HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1991 312 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 17,1991, Cont. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-73 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Affordable Housing Committee. Councilmember Westerman rl3ported that she will be giving the Council a "Concept Paper" from the Affordable Housing Committee for the foundation of an ordinance after it has been through the main body of the Affordable Housing committee. Sims Way. Councilmember Jones questioned the Sims Way arE!a near the Silver Palace Restaurant looking like a junk yard. Mr Hildt reported that this problem has been discussed with the owner and that there are plans for landscaping the property to remE!dy the problem. A brief discussion of enforcement ensued. Jefferson 2000. Mayor Shirley announced two Jefferson 2000 Strategic Planning workshop meetings to be held on September 26, 1991, and September 28, 1991. The September 26 meeting will be from 7: 00 PM to 10: 00 PM at the Port Townsend Communi ty CentE~r; the September 28 meeting will be from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Tri- Area Community Center. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter and property acquisition includin9 Keith Harper, David Grove, Michael Hildt and Robert Wheeler at 10:05 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 10:27 PM. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 10:27 PM. Attest: ;A~ ~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991 The City Council of the city of Port Townsend met in regular session this First day of October 1991, at 7:00 PM in the council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Michael Kenna, Julie McCulloch, Norma owsley and Sheila Westerman. Councilmember Jones was excused. Also present were Deputy City Treasurer Vera Franz, city Attorney Keith Harper, Direc1:or of planning and Building Michael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. PUBLIC COMMENTS Cal McCune was recognized and stated his concern that the width of the sidewalk in front of his building is only 12.5 feet wide while the sidewalk across the street is 15 feet wide and this should be kept in mind when sandwichboard signs are discussed. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1 # 1991, Cont:. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Owsley made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Counci l:member McCulloch. Councilmember Camfield made a motion to amend the motion to add hearings for the storm sewer rate calculation and the Elks rezone to the consent agenda which was second,ed by Councilmember McCulloch nd passed unanimously by voice vote. The main motion passed unanimously by voice vote: Approval of the Minutes for September 3 and September 17,1991, as written without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: Current Expense $ 43,088.52 Park 16.27 Water-Sewer 367.49 Total $ 43,472.28 Setting Hearings: Conditional Use Permit 9106-01 -Harrison/Miller for October 15, 1991 Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Rear Setbacks) for Octob3r 15, 1991 Elks Lodge Rezone Application 9104-05 for October 29,1991 Storm Sewer Rate Calculation Ordinance for November 19,1991 Communications: A letter dated September 12,1991, from Sharon Estee, Coordinator, Washington state Data Center, including a 1990 federal census profile for Jefferson county was copied for Council. A letter- dated September 17, 1991, from Ron Olsen, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce, to Michael Hildt thanking him for his letter inviting the Chamber to participated in monitoring and enforcement of the recommended sandwich board sign ordinance and stating that the Chamber is still in the process of developing a position was copied for Council. A letter dated September 18, 1991, from Mr and Mrs S A Nelson opposing the Bay vista II and Bay View Restaurant Addition Permit Application No 9105-02 was copied for Council. A letter dated September 18,1991, from David Grove to Joyce A Cox, as formal written notice that the city will be considering adoption of an ordinance granting Peninsula Tours a franchise on October 15, 1991, was copied for Council. A letter dated September 19, 1991, from David Grove to Alan Zerobnick, as formal written notice that the city will be considering adoption of an ordinance granting Peninsula Tours a franchise on October 15,1991, was copied for Council. A letter dated September 19,1991, from Brent Shirley to Edgrar and Patricia Sullivan proposing that the City install a trash receptacle behind Flagship Landing and a sign stating that the viewpoint is on private property and asking that lit1:er be deposited in the receptacle provided was copied for Council. This concludes the Consent Agenda. 313 314 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1,1991, Cont. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance for Discount for Low-Income Senior Citizens. ORDINANCE NO 2263 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MAXI~[ INCOME LEVEL TO $15,000 FOR LOW-INCOME SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS FOR CITY SEWER, WAT:E:R AND STORM SEWER UTILITY RATES; AMENDING SECTIONS 13.04.035 AND 13.12.290 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms Franz read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. :Ms Franz again read the ordinance by title. councilmember Clise made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2263 which was s.