The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m by Mayor Forrest Rambo at the Gael Stuart
Building, 1610 Blaine Street. Council members present were Allen Frank, Joe Finnie, Sydney
Lipton, Geoff Masci, and Forrest Rambo. Alan Youse arrived at 8:05. Vern Garrison was
excused. Staff members present were City Attorney Tim McMahan, City Clerk Pam Kolacy,
Acting Fire Chief Tom Aumock, Finance Director Michael Legarsky, and Interim BCD Director
Bob Leedy.
Public, Governmental & Educational TV Studio
Ms. Kolacy introduced Commissioner Dan Harpole who updated the council on the county's
negotiations with the cable television provider. Mark Welch, PEG Advisory Board Chairperson,
and Gary Lemons, one of the PEG studio coordinators, also gave background information. Ms.
Kolacy noted that the two coordinator contracts had been approved by the PEG Board and would
be on the agenda at the June 21 council meeting.
Children's Peace Project
Former mayor Julie McCulloch invited the mayor and council to attend the kickoff event for the
Year 2000 Millennium Peace Project in Port Townsend on July 11. Mayor Rambo agreed to
participate in the event; councilmembers Masci and Frank will attend. Other council members
wishing to attend were asked to contact Anne Slayton at City Hall by Friday, June 18.
EMS Levy
Acting Chief Aumock presented further information about the department's budget in relation to
the proposed EMS levy this fall. A decision about the amount of the levy must be finalized at the
July 19 council meeting to meet requirements for a September ballot. The council had numerous
questions regarding the department budget. Chief Aumock will meet with Finance Director
Legarsky and prepare further information for the council.
Public Disclosure Rules
Mr. McMahan provided highlights of the printed material he distributed regarding public
disclosure rules for elected officials.
Accounting System
Mr. Legarsky updated the council on the selection of the accounting software vendor. Approval
of the contract will be requested at the June 21 council meeting.
Comprehensive Plan Annual Amendments
Mr. McMahan guided the council through the written materials provided regarding the annual
comprehensive plan update process. Mr. Leedy then briefly summarized the proposed
amendments which wilt come before council for public hearing and docketing at the June 21
Shoreline Rules
Extensive revisions to shoreline rules have been proposed by the Dept. of Ecology. Mr.
McMahan noted that the rules as currently proposed would have a major impact on the city. He
is currently networking with individuals and organizations and will provide written comments on
the proposed plan. Mr. Masci requested a list of JARC members, and a list of the sites where
public hearings will held.
C-II Interim Design Standards
Mr. McMahan stated that the Planning Commission will soon hold a public hearing on the
interim C-II Design Standards. BCD staff has asked whether the council would like to schedule
a public hearing as well. Consensus was that since little citizen interest has been shown, a public
hearing before council would not be necessary.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Submitted by:
Pamela Kolacy
City Clerk
Study Session Minutes Page 2 dune 14, 1999