HomeMy WebLinkAbout10202003 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this twentieth day
of October, 2003, at 6:30 p.m., in the Port Townsend Council Chambers of City Hall,
Mayor Kees Kolff presiding.
Councilmembers present at roll call were Freida Fenn, Joe Finnie, Kees Kolff, Geoff
Masci, Catharine Robinson, and Michelle Sandoval. Alan Youse was excused.
Mayor Kolff suggested moving the Committee recommendation regarding Fort Worden
parking from "Committee Reports" to the first item after the Consent Agenda so that
those present for public comment on the issue can be heard early in the meeting. There
were no objections.
Mayor Kolff commented on the Fact Sheets from the Association of Washington Cities
which were included in the packet; he noted that this information is indicative of how all
cities are struggling with financial issues.
Councilor Finnie was asked to give a brief report on the progress of the citizen advisory
group assisting with the rebuilding of Aldrich's.
Mayor Kolff noted that the new Jefferson County Youth Yellow Pages is available. It is
a guide to resources for children and young families.
Mayor Kolff read a letter from the governor of Hyogo Prefecture and showed a painting
received from our sister city associates in Japan.
Mr. Timmons gave a brief report on the effect of the recent heavy precipitation on the
water system.
He also updated the Council on the City Hall Annex and Fire Station projects.
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Mr. Timmons introduced Ann Avary, Executive Director of the Economic Development
Council. Ms. Avary asked the Council to act as co-sponsor (with Jefferson County) for a
Community Development Planning Grant to conduct a feasibility study to look at the
viability of a business incubator program in Jefferson County; the study would be a
prerequisite for state and federal funding. She stated there is tremendous opportunity in
the county for new entrepreneurs as well as existing businesses. She added that
agreement by the council would not commit the city to any funding commitment. She
also said that there have been discussions about co-locating an incubator site with
Peninsula College.
There was no public comment.
Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved to approve co-sponsoring, with Jefferson County, pursuit
of a Community Development Planning Grant for a feasibility study for a small business
incubator. Mr. Fenn seconded The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote.
COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (Consent or non-agenda items)
Bo Bricklemyer: stated the neighborhood is concerned because the School District is
planning to replant only one tree at the maintenance facility; two were lost during the
construction related to the Morgan Hill Pump station. (Mr. Timmons noted he will
speak with Superintendent Carol Andreason tomorrow and will follow up on the tree
Robin Sharan expressed concem about the detonating of depleted uranium.
Bruce Tipton asked for follow up on questions he has regarding a building permit and a
revocable easement on city property.
Jack Molsness asked about funding from the City to the Jefferson County Historical
Society of $93,000 so they could pursue grants - what is the status of JCHS grant efforts?
He also stated that the public needs more time to review the city budget. He asked the
city to hold the line on taxes, water rates and sewer rates as much as possible.
Terri McQuillen had questions about skateboard park funding; was the money earmarked
for the skate park appropriated to rebuild the Bell Tower? She also asked about a
proposed bond for capital projects.
(City Manager Timmons replied that the JCHS received $93,000 two years ago which
was expended for planning and services that pre-dated the design.
He also stated a $200,000 grant for the skateboard park was received and must be
matched dollar for dollar by the City. The match will be reappropriated for next year.
He added that no money for the Annex was anticipated as part of a 2004 bond; however
bonding may be used for financing cash flow purposes for other capital programs and
will be considered as part of the budget.)
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Motion: Mr. Masci moved for adoption of the following items on the Consent Agenda.
Ms. Sandoval seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote.
Approval of the following Bills, Claims and Warrants:
Vouchers 87592 through 87753 in the mount of $568,667.82
Voucher 1010031 in the amount of $5,874.18
Vouchers 1020031 through 1020037 in the amount of $68,472.73
Approval of Minutes:
Special Meeting of September 29, 2003
Regular Business Meeting of October 6, 2003
Special Meeting of October 13, 2003
Action: Authorize the City Manager to settle the Tiller legal action on the terms outlined
by the agenda bill (AB03-138).
FORT WORDEN PARKING FEE (Committee Recommendation)
Mayor Kolff spoke on behalf of the Fort Worden Advisory Committee about the request
for a contribution from the City for direct fimding to the State Parks in lieu of
establishing parking fees at Fort Worden State Park. He stated that the Committee was
pleased that State Parks were open to this flexible solution on behalf of the community.
He added that the contribution has been established at a total of $60,000 the first year and
$65,000 the second year. He said the County is requested to contribute $10,000;
Centrmn $5,000; and the City $25,000, with other funds to come from the sale of $50
park passes and an add-on fee to the admission price for events at the Fort. He also noted
that the LTAC Committee is being asked to underwrite $25,000 as a "guarantee" in case
some payments are delayed from other sources of revenue.
Ms. Sandoval and Ms. Fenn spoke in favor of the measure, noting this is a means of
keeping the park open to the general population.
Mr. Finnie disclosed that his wife is a Board member of Centrum, one of the "campus
'partners" at Fort Worden. Ms. Sandoval stated she is also on the Board of Directors.
Mr. Watts confirmed that these relationships require only disclosure under the city rules
and do not rise to the level of state statutes regarding appearance of fairness or conflict of
interest since there is no direct benefit to either council member from the outcome of the
The mayor then invited Park Manager Kate Burke, Fort Worden Advisory Committee
Chair Jean Dunbar and Committee member Nora Porter to comment.
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Ms. Robinson asked about the timeline for commitment. Ms. Burke stated the
commitment is for the calendar year 2004-5 and they hope to have an agreement signed
by the end of November.