~conded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by roll call vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS/STAFF F~EPORTS Water /Sewer. Councilmember McCulloch repc'rted that the committee met and discussed the request by Jennifer JCettel to not be charged for sewer service while her house is being :remodeled; that there is no provision for this in the codes, and that to pay a disconnect fee and then another tap fee would probably not be worth her while. Councilmember McCulloch also reported t~hat Mr Harper made a presentation to the Committee on the legal obligation in the water service area and that a report is in procE!ss. Councilmember McCulloch reported that the Public Works Department is going to start a "North Beach News" which will be a newsletter for the North Beach neighborhood and anyone who is interested to keep everyone posted on the progress of th.~ sewage treatment plant project. Councilmember McCulloch stated that the 80~ redesign plans for the sewage treatment plant are out and will be done in October; bio- solids are going to have to be hauled away. possibly to Bremerton, because the Jefferson County "black laqoon" is scheduled for closure on January 1, 1992, at the cost of between $8,000 and $9,000 per month until the sewer treatmen1: plant is on line. Councilmember McCulloch further reported that an article in the Jefferson County-Port Townsend Leader reqarding the Lord's Lake timber cut as the result of a blowdown was misleading. A brief discussion of the incident ensued. Councilmember McCulloch announced that ,1 memorandum of under- standing with the Forest Service for watershed management will be discussed by a subcommittee of the Water }~dvisory committee. Councilmember McCulloch noted a letter dated September 30, 1991, from Daniel Waggoner urging that the Council go on record as being adamantly opposed to the proposed o. R. V. trail system adjacent to the watershed and reservoir in the Quilc'3ne National Forest and made a motion that the Mayor sign a letter written to Kathy Snow, USDA Forest Service, Quilcene Ranger Station stating general concerns of the City regarding the proposed ATV Trail in the Quilcene National Forest which was secondeë. by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Legislative/Environmental. Councilmeltber Kenna read the recommendations from the Planning Department revised on October 1, I I I I I Ih ~ I Ih 1. ~ 1. ~ 1. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Cont:. 1991, and made a motion that the Council make a Mitigated Determination of Non-significance for LBR Construction to construct four single-family houses on Lots 1, 3, 5 and 7, Block 5 of the Montana Addition and noted that a representative from LBR Construction was not present. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vot49. The mitigating measures follow: fu. Earth 1. To mitigate potential adverse stormwater drainage impacts, finished floor elevations of the main floors of all homes shall be 12 inches above the highest elevation of 49th Street. This elevation differential is necessary for the protect,ion of the occupants and their personal property should severe flooding occur. 2. To mitigate potential adverse siltation and erosion from grading and construction, the contractor shall monitor weather and off-site surface flows during construction. If erosion is noted, the Contractor shall immediately install such sedimentation and erosion controls as are necessary, including but not limited to: siltation fences, hay bales, and settling ponds. 3. To mitigate potential adverse drainage impacts, the contractor shall investigate the soil profile to determine the depth and occurrence of any impervious hard pan on the site. Permeable fill shall be used inside the foundation and drains shall be installed as necessary to minimize moisture accumulation in the crawlspaces of the homes. Air 1. To mitigate adverse air impacts due to dust during dry weather, construction areas should be watered to suppress dust. In order to reduce potential surface and ground water contamination, chemical dust suppressants should not be~ used. Water 1. To mitigate adverse water quality impact associated with increased impervious surfacing, infiltration trenches are to be installed as per the Drainage Plan designed by NTI provided hard pan is not encountered within the profile of the infiltration trench. 2. To mitigate adverse stormwater impacts, 12-inch CMP culverts are to be installed along all driveways into public streets. Culverts shall be exposed at least 12 inches beyond slope of gravel ballast on each side of the driveways and shall be buried at least 12 inches below the finished surface of the driveway. Drain trenching shall be provided along the roadways sized to convey flows to and through the site. Slopes of drain ditches shall be no less than 2:1. Plants No mitigation measures are proposed. Animals No mitigation measures recommended. Energy and Natural Resources No mitigation measures recommended. 315' 316 .L.. !L. XL.. k 1. !L.. 1. th 1. 2. 3. ~ 1. ~ 1. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Cont. ~ Environmental Health 1. To mitigate adverse construction noise impacts on nearby residences, construction shall be limited to between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday and prohibited on weekends. lh Land and Shoreline Use 1. No mitigation measures are proposed. Housing 1. No mitigation meaSures are proposed. Aesthetics 1. No mitigation measure proposed. Light and Glare 1. No mitigation measure proposed. Recreation No mitigation measures recommended. Historical and Cultural Preservation To mitigate potential impacts to arche:>logical resources which may be discovered during excavation, \fork should be stopped if such materials are discovered anj the State Historic Preservation Officer be contacted immediately. Transportation To mitigate adverse traffic safety impacts, the interior lots, lots 3 and 5, shall have 3 parking spaces provided for each lot. To mitigate adverse road conditions on Grant and Sheridan Street, each street shall be developed to minimum street standards along the entire frontage oJ the abutting right-of- way. To mitigate adverse traffic safety impacts resulting from inadequate right-of-way on 49th Street, the minimum setback from 49th Street shall be 26 feet. Public Services No mitigation measures proposed. utilities No mitigation measures proposed. Councilmember Kenna read the recommendat,ions from the Planning Department revised on October 1,1991, and made a motion that the Council make a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for Eldridge Homes to construct nine single family houses along Eddy Street in the Phillips Addition. Mr Eldridge was present and agreed to the mitigating measures. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. The mitigating measures follow: I I I I I I 2. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Cont:. A. Earth 1. To mitigate potential adverse siltation and erosion from grading and construction, the contractor shall monitor w'aather and off-side surface flows during construction. If erosion is noted, the Contractor shall immediately install such sedimentation and erosion controls as are necessary, including but not limited to: siltation fences, hay bales, addi'tional quarry spalls, and settling ponds. 2. To mitigate potential adverse drainage impacts, permeable fill shall be used inside the foundation to an elevation sufficient to prevent the occurrence of standing water. Floor elevations shall be established so that surrounding landscapinçr will slope away from each home on all sides for a distance of at least 10 feet. Proposed final contours and/or floor, road, bed and bank elevations demonstrating positive drainage of the project area shall be submitted to the Public Works Director. 1L.. 1. Air To mitigate adverse air impacts due to dust during dry weather, construction areas should be watered to suppress dust. In order to reduce potential surface and ground water contamination, chemical dust suppressants should not be used. ~ Water 1. A final drainage plan shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Director prior to construction. The applicant shall amend the submitted drainage plan to include the following details: a. A cross-section of 10th Street at a location just upstream of the detention ditch. This detail shall include the right of way boundaries, limits of proposed gravel roadway with ballast and crushed top course surfacing, and open channel indicating a minimum of 8 inches of freeboard. b. All proposed driveways shall be shown and include a 12- inch CMP culvert. c. Details of protection for the flow restrictor to pJrevent clogging by debris. Also show grating over all op~anings greater than 8 inches. d. All bends in open channel downstream of detention ::;ystem shall be lined with quarry spalls to minimize erosion during periods of overflow. Cross-sections of the detention system showing 8 inches of freeboard and any berming intended to demon8trate adequate capacity at full flow conditions. To mitigate adverse water quality impacts associatedl with increased impervious surfacing, grass-lined ditches and a detention/biofiltration system has been proposed. Proposed detention ditches are to be lined with grasses and shall be maintained by periodic clipping and reseeding as needed. e. !k. Plants 1. No mitigation measures are proposed. ~ Animals 1. No mitigation measures recommended. 317 318 ~ !h .L. 1. ~ 1. lL.. 1. k 1. M. 1. rL. 1. ~ 1. ~ 1. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1,1991, Cont. Æ..:.. Energy and Natural Resources 1. No mitigation measures recommended. Environmental Health 1. To mitigate adverse construction noise impacts on nearby residences, construction shall be limited to between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM Monday through Friday and prohibited on weekends. Land and Shoreline Use 1. No mitigation measures are proposed. Housing No mitigation measures are proposed. Aesthetics No mitigation measure proposed. Light and Glare No mitigation measure proposed. Recreation No mitigation measures recommended. Historical and Cultural Preservation To mitigate potential impacts to archeological resources which may be discovered during excavation, work should be stopped if such materials are discovered and the state Historic Preservation Officer be contacted iIlUF,ediately. Transportation A traffic plan shall be submitted for approval by the Public Works Director. The plan shall describe the alignment, surfacing, and drainage details of the following items: a. Proposed modifications to the intersection of Howard street and Discovery Road. b. The proposed intersection of Edó.y Street with Discovery Road. the intersection angle shall be no less than 60 degrees and allow at least 50 feet of Eddy Street to follow the alignment on each side of the intersection. c. The proposed intersection of Edd~' Street and 12th Street. d. 10th street improvements. Public Services A fire hydrant shall be located in th ~ vicinity of Howard and 10th Street to provide minimum accef:S distances as per the Fire Department. The applicant shall indicate where the fire hydrant is proposed to be located on the traffic plan. utilities No mitigation measures proposed. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER I, 1991, Cont~. Mr Hildt read the recommendations from the Planning Department revised on October 1,1991, for Island View Partnership. During a lengthy discussion which included Rick Sepler, Planner, Mr Wh,eeler, Public Works Director, and Mark Saugen representing Island View Partnership, Mr Saugen agreed to the mitigating measures. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council make a Mit.igated Determination of Non-significance for Island View Partnership to construct a two story condominium development on 3.12 acres, consisting of 28 condominiums, wood frame construction ~ri th 4 condominiums per building in a residential area of Port Tm.msend near the southwestern city limits. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. The mitigating measures follow: ~ EARTH 1. To mitigate siltation and erosion from excavation and construction, temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director. 2. To mitigate the susceptibility of soils to erosion in and adjacent to the ravine area due to the proximity of construction and the utilization of the ravine for controlled surface water run off, a soils evaluation shall be conducted by a soils geologist and approved by a licensed civil engineer. specific procedures to be used in this evaluation and the location of test holes shall be approved by the Public Works Director. If soils are determined to be susceptible to erosion, addi.tional construction setback or armoring of the bank may be required where substantial flow velocities are indicated. The soils evaluation, including an analysis of the evaluation and any proposed mitigation measures, shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for reviøw and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. !h. AIR 1. To mitigate adverse air impacts due to dust during dry weather, construction areas shall be watered to suppress dust. In order to reduce potential surface and (~round water contamination, chemical dust suppressants should not be used. ~ WATER 1. To mitigate adverse water quality impact associated with increased impervious surfacing, biofiltration of runoff prior to discharge into the storm drainage system shall be designed by a civil engineer and approved by the Public Works Director prior to issuance of a clearing and grading permit. To mitigate adverse water quality impacts, runoff shall be collected in grass-lined swales and dispersed by sheet flow. Designs for specific conveyance, detention, and biofiltration features shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review prior to issuance of a clearing and gr&qing permit. 2. 3. To minimize impacts to water quality entering the storm water system, on-site storm water detention shall be provided per Public Works Development Standards. If necessary, in order to improve storm water quality, runoff should pass through oil/water separators prior to being released off-site. 319" 320 L h Q.:.. Q.:.. !k. L. ~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Cont. !L.. PLANTS 1. To mitigate construction impacts on significant trees in the ravine area, details for their retention and protec- tion during construction shall bE! provided. significant trees that have not been identij:ied as posing a hazard shall be tagged to 'indicate thai: they will not be cut. The Planning and Building DepaI'tment will inspect the si te to insure that all appropriate trees have been tagged prior to the issuance of a clearing and grading permit. Every effort should be made to avoid cutting significant trees (with a diameter of six inches or more) . ANIMALS No mitigation measures proposed. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES No mitigation measures proposed. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: NOISE 1. To mitigate adverse construction noise impacts on nearby residents the following mitiga'ting measures shall be listed by the applicant on the face of the construction drawings submitted to the city for building permit approval. a. Construction shall be limit,ed to between the hours of 7 am and 6 pm Monday through Friday and prohibited on weekends. b. These conditions shall be Ilrominently displayed at or near the entrance to the site in view of contractors and the public. LAND AND SHORELINE USE No mitigation measure proposed. HOUSING No mitigation measure proposed. AESTHETICS 1. To mitigate aesthetic impacts 011 neighboring properties vegetative screening shall be provided on the north and southeast perimeters of the proposed project. The purpose of the screening is to provide visual relief and privacy for adjacent properties. Landscaping materials used shall be native species which will reach a mature size within a five year period, providing a 10 to 12 foot vegetative screen. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director and approved prior to ttle issuance of a clearing and grading permit. LIGHT AND GLARE 1. To mitigate light and glare impacts from outdoor lighting sources that would effect adjacent residential areas and roads, fixtures that serve to shield and direct light or glare downward and away from adjoining properties shall be used. I I I I I I l:L. 1h ~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Cont: . ~ RECREATION No mitigation measure proposed. k HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION 1. To mitigate potential impacts to archeological resources which may be discovered during excavation, work shall be stopped if such materials are discovered and the State Historic Preservation Officer be contacted immediately. TRANSPORTATION 1. To mitigate adverse impacts of insufficient access to the proposed project the applicant shall contribute a proportionate share of the development costs associated with the establishment of Grant Street between Sims Way and 3rd Street. The proportionate share shall be based on the project's contribution to the growth in traffic; provided that the contribution is reasonable, equitable, and based on relevant considerations including but not limited to: a. The relative use and benefits to identifiable properties and users of the improvements including; i. projects future benefits properties and users: and the various to ii. The total cost of required improvements. The applicant shall prepare a development cost proposal for review and approval by the Public Works Director. The proposal shall include the methodology used in determining the proportionate share contribution by the applicant for the proposed Grant Street improvement. 2. streets within or serving the PUD shall be paved in conformance with City street Standards Ordinance #2210. 3. To mitigate adverse impacts to pedestrian circulat:ion in the immediate neighborhood, a graveled pedestrian ~ralkway shall be constructed on Grant street between Third Street and the project entrance. This walkway may be constructed during the replacement of the existing 4 inch waterline. PUBLIC SERVICES 1. To mitigate adverse impacts to safety due to inadequate f ire and emergency access to the site, Grant street between Sims Way and 3rd street shall be construc:ted by the city. Prior to the issuance of a clearing and grading permit, a bond shall be posted by the applicant that is equal to the amount of the proportionate share contribution for the development of Grant Str~:!et as determined by the Public Works Director. UTILITIES 1. To mitigate impacts associated with the interconnection of the water line where 1st Street intersects Sherman Street, the applicant shall closely coordinate the design and construction of this improvement with the Public Works Department. The proposed water line shall be constructed and cross the ravine at a suitable grade as specified by the Public Works Director. There 8æe two methods of installation to be considered for this 321 322 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Cont. application. Public works standards for water mains indicate a depth of bury of appJ::-oximately 3 feet. The applicant may elect to construct the line along the existing profile and provide air-release valves as needed. The alternative method is to bridge the ravine with ballast and install at least two 18-inch CMP culverts to pass seasonal flows through the filled section. The water main shall maintain uniform grade between the two existing wateJ:- main segments to be joined. Fill shall extend at least three feet above the top of the pipe and at a width of at least ten feet perpendicular to the water line. Public Works shall be contacted just prior to installation to confirm actual alignment in the field. 2. To mitigate impacts associated wi'th insufficient fireflow caused by the proposed project at surrounding fire hydrants, the applicant shall install an 8-inch water main down Grant Street, from 3rd street to the existing 6-inch main on Island Vista. The applicant shall prepare a development cost-sharing proposal for review and approval by the Public Works Director. 1992 Budqet Preoaration. Mayor Shirley set a meeting of the Finance Committee to meet with Department Heads to discuss the 1992 Budget proposals on October 22, 1991 at 6:00 AM. Bills and Claims. Mayor Shirley announced that because of a computer failure, all of the Bills and Claims were not ready for this meeting and that he will recess the n,eeting until October 4, 1991, at 5:00 PM for their approval. Proclamation. Mayor shirley proclaimed th ~ month of October 1991, as Jefferson County Walks Against AIDS Mor.,th. 57th Street Block Party. Mr Wheeler repor1:ed that Earl Fisher had thrown a Block Party to celebrate the paving of 57th Street. Chlorination System. Mr Wheeler reported that the state has verbally stated that they have concerns about the City's present chlorination system and that he will be Horking with them to be sure that we are in compliance. seaview Sewer. Mr Wheeler also reported that project will be almost completed with Inline Construction and that the revegetation plan for the corridor is in progress. Water Filtration Project. Mr Wheeler reported that about ten people went on the tour of the Skagit Valley plant and that a lot was learned from it and reminded the Councilmembers of the Workshop on October 17,1991. Chelan Agreement Forum. Mr Wheeler repQ]~ted that a meeting was held to work on pilot projects and water rights and resources in the Chelan process and that he will have recommendations for the Council by October 29, 1991. Port Water Main. RESOLUTION NO 91-7:, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A ~~TER MAIN LINE ON PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND PROPER~~Y. Mr Harper read the resolution. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt ResolutÍi:m No 91-73 which was I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Con1:. seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Adams and Water Street. Mr Wheeler reported that the test holes that are part of the contract for the purchase of the property are being dug by City employees. Gateway Project. Mr Hildt reported that a very successful meeting was held in olympia with the Department of Transportation. ']~he new director is enthused about the plan and that a lettE!r and information will be forthcoming, probably in November. Urban Waterfront Plan. Mr Hildt reported that a group of citizens will be working with staff to develop the waterwalk project, which was funded by a grant and that the goal is to have some details by the end of the year. Point Hudson Committee. Mr Hildt reported that the Committe!e will meet at 4:00 PM on October 3, 1991. Candidate Meeting. Mr Hildt reported that the Planning Department has invited the Candidates to their staff meeting to offer them the opportunity to meet the employees and learn some of their responsibilities on October 2, 1991, at noon. Open House. Mayor Shirley announced that there will be a Planning Department open house at 6:00 PM on October 15,1991, prior to the Council meeting. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO 91-74 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COUNTY-WIDE POLICY PLAN: COUNTY RESOLUTION NO 94-91, CITY RESOLUTION NO 91-74. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 91-74 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. ORDINANCE NO 2264 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE POSITION AND SALARY FOR BUILDING OFFICIAL EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 18, 1991. Mr Harper read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Harper again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2264 which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by roll call vote. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Jefferson 2000. Councilmember Westerman reported that the Jefferson 2000 Committee is not doing exactly what the Growth Management Act requires but is creating a process that can bE~ used. The preliminary results from the questionnaires that were sHnt out stated that the two issues like most by people living herE! were: the rural small town atmosphere and the environmental quali1:y¡ and that the two things they felt were the most threatened w€!re the same. The number one desire in the County for expanded sE~rvices was recycling. Mayor shirley reported that there was a recommendation that a task force be developed to be the source of the group for the future. 323' 324 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, Cont. Tax Initiative 559. Councilmember Camfield reported that the school has received a letter from the Jefferson County Treasurer stating how it will impact the taxing d lstricts. Because the initiative will require that all properties be reassessed, they will not be able to collect taxes in 199~~, therefore, the funds cannot be distributed to the taxing districts and they will have to find funds for 1992. Girl Scout House. A letter from James Bonzo DeLeo to the Council dated September 28, 1991, regarding a survey that was done on the Girl Scout House in April that caused the tuilding to be condemned and a note from Mayor Shirley asking for his help was noted. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the council that the Mayor should speak with Mr DeLeo to get the project started. Letter to Hank Sukert. Mr Hildt report,ed that Mr Sukert has requested that he be given until July 1, 1992, to remove construction materials and equipment from San Juan Avenue. Mr Harper has been asked to prepare an abatement agreement if the Council agrees. RECESS Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting until 5: 00 PM on October 4, 1991, in order to approve Bills and Claims at 9:12 PM. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, CONTINUED The City Council of the City of Port To'llrnsend met in continued Session this fourth day of October 1991, a1: 5: 15 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call werl~ Jean Camfield, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley and Sheila Westerman. Councilmembers Clise, Jones and Kenna were excused. Also present was City Clerk- Treasurer David Grove. UNFINISHED BUSINESE. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council approve the following Bills and Claims which was seGonded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote: Current Expense Street Library Park Arterial Street Emergency Medical Services Capital Improvement Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Transmission Line Replacement Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total $ 25,279.79 7,124.90 3,964.03 1,752.05 68,642.72 4,066.11 1,651.56 33,808.49 3,506.04 31.97 2,854.39 403.15 $153,085.20 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjou=ed at 5:17 ~. ~) Attest:~~ Clerk-Treasurer I I I