HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1994 510 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 3, 1994, Cont. in the watershed program this year. Mr Wheeler introduced Bob LaCroix, Water Quality Chief Treatment Plant Operator and Ian Jablonski, Assistant Treatment Plant Operator and Watershed Specialist who reported on treatment of the water. A lengthy discussion of chlorine, contact time, avoidance of filtration and the Surface Water Treatment Rule ensued. Mr Jablonski showed slides and explained the water system and the watershed. Discussion of the watershed and management practices of the US Forest Service ensued. ci ty Attorney. Mr McLerran reported that the City has rect3i ved a check for almost $21,000.00 as the result of a payout of an on- going drug seizure and forfeiture case which is earmarked for further drug enforcement activities. Planning & Building. Mr Hildt reported that there have been 57 building permit applications for 73 residential units in the last two weeks due to the implementation of system development charges: 52 single family houses, 3 mobile homes, the middle school and an 18 un~t apartment project. Mr Hildt then explained the process to be followed by his department. Clerk-Treasurer. Mr Grove requested that the possible use of garbage only accounts be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on January 7, 1994, and then explained the present practic'~. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Councilmember McCulloch welcomed the new Councilmembers. Council- member Sokol stated that he does not have a speech, but concurred with Councilmember McCulloch. A lengthy discussion of the way Councilmeetings could be conducted ensued. A lengthy discussion of the time and agenda for Council :Retreat which is set for a day and a half on February 9th and 10th, 1994, at the Harborside Inn ensued. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:24 PM. Mayor Attest: Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18, 1994 The City Counci I of the city of Port Townsend met in regular session this Eighteenth day of January, 1994, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor John M Clise presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Bill Davidson, Dan Harpole, Diane Perry-Thompson, Ted Shoulberg, and Sheila Westerman. I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18, 1994, Cont. 51\ I I I councilmembers Julie McCulloch and Robert Sokol were ,excused. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, Police Chief Jim Newton, Ci ty Attorney Dennis McLerran, Dave Robison, Planner, Darlene Bloomfield, Planner and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Clise introduced Gary Austin who has been appointed to the Civil Service Commission, and Amy Hiatt who has been appointed to the Historic Preservation Commission. Mayor Clise introduced Pam Kolacy, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and the Planning & Building Director. PUBLIC COMMENTS John Swallow was recognized and questioned what would happen if someone paid System Development charges (SDC' s) for more water taps than are ultimately approved in a subdivision. Mr McLerran responded that there is a provision that states that if there is a reduction in the number of lots or units, the SDC' s would be refunded on a pro-rata basis and that if the number of units is increased, the SDC's would be increased also. Shari Robison, Executive Director, Main Street Project, was recognized and spoke on behalf of the Parking Committee in regard to the parking lot behind the Baker Block building, €!ncouraged the transfer of the property from County ownership to City ownership and reported on the recommendations of the Committee,. AGENDA CHANGES & ADDITIONS Resolution Authorizing Award of Bid on Standpipe. Resolution Authorizing the Public Works Director to }~pprove Change Orders. authorizing Contract with CH2M for Engin~erinq for Various Water Projects. The above three items were held over to tht~ next Council meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Westerman made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: Current Expense Street Library Park Hotel/Motel Emergency Medical Services Waste Water Treatment Plant Water Quality Improvements '93 GO Bond Water-Sewer storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total $ 164,114.75 6,315.09 6,398.56 465.40 9,484.40 2,419.11 36,720.05 64,814.53 1,665.34 168, !513. 63 44,498.27 9,795.91 1.624.44. $ 516,829.48 Const Approval of Appointments: Jan Dennler to the Park Board Linda Clifton, Frank D'Amore, Jennifer S'tanku5, Karen Erickson, Phil Andrus, Jean Camfield, and Ken Radon to th~ bl2.. , .- -- ----. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18, 1994, Cont. Port Townsend Shoreline Advisory Commission subject to acceptance of the amendments by the Department of Ecology. Adoption of Resolution: RESOLUT¡ON NO 94-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH D RODNEY JOHNSON TO PROVIDE FOR FILE STORAGE SPACE IN THE BARTLETT BUILDING. communications: A letter dated December 30, 1993, from Shari Robison, Executive Director, Main Street, including the Professional Service Agreement for 1994 between the Port Townsend civic Trust (Main street Project) and the City of Port Townsend was copied for Council. A letter date January 3, 1994, from Bart Phill.:i,.ps, Executive Director, Economic Development Council, including the proposed 1994 contract between the EDC and the City of Port Townsend was copied for Council and referred to New Business. A letter dated January 4,1994, from Arcella Hall, principal, Port Townsend High School, requesting one of the City's McCurdy Pavilion performance days for the 1994 High School Commencement ceremony was copied for Council. A memorandum from Karen Cartmel, Election Coordinator, Jefferson county, reminding all past and present elected officials to f.ile an Annual Personal Financial Affairs Statement to be postmarked no later than April 15, 1994, was copied for Council. A letter dated January 4, 1994, from Margaret Lee, President, Friends of the Library, requesting use of the Pink House for a booksale was copied for Council and referred to the Parks & Property Committee. A letter dated January 4, 1994, from Charles Barker, LCSW, Executive Director, Jefferson Community Counseling C~nter, announcing an award of $115,050 in HOME funds from federal sources and $12,814 in HAP funds from state sources for the purchase of a 2 year old three bedroom home for occupancy by chronically mentally ill clients was copied for Council. A letter dated January 4, 1994, from Gladys Hoskins stating her view of the water quality in Port Townsend was copied for Council. A petition signed by six citizens requesting the two one--block streets of Rosencrans and 36th be renamed Rosencrantz and Guildenstern was copied for Council on January 11, 1994, and referred to the Transportation Committee. A memorandum from Doris Cooksey, Chairman, Towne Point, stating that the Board of Directors of the Towne Point Owners Association has approved the relocation of the common area between lots 115 and 116 to the west side of lot 116 was copied for Council on January 10, 1994. A letter dated January 12, 1994, to Mark S Beaufait, from Michael Hildt, regarding status of the Mariner's Square Project was copied for Council. A letter dated January 12,1994, from William W Boubel, President, Puget Programming, announcin9 q customized computer program called Alarm Tracker for tracking of false alarms was copied for Council and referred to the Public S~fety Committee. "- '-- I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18, 1994, Cont. This concludes the Consent Agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS Variance Application No 9310-09 -Larry and Marty Jrohnson. Ms Bloomfield reviewed the findings, conclusions and condition of the Planning Commission recommending approval of the variance as well as a memorandum from herself. Mayor Clise opened the Hearing to the Public. There being no testimony, Mayor ClisE~ closed the hearing to the Public and turned to Council for disposition. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the council adopt findings, conclusions and condition and approve Variance Request No 9310-09 which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Variance Application No 9311-04 and Conditional Use Permit Application No 9311-05 -City of Port Townsend. Ms Bloomfield reviewed the findings, conclusions and conditions of the Planning Commission recommending approval of both requests. After discussion with staff, Mayor Clise opened the hearing to the public. There being no testimony, Mayor Clise closed the hearing to the public and turned to Council for disposition. i\fter a brief discussion, Councilmember Davidson made a motion that: the Council adopt findings, conclusions and conditions and grant Variance Application 9311-04 which was seconded by Councilmember perry- Thompson and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Davidson made a motion that the Council adopt findings, conclusions and conditions and grant Conditional Use Permit Application No 9311-05 which was seconded by Councilmember Perry-Thompson and passed unanimously by voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Short Plat Application No 9204-01 -Andy and Erica Thurston (Final Plat Review). Ms Bloomfield explained the history of the plat and the approval of the Planning Commission. After a briE~f discussion including Mr McLerran and Andy Thurston, Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Short Plat which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Hildt publicly thanked Mr Thurston, his neighbors and Ms Bloomfield for their time and patience in coming to a satisfactory conclusion which was seconded by Mr Thurston. NEW BUSINESS 1994 Contract between city -EDC. RESOLUTION NO 94-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. Mayor Clise explained the contract and Mr Grove explained the resolution. Councilmember Shoulberg made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-08 which was seconded by Councilmember Harpole. After a brief discussion, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Ordinance Modifying Timing for System Development Charges Required for Water Connection outside of City Service Area. Mr Wheeler explained the fol¡owing two ordinances. Mr McLerran E~xp+qined the changes between these proposed ordinances and present: ordinances. A lengthy discussion including Mr McLerran and Mr WhHeler ensued. 