HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1988 72 MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL SESSION FOR DECEMBER 5, 1988, Cont. Councilmember Owsley made a motion that the appropriation for salaries and wages be reduced from $21,018 to $17,840 and that the appropriation for Social Security be reduced from $1,600 to $1,340 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the Contingency in Current Expense be increased by $3,438 which was seconded by Councilmember O~/sley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Jdnes made a motion to approve the preliminary budget as amended which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT I There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM. ~ Attest: ~~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this sixth day of December, 1988, at 7:30 PM, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, Karen Chang, John Clise, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, Julie McCulloch and Norma Owsley. Also present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer David Grove and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. I PURLIC COMMENTS Bill Dentzel was recognized and spoke about the Port Townsend Centennial Carrousel. Project proposal for a Victorian style carrousel to be built on the grounds of the Senior Center at Lawrence and Tyler Streets. The proposal would necessitate a change in the parking plan for the center and form a mini-park in the Uptown area. Other sites considered for the proposal were: Fort Worden, Union Wharf, Pope Park and Kah Tai Park. Mr Hildt affirmed that the proposal would not cause any problem with the parking requirements of the city for the Senior Center Project. Bernt Ericsen was recognized and requested approval of his application for a Side Sewer Contractor License. Councilmember Kenna made a moiton that the application for a Side Sewer License be approved which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Dan Blood was recognized and spoke in favor of Parking Variance Application No 8811- 01 -Jackson later on the agenda. He suggested that parking lines be painted on Wash- ington Street which might result in more spaces. He also questioned the loss of parking next to City Hall. Mayor Shirley explained that the property is privately owned and is being made into a park. Patricia Teal, Director of the Domestic Violence Sexual Assult Program was rec09- nized and requested reinstatement of funds in the preliminary 1989 budget that were reduced from the 1988 Budget for Domestic Violence in the amount of $800. She gave a report on the activities of the program. Mayor Shirley explained that it was not necessarily a cut in the budget but an oversight that will be corrected in the final 1989 Budget; the amount should be $4,500. I Scott Walker was recognized and spoke regarding the need for a pathway system in Port Townsend to get pedestrians and slow bicyclists off the busy steets. He pro- posed phase one to be developing dirt paths adjacent to the arterials in town; imp- lement ways to restrict through traffic to the use of the arterials and collector streets in town, and to expand the basic pathway system using unopened right-of-'Nays 73 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. and restricted local access residential streets, greenways and OJen spaces per the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan. He has many other ideas and details he would like to gi~e to a council committee. Mayor Shirley noted that Resolution No 88-69 includes' this subject under item 3E and the lead responsibility is Councilmember McCulloch. I Fred Brown was recognized and spoke against the granting of the variance from set- back rt~uirements for Peter Simpson on the Shoreline Ordinance saying that it will set a p~ecedent and there is property that could ask for a ten foot setback be- cause of this. Councilmember Kenna announced that this variance will be reconsid- ered at a Legislative/Environmental Committee meeting on December 20, 1988, at 6:30 PM, and invited Mr Brown to attend. There is another property owner and some other points that were not previously considered that will be 106ked at. Hank Sukert was recognized and asked the amount of the bill for legal services in the Kathy MacDonald case and how much the city pays for dues to the Washington League of Citi,es. ~'1ayorShirley' explained that the portion of the ,bill rece,ived by the city betwepn counc~lmeetings was $2,000 and Mr Grrive explained that the other half of the bill was paid by the Washington Cities Insurance Authority. He further explained that we belong to the Washington Cities Insurance Authority as a pooling of liability insurance and the assessment for 1989 is $75,000. Mr Sukert asked if the Police Chief has adopted any rules or regulations or some sort of guideline governinó t~e ~pproval or disapproval of 1iquorlicenses within Port Townsend and if the change in name on the license of the Fountðin Cafe had been approved. Chief Hinton answered that the Fountain Cafe transfer had been approved and that there has been no change in the policy on liquor licenses at this time. Mr Sukert stated that the State had sent another letter to the city regarding the Port Townsend Cafe and asked if it had been