HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/1980
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An Ordinance Establishing an Environmentally Sensitive Area - Councilmember Smith
made a motion to conduct a public hearing on this proposed Ordinance at the regu-
lar meeting September 16, 1980, which was seconded by Councilmember Imislund.
Councilmember Shirley expressed his opinion that there is no sense to conduct a
public hearing on the proposed Ordinance in its present form. The motion passed
by roll call vote with four Councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Council-
members Shirley, Parker, and Judy voted against the motion.
Conditional Use Permit Application No. 8007-01 and Variance Application No. 8007-
02 - City of Port Townsend - Councilmember Kenna made a motion to conduct a public
hearing on these applications September 2, 1980, which was seconded by Council-
member Ciprioti and passed unanimously by voice vote.
There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Mayor
McClure declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 19th
day of August, 1980, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor
Barney McClure presiding.
Councilmembers present at roll call were Joseph Ciprioti, Freida Imislund, Mike
Kenna, Brent Shirley, and Elizabeth Smith. Also present were City Engineer Roger
French and City Clerk-Treasurer David Grove.
Councilmember Imislund moved and Councilmember Smith seconded to approve the min-
utes of August 5, 1980, as written and to dispense with the reading of them. The
motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
The following bills and claims were presented for payment:
Current Expense
Federal Shared Revenue
Equipment Rental
A motion was made by Councilmember Shirley and seconded by Councilmbmer Kenna
that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds. It passed unanimously
by voice vote.
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The Council received a letter dated July 3l, 1980, addressed to Roger French
from Thelma Scudi requesting that the Conditional Use Permit for a bed and
breakfast use of 73l pierce Street be expanded from four rooms to five. Council-
member Kenna moved and Coucilmember Smith seconded a motion to amend the permit
to allow fi ve '-g:Hß~:ft- rooms to be offered which passed unanimously.
A petition dated August 4, 1980, with nine signatures was delivered to the Coun-
cil from residents of South Landes Street opposing the improvement of Landes
Street to provide easier automobile access to the new Safeway Store in the Kah
Tai Lagoon area requesting information as to what legal means 1:hey have for main-
taining their neighborhood as a quiet, livable place. Mayor McClure referred
this to the Water/Sewer/Street Committee. Councilmember Kenna objected because
no development is planned. Mayor McClure explained that their legal means need
A letter dated August 7, 1980, from Mayor McClure to Peter Sim!)son was copied
for the Council thanking him for his service on the Civil Service Commission and
recognizing the fact that his length of residence has not been sufficient for
him to qualify to serve as a commission member making his appointment null and
The Council received a letter dated August 8, 1980, from Dale Lynch, President
of Safeway Corporation to Mayor McClure declining the invitation to attend a meet
ing with the City on September 9 due to the late timing in the progress of con-
struction on their store. Mayor McClure outlined his telephonE~ conversation
with Mr. Lynch indicating that Safeway expected the Mayor to have the authority
to speak for the City. It was indicated that no specific plans were prepared
on a perimeter park for the Kah Tai Lagoon and a special meeting would no longer
serve any purpose.
An environmental checklist dated
application to change the zoning
one half blocks in National City
Council. Mayor McClure referred
August 8, 1980, from David Worley on a rezone
from C-2 and R-lA to C-3 and H-l of three and
Addition No. 1 off Sims Way was copied for the
this to the Legislative/Environmental Committee.
A letter from Barney McClure to Fred Peil of Marine Transporta1:ion in the Wash-
ington State Department dated August l5, 1980, was copied for 1:he Council re-
questing that the department add a second ferry to the Port To\ffiSend/Keystone
ferry run and make both ferries at Southpoint/Lofall one hundred car vessels.
A copy of John Doubek's resignation dated August l5, 1980, was made for the
Council to be effective August 3lst due to personal health problems. Mayor
McClure announced that the official acceptance of his application for retirement
was received and the City will advertise for applicants to replace him.
