HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/1991 248 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 2, 1991 (Cont.) NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 91-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE DEDICATION OF CERTAIN CITY LANDS FOR CITY STREET PURPOSES Mr. Hildt explained the need for the dedication. Mr. wheeler explained that the location would not interfere with the ope:ration of the water storage tank nearby. Mr. Harper explainHd the resolution content. Councilmember Clise made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-55 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 91-56 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT GRANT AMENDMENT THAT WILL RESERVE STATE GRANT FUNDS AVAILABLE TO THE CITY IN AN ATTEMPT TO REDUCE OVERALL COSTS. Mr. Wheeler explained the grant. Councilmember Jones made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-56 which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley call for an executive session to considE!r the acquisition of real estate and pending litigation at 11:15 PM. In addition to the city council, he requested the presence of David Grove, Robert Wheeler, Keith Harper, and Michael Hildt. The meeting was reconvened at 11:58 PM. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 11:58 PM. ~ AttesM~ M!~~E~lÕ~THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16, 1991 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this sixteenth day of July, 1991, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of city Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Vern Jones, Michael Kenna; Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley, and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, city Attorney Keith Harper, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt, and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. PUBLIC COMMENTS Robin Shoulberg was recognized and request that the conditional use permit she obtained be extended for no more than two months because construction has been delayed. Councilmember Clise made a motion I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16,1991, Cont. to approve her request which was seconded by Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Beverly Mustin was recognized and expressed her disappointment that Skip Boice is being forced to retire because he has been exe~mplary to work with. John Holberg was recognized and expressed concern about a timber sale that is occurring in the watershed above Lord's Lake because of the potential impacts on water quality and requested that the city write letters of opposition to the proposed sale. Councilmember McCulloch explained that she will be reporting on this concern under committee reports and encouraged him to remain for that discussion. Joyce Cox Webb was recognized and again expressed concern about the fee schedule in the sign ordinance because of the cumulative effect it will have on her business when the franchise fees are added on top. Timothy witten was recognized and reported to the council on his efforts in support of free bicycles in the business district. He explained that he has obtained a quote for insurance which ~rill be copied for the council. He requested that the council finally settle this tonight. Malcom Dorn was recognized and expressed his support for the proposed farmers' market and the street vacation propOf;ed by Virginia Dignan. Bonita Flag was recognized and expressed her disappointment with the termination of Skip Boice because he was of great assistance when she first began her employment in animal control. Joan Fabian was recognized and expressed support for the continued employment of Skip Boice because of his work with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Pat Teal was recognized and expressed her support for the continued employment of Skip Boice because he has gone out of his way to aid victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Doug Mason was recognized and identified himself as speaking in behalf of the Jefferson County Land Trust. He pointed out his letter received by the council and explained the request for exemption from special assessments. Mayor Shirley explained that his request has been referred to the Parks and Property Comnlittee. Candice Costler was recognized and spoke in favor of the farmers' market and the Mainstreet project to use the parking lot adjacent to the Police station. She reported on the result of a vacant parking space survey recently conducted. She reported on the history of farmers' markets in the community in the past and research done recently. Tereasa Hernandez was recognized and expressed support for the continued employment of Skip Boice. Sheri Robison of the Mainstreet Project was recognized and stated their support for the farmers' market and explained that the survey indicated 80% of the surveys returned are in favor of the farmers' market and 54% are in favor of arts and crafts being sold there. Jerry Toin was recognized and spoke in favor of the continued employment of Skip Boice because of his work with the local boaters through the coast guard axillary. 249 250 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUJ~Y 16, 1991, Cont. Joe Breskin was recognized and reported OJl the conditions in the Forest Service Department and spoke in opposition to the timber sale. Katherine Jenks was recognized and explained that one of the problems with the timber cut is the turbidity that would be caused in our drinking water and what that means. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the following Bills and Claim~:: Current Expense Street Park Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Local Improvement District No. 1 Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief $31,327.22 8,219.03 249.51 4,083.79 751.72 1,207.50 72,123.21 8,277.38 6,399.32 36.80 TOTAL $132,675.48 Setting Hearings: variance Application 9102-03 - Force for }~ugust 6, 1991 Conditional Use permit App 9104-07 - Reynolds for August 6,1991 Minor Variance and Conditional Use Permit Ordinance for August 6, 1991 Ordinance on Ordinance on Ordinance on Street Vacations for August Ei, 1991 Subdivisions for August 6, 1~.91 Binding site Plans for Augus1: 20, 1991 Approval of Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 91-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A WATER PAYBACK AGREEMENT WITH P:~TER SCHONEMAN RESOLUTION NO. 91-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A SEWER PAYBACK AGREEMENT WITH P:E:TER SCHONEMAN Approval of Appointment: Robert Rickard to Planning Commission unt:Ll December 31, 1991 Communications: A letter dated June 27, 1991, from Chrysalis Cervinski, Executive Director for the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau, to David Grove was copied for thE! council requesting the ci ty' s participation in a Destination Mal'keting Committee. This was referred to the Finance committee. A petition with three signatures to Chief Robert Hinton dated July 3, 1991, was copied for council express.Lng concern for traffic safety on the corner of Taft and Quincy Street because of I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16, 1991, Cont. landscaping planted in the street right-of-way. to the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. This was rE~ferred An enforcement order from the Department of Ecology dated ~ruly 8, 1991, to the United States Navy Indian Island Detachment was copied for the council requiring the Navy to conduct and finance a site Hazard Assessment, conduct, finance, and implement a Cleanup Action Plan, and file appropriate reports to the Department of Ecology. A letter dated July 8, 1991, from David Grove to Karen Bailor, Assistant District Director for Farmers Home Administ:ration District Office II, was copied for the council providing all the information needed to close a loan for the Performing Arts Center at Fort Worden. The council received a letter dated July 10, 1991, from Doris H. Bliss expressing support for the use of sandwich board signs, coffee vendors, and bike racks and against multiple clothes racks. A letter from James R. Drake of Aberdeen Washington dated July 11, 1991, was copied for the council requesting that the city join Aberdeen's Wynooche Dam power project. The council received a letter dated July 11,1991, from Doug Mason, Board Member, Jefferson County Land Trust, informing them that the trust is purchasing a block within the Baker Addition to ret:ain it in its present undeveloped state and requesting that it be exempted from assessments from local improvement districts. This was referred to the Parks and Property Committee. The council received a letter dated July 12, 1991, from Steve Schumacher, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Food coop, expressing support for the Farmer's Market in Downtown Port Townsend. The Council received a letter dated July 12, 1991, from Maxine Doubek requesting that Skip Boice be retained in the Police Department. This concludes the consent agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 2249 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND SIGNS; ESTABLISHING CHAPTER 17.50, SIGNS; AMENDING SECTIONS 17.08.045, 17.08.445 AND 17.20.010; AND REPEALING CHAPTER 17.34 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE. Mr Hildt explained that the changes made at the last council meeting as well as others have been included in the latest draft of this ordinance. After a brief discussion, Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title which constituted the second reading. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the second reading be considered the third and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2249 which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by roll call vote. ORDINANCE NO. 2250 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO ZONING, ESTABLISHING A NEW SECTION IN CHAPTER 17.08 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE DEFINING 251 252 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUL'l 16,1991, Cont. "TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATION"; AMENDING SECTIONS IN CHAPTER 17.08 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO FURTHER DEFI tŒ TRANSIENT TYPE USES AS "TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATION"; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mr. Rick Sepler was recognized and explained the ordinance. After a brief discussion during which the definitions were modified, Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the first reading be conside]~ed the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Owsley made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2250 as modifiEd which was seconded by Councilmember Jones. Mr. Harper explainecl that he foresees some difficulty in later enforcement with the changes made to the draft. Councilmember Owsley amended her motion to add the word consecutive after days which was agreed to by the second. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. ORDINANCE NO. 2251 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THOSE PORTIONS OF LANDES, OXFORD AND KUHN STREETS LYING BETWEEN BLOCKS 3 , 4 , 5 AND 6 OF THE MOORE PLACE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TO~NSEND, EXCEPT THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF L~NDES STREET ABUTTING LOT 6 OF BLOCK 6 AND LOT 6 OF BLOCK 5; VACATING ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES OF BLOCKS 3 , 4, 5 AND 6 OF THE MOORE PLACE ADDITION; VACATING THE WEST LINES IN BLOC1:S 3,4, AND 5 AND THE EAST LINES OF BLOCKS 4, !; AND 6 OF THE MOORE PLACE ADDITION; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS TO THE STREET AND BOUNDARY LINE VACATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mr. Sepler explained that the application from Virginia Dignan was continued to this meeting so that the council could have proposed findings, conclusions, and conditions recommended by the Planning commission. Councilmember Clise made a motion to adopt the following findings, conclusions and conditions and approve the application which was seconded by Couneilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote: Findings of Fact 1. The applicant requests vacation 0:: that portion of platted but unopened Landes, Oxford, and Kuhn Streets bounded by 35th Street to the south and unplatted land (tax lot 33 and 34) to the north. The portions proposed to be vacated consist of the following: A. The entire 40-foot width of the Landes Street right,-of-way, excluding the portion immediately adjacent to block 6, lo't 6, and Block 5, lot 5. (This portion is to be retained to provide an adequate fire-engine turn around at the end of 35th Street). B. The entire 50-foot width of Oxford Street right-of-way. the C. The entire 50-foot width of the Kuhn Street right-of-way. I I I I I I 7. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16,1991, Cont.. 2. The applicant owns the property abutting both sides of all portions of Landes, Oxford and Kuhn Streets that are proposed to be vacated. 3. Landes, Oxford and Kuhn Streets run north to south and intersect with 35th Street adjacent to the applicant's property. None of these streets have been opened or developed. Access to the applicants property is currently from unimproved and unopened 35th Street. 4. The Port Townsend Fire Department has reviewed the proposed vacations and has requested that the southerly portion of Landes Street abutting Lot 6, Block 6, and Lot 6, Block 5 be retained by the city to provide a potential fire access turn-around. 5. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed vacation and has found that the portions of Landes, Oxford and Kuhn Streets that are proposed to be vacated are not needed to provide adequate neighborhood traffic circulation at this time. 5. The applicant requests that the streets be vacated as the city has no plan to open them in the future. 6. The proposed vacations, if granted, would cause the interior lots in the subject blocks to become "land locked." The lots would not be accessible from a platted city street. 7. A lot line vacation of the interior lot lines and the perimeter lot lines adjacent to the proposed vacated streets would consolidate the properties into one large parcel of land, and would provide the opportunity to improve the platted circulation patterns in the area when the property is subdivided (18.38.120). Conclusions 1. The proposed street vacations are in compliance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Subject to the conditions below, the portions of Landes, Oxford, and Kuhn Streets proposed to be vacated are not required for current or anticipated overall area circulation. 3. The effectiveness of fire, law enforcement, medical or other emergency services will not be impaired by the proposed vacations. 4. The portions of Landes, Oxford, and Kuhn Streets proposed to be vacated are not currently required as a utility corridor, although this may not be true in the future. The portions of Landes, Oxford, and Kuhn Streets proposed to be vacated are not required as a current or anticipated bicycle, pedestrian or equestrian trail corridor. 5. 6. The portions of Landes, Oxford, and Kuhn Streets proposed to be vacated do not abut on a body of salt or fresh water. The proposed street vacation conforms with the goals and policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan and satisfies the review criteria for street vacations set forth in section 12.20.060 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code. 253 254 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16,1991, Cont. Conditions: 1. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating the street shall be recorded by the city clE~rk in the office of the Jefferson County auditor upon receipt by the city of all fees and compensation required (12.20.120 Port Townsend Municipal Code). The street vacation shall be cancelled and become automatically null and void one year after city Council action if said fees have not been paid. 2. A twenty-five foot easement for utilities shall be retained along the centerline of the vacated portions of Landes, Oxf~rd, and Kuhn streets. 