HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1991 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17, 1991 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in rl3gular session this Seventeenth day of December 1991, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Jean Camfield, John elise, Vern Jones, Michael Kenna, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, City Attorney Keith Harper, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. PRIORITY ITEMS Biosolids Report to Department of Ecology. Mr Wheeler explained the Biosolids Report and reported that since there is a Mitigated Determination of Non-significance, the report will not be adopted at this meeting. Mitigated Determination of Non-significance. Councilmember Kenna noted that the determination of non-significance has been re"iewed by the Legislative/Environmental Committee and the Council and made a motion that the Council adopt the following mitigating measures which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. 1. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: To develop a composting facility at the Jefferson County landfill to treat biosolids genE~rated from the ci ty of Port Townsend's secondary wastE!Water treatment plant. The composting facility would also compost yard waste collected from the city. The facility would be located within the existing landfill site which encompasses 200 acres. The composting facility would consist of approximately 5 acres, whereby 35% of the site would be covered with impervious surfaces, which would include access roads between the facility and the rest of the landfill site, and incorporate a 100 foot wide perimeter buffer strip. The proposal has yet to define a specific 5 acre site within the existing county landfill facility. 1. EARTH a. To mitigate potential erosion impacts from excavation and construction, temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be prepared during the predesign of the project. The stormwater and erosion control plan shall be submi tted in an SEPA addendum and reviewed and approved by the Jefferson County Public Works DirE!ctor. 2. AIR a. To mitigate adverse air impacts due to dust during dry weather, construction areas should be watered to suppress dust. In order to reduce potential surface and grround water contamination, chemical dust suppressants e:hould not be used. 3. WATER a. To mitigate potential adverse water quality impact associated wi th increased impervious surfacing ' the proponent shall prepare a detailed stormwater control plan, based on a 25-year, 24-hour storm event, for the site-specific design of the facility. Wherever feasible, biofiltration of impervious surface runoff prior to discharge into the storm drainage system should be utilized. The final design of the stormwater managrement plan shall be included in an SEPA addendum and be approved by the Jefferson County Public Works DirE!ctor. 365 366 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF IƒCEMBER 17, 1991 b. To avoid potential impacts to wa'ter quality entering the storm water system or bioi i 1 trat~ion areas, the leachate retention basin should be designed per Department of Ecology standards and have suffi~ient capacity to meet a 25-year storm event. 4. PLANTS a. Once a project site is selectHd, a plant and animal inventory should be conducted and included in the SEPA addendum. The inventory should identify any critical habitat, wetlands, or endangered or threatened plant and animals found at the site. 5. ANIMALS See mitigation measure 4a above. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES No mitigation measures proposed. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. The compost will not be removed from the site until it meets state and federal guidelines for public distribution of the compost product. LAND AND SHORELINE USE No mitigation measure proposed. HOUSING No mitigation measure proposed. AESTHETICS No mitigation measure proposed. LIGHT AND GLARE No mitigation measure proposed. RECREATION No mitigation measure proposed. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. To mitigate potential impacts to archeological resources which may be discovered during excavation, work should be stopped if such materials are discovered and the State Historic Preservation Officer be contacted immediately. TRANSPORTATION No mitigation measures proposed. PUBLIC SERVICES No mitigation measure proposed. UTILITIES No mitigation measure proposed. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17,1991 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with the City of Bremerton to accept Biosolids. RESOLUTION NO 91-90A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF BREMERTON Mr Wheeler explained the resolution. Councilmember McCullOGh made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-90A which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Tourism Marketing and Development Plan. Bart Phillips, Economic Development Council, was recognized and reviewed the proces:s used for the development of the Tourism Marketing and Development Plan and spoke about the recommendations of the steering committee. Some of the recommendations are focusing the marketing efforts on specific target markets, consideration of restructuring current public sector marketing efforts, possibly a true visitor/ conventions bureau as the management structure, and to implement the Tourism Marketing and Development Plan. Councilmember Westerman reported that Gus Lindquist, a member of the st~eering commi ttee , would have signed the plan had he been in tmm. A discussion of the plan