An environmental checklist dated August l5, 1980, from Harold DeJong on a rezone
application from RIII to CII for Lots 1 & 2, Block 276, Eisenbeis Addition.
Mayor McClure referred this to the Legislative/Environmental Committee.
The Council received a letter dated August l3, 1980, from Lynn G. Stowell, Direc-
tor of the Housing Division of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
to respond to a letter from the Jefferson County Housing Authority opposing the
location of the Bayview Manner Planned Unit Development which indicated that
his department had given assurances that additional units are pledged to Port
Townsend regardless of whether or not Bayview Manor is built. He indicated that
if the proposed development is not built, the money will be redistributed some-
where in the three county area and not necessarily in Port Tomlsend.
A petition signed by 36 property owners in the area adjacent to Block 194,
Eisenbeis Addition and dated August 15, 1980, was copied for the Council oppos-
ing the Planned unit Development of Bayview Mannor. It was indicated that this
too would be covered in the upcoming hearing.
The Council received a petition with thirty-one signatures dated August l5, 1980,
from residents of downtown requesting that a fresh look be taken at the downtown
environment, and that a positive approach be developed to the vandalism, distur-
bances, and street and vehicular noises which are a problem for downtown resi-
dents. It was noted that additional signatures were added after the packets
went out.
The Council received a letter dated August 15, 1980, from Mayor Barney McClure
requesting that the Council examine our laws to see if there a:~e avenues avail-
able to the City to enforce noise violations downtown. Mayor JI1cClure explained
that our present nuisance ordinance is unenforcable and other Inodel ordinances
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are available for consideration. Councilmember Ciprioti requested that the act-
ing Police Chief and city Attorney review the ordinances and make a recommendation.
Mayor McClure stated it would be done. It was reported that less officers in the
Police Department contribute to the problem but steps have been taken to place
one officer in this area exclusively during the peak problem times.
The Council received a letter dated August 19, 1980, from A. M. O'Meara, Chairman
of the Jefferson County Commissioners indicating that they would not participate
in the establishment of an Office of Human Affairs at this time.
The Council received a petition with ten signatures dated August l4, 1980, re-
questing a street light at the corner of Reed and Madison Street. Mayor McClure
referred this to the Fire/Light/~anitationComrr¡ittee.
A letter dated August ll, 1980, from Bonnie J. Wallace, Owner~Manager of the Bay-
view Restaurant expressing her frustration with the City for the lack of planning
of the bicycle race held in July which caused her to loose business. Councilmem-
ber Ciprioti requested that Mr. Grove read the letter aloud which he did. Coun-
cilmember Smith expressed a complaint that Coors Beer was sponsoring the race.
Councilmember Shirley explained that the committee sponsoring the race has re-
solved to remove it from Water Street in the future.
The Council received a letter dated August l5, 1980, from Carl and Judi Selset of
All City Auto Body and Towing, complaining that the Sheriff's Dispatcher is not
dispatching towing services on a rotating basis. Mayor McClure requested the
opportunity to look into this himself.
Ms. Mary Middleton was recognized and requested that a complete investigation be
made into Mr. Klenk's cruel and inhumane treatment of animals as well as viola-
tions of City ordinances by destroying impounded animals before the waiting period
had expired. She explained that she has City records which support her statement.
Mr. Doug Hadsel-was recognized and stated that Mr. Klenk forbid him form enter-
ing the City limits with his dogs, and indicated that he is suing the city for
loss of his property and harassment demanding that Sydney Klenk be terminated as
DarllÍne~ot1nS'è]:lOr:::WÇls recognized and complained that she had paid two dollars
to have Sydney Klenk destroy her dog and he turned the dog loose in freezing
weather causing illness to set in which has caused irreparable damage to the ani-
mal which she found running loose. She requested that a audit be made of all
receipts issued to the City Animal Shelter.
