HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1982 352 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 16, 1982 Cont. Councilmember Imislund and passed unanimously by voice vote. : Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council make a proposed declaration of environmental non-significance on the rezone' request from Elwin E. Fetty, No. 182-02 which was seconded by Councilmember Judy and passed unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 1909 I AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF A PORTION OF HARRISON STREET LYING SOUTH OF WATER STREET After a brief discussion, Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title, Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the first reading be con- sidered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the ordinance by adopted which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by roll call vote. A discussion then ensued on the wording of the lease. Mr. Grove was asked to make the revisions and send a corrected copy to Jefferson National Bank. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8~32 P.M. ATTEST: ~ I A~~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGUIAR SESSION OF MARCH 2, 1982 The City Council of the City of Port TcMnsend rœt in regular session this 2nd day of March, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Mayor Barney McClure presiding. ROLL CALL Councilrrernbers present at roll call were Joseph Ciprioti, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, Dale Judy, James Parker, and Brent Shirley. Also present were City Engineer Roger French, City Attorney Glenn Abraham, and City Clerk-Treasurer David Grove. Counci1rnember Mike Kenna arrived later in the Iœeting. MINUTES I CouncilIærrber Judy made a Irotion to approve the minutes of February 16, 1982, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by CouncilIrernber Hunt and passed unanim:>usly 1::y voice vote. B ILLS AND CIAIMS The follCMing bills and claims were presented for payrœnt: CUrrent Expense Street Library Park . 32,521. 65 2,192.36 3,947.08 819.12 353 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 2,1982 Cont. Emergency Medical Services Payroll Library Services/Const. Act Grant Federal Shared Revenue Water/Sewer Equip¡œnt Rental Fireræn's Pension and Relief 644.18 28,274.93 577.85 1,064.99 9,239.16 4,800.98 1,360.10 I Counci1mernber Judy made a motion that the bills and claims be paid fran the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Kenna and passed unanirrousl y by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS The Council received a letter dated January 4, 1982, fran William P. Jeske of the Economic Develop¡œnt Council of Puget Sound to Mayor McClure requesting a statement of his support for the establishrœnt of Foreign Trade Zone Status for Port Townsend and other cities. Mayor McClure asked for the Council's guidance on this matter. A letter dated February 10, 1982, fran Rickard D. Beaubien was copied for the Council inviting expression of comnents and concerns regarding the control of encroaching roadside vegetation of Forest Service maintained roads. This assessrœnt is needed to identify procedural requirements and public concerns as well as mitigating practices for the protection of all associated resources. Mayor McClure indicated the Forestry Service will be meeting with him at 1: 30 on March 3rd to discuss this. I On February 22, 1982, the Council received a report on the Port Townsend Wind Energy Derronstration Project from Levi Ross which was sent to Nancy Kennear of the Washington State Energy Office. Councilmernber Judy cc.mplemented the comnission of the quality of the report which was echoed by Mayor McClure and other Counci1mernbers. A discussion ensued on the possibility of placing the equipment at the school when the project is over. Mayor McClure indicated he would persue the possibility and report back to the Council. A letter dated February 14, 1982, fran E.O. Richter was copied for the Council offering to make a gift to the City of a Chelan County PUB Bond 'Which will provide annual incane to the City of $50 per year until the year of 2013 in return for the placerœnt of a sui table plaque in one of the annual flower beds as a merrorial to his late wife. The endowment would cover the cost of seed, etc. for that flCMer bed. A letter of thanks dated February 22, 1981, to Mr. Richter from Mayor McClure was also copied for the Council. Counci1mernber Judy made a rrotion to accept the gift which was seconded by Councilrnember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. A letter dated February 27, 1982, fran David Grove, Clerk-Treasurer, to J.F. Grabicki, President of Jefferson National Bank. was copied for the Council presenting the bank with the lease approved by the Council at the last meeting. I The Council received a letter dated February 25, 1982, from Harold DeJong requesting that the Council not submit Conditional Use Permit Application No. 282-03 to the Planiring Cœmission because time is a major factor in his purchase of the Hastings House on the corner of Walker and Washington Streets. Council- IIlE!T1ber Shirley reported that in conversation this date with Mr. DeJong, he indicated that the decision is no longer urgently needed and he 'would like the application to go through nonnal channels. He asked Mr. Abraham if it is absolutely necessary to wait for a recarmendation fran the Planning Ccmnission before the Council decides on the application. Mr. Abraham indicated there is an inplied intent that the Council wait for their reccmnendation before acting on the request. Councilmember Shirley made a motion that the application be referred to the Planning Comnission for a recomnendation which was secor:dèd by Councilmenber Ciprioti and passed unanimously by voice vote. A letter dated February 26, 