3. The southerly portion of L,:mdes Street abutting Lot 6, Block 6, and Lot 6, Block 5 be retained by the city to providl~ a potential fire access turn-around. 4. This street vacation shall not become effective until a certified survey recording all of the proposed vacations is submitted to, and approved by the Director of Planning, and recorded with the Jefferson Cour,ty Auditor. 6. All interior lot lines for H.L. Tibbals Jr's. 2nd Addition, Block 3, 4, 5, and 6 and the perimeter lot lines adjacent to the vacated streets shall be vacated prior to the street vacation becoming effective. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Collncilmember Clise made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. MJ:- . Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2251 wt:.ich was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by roll call vote. street Vacation Application No. 9101-08 - Marson/Wilburn. Mr. Sepler presented al ternati ve road standards for the Cook Avenue corridor. He showed a video tape of the area as it presently exists. After a brief discussion of the alternates, Mr. Hildt explained that the city has no way to prohibit access to Cook Avenue until such time as an ordinancE~ is adopted. It was indicated that Mr. Sepler will work with 1:he applicant to prepare the appropriate lot line adjustments for his development to take access off of Cook Avenue. Mr. Wheeler explained the intended improvements to Cook Avenue this summer. ORDINANCE NO. 2252 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO GUIDED HISTORICAL TOURS A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A HISTORICAL TOUR SERVICE Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. The City Attorney described the purpose of the ordinance, indicated the blanks left in the draft and explained that the ordinance cannot be adopted at the same meeting where it is introduced. The council filled in the blanks to make the ordinance complete. Free Bicycle Program. Mr. Harper explained that the council received a memorandum from him indicating now a contract should be structured as a result of the discussion at the last council meeting. He asked the council for direction as to whether to proceed further. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Kenna made a motion directing the City Attorney to prepare the contract I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16, 1991, Cont. which was seconded by Councilmember Clise. Mayor Shirley cautioned the council that they may be setting a precedence with this contract. After further discussion, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. ORDINANCE NO. 2253 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2235 TO REVISE INTEREST RATE AND PAYMENTS FOR THE LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND OF THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000 AND APPROVING A LOAN RESOLUTION WITH THE FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION Mr. Grove explained the need and read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2253 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS Low Income Housing. Janet Camp was recognized and explained that the Community Action Council would like to apply for an advanced planning Community Development Block Grant in behalf of the city. She reviewed the process and what role the city would be required to fulfill as sponsor as well as what Community Action Council would like to do. She explained that there are no matching funds required. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Kenna asked Mr. Grove for the next resolution number which was indicated to be 91- 59. Mr. Wheeler expressed concern that the limitations on assessments which would affect the application of impact f,ees if the council elects to implement them later. Mr. Harper expressed concern about the amount of paperwork and time commitment required in support of this application. A discussion ensued about the need for a contract between the city and Community Action Council and what needs to be completed during the next two weeks in order to meet a July 31, 1991 deadline. There will be a second public hearing on needs at the Community Center at 7:00 PM, July 23rd, conducted as part of the preparation of the basic plan. Councilmember Westerman indicated that she would contact: Port Angeles to find out how much staff time is being devoted to the low income housing project they have underway. After further discussion, it was a consensus of the council that this meeting should not be adjourned this night, but continued until July 30, 1991, to allow time for the documents to be prepared. RESOLUTION NO. 91-59 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY OFFICE FOR ASSISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTING AND ENFORCING THE NEWLY ADOPTED 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE. Mr. Hildt explained the contract. Councilmember Owsley ]lade a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-59 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Shirley excused Mr. Hildt at this time. COMMITTEE/STAFF REPORTS Water-Sewer. Councilmember McCulloch reported on an open house she attended to learn more about the timber sale proposed in the city's 255 256 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF Jm:,y 16, 1991, Cont. water shed. She described the area and harvesting methods being considered and indicated that the best a I ternati ve in her view would be not to harvest this area at this time. She recommended that the city comment on the proposal bef<:)re the end of the week and become more involved in evaluation of future harvesting plans. Mr. Wheeler reported that he has drafted ~ letter. A discussion ensued of the problems facing the forest sE~rvice during which maps were circulated showing where the cuts are proposed. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion directing Robert ~Iheeler to send a letter to the District Ranger of the Quilcene For-est Service District by Friday making a strong policy statement :Ln favor of alternative number one which is the no action al ternat,i ve for the Los Arboles Area Penny Timber Sale which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the city issue a mitigated declaration of non-significance on the proposal of John Sheard to construct a sinqle-family home within a designated 100 year flood plain provided the following measures are taken which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. MITIGATION MEASURES A. EARTH 1. A storm water drainage plan will be submitted to the Public Works Director prior to insuance of a building permit. The plan shall detail hc,w to detain and disperse storm water runoff so that concentrated water leaving the site does not exceed pre-develol~ent volumes. 2. The proposed foundation design and footings shall be evaluated for a 100 year flood level and approved by a registered civil engineer. B. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: NOISE 1. To mitigate adverse construction noise impacts on nearby residents, construction shall bn limited to between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Councilmember Kenna announced a meeting oj: the committee for July 29th at 5: 00 PM to consider an environments,l checklist on Bay Vista No.2 condominiums, Century 21, and the S1:reet Vender Ordinance. Out-of-State Travel. Mayor Shirley called for approval of out-of- state travel for Norma Owsley to attend the Rocky Mountain Program. Councilmember Camfield made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Councilmember Kenna and passed unanimously by voice vote. Retirement of Police Chief. Mayor Shirle:y announced that Robert Hinton has indicated that he will be retiring on October 31, 1991. He reported that a job description is bein~r prepared and he intends to advertise statewide for a new chief. ci ty Attorney Appointment Process. Mayor ~:hirley asked the council if they have any questions about the appointment process for City Attorney proposed in the July 12, 1991, memorandum from Michael Hildt. Mayor shirley presented the budget for council approval and Mr. Grove reviewed the present budget and expenditures. Mayor shirley described the proposed interview committee including councilmember Clise. A discussion en:;ued as to whether an additional councilmember should be added to the committee. councilmember Clise expressed some cor.cern as to where the additional funds will come from to fully fund the increase in cost. Councilmember Owsley made a motion to ;ipprove the preliminary I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16,1991, Cont. budget for the City Attorney's Office which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Water-Sewer. Councilmember McCulloch announced a committee meeting for July 23, 1991, at 5:00 PM to review the Chelan Agreement with representati ves from the Department of Ecology. Mr. Wheeler explained the purpose for the meeting and suggested that the rest of the council attend as well. Mayor Shirley explained that: there has been no commitment to participate, only to hear what thE!y have to say. Robert Wheeler. Mr Wheeler reported that the grant agreement from the Department of Ecology has been signed for $7,400,000 to cover part of the cost for Secondary Sewer. He reminded the council that on July 30, 1991, the council will be learning more about the Capital Improvement Program. RESOLUTION NO. 91-60 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FARMERS MARKET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AND AUTHORIZING A LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF THE CITY PARKING LOT LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE POLICE STATION AS THE MARKET SITE ON A TRIAL BASIS Mr. Sepler reviewed the resolution and license agreement:. He described where areas of expansion could be. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Owsley made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-60 which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. ORDINANCE NO. 2254 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THAT PROPERTY WITHIN 250 FEET OF A PUBLIC SEWER, RATHER THAN 160 FEET BE REQUIRED TO CONNECT TO THE PUBLIC SEWER; AMENDING SECTIONS 13.04.010 AND 13.08.025 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mr. Wheeler described the need for the ordinance. Mr. Harper reviewed the content of the ordinance. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. After a brief discussion, Mayor Shirley indicated that the ordinance would be continued to the next regular meeting for adoption in order to allow the public to comment. RESOLUTION NO. 91-61 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DECLARING PROPERTY SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING ITS SALE TO JEFFERSON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO.6 Mr Grove explained the need for the resolution. Councilmember Jones made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-61 which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting into executive session at: 10:55 PM to discuss a personnel matter, property acquisition, and pending litigation and asked Keith Harper, David Grove, and Robert Wheeler to be in attendance. The meeting was reconvened at 12: 02 AM without the presence of Councilmember Jean Camfield. 