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The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in special session this twenty-eighth
day of March, 2005, at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend temporary Council Chambers in
the Cedar Room of the Waterman & Katz Building, Deputy Mayor Michelle Sandoval
Council members present at roll call were Frank Benskin, Freida Fenn, Kees Kolff, Geoff
Masci, Laurie Medlicott, and Michelle Sandoval. Catharine Robinson was excused.
Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John Watts,
Public Works Director Ken Clow, Long Range Planning Director Jeff Randall, City Clerk
Pam Kolacy.
Ms. Sandoval requested that the skate park issue be taken first as it is a short item. There
were no objections.
Public Works Director Ken Clow reviewed the agenda material. He also noted that the
action might be delayed due to the bid process, as only one bid was received and that it
was considerably more than the estimate; staff is now evaluating what steps to take
before returning to the Council.
Public comment: none
Motion: Mr. Masci moved to authorize the City Manager to surplus the existing
skateboard equipment to Jefferson County at no cost so long as Jefferson County
removes the equipment at its own expense, contingent upon acceptance of a hid/or the
new skate park. Mrs. Medlicoft seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, hy
voice vote.
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Deputy Mayor Sandoval opened the public hearing for comment.
Public comment
Scott Walker: expressed concern about changing standards for Accessory Dwelling
Units as they essentially add 50% more cars to the mix. He stated he would prefer that
when an ADU is built, the owner signs a no protest agreement so that if at some time
there is a problem with on-street parking, they would agree to join in a streetscape
improvement LlD. He is also opposed to elimination of bicycle parking at residential
treatment facilities as an employee may ride a bicycle to work and only two spaces were
allowed, which is basically one bike rack. He opposed the changes for medical and
dental offices and asked why no private parking structures were allowed in commercial
districts (example: Homer Smith parking garage). He added that a lesson was learned at
the walkable community workshop last week that putting on-street parking on high
capacity streets may be desirable so the City may not want to preclude this in the future
(example: upper Sims Way).
Mr. Benskin stated reserves about the requirement that on-street parking spaces must be
improved to city standards, stating this would create challenges for property owners. He
would prefer not going as far as this revision suggests.
Mr. Masci suggested decisions be made based specifically on particular properties, with
DSD director approval based on the impact to the local region. He characterized this as a
"voluntary prescriptive" approach.
Ms. Sandoval stated that if people are building ADUs for additional income, they might
be restricted from doing that if extra requirements are specified.
Mr. Watts noted that there couldn't be a totally discretionary system; he stated there
could be standards with certain conditions making a waiver possible.
Mr. Randall stated that what the Council is discussing is basically what the current code
allows; currently two parking spaces are required. Staff originally proposed to waive all
requirements in the National Historic District.
Mr. Benskin expressed support for leaving the code as is; he does not want to go in the
direction of encouraging people to use their lots to provide parking spaces.
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Ms. Sandoval stated that many people end up parking on unopened streets or street ends
and those should be brought up to standard.
Motion: Mr. Ko(ffmoved that we do not change the current parking requirements/or
ADUs other than to add that (fan ADU is huilt then a no-protest agreement must he
signed if the street fronting on the property is determined to require an LID for
improvements. Mr. Masci seconded.
Mr. Watts stated the other part of the issue is that if the owner doesn't want to sign a no-
protest agreement then there would be the option of improving the street to the Public
Works standard.
Ms. Sandoval stated that if someone doesn't have two parking spaces on site they
couldn't build or need to seek a variance.
Vote: Motion carried, 5-1, S'andovalopposed.
Mr. Randall suggested going through the other suggested amendments so staff can
quickly frame what has been drafted in response to Council's concerns from the last
meeting. It was agreed that each section would be voted on if there were not consensus.
Revision 1
Reference to "Historic District"...
Consensus to accept stqffsuggested revision.
Revision 2
Maximum. . .. within Historic District
Consensus to accept stqU'suggested revision.
Revision 3
Exemption for "no protest" agreement
Mr. Randall noted that this revision removes the option of paying a fee in lieu of
providing parking spaces.