Ms. Judith Kelly was recognized and stated that she worked at the Animal Shelter
and knows that what has been stated by the previous speakers is true indicating
that the fact that she has lost her job. is not her motivation for helping
these people. She requested that the City hire someone as Poundmaster who likes
animals. Mayor McClure explained that a massive investigation is underway with
regard to the operation of the Animal Shelter and expressed concern as to how
the records of the shelter were removed. He indicated that there would be no
comment on the charges until the investigation is complete. The report will be
given to the Police/License Committee for recommendation.
Mr. David Romtveåt was recognized and explained that if the bulldozer goes in on
Landes Street, any hope they have to preserve their neighborhood is lost. He ask-
ed what legal recourse they have to protect themselves. Councilmember Kenna ex-
plained that the Ctiy has no immediate plans to develop Landes Street in his
area. Councilmember Ciprioti indicated that the City has the right to use the
street and when the contractor installed the water line for use at the site of
the future Safeway Store, the street was opened in whatever condition it now
exsists. Councilmember Smith asked Mr. French if Safeway had indicated any de-
sire to surface this street. Mr. French said, no.
Legislative/Environmental - Councilmember Smith reported that the Committee is
investigating the supervisory authority over the City Engineer and all appointed
officials for purposes of making recommendations and proposed changes to the
ordinances. This will be a long process which will not be completed soon. She
indicated that the public is invited to attend a committee meeting Tuesday, Aug.
26, 1980, at the Maring Park community Building to discuss the proposed ordinance
establishing an environmentally sensitive area.
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Finance Committee - Councilmember Kenna reported that retail sales tax and busi-
ness and occupation tax collections are running above last year's figures. Coun-
cilmember Shirley reported that the Committee has recommended that the Council
increase the amount of mileage reimbursement from l5<:: to 20<:: peJê mile. He re-
quested that the City Attorney prepare the appropriate ordinancE~.
Planned Unit Development Application No. 8004-02 - Dean ChausseE~ - Mr. Grove ex-
plained that the Planning Commission has recommended that the Council approve
this application with some stipulations to allow the construction of a three
story, frame building containing 24 one bedroom apartment units and common faci-
lities for low income elderly persons on the west side of Sheridan Street between
9th and lOth Streets. It was explained that the project has been selected for
funding by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mayor McClure
opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Dean Chaussee was recognized and spoke in
favor of his application indicating that both the Environmental Committee and
Planning Commission have reviewed the application thoroughly and the stipulations
they have made are agreeable to him. Mr. Edward W. Stuck was rE~cognized and ex-
pressed his opposition to the application because it would completely destroy his
view and devaluate his property. He indicated there is a traffic problem on
Sheridan that would be aggravated by this development and he quE~stioned whether
senior citizens would in fact walk to the hospital or shopping center and lug
groceries back. He spoke in favor of the project at 7th and Hancock approved
earlier by the Council. Mr. Loren Elliot was recognized and spoke against the
application indicating the statements of Mr. Stuck echoed his feelings. Mr.
Keith Burrell was recognized and spoke against the application explaining that he
is not against housing for the elderly but against this location. His opposition
was based on his loss. of view and devaluation of his property. Mr. Kenneth Mee-
han was recognized and spoke against the application because of it's impact on
9th Street traffic. Mr. Russel Baker was recognized and spoke against the ap-
': plication indicating that his reasons have already been expressed. Mr. Lincoln
Rogers was recognized and expressed opposition to the application because it
would block what little view he has of the shipping lanes. Mr. Don Pruitt was
recognized and asked what would become of the home he is living in on the site.
Mr. Chaussee indicated the present owner would have the first oI)tion to buy the
house and move it to another lot. Mr. Pruitt testified that the traffic is suf-
ficient now that foot traffic across Sheridan would be dangerous. Mr. Leonard
McCulloch was recognized and explained that he would like to see the project
located at another site in town for the previously mentioned reasons. Mr. Jack
Scott was recognized and spoke against the rezoning of this proI)erty because he
believes this will be the beginning of multiple family development throughout
this area. Mr. Ed McMinn was recognized and indicated he was speaking in behalf
of his sister Jewel Ebbs who resides at lOth and Sheridan. She is opposed be-
cause she bought the property with certain expectations stating if zoning means,
anything, let us leave it as is. Mr. Dick Spindor was recognized and indicated
that he has a personal financial interest affected by thé outcome of this appli-
cation because he owns the land at 7th and Hancock which is approved for a plan-
ned unit development in direct competition. He opposed the application because
of the traffic at this intersection and spoke to the advantages of his property.
