HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1994 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7, 1994 The city council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Seventh day of March, 1994, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor John M Clise presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Bill Davidson, Dan Harpole, Julie McCulloch, Diane Perry-Thompson, Ted Shoulberg, Robert Sokol, and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Deputy Treasurer Vera Franz, Librarian Cheryl Silverblatt, Fire Chief Howard Scott, Police Chief Jim Newton, City Attorney Dennis McLerran, Planner Dave Robison, Engineer Randy Bracket,t and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. PRIORITY ITEMS Cheryl Silverblatt, Librarian, introduced her husband, Barry Sil verblatt, who provided musical entertainment whilt~ she issued new library cards to the Mayor and Councilmembers and then introduced Jodi Glaubman, Orabell Connally and Lee Tickell, Library Board members. INTRODUCTION Mayor Clise introduced Jim Parker, new Jefferson County Public Utility District Director. PUBLIC HEARING Department of Health/City Agreed Order for Filtration Avoidance. Mr Wheeler gave a brief history and further process of the Agreed Order. Mayor Clise introduced Karl Johnson from the Washington State Department of Health. Mr Johnson further explained the Agreed Order and how it fits the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Surface Water Treatment Rule and other related rules and processes. After a lengthy discussion of the Surface Water Treatment Rule, possible new criteria, avoidance of filtration and "acceptable" chlorine level including Mr Johnson and Mr Wheeler, Mayor Clise opened the hearing to the Public. There being no test:imony, Mayor Clise closed the hearing to the Public and turned to Council for disposition. RESOLUTION NO 94-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN AGREED ORDER WITH THE STATE OF WASHING'I'ON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR TAKING CERTAIN ACTION TO COMPLY WITH THE SURFACE WATER TREATMENT RULE. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-32 which was seconded by Councilmemì er Sokol and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Wheeler recognized and thanked staff, water advisory committee members and Ccmncilmembers who have been working on this for the city. Councilmember McCulloch announced a public meeting at: 7:00 PM, on March 30, 1994, at the High School Cafeteria to further discuss this issue. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Sokol made a motion to approve the follo1Ning items on theco~~nt A9~J)da which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the Minutes for January 18, 1994, as written without reading. 533 534 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7, 1994, Cont. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: 010 094 110 120 130 170 301 310 311 312 314 318 320 330 334 411 412 500 610 $ 90,005.94 35,088.45 4,914.72 12,994.11 1,796.48 2,675.43 475.00 1,995.40 13,809.60 28,477.62 144.25 2,874.20 35.08 1,200.00 48.56 34,439.40 1,655.79 6,439.63 682.90 $ 239,752.56 Current Expense Garbage Street Library Park Emergency Medical Services 94 Storm -Property Acquisition 92 Waste Water Treatment Plant Const 94 WWT Biosolids Compost Facility 94 WWT Treatment Plant Camp 94 WWC Sewer Trunk Line Rep 94 WWC Geographical Info Sys 92 city Dock Re-Construction 93 Water Quality Improvements 94 Water System -Trans Tri Area Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total Adoption of Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO 94-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH UTILITY SERVICES ASSOCIATION, INC FOR LEAK DETECTION SERVICES ON APPROXIMATELY 25 MILES OF WATER MAIN PIPELINES. RESOLUTION NO 94-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A LATECOMER UTILITY CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RCW 35.91. Bishop Brothers Construction has constructed or caused to be constructed a 6-inch water line in 6th Street and in Horton Street in Irondale within the service area of the City of Port Townsend. RESOLUTION NO 94-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A LATECOMER UTILITY CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RCW 35.91. Andy and Erica Erickson have constructed or caused to be constructed a 6-inch water line in umatilla street within the service area of the City of Port Townsend. RESOLUTION NO 94-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A LATECOMER UTILITY CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RCW 35.91. Peter Schoeneman has constructed or caused to be constructed a 6- inch water line in McClellan Street within the service area of the City of Port Townsend. Communications: A memorandum dated January 21,1994, from Dan Groves, Partnership for Rural Improvement, including a brochure and registration form I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7, 