513 514 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18,1994, Cont. ORDINANCE NO 2392 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBERS 2380 AND 2390 AND SECTION 13.26.070 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO MODIFY THE TIMING OF WHEN SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PAID BY CUSTOMERS LOCATED IN THE WATER UTILITY'S OUTSIDE OF CITY SERVICE AREA. Mr Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2392 which was seconded by Councilmember Harpole and passed unanimously by roll call vote. Ordinance Modifying Time by Which Water Tap Fees are to be Paid for Water Connection outside of City Service Area. ORDINANCE NO 2393 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2387 REGARDING A WATER RESERVATION SYSTEM FOR THE CITY'S WATER UTILITY CUSTOMERS LOCATED IN THE UTILITY'S OUTSIDE OF CITY SERVICE AREA BY AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 13.14.010, 13.14.060 AND 13.14.070 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE AS ESTABLISHED BY THAT ORDINANCE, AND RELATED TO THE TIME AT WHICH WATER TAP FEES MUST BE PAID, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A WAITING LIST FOR WATER RESERVATIONS AND THE LIFETIME OF A WATER RESERVATION WHERE A SUBDIVISION APPLICATION IS INVOLVED. Mr Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Harpole made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2393 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by roll call vote. Ordinance Establishing Maximum Salaries for 1994. ORDINANCE NO 2394 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES AND WAGES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1994. Mr Grove explained the ordinance and read it by title. Council- member Westerman made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Davidson made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2394 which was seconded by Councilmember Perry-Thompson. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Clise commented on a bulletin from the Association of Washington cities (AWC) and confirmed that all Councilmembers are receiving them. A discussion of ways Councilmembers can express items to the State Legislature, etc, including Mr McLerran and Mr Wheeler ensued. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18, 1994, Cont. Mayor Clise announced that he will be attending the Awe Legislative Conference on February 2, 1994, to be held at the Tyee Motel in Tumwater, Washington, and encouraged any interested Councilmember to attend. The Conference will be held on February 2 and 3, 1994. COMMITTEE REPORTS/STAFF REPORTS Cable Television Franchise Discussion. Councilmemb,er Shoulberg reported that the Cable Advisory Committee and the Finance Committee are recommending that a consultant to assis1: the City in the negotiation of a cable television franchise agreement with Summit Communications be hired. Councilmember West.~rman made a motion that the Council approve this proposal in concept and authorize the utilities Committee to work with the City Attorney in developing a scope of work to form the basis for a "Request for Proposals" to send to potential consultants which was. seconded by Councilmember Davidson and passed unanimously by voice vote. Discussion of participation by the School District and Jefferson County including Mr McLerran and Mr Grove ensued. Transportation. Councilmember Westerman set a mee!ting of the Committee at noon on January 31,1994, at City Hall to discuss two letters concerning street lights, the petition to rename two streets as well as other street related issues. Housing & Community Services. Councilmember Perry-Thompson set a meeting of the Committee for January 25, 1994, at 5:15 PM in the Mayor's Office for an orientation session. Parks & Property. Councilmember Harpole reportE~d that the Commi ttee has met and discussed the properties declarE~d surplus by Jefferson County. A meeting has been set for February 2, 1994, from 12: 00 to 1: 30 PM to prioritize the property list and to discuss City Dock and the Pope Marine Park Building. ~\ meeting has also been set for February 22, 1994, from 12: 00 to 1: 30 PM to discuss the relationship between the Committee and the Parks Board. Land Use. Councilmember Davidson reported that the Committee had met and received an update on the Comprehensive Plan and some regulatory reforms from the Planning staff. Finance. Councilmember Shoulberg reported that the Commi t'tee had met and received an orientation on the duties of the Committee from Mr Grove and also discussed the surplus property and how it affects the finances of the City and the recommendations of thE! Cable Advisory Committee. Housing & Community Services. After a brief discussion of the request from the School District to use the McCurdy Pavilion for graduation it was the consensus of Council that a letb~r of consent for the performance day only be