returned. Mayor Shi~ley stated that the form had been returned with the same recommendation as before. I Patti Sullivan ~as recognized and asked where the Bu~lding Official has been the last few meetings and why he does not ~tt on the other side of the bar rather than in the audience. She also asked if they have questions about building, who do they ask but theßuildi~g Official. Mayor Shirley stated he was unaware of a requirement for the ßuilding Official to attend. Mr Hildt answered that the Building Official has only been asked to be at a councilmeeting one or two times for Council business and has been attending primarily because his wife has been here as Deputy,Clerk, and, he has not been here on paid time. He also stated that the Building Department has,normal office hours every morning fo~questions. Virginia Browne was recognized and asked why there was no conflict with giving the Fountain Cafe a liquor license when there are about six' or seven liquor licenses within about three blocks and there are only two or three on the hill and what the difficulty is. CONSENT,AGENDA Councilmember ,Jones made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch,andpassed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the minutes of November 10th and 15th, 1988, as corrected without reading. The correction being' that the motion made by Councilmember Camfield regarding the Grant Place Alley was not passed unanimously; Councilmember Jones voted against the motion. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: Current Expense Street Library , Park , Hotel~Mòtel Transient Tax 198~ Fire Equipment Hater-Sewer Equipment Rental 'Firem~h's Pen~ion and Relief ", ' Tota 1 $ ~8,067.59 710.27 2,416.26 .. .. 5,332.44' '3,944.67' , '109,839.00 113,149.55 .. 2',936.53 ',' 821:39 $287,217.70 ' I Se~ting Hearings:,' Conditional Use Permit No 8810-02 -Miller on January 3, 1989' 74 , , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. RESOLUTION NO 88-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING ON A PETITION FOR VACATION OF A STREET. Street Vacation Application ,No 8810-03 from Sonya Mi ller on, Jar:1Uary 3, 1989. Commun i cat ions: I A letter from Scott Walker and signed by 23 others, datèd S'eptember 20, 1988, 'was copied for Council outlining the need for either simple pathways or paved sidewalks and ways to implement a pathway system. He suggested that the Council fôr.m a citizens committee to advise on a construction and implementation plan for a pa~hway sy~tem. This was (eferred to the ,Street/Storm Drainage/Ligh~ Committee. ' A letter dated Nov.emþer 8, ,1988,' from. KeÙh Harpert'o Arthur Smelser, DiS'trict Admin- :j~trator for the Department of Transportation was copied for Council ~i~ing notice that the Washington State Department of Transportation has 30 days to remove a sign advertising the Bishop Victorian Hotel before,the sign is removed by the city. A letter dated November 21, 1988, from Bob and Penny'Henderson, Chairmen, 1Q89 Cen- tennial RhododendrQn Festival~ to the Finance Committee, was copied for Council requesting allocation of Hotel-Motel funds to the Rhododendron Festival in the amount of $2,500. This was referred to the budget,hearing the night before. A letter dated November 28, 1988, from Ron Johnson, Superintendent, Port Townsend Public Schools, was copied for Council urging serious'consideration to the request by Scott Walker for provision of safe walking corridors along the arterial and col- lector streets in the city by the Port Townsend School Board. This was referred to the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. " " A letter dated November 28, 1988~ from Jack Cady was copied for Council stating that he takes no particular exception to the conditional use permit for William and Marcel Miller to construct a Victorian seaport theme miniature golf park at Sims Way and Logan as long as adequate parking is supplied for the golf course an~ so long as there are limits prohibiting the sale (or applicatio~ for sale) of beer, wine, or hard liquor. He also has one general obje~tion; that Port Townsend is gradually losing the 'specialness' that is the main component of our tourist industry and the miniature golf course would be tacky. He commented that there are already'enoagh signs and other distractions in the area. This was referred to the Public,HeariDg on the Miller application. I A letter dated November 29, 1988, from Bart Phillips, Executive Director, Economic Development Council of Jefferson County, was ,copied for Council requesting a Public Hearing for the consideration of the final application for Farmers Home Administra- tion loan funds to support the Fort Worden Centennial Pavilion as well as a Finance Committee meeting to review the final application proposal in detail. This was referred to the Finance Committee. . An Authority Bulletin from the Washington Cities Insurance Authority was copied for Council on November 30, 1988, concerning the establishment of skateboard parks and numerous types of skateboard facilities and their discouragement from pursuing this activity based on its hazardous nature. . This conclud~s the Consent Agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS I Conditional Use Permit No 8811-01 -Jackson and Variance Request No 8811-01 -Jackson. Since these are both related to the relocation of Screaminl ,Mimi Enterprises, both of these applications were heard together. Mr Hildt revjewed the findings, conclusions and conditionsuf the, Port Townsend Planning .commission., ,Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the publiç. Mimi Henly was recognized and spoke in favor of the applica- tions saying the business is doing well and needs more space. Bo Sullivan was rec- ognized and asked why a parking varaince is required when the building is grandfa- thered. Mr Harper answered that when a buildingls use is changed, the grandfather status is changed also. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the public and turned to the Council for disposition. Mr Grove noted that testimony was received from Dan Blood during Public Comments that is part of this record. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council approve ConditQnal Use I I I 75 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. Application No 8810-01 with the following findings, conclusions and conditions which was seconded by Councilmember Chang and passed unanimously'by voice vote. Findings: 1 . The applicant proposes to establish light manufacturing use on the second floor of the James and Hastings Building at 938 Water Street. The building is located in the C-III zoning district. Ordinance No 2102, passed by the City Council in March, 1988, amended Section 17,16,010 of the' Port Townsend Municipal Code to allow light manufacturing as a conditional use in historic buildings in the C-III district, subject to restrictions. Light manufacturing is an allowable conditional use in historic buildings, including the James and Hastings Building. 2. The James and Hastings Building contains three stories and was built in 1889. The first floor of the building is used as retail space and four apartment units are located on the third floor. On the second floor ale an office, a small studio~~ and a large vacant area proposed for the light manufacturing use. The building is classified as a primary historical structure in the designation of the Port Townsend Historic District. 3. The applicant proposes to initially occupy approximately 2,000 square feet of the second floor with a sportswear manufacturing business. It is anticipated, however, that 1 i ght manufacturi ng uses may be expanded to occupy a 11 of the additional space on the second floor, which is approximately 4,000 square feet in gross floor area. The proposed business,Screamin' Mimi Enterprises, re- ceived a conditional xlse permit in March, 1988, to locate on the third floor of the Mount Baker Block. 4. The proposed business would employ six people working in two shifts. The pro- posed hours of operation would be from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Interior walls would be removed on the second floor to meet the needs of the business. The renovations will not alter any of the architecturally or historically signif- icant features of the building. 5. Section 17.28.080 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code requires a manufacturing use to provide not less than 1 parking space per 800 square feet of gross floor . area. Since the applicant is requesting that the entire 4,000 square foot area of the second floor be permitted for light manufacturing use, this results in a parking requirement of five spaces. Since the proposed use is within the Downtown Parking District, the five required spaces are reduced to 75 percent of the requirement, for a required total of four spaces (17.;28.100. Port Town- send Municipal Code). The applicant is requesting a variance from this park- ing requirement. Conclusions: 1 . The proposed light manufacturing use of the building will; as conditioned, not endanger the public health or safety, nor will a nuisance be created. 2. The proposed use will be required to meet all of the conditions and specifica- tions set forth in the C-III zone in whòéh the property is located. 3. The proposed use will not be injuriøus or detrimental to the adjoining or abutting property. 4. Because the proposed use will provide a viable economic use within a historic building without altering the architecturally or historically significant fea- tures of the building, the location and character of the use will be in harmony with the area in which it is located and in general conformity with the Comp- rehensive Plan. 5. The proposed use will not occupy street level space which is better suited for retail sales or services. 6. The second floor location of t~e proposed use makes the location impractical for the uses permitted in the C-III zoning district, as evidE~nced by its cur- rent vacant status. 76 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF ßECEMBER 6, 1988, ,Cont. In consideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions, the Port Townsend City Council grants the a~plication as conditioned. Conditions: 1. Should the City Council grant the applicant's application for a parking variance, each employee or lessee of the use or of similar or established uses shall be re- quired by the applicant topark outside o'f the D'o~nt6wn Parking District during working hours.