OCTOBER 25, 1999
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Forrest Rambo at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers at Port Townsend City Hall. Council members present were Joe Finnie, Allen Frank,
Syd Lipton, Geoff Masci, Forrest Rambo, and Vern Garrison. Alan Youse was excused. Staff
members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Engineer Dave Peterson, and City
Clerk Para Kolacy.
Sims Way Transportation Plan/Presentation and Public Discussion
Mr. Timmons explained the procedure for the meeting: The goal of the meeting was to put all
the issues on the table and achieve consensus on the major issues as well as any minor issues that
could be covered. He stated that the council's role would be to arbitrate if an impasse is reached
and a choice between alternative proposed solutions is necessary.
Mr. Peterson then outlined the various elements of the project. He noted that potential problems
have already been identified, and if there are additional issues they should be brought forward
during the meeting. It will be assumed that all issUes are included; discussion of the large issues
will begin and down to smaller issues.
All major project components and associated funding were presented, with the intent to discuss
only those to which objections or discussion were raised. The following major components of
the project were identified.
P-l: Preservation program (Asphalt overlay within existing pavements limits, SR19 to
Ferry Terminal
I-1: Mobility Program: Howard to Thomas Streets, two-way left turn lane, widening and
access control.
I-2: Safety program: Hancock to Hendricks, two way left turn lane; turn pocket into
Jefferson Transit base; access control.
Sidewalk and pedestrian crossing Hancock to Hendricks: 2 blocks curb and sidewalk and
in-pavement lighted crossing
Shoulder Improvements: South side Sims Way from Sherman to Cleveland, shoulder
I-3: Bicycle facility enhancement program: Ferry terminal west (as far as funds will go)
Members of the Washington State Department of Transportation present included project
Manager John McNutt and George Tittemess of the Port Angeles office. Members of the public
made statements and directed questions to the Dept. Of Transportation representatives and city
staff. Council members also posed questions.
City Council/Sims Way Page 1 October 28, 1999
Council actions
Mr. Frank moved to accept $400,000 in funding for I 1 - Mobility Program (Howard to Thomas,
two way left turn lane, widening and access control). Mr. Finnie seconded. Mr. Masci proposed
a friendly amendment to stipulate that curbing placement would be discretionary to the city
administration. That motion to amend died for lack of a second. The main motion then carried,
4-2, with Masci and Rambo opposed.
Mr. Garrison moved that the city accept WSDOT funding of $400,000, with no provisos and no
micro management, to develop and augment bicycle travel from the state ferry terminal in Port
Townsend, Washington, and continue to the city limits and out of town as far as the money will
take the project. Mr. Finnie seconded. The motion carried, 5-1, with Lipton opposing.
The meeting was recessed at 9:10 p.m. for a break and reconvened at 9:20 p.m.
Mr. Timmons noted that the hour was growing late and proposed that the specific issues
identified or any specific concerns about the project components could be addressed individually.
He advised citizens to contact City Hall for appointments to work out specific issues within the
next 15 days. Comments regarding the general public good are also encouraged. Individual
issues and the final proposed resolutions will be presented in a similar forum for public input and
Mr. Masci then moved to include all items not previously addressed. Mr. Finnie seconded. The
motion carried unanimously, 6-0.
Mr. Garrison then moved to accept the Sims Way Improvement Project with all the inclusive
items of bicycle lanes, shoulders, curbs, widening, and narrowing, all as proposed in the plans
and as discussed with an open and public appeal process to the city council for each decision.
After discussion, the motion was withdrawn
Mr. Frank then moved to require the City Manager to immediately begin the stoplight warrant
process for locations on Sims Way and report to the council monthly on the progress of that
request. Mr. Masci seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0.
Mr. Masci then moved that the city manager and staff come back with some design and scoping
material for the council's review and acceptance and if there are issues that need to be appealed
that they will be taken individually. Mr. Garrison seconded. The motion carried unanimously,
The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 p.m.
Pamela Kolacy, City Clerk
City Council/Sims Way Page 2 October 28, 1999