ensued. Coastal Loan Sponsorship -Skookum Jump Rope. Councilmember Camfield left the chambers due to a possible conflict of int:erest. Mr Phillips explained the reason for the request. counci 1 member Clise made a motion that the Council support the loan application for Skookum Jump Rope which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Camfield returned to the chambers. Resolutions. Mr Grove presented resolutions from the Council to Councilmember Kenna and to city Attorney Harper in appreciation for thèir service to the citizens of Port Townsend. Presentation. Mayor Shirley presented the City with a portrait of the present Council to be hung in the Council Chambers with the hope that following Councils will continue the tradition. RECESS Mayor Shirley declared a recess for a brief reception in honor of Councilmember Kenna and city Attorney Harper at 7: 49 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:08 PM. OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Shirley administered the Oath of the Office of Mayor t:o John M Clise effective January 1, 1992. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bill Medlicott, Chairman of the Accommodations Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, was recognized and stated his opposition to the Tourism Report and urged that the report be sent baGk for further study. Bill Nemerever was recognized and spoke in favor of the funds and support provided for the Library and stated that they are not just funding the Library but the future of Port Townsend. Alta Diment was recognized and thanked Council for the funding of Library and reported that several volunteers at the Library are former Librarians. 367 368 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17,1991 Councilmember Kenna asked Mr Phillips if there has been any response from the Union Wharf Associates to the letter sent by Council in March. Mr Phillips responded that there has been no item by item response as yet although they acknowledged receipt of the letter. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the Minutes for November 19 a:1d December 3, 1991, as written without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: Current Expense Street Library Park Hotel/Motel Emergency Medical Services Local Improvement District #1 Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total $ 36,288.53 7,908.84 8.31 9,533.18 2,680.71 352.03 3,256.80 76,732.01 629.54 25,780.58 611.35 $163,781.88 Communications: A Petition dated July 21, 1991, from Sco1:t Walker and 19 others stating concerns about the speed and amour,t of traffic using Rose Street as a through-street was copied for Council and referred to the street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. A letter dated October 16, 1991, from Jay Brahe, Principal, Port Townsend High School, requesting the ci 1:y of Port Townsend to repeat its previous generosity by giving t,he Port Townsend School District one of its McCurdy Pavilion performance days for the 1991- 92 graduation ceremony was copied for Council A letter dated November 15, 1991, from :,cott Walker discussing street maintenance practices was copied for Council and referred to the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. A letter dated December 6, 1991, from ,::indy Thayer, HUD Loan Chairman, Main Street, listing two approved requests for funds for rehabili tat ion and preservation of buildi:rlgs in the Downtown and Uptown Historic District was copied for Council. A letter dated December 13, 1991, from Hobert H Sokol, Tourism Marketing Steering Committee Participant, explaining his reasons for not signing the transmittal letter for 'the Tourism Development, Management and Marketing Plan was copied for Council. This concludes the Consent Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINES~; 1992 Budget Adoption. ORDINANCE NO 2277 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ADOPTING THE 1992 BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL CITY GOVERNMENT, THE WATER-SEWER UTILITIES, THE STORM AND SURFACE WATER UTILITY, AND BOND REDEMPTION FUNDS. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17, 1991 Mr Wheeler explained changes which could be made to the Water/Sewer Fund budget. A brief discussion ensued. Mr Grove reviewed changes made to the overall Budget with comments by Mayor Shirley and then read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Owsley made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Owsley made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2277 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones. Mr Grove noted petitions received this night with approximately 129 signatures stating "We the people of Port Townsend do not approve the 1992 City Budget". The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. Ordinance Establishing Salary and Wages for Director of Public Safety. ORDINANCE NO 2278 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ESTABLISHING A SALARY FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Mayor Shirley explained the ordinance. Mr Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2278 which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by roll call vote. Street Vendor Ordinance. Councilmember Jones made a motion that this ordinance be continued until the meeting on January 21,1992, which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Extension of Rate Study Contract. RESOLUTION NO 91-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH ECONOMIC AND ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution. After discussion, councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-91 which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS/STAFF REPORTS Communi ty Action. Councilmember Westerman introduced Roy Springer who reviewed revisions to a resolution for Anti-Displa.cement Relocation Plan. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that this resolution be further discussed at the meet:ing on January 7, 1992, after review by the City Attorney. Legislative/Environmental. councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council adopt the following mitigating measures for a determination of non-significance for a rezone of two lots at the corner of Gr~nt and Third S~reets for Larry Allen and Derek F~ei jnen which seconded by CQupcilm~mÞer Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. " . k EARTH 1. To mitigate possible erosion hazards from the proposed project, a drainage plan shall be prepared by a. civil 369 370 Ih. L ~ ~ IL.. L. ~ ~ k !h ~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17,1991 engineer for approval by the Public Works Director. This plan shall be completed and app:::-oved prior to building permit approval. The plan shall include the following in writing or diagrams: 0 0 0 Location of proposed building Property lines Details of' terrain, including present contours and proposEid finish contours Details of all erosion control measures Proposed construction schedule (including time of erosion control measures installation 0 0 AIR 1. To mitigate adverse air impacts due to dust during dry weather, construction areas should be watered to suppress dust. In order to reduce poten1:ial surface and ground water contamination, chemical dllst suppressants should not be used. WATER 1. No mitigation measures proposed. PLANTS 1. No mitigation measures proposed. ANIMALS 1. No mitigation measures proposed ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES 1. No mitigation measures proposed. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: NOISE 1. To mitigate adverse construction noise impacts on nearby residents construction shall be limited to between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm Monc,ay through Friday and prohibited on weekends. LAND AND SHORELINE USE 1. No mitigation measures proposed. HOUSING 1. No mitigation measure proposed. AESTHETICS 1. Screening shall be used to mitig.:¡te the visual impact of mechanical equipment and du][1psters form adjacent properties and Sims Way. LIGHT AND GLARE 1. Shielding shall be used on all exterior lighting to mitigate light and glare from affecting road or surrounding uses. The shieldin~ shall direct light or glare downward and away from ad:ioining properties. RECREATION 1. No mitigation measures proposed I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17,1991 ~ HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION 1. To mitigate potential impacts to archeological resources which may be discovered during excavation, work should be stopped if such materials are discovered and the state Historic Preservation Officer be contacted immediately. N. TRANSPORTATION 1. In order to provide adequate access to the site, Grant Street from Sims Way to 3rd Street shall be brought: up to minimum street standards. 2. To mitigate impacts to pedestrians, a sidewalk shall be established on Grant street along the length of the abutting property line. ~ PUBLIC SERVICES 1. No mitigation measures recommended. ~ UTILITIES 1. No mitigation measures recommended. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council approve a determination of non-significance for a temporary staginq area during the construction òf the Wastewater Treatment Plant for the City of Port Townsend which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kenna suggested that in order to streamline things, staff could become the lead agency instead of the council. }. brief discussion ensued. McCurdy Pavilion. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the Port Townsend High School be authorized to use one of the days at the McCurdy Pavilion set aside for the City for their graduation ceremonies which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed by voice vote with Councilmember Camfield abstaining from the vote. Approval of Reappointments. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the Council approve the following reappointments which was se~conded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote~. Bob Rickard, Planning commission Joanne Fritz, civil Service Commission Ann Landis, Historic Preservation Commission Paradise Bay Seafarms. Mr Hildt reported that there is a problem with predation of the fish in the pens. It was the consensus of the Council that an environmental checklist be prepared by Paradise Bay Seafarms on the proposed remedy to the problem. Mark Osmond, a representative from the seafarms, was recognized and responded that a ventic study is done yearly and that he will forward a copy to the Council. Mr Osmond responded to questions by the Cctuncil. License Agreement -Jack Guiher. RESOLUTION NO 91-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH JACK GUIHER. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution and commended John Merchant for his work on the agreement. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-92 which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. 