Mr. Masci asked for clarification that LTAC is guaranteeing $20,000 of the $35,000
remaining after the city fund $25,000, making the city's total contribution $45,000.
Mr. Kolff stated that it is very unlikely much, if any, of that money will be required once
the proceeds from park passes and the admissions charges are received; it is just that no
other entity can give the State Parks a written guarantee. Mr. Masci asked where the
$25,000 would come from in the 2004 budget. He stated if that has not been discussed, it
is premature to commit the funding.
Public comment:
Lyrm Nadeau stated that Fort Worden is functionally a neighborhood park and this is a
quality of life issue for the people in the city.
Jack Molsness stated he is against using city money for this purpose. He proposed a
non-voluntary LID as stated in a letter he provided for the record.
Terri McQuillen asked what percentage of the $50 annual pass would be credited to the
Port Townsend account. (Answer: all of it).
Ms. Robinson stated she hears the urge for prioritization of this funding but would like to
defer the decision until it can be examined in the context of the entire budget.
Mr. Masci noted that he believes this qualifies as a non-profit funding request; he stated it
should be handled via the established process and added that if every request were
addressed separately prior to the budget process, the results could significantly impact
other parts of the overall budget.
Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved that the City designate as a budget priority $25, O00 per
year for two years in lieu of parkingfees at Fort Worden State Park in the interest of
protecting local jobs, economic development and preservation of day use by the citizens
of Port Townsend, subject to a County contribution of $10, O00, a Centrum contribution
of $5, 000, and an LTAC guarantee of $20, 000, subject to budget approval. Mr. Finnie
Amendment: Ms. Fenn proposed to amend the motion to remove the reference to other
partners and to add "with final discussion by December 11." There was no objection.
Mr. Masci stated that last year the Council was assured this was a one-time commitment.
He added that this is a state function that should be taken care of by the state and amounts
to double taxation of the Port Townsend citizens. He stated we are also underwriting all
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visitors to Ft. Worden from other towns, states and countries. He added that he has
continually asserted Fort Worden should be included in the City's Parks Plan.
Ms. Fenn stated Fort Worden must be kept accessible; this is a compromise she can
Ms. Robinson asked if this motion would be sufficient to get the item on the preliminary
budget as a potential enhancement. Mr. Timmons replied that it is.
Vote: (Motion to accepted recommendation of the CD/LU Committee amended as
follows: that the City designate as a budget priority a contribution of $25, O00 per year
for two years in lieu of parking fees at Fort Worden State Park in the interest of
protecting local jobs, economic development and preservation of day use by the citizens
of Port Townsend with final decision to be made by December 11.) Motion carried 5-1,
by voice vote, with Masci opposed
The meeting was recessed at 8:30 for the purpose of a break.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
City Manager Timmons stated that grant funding for the project was awarded on
October 3, 2003, and the next step is to authorize the City Manager to execute
construction documents for the project.
Public comment:
Jack Molsness asked about the dollar amount and process.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved for adoption of Resolution 03-030. Ms. Robinson seconded
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote.
Dave Robison, Executive Director of the Northwest Maritime Center, stated that the total
dollar value of the IAC grant is $154,000. The City's matching share is provided by the
Northwest Maritime Center through sale of pavers and planks, with current proceeds
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close to $150,000. He described the bidding process and noted that the City issues a
notice to proceed today.
Public Works Director Ken Clow stated that the WIRA 17 Watershed Plan is out in final
form. A public workshop on the plan and the planning process was held on October 14 to
allow the public to ask further questions. The Planning Unit will vote on whether to
forward the draft plan to the Jefferson County BOCC on October 28.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved to accept the findings of the draft Watershed Plan and
authorize the City's representative to the Planning Unit to vote on October 28, 2003, in
favor o f forwarding the draft plan to the Jefferson County BOCC for their adoption of the
report. Ms. Fenn seconded The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote.
City Attorney Watts stated that the current owner of the eight platted lots that front Kamo
Street is requesting to change the name of the street to Kat Lane. The applicant owns all
properties adjacent to the street and no one else is affected by the name change. The
applicant has agreed to be responsible to pay all costs to record a new or corrected survey
to change the street name.
Ms. Robinson asked if the street exists only in this part of town. Mr. Watts affirmed that
the street is only one block long.
Mr. Kolff asked if there are any additional city costs involved. Mr. Watts stated the
recording fee would be borne by the applicant. They could be asked to also pay the fee
for publication of the ordinance. Maps would be changed only when during a regular
Ms. Sandoval asked for an update on a previous request regarding changing a street name
to Maple Court (from Monica Saran).
There was no public comment.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved to waive Council rules and adopt ordinance 2839 after first
reading. Ms. Sandoval seconded
Amendment: Ms. Fenn proposed an amendment which would direct the applicant to pay
the cost of publishing the ordinance. There was no objection.
Vote: Motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by roll call vote.
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City Attomey Watts stated that the CD/LU Committee discussed replying to a letter from
the Port of Port Townsend dated September 25, 2003, regarding the Historic Preservation
Ordinance revisions. The letter proposes that the City consider "not making the new
regulations applicable to point Hudson, based on our agreement that the Port will not
seek any demolition permits for 'historic" buildings without further planning and
City/Port discussion and agreement." A draft response to the letter was provided to the
There was no public comment.
Motion: Ms. Fenn moved to approve the letter as presented Mr. Masci seconded
Mr. Kolff noted he had a few minor non-substantive changes to suggest. It was agreed he
would talk with Mr. Watts prior to the letter being sent.
Vote: motion carried, unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
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City Clerk
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