Consensus to accept staffsuggested revision.
Revision 4
Modify language in "Applicability and exemptions"
Mr. Randall noted that this is in response to Mr. Goldman's comments proposing that
language should be explicit that a variance would be required. He noted that staff does
not support the revision as it is unnecessarily redundant since the variance process is built
into the code.
Motion: M<;. Fenn moved to insert proposed language in 4D to the draft ordinance. Mr.
Masci seconded. The motionfàiled on a 3-3 tie vote, Medlicott, Masci and Benskin
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(Revision 5 reserved until end of discussion)
Revision 6
Duration of "pre-existing uses"
The duration is currently two years; language proposed to either change to one year to
mirror the duration of grandfathered uses in 17.78.040(B) or three years, a more lenient
time period which would possibly promote uses and development and allow for
properties that stay on the market for an extended time period.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved to modify 17. 72. 060(D) from two years to three years.
Motion carried, 5-1, hy voice vote, Fenn opposed.
Revision 7
Clarification of "sleeping unit" in Table 17.72.080 for lodging uses
Mr. Randall noted that "sleeping unit" is not a defined term in the code; however
hotel/motel unit is defined and therefore would add clarification to the table.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved to agree to the change in terminology.from "sleeping unit" to
"hotel/motel unit" in Table 17.72.080. Mr. Koljf seconded. Motion carried, 4-2,
Benskin and Medlicott opposed.
Revision 8 Revise minimum and maximum parking space requirements for ------------
residential treatment facilities
Mr. Masci noted that his suggested change was not to eliminate the bicycle spaces but to
leave those and provide a reference to motorized scooters that are ADA compliant.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved to adopt changes to Table 17. 72.080 with the re-
estahlishment of required bicycle ::,paces at residential treatment facilities. Ms. S'andoval
Mr. Kolff objected to the increase in minimum required parking spaces for multi-family
senior-use dwellings from 1 to 1.25.
Vote: motion carried, 4-2, hy voice vote, Kolffand Fenn opposed.
Revision 9
Revise parking space requirements for medical and dental offices....
Motion: Mr. Masci moved to accept revision as revised by stqtTand presented in the
March 23, 2005, document. Mr. Ko(ff seconded. Motion carried, 5-1, by voice vote,
Medlicott opposed.
Revision 10
site.. ..
Permitting parking spaces for single-family dwellings to be located off-
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Mr. Randall stated that staff requested this change and that it is intended to permit greater
flexibility in the location of off-street parking spaces required for new single-family
residential uses.
Consensus: accept staff suggestion for mod~fication of 17. 72.11 0 (A)
Revision 11
Investigate development standards for new municipal parking facilities.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved that Council address the issue ofdevelopment standards for
parking garages (puhlic and private) as a separate issue. Ms. Sandoval seconded.
Motion carried, 5-1, by voice vote, Fenn opposed.
Revision 12
Modify Table 17.72.080 to require parking spaces for motorized
Consultant Eric Toews stated that he has been unsuccessful in attempts to find any
examples of off-street parking requirements that require spaces specifically for motorized
scooters or wheelchairs; language presented addresses the concern in a broader sense by
referring to ADA compliance in general.
Consensus: accept revision as presented.
Revision 13
Parking variances - permit process
Motion: Mr. ~Masci moved to retain language in 17. 86. 040 (B) that was struck in March
23, 2005 stqff memo. Mr. Benskin seconded.
Discussion ensued regarding the difference between major and minor variances and
whether greater flexibility would be allowed with the change. Mr. Toews noted that
there is a difference between approval criteria and approval process. Changes which are
not classified as minor variances may be processed as minor variances.
Vote: motion carried, 4-2, hy voice vote, Sandoval and Fenn opposed.
Revision 14
Transit impact fees
Motion: Ms. Fenn movedforfurther consideration of transit impactfèes apart from this
ordinance. Mr. Ko(ffseconded. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0, hy voice vote (Mr.