~ ',' Should the City çounci.l deny the applicant1s application for a parking variance, the applicant will be required to provide four off-street parking spaces for the proposed use. Parking facilities for uses within the Downt'own Parking Dis- trict may be located anywhere within or immediately adjacent to the Downtown Parking District (17.28.020, Port Townsend Municipal Code). 2. 3. Noise levels shall comply with all applicable local, state ànd federal laws and regulations. Operations shall not commence earlier that 7:00 AM or c6ntinue later tha~ 10:00 PM. 4. 5. It is understoDd that the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code apply and must be met prior to occupancy. Light manufacturing uses shall not expand to areas other than the second floor without expr~ss approval by amendment of the conditional use permit by the Board of Adjustment. . 6. If a building permit and/or occupancy permit is not obtained for subject property within one year from the date of the board's decision, the conditional use permit shall be ca~celied and aut6m~tically become riull àrid v'oid (17.64.070, Port Town- send Municipal Code). : . ' ' Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council approve Variance Application No 8811-01 with the following findings, conclusions and c&nditions which was seconded by Councilmember Chang and passed 'unanimously by voice vote. 7. Findings: 1 . The applicant proposes to establish light manufacturing use on the second floor of ~he James and Hastings Building at 938 Water Street. The second floor of the building has approximately 4,000 square feet of gross floor ar~a. Section 17.28. 080 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code requires a manufacturing use to provide not less than 1 parking 'space per 800 square feet of gross floor area. This re- sults in a parking requirement of five spaces. Since the proposed use is within the Downtown Parking District, the five required spaces are reduced to 75 percent of the requirement, for a required total of four spaces (17.28.100, Port Townsend Municipal Code)~. The applicant is requesting a variance from this parking require- ment. ' 2. The James and Hastings Building, constructed in 1889, is a three story building located on the northeast corner of Tyler and Water Streets in the C-III zoning district. The first floor of the building is used as retail space, and four apartment units are located on the third floor. The building is surrounded on all sides by commercial development. Alsò, an off-street parking area owned by Jefferson County is located to the north of the building. The applicant proposes to initially occupy the second floor with a sportswear manufacturing busin2ss. The ,business, Screarninl Mimi Enterprlses, received a conditional use permit in March, 1988, to locate on the third floor of the Mount Baker Block. One condition placed on that permit was that all employees of the business would be requried to park outside of the Downtown Parking District during working hours. The applicant states that a similar condition placed on light manufacturing uses in the James and Hastings Building would be acceptable and reasonable. 3. 4. The applicant maintains that the proposed light manufacturing use is not expected to generate much traffic or parking demand. The applicant estimates that, other than traffic generated by employees, only one vehicular trip per day would be generated by the proposed use, that being for pick-up and delivery of materials. I I I I I I 77 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. Conclusions: 1 . The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone nor constitute change in the distfict boundaries shown on the official zoning map. 2. The proposed manufacturing use is expected to generate very little parking and traffic impact to the downtown business district, particularly if the use is conditioned so that employees will be required to park outside of the Downtown Parking District. Therefore, special conditions exist which are peculiar to the subject property and are not applicable to other lands in the district. 3. The variance requested would not confer a special privilege to the subject pro- perty that is denied to, other lands in the same district. 4. In that the proposed use is not expected to produce a significant traffic or parkin9 impact, the granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injuri~us to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in wh i ell the property is located. ' 5. The reasons set forth in the above-referenced application justify the granting of the variance and the variance is the minimum variance that will make pos- sible the reasonable use of the land. 6. Because the granting of the variance would be in harmony with the general pur- pose and intent of Title 17 (zoning) of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, the Port Townsend City Council grants the above-referenced variance as conditioned. Condition: 1 . This application pertains only to the proposed light manufacturing area of the ordinance subject to Conditional Use Permit 8810~01. ' Street Vacation Application No 8809-02 -Harris and Simon. Mr Hildt reviewed the findings and conclusions of the Port Townsend Planning Commissinn. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the public. Eileen Simon was recognized and spoke infavcr of the application. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shil~ley closed the hearing to the public and turned to the, Council for disposition. After discussion of the utility easement and access to the property from Wilson Street, Councilmem- ber Clise made a motion that the Council approve ,Street Vacation Application No 8809-02 with the following findings, conclusions and 'conditions which was seconded by Councilmember Chang and passed by voice vote with six Councilrnembers vcting in the affirmative and Councilmember Owsley voting against the mation. Findings: 1 . The applicants request vacation of that portion of platted but unopened ~ilson Street extending from platted Discovery Gay Road north to platted and unopened 20th Street. That portion to be vacated consists of the ent-ire 60 foot width of, the Wilson ,Street right-of'-way.' , The applicants own the property abutting both sides of,the portion of Wilson Street proposed to be vacated. The a~plicants' property consists of Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of Block 85, and Lots 3 and 4 of Block 61, Eisenbeis Addition. The portion of Wilson Street proposed to be vacated runs bet~~een Blocks 85 , and 61. ' 2. 3. There is a sewerline in the portion of Wilson Street proposed to be vacated which connects the applicantsl property to a sewer mèin in unopened 20th Street. Both the Public Works Director and the City Sewer Supervisor recommend retaining a utility easement should the street be vacated. 4. The applicants request the street vacation in order to consolidate their pro- perty and ensure that the area remains undeveloped. Conclusions: 1 . The proposed street vacation is in comrliance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensiv~ Plan. 2. The portion of Wilson Street proposed to be vacated is not required for current or anticipated overall area circulation. 78 MINUTES- OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. 3. The effectiveness of fire, law enforcement, medical or other emergency services will not be impaired by the proposed vacation. 4. The portion of Wilson Street proposed to be vacated is not required as a' current or anticipated bicycle, pedestrian or equestrian trail corridor. 5. The portion of Wilson Street proposed to be vacated does not abut on a body of salt or fresh water. 6. ~ I Because the proposed street vacation conforms with the goals and policies con- tained in the comprehensive Plan and satisfies the review criteria for street vacations set forth in Section 12.20.080 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, the Port Townsend City Council grants the above referenced application as con- ditioned. Conditions: 1. A 12 foot utility easement for the existing sewerline in Wilson Street shall be retained. 2. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating the street shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Jefferson County Auditor upon receipt by the city of all fees and compensation required (12.20.120 Port Townsend Municipal Code). - The street 'vacation shall be cancelled and become automatically null and void one year after City Council action if said fees have not been paid. Street Vacation Application No 8809-01 -Bradford. Mr Hildt reviewed the findings, conclusions, and conditions of the Port Townsend Planning Commission. After discus- sion of traffic and pathway space and access to the Mathias property, Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the public. Bill Bradford was recognized and spoke in favor of the application. Scott Walker was recognized and noted that this is a low-use area as far as the pathway system is concerned. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the public and turned to the Council for dispo- sition. After a lengthy discussion of the vacation that included discussion of the proposed easement by the City to the Mathias' for access to their property and the cutting of apple and cherry trees by a survey crew, CouncilmemberMcCulloch made a motion that the £ouncil approve Street Vacation No 8809-01 with the following findings, conclusions and conditions which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed by voice vote with five Councilmembers voting in the affirmative and Coun- cilmembers Owsley and Chang voting against the motion. I Findings: 1. The applicants request vacation of that portion of platted but unopened Cosgrove Street abutting Lots 7 and 8 on Block 6, Pettygrove's First Addition. The portion proposed to 'be vacated is des'cribed as follows: (see 'attached Exhibit A, incorp- orat~d herein by this reference as if set forth in full).' 2. The applicants own the abutting property adjacent' to and southeast of the area to be vacated. The City of Port Townsend owns the abutting property to the northwest of the Cosgrove right-of-way. The City property is used for street and park purposes (Sather Park). 3. The portion of Cosgrove Street directly southwest of the subject area, which lies northwest and adjacent to Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Pettygrovels First Addition, was vacated by the City Council to James Mathias in January, 1988. 