258 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16,1991, Cont. NEW BUSINESS Land Purchase. Mayor Shirley requested aut~hori ty to make an offer on the lot at the corner of Water Street and Adams Street at the price discussed in executive session under 1:he conditions discussed in executive session. Councilmember JoneB made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Shirley requested authority to make éLn offer on the property owned by John Freitas between Cedar and ~~remont Streets for the price discussed in executive session. Councilmember Kenna made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. RECESS At 12:05 AM, Mayor Shirley declared the m3eting recessed to July 30,1991, at 7:00 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall on the 30t~ day of July with all councilmembers present. Also present were the City Attorney, Keith Harper, Public Works Director Robert WheHler, and Deputy Clerk- Treasurer Sharon Canfield. Approval of Bills and Claims. Councilmemt,er Owsley made a motion to approve the following bills and claimB for payment which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and pas Bed unanimously by voice vote: Current Expense Street Library Park Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Water-Sewer Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total $41,948.03 34.68 214.80 4,809.11 6,775.00 483.29 21,823.19 2,579.09 21.00 $78,688.19 Low Income Housing. Mayor Shirley E!xplained that he and Councilmember Westerman met with representë:.tives from the Community Action Council to review the needs and ind.Lcated that the emphasis has changed from seeking a grant for new construction to seeking a grant for weatherization and rehabilitation of existing structures. What the council has before it now is a rE!quest for approval of a grant application for $24,000 to do the planning for a weatherization and rehabilitation program" Roy Springer was recognized and announced that he is seeking authorization from the city to seek a cowlunity Development Block Grant to do the planning for a weatJlerization and housing rehabilitation program. He described the program as one to benefit low and moderate income families by improving housing. He presented the council with a draft resolution and reviewed its content. He indicated that the grant would be made to finance the development of a plan to meet these needs and the resolution must accompany the application due tomorrow. He indicated that two public hearings have been held on this issue, July 16 and 23,1991. Councilmember Owsley asked for an opinion from city staff about our ability to comply with the various federal requirements connected wi th this grant. Mr. Harper explained ttlat there is no question that city staff will need to monitor the process to insure compliance. A discussion ensued on some changes to the wording of the resolution. In response to an inquiry, the City Attorney affirmed that an environmental review is not in order at this time. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 16,1991, Cont. RESOLUTION NO. 91-62 A RESOLUTION WITH CERTIFICATIONS OF COMPLIANCE FOR ADVANCED PLANNING ACTIVITIES Councilmember Camfield made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-62 as modified which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. ANNOUNCEMENTS Water-Sewer Committee Meeting. Councilmember McCulloch announced that there will be a Water-Sewer Committee meeting on August 6, 1991, at 4:00 PM in the Council Chambers to meet with representatives from the tribes for the Chelan Agreement. Finance Committee Meeting. Councilmember Owsley announced a Finance Committee Meeting for 5:00 PM on August 14, 1991, t:o meet wi th representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and discuss other pending items. ci ty Employee picnic. Mayor Shirley announced that thl:! city employees are having a picnic at Chetzemoka Park on Sat~urday, August 3,1991, and invited the City Council to attend. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor shirley recessed the meeting into executive session at 8:45 PM to discuss acquisition of real estate. Councilmember Camfield indicated that she would excuse herself from a portion of the executi ve session. Mayor Shirley invited the City Att:orney, Director of Planning and Building, and Public Works Director to be present. The meeting was reconvened at 9: 27 PM wit:h all councilmembers present. UNFINISHED BUSINESS capital Improvement Program. Mr. Wheeler outlined the various types of projects which are included in a capital Improvement program and identified the dominant projects. He reviewed and classified the various projects. Mayor shirley turned the gavel over to Councilmember Kenna who chaired the balance of the meeting. A discussion ensued about the method used to establish percentage allocation of costs and the relative priority of the various projects. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Pro-Tem Kenna declared the meeting adjourned at 10:50 PM. Attest: ~~ City Clerk 259