Masci not presentfòr the vote).
Revision 15
Correct erroneous references to "public works director," etc.
Mr. Randall noted that references to "BCD" would be changed to "DSD" throughout the
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Public Works Director Ken Clow stated opposition to the suggested changes in paragraph
C from "public works" to "DSD" director, noting that it is clear that Public Works deals
with issues in the right of way and DSD deals with issues on private property. DSD
would implement but it is appropriate that Public Works is responsible for the design
Consensus: accept housekeeping changes but retain "public works" rather than" DSD"
director per Mr. Clow 's comments.
Motion: Mr. Ko(ffmoved to strike the last sentence starting with "Due to the high level
o/trqffic, ... .... " because the City may want to incorporate on-street parking on Sims
Way and other streets. M<;. Sandoval seconded. Motion carried, 4-2, Benskin and
Masci opposed.
Revision 16 Investigate requirements and development standards for new transit
facilities and services.
Consensus: After some discussion, staff was tasked to have discussions with Jefferson
Transit so additional information can be provided.
Revision 5
Historic District exemption - ADUs
Mr. Randall noted that one of staff's issues is the situation where an applicant either can't
or will have difficulty creating an off-street parking space.
Mr. Clow noted that when street parking is not developed properly we end up with
situations like fìlling in a ditch that is supposed to be carrying stormwater; he stated the
regulations need to place some emphasis on putting the parking in front of the impacted
property rather than pushing it off to a neighbor.
Motion: Mr. Benskin moved that under the "residential uses" on page 4, in addition to
the two spaces, retain language in the residential use table keeping two spacesfor
residential including one additional off-street parking space for a total o.lthree parking
!Jpaces. Mr. Masci seconded.
Ms. Fenn spoke in opposition to adding another required parking space; she stated the
previous agreement was to retain two, with parking located only on the street. She also
noted this would change the previous vote.
Mr. Masci stated new information has been received.
Mr. Watts confirmed that reconsidering the previous motion would be a correct process
for this action.
Mr. Masci moved to reconsider the previous motion (we do not change the current
parking requirements/or ADUs other than to add that (fan ADU is built then a no-
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protest agreement must he signed (fthe street fronting on the property is determined to
require an LIDfor improvements). Mr. Benskin seconded. The motion failed on a 3-3
tie, Benskin, Masci and Medlicott opposed.
Motion: Mr. Ko(ffmoved that we look at ADUs as transient accommodations to see
whether we wish to apply some o.lthe same criteriafor hotels/motels to ADUs used as
transient accommodations. Ms. Sandoval seconded. Motion carried, 5-1, by voice vote,
Fenn opposed.
Motion: U'i. Fenn movedfor.first reading of Ordinance 2893 as amended with tonight's
actions on each of the items. Mr. Masci seconded. Motion carried 5-1, by voice vote.
Benskin opposed. Mr. Masci then stated he wished to change his vote from yay to nay,
making the vote 4-2, Benskin and Masci opposed.
Deputy Mayor Sandoval declared the special meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
Motion: M'i. Fenn moved to reopen the special business meetingfor a point oforder.
Mr. Kolffseconded. Motion carried, 4-2, Benskin and Masci opposed.
Ms. Fenn stated her objection to Mr. Masci changing his vote after it was announced on
the last motion of the meeting. She stated she would rather adhere to the formal process
for changing a vote.
Mr. Watts indicated that a request to change a vote after the result has been announced by
the chair (according to Roberts Rules of Order) requires unanimous consent of the body
and failing that, a motion to allow the member to change his/her vote.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved that the body allow him to change his vote from yay to nay.
Mrs. Medlicott seconded. Motion carried, 5-/, Fenn opposed.
Motion: Mr. Masci proposed that consideration of code revisions regarding parking
garages and transit impact fees be scheduled/or the second in box of the year. Ms'. Fenn
Amendment: Mr. Kolffproposed an amendment to the motion to include ADU issues as
well. Amendment was accepted unanimously.
Vote: motion as amended carried unanimously, 6-0, hy voice vote.