1994 . Cont. for participants for a satellite videoconference "Creating ~robs in Rural Washington" was copied for Council. A letter dated February 11, 1994, to Charlie Kanieski, President, Economic Development Council of Jefferson County from Casey McKinney, CFO, Admiral Marine Works, Inc, recommendinçr that Bernie Arthur be contacted for consideration for the Marine Trade Market Expansion and Targeted Industry Recruitment program was copied for Council. A letter dated February 16, 1994, to Gordon L Meling, President, Superior Refuse Removal, Inc from Diane Perry Thompson requesting resumption of pick-up of colored glass and possible addition of other items for recycling was copied for Council. A letter dated February 27, 1994, from Thom Sisk requesting that the monthly rate for his 1" water tap be adjusted to E!qual that of a 3/4" tap and that it be retroactive for at least the past year and a half was copied for Council and referred to the Utilities Committee. A memorandum dated March 1, 1994, from Karen Cartm,el, Election Coordinator, as a reminder that the annual Financial Affairs statement deadline is April 15, 1994, was copied for Council. A letter dated March 1, 1994, from Robert Beausoleil, Operations Manager, Environmental Waste Systems and Olympic Disposal, wishing to open dialogue about providing refuse and recycling service within the City was copied for Council and referred to the Community services Committee. A letter dated March 3, 1994, to the Editor, The Leader, from Dan Harpole correcting an article on the CH2M Hill Contract and inaccuracies in the accompanying editorial was copied for Council. This concludes the Consent Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Robinson Final Plat 9310-03. Dave Robison reviewed tht3 process for approval of this final short plat application. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council approve the Robinson Final Plat No 9310-03 and authorize the Mayor to sign the mylar which was seconded by Councilmember Sokol and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE REPORTS Land Use Committee. Councilmember Davidson report:ed that the Committee had a meeting scheduled for March 9,1994, 1:hat has been rescheduled for March 22, 1994, at 2:00 PM. Economic Development Committee. Councilmember Sokol reported letters have been mailed out to the Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Council, and Main Street asking for nominations for committee members. STANDING/ADHOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Library Board. Councilmember Perry-Thompson repor1:ed that she attended the Library Board meeting on February 28,1994. Council- member Westerman will attend the March 28, 1994, meeting and Councilmember Shoulberg will attend the April 25, 1994, meeting. Councilmember Perry-Thompson further reported that the Library is in need of a heavy-duty typewriter for public use, that they are applying for a grant for a book security system, and is looking at establishing a Library Foundation or Endowment as él way to get funds for the Library. 535 536 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7,1994, Cont. Housing & community Services. Councilmember Perry-Thompson reported that the Committee is working with Michael Adkins of Skookum who will have a proposal requesting funding for Recycling Education. Councilmember Perry-Thompson reported that the Committee is preparing for a meeting with Superior Refuse to discuss expanding the recycling program. Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). Councilmember perry- Thompson reported that the Committee has discussed a liRe-store" where furniture, unused paint, etc, could be dropped off and then used by someone else and that the Committee toured the Composting Facility. Transportation. Councilmember Westerman reported that the Committee had met and discussed the request for a street light on Tyler Street behind victorian Square Building and Palace Hotel near the Back Alley Tavern. Councilmember Westerman made the following motion which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch. That the City Council direct the Public Works Director to request puget Power to install a street light on an existing power pole on Tyler Street behind victorian Square/Palace Hotel buildings. The exact location to be determined by the Police Chief and the Public Works Director. Councilmember Westerman also reported that the Committee met with members of the Tree and Brushing Committee and were updated on concerns being addressed by that group and how they fit in with the transportation planning process, Transportation Advisory Committee and street standards. Councilmember Westerman reported that the Committee is in favor of revising the process of street development and street trees and what is currently being done including a new definition of vegetation. Councilmember Westerman stated that there will be further discussion of street name changes and a report will