HomeMy WebLinkAbout2550 Fences, Walls, Arbors & HedgesOrdinance No. 2550 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FENCES, WALLS, ARBORS, HEDGES AND OTHER PARTIALLY OR TOTALLY SIGHT OBSCURING INSTALLATIONS; REPEALING AND REPLACING THE FENCES AND GREENBELT REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 17.36 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE; ESTABLISHING NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR THE HEIGHT OF FENCES, WALLS, ARBORS AND OTHER PARTIALLY OR TOTALLY SIGHT OBSCURING INSTALLATIONS; ELIMINATING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS FOR HEDGES; AND ESTABLISHING INTERSECTION "CLEAR VISION AREAS" TO PROMOTE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend finds as follows: As recently expressed through the Port Townsend 2020: Getting Together project and documented in the Community Direction Statement (Chapter III of the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 2539), Port Townsend citizens support streamlining and simplification of City regulations, provided that public health safety and welfare are not adversely affected. Since their adoption in 1971, the City's fences and greenbelts requirements have been only irregularly administered and enforced, leading to a proliferation of nonconforming fences, walls, arbors and hedges throughout the community. This situation has undermined citizen confidence in the equity and justice of the regulation. Because of the proliferation of nonconforming fences, walls, arbors and hedges, active administration of the City's existing fence and greenbelt regulations would result in a myriad of enforcement actions that would not perceptibly advance the public's health, safety and welfare, and which, therefore, are not an appropriate use of City revenues or staff resources. Reducing, and clarifying the requirements for fences, walls, arbors, and hedges will allow individual landowners greater discretion in determining the appropriate design and location of such installations, and enable such landowners to achieve the desirable objectives of providing for their privacy and security, and the screening of their property. Reducing and clarifying the requirements for fences, walls, arbors and hedges will also ensure that the regulations are clearly linked to the legitimate public purpose of ensuring the safety of motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. Eliminating height restrictions for hedges will contribute to the natural and visual environment of town, providing a critical element of nature m the midst of urban development. At the same time, eliminating height restrictions for hedges will significantly reduce the City's administrative burden (e.g., fewer variances and enforcement actions). This ordinance bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Port Townsend as a whole. Now, Therefore, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend m regular session assembled does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Those portions of the table within Section 17.20.010 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code establishing fence limits are hereby amended as follows: ZONE FENCE LIMITS NOTES 6~eet) P-1 Fr--.~t 2 ~-~e~ P~B req~ed ~ acc~ce w~ ~t~ 17.30 ~MC. No ~e~c req~m~ ~ re~ - pr~e~ of ~e ~e Po~cy A~ (~t~ 43.21C RCW~ & ~t~ 197-11 WAC~. R-I(A) F~t ~ (ab~ a v~c r-o-wi 4 P~g - s~e ~ above. Side 6 ~ F~ces~ w~ hedges. ~b~ ~d o~ p~y or t~y si~t Side ab~g a pubic r-o-w 4 obs~fl ~s m~ c~lv ~ ~t~ 17.36 ~C. Re~ 6 ~ R-H Fr~ 2 P~g - s~e ~ above. S~e ~ F~ces - s~e ~ above. Rz~ ~ ~m n~b~ of ~ p~ 1~ ~ be re~ed to fo~ S~e ~ above. R-~ Fr~ 2 P~B - s~e ~ above. ~Mz ~ F~ces - s~e ~ ~ove. R:~ ~ ~ s~ice ~ves ~d p~g ~e~ ~ be h~d-~aced. S~e ~ above. C-1 xt~: ..... P~g - ~e ~ above. No ~e~c req~m~ ~ re~ms - proje~ ~med ~d~ ~e a~ of ~e ~e Po~ A~ (~t~ ~3.21C RCW: & ~ 197-11 WAC~. C-~ ~t~: ..... P~g - s~e ~ above. S~e ~ above. C-~ xs~: ..... P~g - me ~ above. S~e ~ above. M-I ~: ..... P~ce ~ ~ ~ply. ~-~e~ p~g ~d loa~g S!dz g ~e~ req~ed ~ acetate w~ ~t~ 17.30 ~MC. S~e ~ ~ove. M-H xt~: .... S~e ~ above. S~e ~ above. Section 2. Chapter 17.08 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code is hereby amended to include the following sections: 17.08,033 Arbor. "Arbor" means any detached latticework or archway often used to surmort vines or climbm~ shrubs. 17.08,088 Clear Vision Area. "Clear vision area" means the area between a heir. bt of three feet (3q and ten feet (10'~ above the centerline c, rades of intersectin~ streets m the area bounded bv the ed~,e of the constructed street surface of an ooened oublic riv, ht-of-wav rouv. hly oarallelin~ the vrovertv lines of comer lots and a line iomm~ ooints alon~ said constructed road surface twenty feet (20') from their point of intersection (see the "clear vision area" graohic, belowS. RESERVED - CLEAR VISION AREA GRAPHIC Clear Vision Area "Fence" means any artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen, or senarate areas. This definition does not include arbors, trellises, and other framework installations which are either free-standing or inte~,ral to a fence or wall. or hedc, es. (See also. Arbor under Section 17.08.033 PTMC'. and "Hedge" under Section 17.08.211 PTMC~. 17.08.211 Hedee. "Hed~,e" means any self-sunoortin~, barrier of livinc, vegetation that encloses, screens, or ~enarates areas. 