sent. Clerk-Treasurer. RESOLUTION NO 94-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE PORT TOWNSEND CIVIC TRUST. Mr Grove explained the resolution. Councilmember Wes1:erman made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-09 which was seconded by Councilmember Harpole and passed unanimously by voice vote. 515 516 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18,1994, Cont. Mr Grove reported that the 1994 Budget has gone to the printer and should be available to Council and the Public on Jan~ary 20,1994. City Attorney. Mr McLerran gave an update on litigation being worked on through his office. Mr McLerran also reported that he has completed a year as the elected Chair of the Land Use and Environmental Law section of the state Bar Association and that he is still on the Board of that group that meets once a quarter. He will now be working with the Governor's Task Force on Regulatory Reform and has been asked to be on one of the working groups related to the Growth Management Act and SEPA. Public Works. Mr Wheeler announced a Public Workshop at the High School Cafeteria to discuss everything going on with water on February 2, 1994, and reported on the outcome of a similar meeting in the Tri-Area. Mr Wheeler noted that the Biosolids Facility is up and working and that a Grand Opening will be held in the future. A discussion ensued. Mr Wheeler reported that CH2M Hill has put together a poster display at their cost that was displayed at the Consulting Engineers Council of Washington convention. Mr Wheeler will see that the Council sees these posters. Planning & Building. Mr Robison reported on the projects being worked on by staff, stated that they hope to have the new Planner selected within the next two weeks, and noted several shoreline permits being looked at as well as the many building permits from the end of the year. Mr Robison also reported that they are charting out Growth Management and Comprehensive Plan activities over the next year for consideration at the Council Retreat. Mr Robison noted the Department of Ecology Hearing at city Hall on January 26,1994, on the Shoreline Master Program which was adopted by the City in November, 1993. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Agenda for Council Retreat on February 9 & 10. 1994. During discussion of a draft agenda for the Council Retreat to be held on February 9 & 10, 1994, it was the consensus of Council that a SEPA workshop be scheduled by staff during the latter part of February or early March. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Clise recessed the meeting into Executive Session to discuss Ii tigation and the acquisition of real estate including Dennis McLerran, Doug Mason, Dave Robison and Robert Wheeler at 9:20 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 11:20 PM. NEW BUSINESS Resolution Authorizing Agreement for State Revolving Fund Loan. RESOLUTION NO 94-10 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY REGARDING AN INTEREST-FREE LOAN FROM THE STATE REVOLVING FUND. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 18, 1994, Cont. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the council adopt Resolution No 94-10 which was seconded by Councilmember Harpole and passèd unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT There being no further adjourned at 11:25 PM. ~ ... Attest: ~~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 7, 1994 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met: in regular session this Seventh day of February, 1994, at 7: 00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor John M Clise pre!sidinq. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Bill Davidson, Dan Harpole, Julie McCulloch, Ted Shoulberg, Robert Sokol, Diane perry- Thompson and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Cle!rk-Treasurer David Grove, Police Chief Jim Newton, Fire Chief Howard Scott, City Attorney Dennis McLerran, Librarian Cheryl Silverblatt, Planner Darlene Bloomfield, Director of Planning and Building 14ichael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jim Farmer, Manager, Fort Worden State Park, was recognized and updated Council on proposed cuts in the budget for the Washington State Parks including Fort Worden and asked for Council support for a viable State Parks System. COMMUNICATION A brief discussion of action needed for the letter from Towne Point Owners Association requesting approval of the relocation of the common area between lots 115 and 116 to the west side of lot 116 ensued. It was the consensus of Council that this will be discussed at the Regular Council Meeting on February 22, 1993. A brief discussion of the request for suspension of the whitney Road Variance Determination Appeal ensued. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember McCulloch made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote with six Councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Councilmember Sokol abstained. Approval of the Minutes for December 20, 1993, as written without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: 010 094 Current Expense Garbage $ 26,095.82 34,408.24 517