4. The'applicants request the street vacation to preserve the trees and open space which presently exist and to increase the buffer between their residence and the developed portion of Cosgrove Street. ' I Conclusions: 1. The proposed street vacation is in compliance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The portion of Cosgrove Street proposed to be vacated is nQt required for current or anticipated overall area circulation. 3. The effectiveness of fire, law enforcement, medical or other emergency services will not be impaired by the proposed vacation. I I I 79 4. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. The portlon of CQsgrove Street proposed to be vacated is not required for cur- rent or future utility corridor needs. 5. The portioh of Cosgrove Street proposed to be vacated is not reauired as a current or anticipated bicycle, pedestïi~n or equestrian trail corridor. 6. The portion of Cosgrove Street proposed to be vacated does not abut on a body of salt or fresh water. 7. Becaúse the proposed street vacation conforms with the goals and policies con- tained in the Comprehensive Plan, and satisfies the review criteria for street vacations set forth in Section 1~20.060 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, the Port Townsend City Council grants the above-referenced applicðtion as con- ditioned. Conditions: 1 . A ce~tifi~d copy 'of the ordinance vac~tingthe street shali be record~d by the City Clerk iri the office of the Jefferson County Auditor upon receipt by the city of a~l fees and compensation, required (12.20.120 Port Townsend Municipal Code).Th~ ,street vacation shall be cancelled ànd beco~e automatically null and void qne year after City Council action if said fees have not been paid. The portion of Cosgrove Street to be vacated shall be no closer than 17.5 feet from the developed portion of Cosgrove Street to the northwest. The 17.5 foot buffer shall be established to ensure that the vacation does not inhibit any future need to expand the developed portion of Cosgrove Street for either traf- fic circulation (as cited in Concluston #2) or bicycle/pedestrian circulation (as cited in Conclusion #5). ' 2. COMMITTEE REPORTS Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion th¡~t the Council make a declaration of non-significance for the revised environmental checklist for William Amburn to build six 2-bedroom 1 story apartments and two 2-story townhouse apartments with garages between Sherman, Hancock and Third Streets which was sec- onded hy Councilmemþer Jones and passed unanimously by voic~ vote. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council make a declaration of non-sig- nificance for the environmental checklist for Betty and Chuck Kingsland to build a house at Galleon View Estates which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and pas- sed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council grant a sixty.-day extension to the January 7, 1989, final plat deadline for Conditional Use Permit Application No 8807-01 for Gerald Rodgers to construct a ten-unit condominium on Water Street as requested by Timothy R Haley, Architect, ,in a letter dated December 2, 1988, which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by'voicevote. Street/Storm Drainage/Light. Councilmember Jones set a Committee meeting for 5:00 PM on December 12, 1988, at City Hall. RESOLUTION NO 88-86 , , ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS FOR A LOAN OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. Mr Harper explained the resolution is for the loan of Community Development Block Grant funds to John ,Buhler in the amount of $5,000. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No, 88-86 which was seconded by Council- member Camfield an~ passed unanimously by voice vote. City Attorney. Mr Harper asked for a clarification of the position of the Council on his budget request for 1989 that was reduced by the Council at the Budget Hearing. He stated. that the sa,lary reques-J:, was in line ~Jith other comparable city attorneys and had not heard anyone argue the amount itself was unreasonable or the hours spent on the job inaccurate. Councilmember Owsley explained that at the bud- get hearing they had gone over the whole budget before addressin~, any problems they had with the budget at the end of the session. Coun~ilmember McCulloch explained 80 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. that as items had come up they were subjects of discussion but nothing was approved until they had gone over the entire budget so it could be looked at as a unit. After further discussion Councilmember Owsley stated that looking at the Attorney's budget and the salaries compared to salaries paid other city employees, she felt that what the Council came up with was fair. Police Vehicles. Mr Grove reported on the financing options on the purchase of po- "lice vehicles authorized by the Council. The firms contacted were US Bank, Seafirst Bank and Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc, with the best terms coming from US Bank. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the Council authorize the prepqration of the papers which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mainstreet Design Workbook. Mayor Shirley announced that the Council has received a draft ordinance this evening that will be discussed at the Street Committee meeting on December 12, 1988, and that it will be on the agenda for the next Council meeting. Overflights. Mayor Shirley reported that he has spoken to the Commander of the Naval Air Station on Whidby Island and will be going over to speak with him at a later date: anyone desiring to attend will be welcome. There is a noise complaint phone number: 257-2681, and he would like information on low flights, such as time and any aircraft identification. The pending environmental impact study is in regard to their existing operation, not expanded operation~ and they expect it to take the next year to year and a half to complete. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance No 2132. meeting. Mayor Shirley announced that this will be ready for the next NEW BUSINESS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY (LERK TO EXECUTE AN ACCESS EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF JAMES M AND CAROLYN P MATHIAS. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 88-87 which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. ORDINANCE NO 2136 AN ORDINANCE RENAMING A PORTION OF CLAY STREET AND AN ADJOINING PRIVATE EASEMENT AS HUDSON PLACE WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr Hildt explained the ordinance. Jim Tavernakis was recognized and reported that the property owners in the affected area are in favor of this ordinance. At a meeting of the home owners in the area, they all agreed the change in the street name is fine, and they had a request that the numbers be uniform; that they have a directional sign placed by Fleet Marine, and a Dead End sign placed where the pavement narrows because there is no public turnaround in the area. Mr Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilemmber Jones and passed unan- imously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2136 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by roll call vote. ORDINANCE NO 2135 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $35,500 TO THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, $5,000 TO THE LIBRARY FUND, $3,000 TO THE PARK FUND, $6,200 TO THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FUND, $8,000 TO THE WATER-SEWER FUND, $1,950 TO THE 1956 TRANSMISSION LINE REPLACEMENT FUND, AND $11,000 TO THE EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND, MAKING FINDINGS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mr Grove explained that this ordinance is for introduction only and read the ordinance by title. I I I I I I "'--"'~"""""~- 81 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 6, 1988, Cont. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter at 10:08 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 10:35 PM. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the Council authorize the City Attorney to. file an appeal on the Sudlow case which w~s seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed by voice vote with six Councilmembers voting in the affirmative and Council- member Jones voting against the motion. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the ~eeting adjourned' ât 10:36 PM. G3=7o ~ Mayor Attest: ~r~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 20" 1988 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 20th day of December, 1988, at 7:30 PM, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield: John elise, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, Julie McCulloch and Norma Owsley. Also present were Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. City Attorney Keith Harper arrived later in the meeting. Councilmember Karen Chang was excused as she was out of town. PUBLIC COMMENTS John Sudlow was recognized and reported that he has been required to pay all legal fees in connection with his short plat as well as interest on the investment, lost sales, and emotional costs. Barbara Williams was recognized and appealed to the council to have the cost of a street vacation reduced because she only wants to build a garage on the property. Mr. Hildt explained that if the applicant believes the appraisal is incorrect, he would be glad to review it with her. However if it appears to be accurate, then the ordinance does not provide for there to be an exception to payment. Ms. Williams and Mr. Hildt agreed to meet the next day at 10:30 AM. Hank Sukert was recognized and asked the Mayor what he has done in response to his suggestion that a committee be formed to re- view all liquor license applications. Mayor Shirley indicated that nothing has been done with the suggestion. Mr. Sukert re- ported that one of the reserve police officers is tending bar at the Sea Galley which he considers a conflict of interest. He suggested that businesses be classified at different rates under the Business and Occupation Tax based on how much the city wants to "romp and stomp" on the business. Mr. Sukert alledged that the city does not have a full time Police Chief because he was found to be walking his dog one afternoon. Tammy Robinson was recognized and thanked the Council f~r their support on their request for a liquor license. She reported that the Liquor Control Board denied their request for a license a second time. She asked if Mayor Shirley wrote a letter in behalf of Denny's Bowling Alley's request for a liquor license and made a trip to Olympia on his behalf so he could get his liquor license. ,.~.. "" --~~."""-,~,