Mr. Grove was recognized and expressed his opposition to the application because
of the congestion it would cause at the intersection. He indicated that there
seemed to be a lack of consistency when considering the enviromlental impact
of the projects at this intersection. He sited the fact that this application
together with the doctors offices acrosš the street were considered environmental-
ly nonsignificant, yet the Sather/Hansen project on the remaining undeveloped
corner was considered to be significant when it was also was for a 24 unit apart-
ment building. He indicated that certainly the three when considered together
should be considered a significant environmental impact. There being no further
testimony offered, Mayor McClure declared the hearing closed tollie audience.
Mayor McClure then turned the application over to the Council for disposition.
Mr. John Floyd, Planning Commission Chairman, was requested to elaborate on the
recommendations of the Planning Commission which he did. He indicated that the
building was redesigned to reduce the height to that of a single family residence
on the west side of the property. It was pointed out by the opponents that the
revised plan still does not provide the gaps that would exsist between single
family dwellings. It was explained that a six foot fense was required to keep
children from entering the complex. There was some concern thai: the Fire Depart-
ment might have difficulty reaching some of the units with ladders from the out-
side so a stipulation was suggested whereby the landscaping would be approved by
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the Fire Chief. Councilmember Smith indicated that this application differed
from the Sather/Hansen application in that it was more specific. The corre-
spondence from Jefferson County Housing Authority, the Department of Housing
and Urban Development, and the petition from area property owners previously
referred to under communications were entered into the record. After a brief
discussion, Councilmember Shirley made a motion to deny the application which
was seconded by Councilmember Imislund and passed by roll call vote with four
Councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Councilmember Smith voted against the
Mayor McClure declared a recess at this time, 9:32 P.M. The meeting was recon-
vened at 9:42 P.M. with all Councilmembers first in attendance present.
1980 Budget Changes - Mr. Grove explained thåt the increases basically are to
provide for salary increases due to the rise in the cost of living, the creation
of an Office of Human Affairs, inter fund loans advanced and to be repaid, to
provide appropriations for CETA grants in the Library, repair to the Library
restrooms, additional gasoline purchases, cost overruns on the purchase of the
roller, and repairs to screen at the rock quary. Federal Shared Revenue ap-
propriations have been increased to fund the Office of Crime Prevention. Mayor
McClure opened the hearing to receive public comment. Mr. Bou Sullivan was
recognized and asked for an explanation of the Office of Human Affairs. Mayor
McClure explained that the office would be self supporting and serve as an in-
formation clearing house for many agencies. There being no further public input
offered, Mayor McClure closed the hearing to the audience. Councilmember Shirley
reported that the Finance Committee met with the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to
discuss the possible changes and recommended that funds from Federal Shared
Revenue be used for the Office of Crime Prevention and the Office of Human Af-
fairs be added to the current expense fund in anticipation of the Comprehensive
Employment Training Act Grant and possible contributions from the County.
Mr. Grove read the Ordinance by title and indicated this first reading is for
introduction and that the law requires that the vote not be considered until
at least the next meeting.
Draft Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan - Councilmember Kenna made a mo-
tion to conduct a public hearing on the draft at the regular meeting September
2, 1980, which was seconded and passed unanimously by voice vote.
Call for Bids on Garbage Contract - Mr. Grove explained that the City's contract
with Olympic Disposal expires this year and state law requires that the City
call for bids. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Kenna moved and Council-
member Smith seconded that the Council call for bids for garbage collection to
be opened October 7, 1980. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Councilmember Smith moved and Councilmember Shirley seconded a motion to adjourn
the meeting at 9:58 P.M. which passed unanimously by voice vote.