371 372 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17,1991 Ouilcene National Forest. Mr Wheeler not ~d that the hydrologist for the Quilcene District of the Olympic National Forest is leaving, that he may not be replaced and noted concerns of the ci ty . Mr Wheeler reported that he had sent a letter to the Olympic National Forest requesting that the hydrologist be replaced. Councilmember McCulloch explained the budgetary problems of the Forestry Service and the concerns of the city. Snow Creek Logginq. RESOLUTION NO 91-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIJ:' OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR DLP ASSOCIATES, INC. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution and the conditions for use of the road by the logger. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-93 which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Chelan Agreement. Mr Wheeler reminded Coun::il of a meeting January 10, 1992, at 10:00 AM in City Hall, with Ron Allen, Chair of the Jamestown Klallam Tribe, to discuss their role, needs and issues related to the pilot Project of the Chelan Agreement. Storm Drainage Projects in 1991. Mr Wheeler reported that there have been several small projects done in 1991 that may not have been noted by citizens complaining that the storm drainage funds are not being utilized. Planning Commission Short Course. Mr Hildt reminded Council of a short course on planning which will focus on policy development for the Grown Management Act, being held at 7:00 or 7:30 PM, December 19,1991, at the Community Center. Civil service commission. Mr Grove announced that the civil Service Commission has certified a list of o:hree candidates for the position of Police Chief for consideration by the Mayor. Pink House. Mr Grove reported that an adveJ::-tisement was printed in the Historic Preservation News on the Pir,k House this month and that bid packages have been sent out to 9 interested parties. There was no one present for the tour of th'3 Pink House on the date in the advertisement. D.A.R.E. Program. Mayor Shirley announ::ed the purchase of a vehicle for use by the Police Department for the D.A.R.E. Program. Criminal Prosecution. Mayor Shirley announced that the Jefferson County Prosecutor's Office will take OVE:r criminal prosecution effective January 1, 1992, for a period of one year. Bay Vista II Condominium Project. Mr Hildt reported that an article in the Jefferson-Port Townsend LE!ader will be published this week on the Bay vista II Condo Project stating that there is a four-foot discrepancy on the high-water mark, and that a survey was received by the city a few hours ago. This project will be coming back to Council at the January 7, 1992, meeting for suggestions for proceeding. Designing Washington's Future Symcosium. Councilmember McCulloch reported that she will be unable to attend the Designing Washington's Future Symposium in Tacoma on January 16, 1992, but would like to see someone from the Council attend. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17,1991 Resolution for Fire Protection District No 6. RESOLUTION 91-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AN AMBULANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH JEFFERSON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO 6. Mr Grove explained the resolution. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-94 which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS Wetland Consultant contract. RESOLUTION NO 91-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORI ZING A WETLAND CONSULTANT CONTRACT WITH ECONOMIC AND ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the council adopt Resolution No 91-95 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Resolution Updating Regional Growth Management Strategy. RESOLUTION NO 91-96 A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AND THE PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL UPDATING THE REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. Mr Hildt explained the resolution. Councilmember Kenna :made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-96 which was seconded by Councilmember owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Hildt was excused from the meeting at 9:50 PM. Resolution Authorizing Extension of Animal Control Contract with Bayshore. RESOLUTION NO 91-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF AN ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRACT WITH BAY SHORE ENTERPRISES. Mr Grove explained the resolution. Councilmember Jones :made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-97 which was seconded by Councilmember owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Resolution Authorizing Establishment of a Consultant List for 1992 and Resolution for Contracting services Procedure. Mr Wheeler explained the two following resolutions. Mr Harper approv"ed the recommendations. RESOLUTION NO 91-98 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PROCEDURE SELECTING A CONSULTANT LIST FOR 1992. FOR 373 g74 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17, 1991 RESOLUTION NO 91-99 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING SELECTING CONTRACTORS SERVICES. A PHOCEDURE FOR FOR PROFESSIONAL Councilmember Kenna made a motion th,it the Council adopt Resolutions No 91-98 and No 91-99 w~ich was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. Resolution for G Rodney Johnson -HUD Loan for $14.000. RESOLUTION NO 91-101) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS AND DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS FOR A LOAN OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO 88-58 OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. Mr Harper explained the resolution. Counc:ilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-100 which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and pas:;ed unanimously by voice vote. Small Works Roster Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO 2279 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SMALL WORKS ROSTER PURSUANT TO RCW 35.23.352(6) AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr Wheeler explained the ordinance. Mr Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. councilmember Camfield made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No 2279 which was seconded by Councilmember WesteI'man. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. Repeal of Ordinance 2069 -Bicycle Traffic. ORDINANCE NO 2280 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE 2069 CONCERNING BICYCLE TRAFFIC ON SIMS WAY/STATE ROAD 20. Mr Harper explained the ordinance. Mr GrO'le read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Owsley made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and pass ~d unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Owsley made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2280 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. Bid Awards: Councilmember Owsley abstained from these discussions and votes. Mr Wheeler explained the bids. Liquid Chlorine. One bid received. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the bid from Jones Chemicals for $.292 per pound be awarded which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17, 1991 Sludge Hauling. Two bids received. Goodman septic Disposal and Hemley's Septic Tank Cleaning as follows: Goodman Haul to Bremerton .08 per gal Haul to Tacoma .11 " " Haul to Renton .14 " " Haul to Anacortes .14 " " Haul to Port Ludlow .06 " " Hemley .18 per gal .185" " .20 " " .24 " " .175" " Councilmember Jones made a motion that the bid be awarded to Goodman Septic Disposal with the insurance requirements to be worked out which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Petroleum Products. One bid received. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the following bid from Pacific oil Products be awarded which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Regular Gas Diesel Unleaded Gas Premium Unleaded Furnace oil $ .9446 Gallon .9073 " .9446 " 1.773 " .6773 " EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting into Executive Session to discuss the acquisition of real estate and a personnel matter including Keith Harper, David Grove, and Robert Wheeler at 10:15 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 10:45 PM. RECESS Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting until December 18, 1991, at 7: 00 PM, at 10:45 PM. MINUTES OF THE CONTINUED SESSION OF DECEMBER 17, 1991 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in continued session this Eighteenth day of December 1991, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of city Hall, Mayor Elect John Clise presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley and Sheila Westerman. Councilm.embers Vern Jones and Michael Kenna were excused. Also presen.t: were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. PUBLIC FORUM Impact Fees and Connection Charges. Mayor Elect Clise explained that this is an informal session and requested that the council- members sit with the Public rather than at their usual desk,s. Mr Wheeler and Bob Wubbena, Economic and Engineering Services, Inc, were recognized and gave an explanation of and background for the Impact Fees and Assessments, Service Fees and Connection Charges. A lengthy discussion of costs to builders versus costs to tile city for taps, breakdown of and use of impact fee assessment funds including the school district, property evaluation, the effect on commercial property, with various members of the Public ensued. 375' 376 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF D~CEMBER 17, 1991 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Elect Clise declared the meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM. ç2:! Attest: M~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 7, 1992 The City Council of the City of Port ']'ownsend met in regular session this Seventh day of January, 1~1~2, at 7: 00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor John M Clise presiding. OATH OF OFFICE Mr Grove administered the Oath of Office to Councilmembers Julie McCulloch, Robert Sokol, Sheila Westerman and Cindy Wolpin. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were JE~an Camfield, Vern Jones, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley, Robert Sokol, Sheila Westerman and Cindy Wolpin. Also present were ClerkwTreasurer David Grove, Director of Planning and Building Michê.el Hildt, Planner Dave Robison and Public Works Director Robert l~heeler. PUBLIC COMMENTS Kathryn Jenks was recognized and requestE!d permission to address the Bayvista proposal when it comes up on the agenda. Mayor Clise responded that public comments would be allowed at that time. Mayor Clise acknowledged Karen Chang and Coila Sheard for the lovely flowers on the desks this night. CONSENT AGENDA councilmember Jones made a motion to appro'Te the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Cc,uncilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: Current Expense Street Library Park Arterial street Hotel/Motel Emergency Medical Services Local Improvement District #1 Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total $ 82,600.89 5,688.25 5,524.82 9,192.37 46.11 7,520.07 10,962.23 5,272.81 126,055.29 6,651.00 13,006.91 365.77 $272,886.52 Communications: A letter dated November 22, 1991, from Bill Medlicott, Accom- modations Committee Chair, port TownseIi d Chamber of Commerce, I I I