HomeMy WebLinkAbout11032003CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF NOVEMBER 3, 2003 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this third day of November, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Kees Kolff presiding. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Kees Kolff. Council members present at roll call were Frieda Fenn, Joe Finnie, Kees Kolff, Geoff Masci, Catharine Robinson, and Michelle Sandoval. (Mr. Youse arrived later in the meeting.) Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John Watts, Finance Director Michael Legarsky, Public Works Director Ken Clow, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Mayor Kolff announced that there would be an Executive Session following the meeting regarding litigation or potential litigation involving the City. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT Mayor Kolff noted that the City Manager evaluation process will begin this Wednesday and asked that comments on the process draft be submitted to him as soon as possible. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Material was distributed which included a water system update and information about the next compost sale. Mr. Timmons also stated that the new Building Inspector, Ed Jones, has started work. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (Consent or Non-Agenda Items) There was no public comment. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 2841 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ADOPTING 2004 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES City Council Business Meeting Page 1 November 3, 2003 Mayor Kolff opened the public hearing and reviewed the rules of order. He asked if any council member had any interest, financial or property, to disclose in connection with the matter. There were none. FinanCe Director Michael Legarsky presented the ordinance and showed information on the difference between a 0% general tax levy increase and a 1% general tax levy increase. He noted that a 1% EMS levy increase is included in both versions of the ordinance. There were some clarifying questions from the Council and additional information from County Assessor Jack Westerman. Public comment There was no public comment. Mr. Masci asked for a chart showing the effect of using banked capacity at 3%, 7% and 13% on various property values before the next meeting. Ms. Fenn asked for the current inflation rate. Mr. Legarsky stated it is 1.89% (current consumer price index). Mayor Kolff closed public testimony at 6:55 p.m. Motion: Mr. Masci moved for first reading of Version A of Ordinance 2841 - 0% General Tax Levy Increase and 1% EMS Levy Increase. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion: Ms. Fenn moved for first reading of Version B of Ordinance 2841 - 1% General Tax Levy Increase and 1% EMS Levy Increase. Mr. Finnie seconded Ms. Fenn stated the 1% general tax increase would not even keep up with inflation; she said that to be fiscally responsible, the Council must at least keep up with inflation in budgetary practices. Mr. Kolff also stated the increase is very modest and the Council does need to be responsible to citizens in providing essential services despite rising costs. Vote: Motion carried 5-1, with Mr. Masci opposed CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Mr. Masci moved to adopt the following items on the Consent Agenda. Ms. Fenn seconded The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. Approval of the following Bills, Claims and Warrants: Vouchers 87754 through 87873 in the amount of $132,839.64 City Council Business Meeting Page 2 November 3, 2003 Approval of Minutes: October 20, 2003 October 23, 2003 STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Transportation Committee Recommendation Regarding 2005 Street Funding (Mr. Youse arrived during the discussion.) Mr. Timmons provided a spreadsheet presentation showing various program funding options. Programs currently funded through the General Fund that might be eligible for a levy include library, parks, and street maintenance. He noted that the final date for a vote on any levy which would take effect in 2005 is next year's general election in November. He added that the Committee recommendation of making a Metropolitan Park District the preferred alternative was based on several factors, including the appeal to voters, the ability to spread the costs school district wide rather than just within the city limits, and the need for 50% rather than 60% voter approval. Ms. Fenn stated a concern regarding the governing model and requested more information about how a federated BOCC/Council governing board would be set up. Mr. Timmons stated the discussion tonight, or passage of the recommendation, does not commit the Council to any one model; the direction to staff would result in the ability to establish a task force to research the issues and recommend a process to the Council. Mr. Masci asked what would be the procedure and role of the county regarding properties within the city boundaries owned by the county. Mr. Timmons noted this is one of many questions that must be answered, including whether a park district would retain compliance with GMA distinctions between urban and rural areas. Motion: Mr. Masci moved to direct staff to prepare a multipurpose resolution to address the current inadequacies in city, county, and school district parks, facilities, and streets, with consideration of a Metropolitan Park District with the cooperation of the County, with the City zip code as the boundary of the District, or broader. Ms. Robinson seconded Ms. Fenn stated she would like to create a citizen advisory committee to get further information about issues like voter approval rates and governing requirements before tasking the staff to work toward any of these options. Ms. Sandoval stated she would not support any levy, which goes beyond the school district boundary. City Council Business Meeting Page 3 November 3, 2003 Mr. Masci stated that he is against any levies whatsoever, but if this is the will of the Council, he believes the committee and staff must be charged with looking at other possibilities that may be more feasible and bring a more equitable distribution of funds; for example, creating a county-wide district with its own governing board. Ms. Sandoval stated she would not support setting up a governing board that would eliminate city control. Amendment: Mr. Masci offered a friendly amendment to remove the words "or broader "from the motion. There was no objection. Ms. Fenn stated she is unhappy with the. motion because she believes it already recommends a preferred alternative and she is uncomfortable doing that without having further information about alternatives. Ms. Robinson stated her concern is to start moving toward some action rather than getting stuck in process questions. She said the Council needs to move ahead toward a decision so that it is not deferred for another year. Amendment: Mr. Masci offered a friendly amendment to substitute the words "with consideration of'for "the preferred alternative is "from the motion. There was no objection. Mr. Finnie asked that the Council respect the work of the Transportation Committee and accept that as a starting point. Mr. Youse stated that this is just a way of getting taxes we don't have now to pay for programs like subsidizing non-profits instead of funding streets. Mr. Kolff asked for a clarification of the definition of"multipurpose resolution." Mr. Timmons stated that it refers to something, which is not just a single purpose initiative, but one that may, in the process of solving one issue, solve more issues. Vote on motion as amendeck Direct staff to prepare a multipurpose resolution to address the current inadequacies in city, county, and school district parks, facilities and streets; with consideration of a Metropolitan Park District with the cooperation of the county, with the city zip code as the boundary of the district. Motion carried 6-1, by voice vote, with Mr. Youse opposed. SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT AGENDA, REGULAR MEETING AND/OR STUDY SESSION City Council Business Meeting Page 4 November 3, 2003 Mayor Kolffnoted that the proposed joint workshop with Planning Commission scheduled for November 13 has been cancelled. The General Government Committee will meet on November 13 at 7 p.m. Mr. Timmons distributed committee budget assignments and asked committee chairs to schedule budget sessions as soon as possible EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:00, Mayor Kolff announced that the Council would go into Executive Session to discuss litigation or potential litigation involving the city. He stated the session would last about 30 minutes and that no action would be taken following the session. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 8:30. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. Attest: Pamela Kolacy, CMC City Clerk City Council Business Meeting Page 5 November 3, 2003