17,08,518 Wall, See Section 17.08.181 PTMC. "Fence." Section 3. Chapter 17.36 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code is hereby repealed in its entirety: Section 4. A new Chapter 17.36 is hereby added to the Port Townsend Municipal Code which reads as follows: Chaoter 17.36 FENCES, WALLS. ARBORS. AND HEDGES Sections: 17,36.010 17,36,020 17,36,030 17.36,040 17.36.050 PBl'pose. Applicabilitv. Fences. walls, arbors, and hedges - Reauirements. Prohibitions - Walls with sharo elements. Fences, walls, arbors, and hedges that create potential safetv hazards. 17.36,010 Purnose. The purpose of this chanter is to t~rovide re~,ulations for fences, walls, arbors, hedges and other partially or totally sight obseurmc, installations, to assure that desirable objectives of providing, privacy, security, and sereenm¢, of prot~erties can be met while limiting unsiffe obstructions of motorists', cyclists', and pedestrians' vision. 17,36.020 Applicability. These reeulati0ns shall a~lv to fences, walls, arbors, hedges and other ~artiallv or totally sight obscuring, installations within residential zonin~ districts. 17.36.030 A__~. Fences, walls, arbors, and hedees - General reauirements.~ NO fence, wall. arbor, hedge or other partially or totally sight obscurim, mstallotion shall be allowed within any ~ublic riv. ht-of-wav, unless a street use agreement h~ been anproved pursuant to Chanter 12.10 PTMC.2 Fences. walls, arbors, hedges and other t~artiallv or totally sight obsctmn_~ installations may be permitted within any reauired front, side. or rear setback area or alone, the edge of any yard. urovided that: 1. No fence, wall. arbor, hedge or other ~artiallv or totally sight obscurm~ installation which t>oses a traffic safety hazard shall be located within a clear vision area: 2. Except as provided in subsections (B~(3~ and (B~(4) below, no fence or wall. or other uartiallv or totally sidat obscurm~ installation shall exceed eiv. ht feet (Sq in heir. bt: Please refer to the following defmiti0ns: "Arbors" - Section 17.08.033 PTMC; "Clear vision area" = Section 17.08.088 PTMC; "Fence" - Section 17.08.181 PTMC; "Hedge" - Section 17.08.211 PTMC; end "Wall" - Section 17.08.518 PTMC. The burde~ shall rest tmon the nrooeatv owner to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director that such feace, wall, arbor, hedge or other l~altiallv or totally sight obsctcrin~ installation does not encroach upon a public fig]at-of-way. 3_,. No fence, wall, or other partially or totally sight obscurm,, installation shall exceed four feet (4') in height within any reauired setback area ~tbuttin~ a oublie street ri~ht-of-wav: 4. No arbor located outside of a clear vision area shall exceed ten feet 5. None of the height limits established in this section shall ant)Iv to hedges, ineludin,, any closely olanted trees or vegetation. Variation from the reauirements outlined in subsection (B](3k above, may be allowed orovided that: 1. The overall height of all parts of the structure does not exceed eight feet (8') in height: and 2_. Any portion of the structure above four feet (4'] shall be oredominatelv ooen. such that there is free circulation of air and oassa~e of light. Maximum heights soecified bv this chanter shall be measured from the elevation of the ground within two feet of the installation on the lower side. Notwithstanding any of the orovisions contained in this section, all fences and walls shall c0mpl¥ with the requirements of the Uniform Buildino Code (UBC]. as adooted under Chanter 16.04 PTMC. 17,36,040 Prohibitions - Walls with sharn elements. NO wall shall have attached to it any barb. soike, broken ~lass or other oointed or sharp instrument. This orohibition shall not be construed to limit the olacement of barbed wire fences. 17,36,050 Fences, walls, arbors and hedges that create notential safety hazards. Notwithstanding the orovisions of Section 17.36.030 PTMC. no fence, wall. arbor, hedge or other t)artiallv or totally sight obseurin~ installation over three feet (3') in height shall be placed within five feet (5'] of any dwellin~ or dwellin~t unit where such installation nms oarallel with an outside wall of a dwellina unit and substantially interferes with access to such dwelling, unit for fire and oublic safety purposes, or subatantiallv imoairs the ability of an oceuoant of a dwellin~ unit to use window~, doors, etc.. as emergency exits. Section 5. Severability. In the event any one or more of the provisions of this ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or invalidate any other provision of this ordinance, but this ordinance shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid provision had not been contained therein; provided, that any provision which shall for any reason be held by reason of its extent to be invalid shall be deeded to be in effect to the extent permitted by law. SeCtion 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective five (5) days following publication of the attached summary, which is hereby approved. Read for the first, second and third times and passed by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof, held this eighteenth day of November, 1996. By ~~ "~-~/J)(~C/~~'~;:X_ ///~ulie McCulloch, Mayor Approved as to form: Il l]]g,.l/L~ [./I../ ~ V/tV'Ti~nol> ~ldl(/Iahan, City Attorney First reading: November 18, 199/% Passage: November 18, 1996 Second reading: November 18, 1996 Publication: November 27, 1996 Third reading: November 18, 1996 Effective: December 2, 1996