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The special meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
The workshop session was opened at 8:48 p.m.
Council members present at roll call were Frank Benskin, Freida Fenn, Kees Kolff, Geoff
Masci, Laurie Medlicott, and Michelle Sandoval. Catharine Robinson was excused.
Long Range Planning Director Jeff Randall supplied an additional summary of sign code
issues to the Council. He noted that some areas of difficulty identified by the staff
Signs for temporary uses
Clarification of monument sign area allowance
Update of technical terminology for "internally lit" signs
Signage for schools, churches and government buildings
He asked the Council to go around the table and state things they or their constituents
have found as problems in the sign code.
Ms. Fenn:
Questioned whether Sims Way is really "auto oriented" with C-lI standards and transition
into a more dense business district where people will get out and walk, signs may need to
be smaller rather than larger.
Concerned with temporary off-site signs, which are often put in places where bikes and
motorized wheel chairs would be forced into traffic.
Dislikes temporary construction signs, particularly those advertising businesses from
other communities.
Off-premise signs conflict with pedestrians.
Sandwich boards dangerous to visually handicapped people and create a lot of clutter and
take up public space.
Concerns about the policy for non-conforming signs, how to direct staff to deal with
enforcement issues.
Mrs. Medlicott:
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Concerned about sandwich board signs; suggested that City consider replacing them with
directional kiosk signage - could accommodate signage in downtown historical business
in the existing bulbouts. Sandwich boards pose hazards for wheelchairs and create
clutter. Would like to task staff to find information on how it is done in other
Nonconforming signs are a concern; as we infill in our development in all districts - if a
business is located off the main thoroughfare, you can't see a sign lower than 17 feet so
she would like to explore solution that would give a business a fighting chance for
Requests education about lighting terms and definitions.
Mr. Kolff stated he is in agreement with issues brought up by Ms. Fenn and Mrs.
Regarding unique and special signs, he asked why they are allowed five out of seven days
but there is no limit on how many days a year they can be displayed; envisions this as an
increasing problem as buildout continues.
Questioned how height is measured (answer: number of feet above grade); asked how
high the non-conforming signs cited are above the limit (answer: highest is 24 feet); also
asked ifthere are businesses that did comply and ifthey will be allowed special
compensation as they did not get it the first time around.
Suggested reviewing rules for political signs.
Mr. Masci:
Commercial square foot allowance should be larger than government and school building
Stated ADA signage should be exempted from the code (answer: they are exempted, no
sign permit required).
Stated there should be no regulation of window signs and a larger allowed area for neon
Delete requirement that signs may only be directed toward the water if there is a public
waterside entrance.
Increase size allowances for residential signs.
Permit off-premise signs.
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Change rules for projecting signs so area does not include symbol signs.
Allow sandwich boards on Upper Sims Way.
Reduce fees for variances.
Mr. Benskin:
Stated marine and manufacturing signs are dependent on highway traffic.
Clarify rules on flashing and moving signs.
Ms. Sandoval
Council needs to deal with the issue in terms of timing and priority.
Mr. Masci suggested CD/LU discuss it and that a citizen task force be formed to review
and comment on the ordinance; include business and non-business owners so a balanced
discussion can take place.
Mr. Kolff stated Council needs to decide how to deal with three businesses whose non-
conforming status expired in December.
Mr. Watts noted that they would not have a good chance of meeting current variance
criteria. He added that staff can be on hold regarding enforcement for 3-6 months and an
ordinance could be proposed to accomplish that.
Mr. Randall noted they have all been notified they have a grace period until this is
resolved; he stated staff would appreciate formal direction and boundaries.
Consensus: deal with the sign code by appointing a citizen task/orce and to get more
information out regarding compliance.
Mr. Watts asked when Council wished staffto return with a motion to task the issue to
the CD/LU Committee and citizens advisory group. Consensus was to bring forward
with other in box items.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
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Pam Kolacy, CMC
City Clerk
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City Council Special Meeting
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March 28, 2005