be made at a later date. Finance. Councilmember McCulloch reported that the Committee had received a request for interim funding for the Chamber of Commerce visitor Information Center because the Tourism Coordinating Council (TCC) process has broken down and is in question. Councilmember McCulloch invited all Councilmembers to attend a meeting on March 14, 1994, at the County Commissioner's Office at 4: 00 PM for discussion of the TCC. Councilmember McCulloch reported that the Committee discussed the shower facility/meeting room which is later on the agenda and then explained funding for the project. Councilmember McCulloch also explained how unemployment expenses have affected the Parks budget and the supplemental budget request of $4500.00 for this item. After discussion of the Chamber of Commerce request and the TCC including Mayor Clise and Mr McLerran, Councilmember McCulloch made the following motion which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman. That the Council direct Mr McLerran to prepare an interi~ agreement with the Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce, to be approved at the March 21st Councilmeeting, funding them for $15,000.00, and the remainder of funding for 1994 to be determined later. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7,1994, Cont. Public Safety. Councilmember Sokol announced that therE~ is a meeting of the Committee set for March 21, 1994, in the Council Chambers at 12:00 PM. Parks & Property. Councilmember Harpole announced that there is a meeting of the Committee set for March 8, 1994, in the Council Chambers at 12: 00 PM to review the master trails work of thE~ Parks and Recreation Commission, to review the Parks and Recreation Commission 1994 Work Task Checklist, to review Pope Park rates, and to discuss issues regarding Union Wharf brought up by Calmar McCune. counci lmember Harpole announced that the Park Department has set up a tour of the City Parks on April 20, 1994, at 12:00 Pl.I[ star1:ing at Chetzemoka Park. Councilmember Harpole confirmed that Councilmembers have been invited to a meeting at the Fire Hall at 7:00 PM, March 9, 1994. uti I i ties. Counci lmember Shoulberg reported that the Committee had met with representatives from the County, the School District, Mr McLerran, Mr Grove and several interested citizens to interview a cable consultant. After discussion including Mr McLerran, Council- member Shoulberg made the following motion which was seconded by Councilmember Sokol: Committee has a consultant to Agreement with Whereas, the Telecommunications Advisory unanimously recommended that the City Council hire assist the City in its renewal of the Franchise Summit Cable and Whereas, the utili ty Commi ttee interviewed 3H Cable Communications Consultants and unanimously recommended to the City Council that it retain 3H Cable Communications Consultants Now therefore be it resolved that the Mayor be authorized to hire 3H Cable Communications Consultants on an interim hourly basis to assess the City needs and Furthermore, that 3H Cable Communications Consultants shall assist Jefferson County and the Port Townsend School District in assessing how their technological needs can be met: wi thin the City's Cable Franchise renewal process and Furthermore, that $2,500.00 be allocated from the Mayor/Council Current Expense Budget for Professional Services. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Clise announced that he has received a report that there is an emergency at the Animal Shelter with an outbreak of parvo and that emergency repairs are being made. Mayor Clise reported on the sister state relationship between Washington and Hyogo, Japan and that March 12,1994, has been set as Hyogo Friendship Day at Peninsula College in Port Angeles with activities from ll:OO AM to 6:00 PM. STAFF REPORTS San Juan/Kearney Update. Mr Wheeler gave an updatE! on t:he San Juan/Kearney Street improvements. RESOLUTION NO 94-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN WSDOT SUPPLEMENT NO 2 TO THE CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT, SIGN A REVISED LETTER OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND HAVE STAFF TRANSFER FUNDS TO KEARNEY STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. 537 538 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7, 1994, Cont. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution. Councilmember Westerman reported that the Transportation Committee is in favor of continuing the project and Mr Brackett reviewed the project. After discussion, Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-33 which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg. Chelan Agreement Update. Mr Wheeler reported that there will be information to Council on March 21, 1994, that on March 31,1994, there will be a meeting with the Water Advisory Committee for detailed review and that Council will probably take action on June 20,1994, so that the final report can be sent to the Department of Ecology by June 30, 1994. Dedication of Composting Facility. Mr Wheeler reported that the formal Biosolids Composting Facility and the Wastewater Treatment Facility dedication will take place on May 5, 1994. System Development Charges (SDC's) Replacing State Environmental Police Act (SEPA) Mitigation for Standpipe and Clarification for Lift station. Mr Wheeler explained that System Development Charges are intended to cover future development's share of the standpipe costs and that SEPA mitigation payments are no longer a valid approach. After discussion, including Mr Wheeler and Mr McLerran, Councilmember Sokol made a motion that the Council adopt the SDC clarification policy presented by staff concerning SEPA and the Lift station which was seconded by Councilmember Davidson. Public Works. Mr Wheeler noted that the Public Works Department had had a booth at the Jefferson County Fair and, after a brief discussion, it was the consensus of Council that it be done again this year. ci ty Attorney. Mr McLerran reported that he is spending sub- stantial time on litigation that is moving closer to a resolution as well as a report on other litigation which has been settled. Planning & Building. Mr Robison reported that Eric Toews, Planner, has joined the department and will be working on the Comprehensive Plan and other issues. Mr Robison also reported that the Department of Ecology has called and approved the Shoreline Master Program Administrative Amendments which establishes a separate City Shoreline Commission which will hold it's first orientation meeting on March 9,1994. Mr Robison invited all Councilmembers to their staff lunch on March 9,1994, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Police. Chief Newton set a meeting between the Police Department and the Councilmembers, as well as the Community Oriented Police Advisory Board, for April 27, 1994, at the Police station at 7:00 PM. Fire. Chief Scott announced that the Af;;sistant Chief has been selected, and that two Volunteer Firefighters have retired, Warren Erickson after 27 years and James Myers after 25 years. PUBLIC COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Mayor Clise opened the meeting for public comments or questions. There being none, Mayor Clise closed the public comment portion of the meeting. VOTE ON MOTIONS MADE DURING COMMITTEE/STAFF REPORTS Mayor Clise read the following motion by Councilmember Westerman which passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7, 1994, Cont:. That the Council direct the Public Works Director to request Power to install a street light on an existing power pole on street behind victorian Square/Palace Hotel buildings. The location to be determined by the Police Chief and the Public Director. puget Tyler exact Works Mayor Clise read the following motion by Councilmember McCulloch which passed by voice vote with six Councilmembers voting in the affirmative and Councilmember Sokol voting against the motion. That the Council direct Mr McLerran to prepare an interim agreement with the Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce, to be approved at the March 21st councilmeeting, funding them for $15,000.00, and the remainder of funding for 1994 to be determined. Mayor Clise read the following motion by Councilmember Shoulberg which passed unanimously by voice vote. Whereas, the Telecommunications Advisory unanimously recommended that the City Council hire assist the City in its renewal of the Franchise Summit Cable and Whereas, the utili ty Commi ttee interviewed 3H Cable Communications Consultants and unanimously recommends. to the city Council that it retain 3H Cable Communications Consultants Now therefore be it resolved that the Mayor be authorized to hire 3H Cable Communications Consul tants on an interim hourly basis to assess the City needs and Furthermore, that 3H Cable Communications Consultants shall assist Jefferson County and the Port Townsend School District in assessing how their technological needs can be met: wi thin the City's Cable Franchise renewal process and Furthermore, that $2,500.00 be allocated from the Mayor/Council Current Expense Budget for Professional Services. Committee has a c:onsul.tant to Agreement with Mayor Clise read the following motion by Councilmember Westerman which passed unanimously by voice vote. That the Council adopt Resolution No 94-33. Mayor Clise read the following motion by Councilmember Sokol which passed unanimously by voice vote. That the Council adopt the SDC clarification policy presented by staff concerning SEPA mitigation and lift station installat:ion. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Sofie/City Property Exchange. Mr Wheeler and Mr McLerran explained the property exchange process. Councilmember WesteÅ“man made a motion that staff go ahead with the exchange proce8s which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. puget Power Conservation Grant for Marine Park Community Building. RESOLUTION NO 94-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A CONSERVATION GRANT AGREEMENT WITH PUGET POWER FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE INSULATION OF POPE MARINE BUILDING. Mr Brackett explained the resolution. Mr Wheeler explained the process for finishing the project that' is being followed. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Sokol made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-34 which was seconded by Council- member Perry-Thompson and passed unanimously by voice vote. 539 540 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7,1994, Cont. Councilmember Sokol reported that April 16, 1994, is tentatively scheduled as "Prep Weekend" and April 23,1994, as "Paint Weekend" for the interior of the building by the Port Townsend Rotary. A brief discussion of the project and the work done by Chris Carson ensued. NEW BUSINESS Ordinance Establishing Septage Rate. ORDINANCE NO 2396 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.36.020 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A SERVICE FEE OF NINE AND ONE-HALF (9-1/2) CENTS PER GALLON FOR SEPTAGE ACCEPTED AT THE CITY'S BIOSOLIDS COMPOSTING FACILITY. Councilmember Shoulberg reported that the utility Committee has recommended approval of Mr Wheeler's report. Mr Wheeler explained the septage charges and a compost market plan. After a brief discussion including Mr McLerran, Ms Franz read the ordinance by ti tIe. Councilmember Sokol made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms Franz again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2396 which was seconded by Councilmember Davidson and passed unanimously by roll call vote. A discussion of the market plan, demonstration projects and use of the Biosolids Committee ensued. Resolution Authorizing John Merchant to Sign for the City to the State of Washington. RESOLUTION NO 94-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING JOHN W MERCHANT TO BE THE DESIGNATED OFFICIAL FOR SIGNING NPDES AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DOCUMENTS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution. Councilmember Sokol made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-35 which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Award of Contract on Bids for Shower Trailer and Capital Improve- ment Program Ordinance. RESOLUTION NO 94-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DECLARING PRESTIGE PROPERTIES, INC TO BE THE LOWEST, RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR A PREFABRICATED SERVICE BUILDING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A CONTRACT AWARDING THE BID TO PRESTIGE PROPERTIES, INC OF PORT HADLOCK, WASHINGTON. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution and the following ordinance. After a lengthy discussion, including Bob LaCroix, Water Quality Chief Treatment Plant Operator and Mr McLerran, Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-36 which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7, 1994, Cont:. ORDINANCE NO 2397 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 1994 CAPI'I~AL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM TO INCLUDE 'I~HE ACQUISITION OF A PREFABRICATED/MOBILE SERVICE BUILDING. Ms Franz read the ordinance by title. Councilmember WE~sterman made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms Franz again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2397 which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by roll call vote. Revision to Shoreline Substantial Development Permit No 9304-09 - Port of Port Townsend. Mr Robison explained the revision to Shoreline Substantial Development Permit No 9304-09. Councilmember Sokol made a motion that the Council approve the revision to Shoreline Substantial Development Permit No 9304-09 which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote after a brief discussion. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Clise recessed the meeting into Executive Session to di,scuss pending or threatened litigation including Dennis McLerran, and Robert Wheeler at 10: 29 PM. The meeting was reconve,ned ai: 11: 08 PM. ADJOURNMENT There being no further adjourned at 11:09 PM. lise declared the meeting Attest: Mayor . ~le~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 21, 1994 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met, in regular session this Twenty-first day of March, 1994, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of city Hall, Mayor John M Clise presidinq. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Bill Davidson, Dan Harpole, Julie McCulloch, Diane Perry-Thompson, Ted Shoulberg, Robert Sokol, and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Clerk- Treasurer David Grove, Police Chief Jim Newton, City Attorney Dennis McLerran, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Westerman made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Sokol and passed unanimously by voice vote. 541