1982, frcrn Clerk-Treasurer David Grove to George Barlow of the Department of Ecology notifying him that the City is appealing the decision of the Envirorunental Protection Agency and the request from the Depart- ment of Ecology for refund will be considered when the results of that appeal are known. On their desks this night, the Council has received a letter dated February 26, 1982, fran D. Rodney Mock of the Department of Ecology indicating they concur 354 MINU'IES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 2, 1982 Cont. wi th the Shoreline Conditional Use Permit issued to the Kah Tai Care Center. A petition with twenty signatures dated February 25, 1982, was copied for the Council requesting that they reconsider their decision on the nuclear freeze resolution. Mayor McClure reported that he met with Mr. DeArrore on this request. After a brief discussion, Mayor McClure indicated that if the majority of the Council signed a petition, the resolution might be reintroduced in sorœ fonn. I The Council received a copy of a letter dated February 25, 1982, frc:m D. Rodney Mack to Mayor McClure indicating that they concur with the Shoreline conditional Use Permit granted the Department of Transportaion for the new ferry terminal. A rnerrorandum dated March 2, 1982, fran City Engineer, Roger French, was copied for the Council explaining that Ordinance No. 1908 needs àn additional three sections to satisfy the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Flood Damage Prevention. Mayor McClure indicated he would being this up later on the agenda because it needs to be acted upon this night. Mr. Grove introduced proposed regulation prepared by the Police Department to regulate Junk Dealers, Second Hand Dealers, and Pawnbrokers. Mayor McClure referred this to the Police and License Conmittee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor McClure announced a meeting being held by the Association of washington Cities with the Bonneville Power Adminstation later this month. Councilmember Shirley made a ITOtion to approve the appoinbœnt of Richard LaBotz to the Park Board which was seconded by Councilmember Parker and passed unanirrously by voice vote. Mayor McClure proclaimed the week of March 7th through 13, 1982, as Girl Scout Week in Port Tavnsend. I COMMITTEE REPORI'S Water/Sewer/Street Counci1member Judy reported that they have met with the Public Utility District and agreed to share the cost of the COITprehensi ve Water Plan equally. Additional meetings are planned to determine just what the plan will cover. Fire/Light/Sanitation Counci1member Ciprioti reported that they met with the other fire districts.. He indicated that all the other districts have paid their share of last years costs~and are concerned that the City has yet to pay its share. He suggested that the Mayor write a letter to the County Sheriff and advise hîm that the payment will be forthccming. Mayor McClure indicated that he has instructed Mr. Grove to prepare a voucher and pay the costs this month because the appropriation has been made even though funds have not yet been received. He indicated that he would send a letter advising the Sheriff that payment would be forthcc:ming. A discussion ensued on the future cost of dispatching. ~ FoR TH€- qll ~/I1~c..,-/ TË L-f::.PHoNr£ .sYS7EWI COITprehensi ve Plan Counci1nlernbèr Hunt asked for a report on the progress of the draft being prepared by Robert DeWolfe. Counci1member Kenna indicated that Mr. DeWolfe will be returning from Seattle on March 3, 1982, wi ththe cOITpleted plan which will be copied for the Council. OlD BUSINESS I ORDINANCE NO. 1910 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING '. ORDINANCE NO. 1855 Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Counci1member Kenna made a ITOtion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Kenna made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1910 which was seconded by Counci1member Hunt and passed unanimously by roll call vote. 355 MINUTFS OF THE RmJIAR SESSION OF MARCH 2l 1982 Cont. ORDINANCE NO. 1911 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINAæE NO. 1908 I Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Counci1roember Judy made a rrotion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councibrember Imislund and passed unanirrously by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember lIr,islund made a notion to adopt the ordinance which was seconded by Counci1mem1:er Hunt and passed unaniITOusly by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS Short Sul:rlivision Application No. 1081-01 - Ware CouncillI1ember Kenna made a rrotion to conduct a public hearing on this application April 6, 1982, which was seconded by Counci1roember Judy and passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENl' There being no further business, Mayor McClure declared the meeting adjourned at 8:23 P.M. , ~i ATTEST: I ¡)~ 4L- City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF HARCH 16, 1982 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 16th day of March, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Barney McClure presiding. ROLL CALL Cduncilmembers present at roll call were Joseph Ciprioti, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, Dale Judy, Mike Kenna and James Parker. Also present were City Engineer Roger French, City l\ttorney Glenn Abraham, and City Clerk-Treasurer David Grove. MINUTES I Councilmember Judy made a motion to approve the minutes of March 2, 1982, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Councilmember Imislund and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Park Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue Water/Sewer Equipment Rental $2,877.79 2,845.84 852.98 1,385.75 3,000.00 7,285.45 1,314.54 Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the bills and claims be paid