; 4.201, "Primary Use~; and 5.150. ~Recreational Facilities." The proposed project has been administratively classified as a primary use in the urban environment. The site of the proposed project is \\oithin the City of Port Townsend and is provided .....ith city services, including fire protection. There is an existing, unfinished structure at the site. No enlargement. of the structure is proposed. Shoreline Substantial Deveìopment Permit SH15-80 was issued on September 30. 1980 for the òevelopmerlt of the site into a restaura.nt. The Jefferson-Port ToviDsend Shoreline Ma.!:'.gement Master Program r~qUlres completion of a project within five years of the date .of a permit., Therefore. a new sho~eline permit is required to complete the worK on th.e eJåsting structure. The use of the structure wouìd change from commercial to recreational. The proposal is for a The follov.ing perrr.its proposal: 2. 3. 4. ;). 6. 7. non-water ¿epenòent use. or approvais are reqUlrea for the development of the a. b. Citv of Port Townsend building pe:-mit. U.Š. Army Co,ps of Engineers permit for a rë.IDp. 8. The DroDc'",'Ò project has been re-.-jçv.;eà in áccoråaf!ce with the Washi,ngton Stat~ Environmental Policy Act by the City of Port Tow:1send as le~Q agency. A determination oí non-signiíicance was issued on December 17, 198~ . dec1aring the anticip;jted env1ror,mental impacts were adequately addressed 10 the en,,-;rúr.rn-;:11 ,:.;.1 (fJoC ~~!ist. ~otice of the a~piic.~r ;'~'r .,., ~s made by publishing 1egal n~tices in the. > v '0 r' .'0 ."'(; /~, C(J"~=J ""i;tior.s oÍ the Port TowTlsend Leader, postIng Lhe .'IO\i"m e / ,. . - 1--'. "-.' ~ite -~.ith :;I)ti~~~ on' ~o\'eCT.~er 27, 1985, and notifying by mail im:nedic.te arijacont property owners. 9. \ \ I I I 219 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 1986 Cont, ----- -----------'UU'.------'- -.n...__- --u --._-- ----_U_- ______n___.---_-----------_u- ----- -. Conditions 1, Lighting used in conjunction with this project shall not cause a hazard to traffic or navigation, 2, On-premise signs shall comply with the Jefferson-Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program standard and the Port Townsend Zoning Ordinance requirements, 3, Parking for the development shall be in accordance with the Port Townsend Zoning Ordinance, I RESOLUTION NO, 86-1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ANIMAL CONTROL AGREE- MENT WITH BAYSHORE ENTERPRISES Councilmember Ison made a motion to adopt Resolution No, 86-1 which was seconded; by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote, RESOLUTION NO, 86-2 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE PORT TOWNSEND CIVIC TRUST Councilmember Hunt made a motion to adopt Resolution No, 86-2 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote, ORDINANCE NO, 2024 I AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LOAN OF THE SUM OF $40,000 FROM THE WATER- SEWER FUND TO THE KAH TAl PARK FUND AND PROVIDING FOR REPAYMENT Mr, Grove explained the need for the ordinance and then read it by title, Councii- member (son made a motion that the first reading be considered the seconde and ¡ thé third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Ca~field and: passed unanimously by voice vote, Mr, Grove again read the ordinance by title, I Councilmember Imislund made a motion to adopt Ordinance No, 2024 which was secon~ed by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by roll call vote, J , i I I I I i ORDINANCE NO. 2025 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $24,670 TO THE LIBRARY FUND, $40,000 TO THE WATER-SEWER FUND, $15,000 TO THE KAH TAl PARK FUND, $15,000 FROM THE PARK FUND AND DECLARI~G AN EMERGENCY I Mr, Grove explained that these changes are necessary in order to effect the acceptance of the LSCA Grant from the Washington State Library, to appropriate for the interfund loan to the Kah Tai Park Fund, and in-kind donations of labor from the Parks Department, He indicated this is the first readilg and that the ordinance would be ready for adoption at the next regular meeting. Councilmember Hunt expressed concern about the fact that the council was not aware that the Library had made appl ication for this grant and asked that the Library Board keep the council informed, Beverly Lamb was recognized and described the servic~s the library will be able to perform as a result of this grant in the area of : consumer information on health services. Emplöyee Personal Use of City Owned Vehicles, Mr, Grove explained that the Internal Revenue Service has come up with certain rules governilg taxable use of city owned vehicles which were copied for the council and on their desks this night, He asked them to read over the material and be ready to discuss it at the next regular council meeting. / ¡ Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna declared potential legal action, The councilmembers present, EXECUTIVE SESSION an executive session at 10:06 P.M. to consider Meeting was reconvened at 10:31 P.M, with all 220 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 1986 Cont.- - --------- ---- ------- .---.-------------- ----.--.------------------.----.----- ---------------- -------.- ----..-----.-------.------- Water Rights, Councilmember Ison made a motion to authorize the City Attorney to spent up to $1,000,00 for special legal services to protect the city's water I rights which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote, I I There being no further business, Mayor Pro-Tern Kenna declared the meeting adjourned I at 10:33 P,M, ADJOURNMENT I Attest: i~~~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 21, 1986 ~ The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 21st day of January, 1986, at 7:30P,M" in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imis- lund, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, and Ila Mikkelsen, Also present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Publ ic Works Director Ted Stricklin, and Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, Councilmember Glenn Ison asked to be excused, MINUTES Councilmember Hunt made a motion to approve the minutes of January 7~ 1986, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Council- member Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote, BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Library Parks Emergency Medical Kah Ta i Park Water-Sewer Equipment Rental Memo ria I $6,090.77 5,547,70 3.68 473,75 15,72 16,69 9,035,13 1,385,72 21,50 Services Councilmember Imislund made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote, COMMUNICATIONS A letter dated January 3, 1986, from Ronald Taylor, Project Manager for the Inter- agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, to Ted Stricklin was copied for the council advising him of the Aquatic Lands Grant-in-Aid for Chetzemoka Park Beach Access and providing contract documents, Mr. Grove explained that this is on the agenda later in the meeting, . . - ~AI~tter dated January 3, 1986, from David Goldsmith, Administrator of the Jeffersbn ICounty Health Department, to David Grove was copied for the council presenting contract documents for their services during 1986, Mr. Grove indcated that this is also I isted on the agenda for later in the meeting, ---- I I I