HomeMy WebLinkAbout2701 Amending Assembly Regulations - Special Events and Assemblies, Reducing Permit Fees and Authorizing City Manager to Waive Regulatory RequirementsOrdinance No. ~ '7t9 !
WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 9.24 PTMC, the City of Port Townsend
regulates large assemblies of persons for special events in order to address public health and
safety, traffic control and crowd control impacts. Chapter 9.24 PTMC is intended to address
public health and safety impacts without unduly burdening the exercise of First Amendment
rights of assembly, and without unduly burdening the rights and opportunities of the members
of the public to gather together for celebrations, festivals, and other events; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has become aware that in its present form and content,
Chapter 9.24 PTMC, adopted in 1980 without amendment thereafter, is not properly suited to
the present conditions in Port Townsend, lacks clarity, is overly oppressive in certain
circumstances while failing to address public health and safety impacts in other circumstances,
is not sufficiently flexible to enable thoughtful administration, and imposes substantial fees
with the evident purpose of deterring large private gatherings of citizens; and
WH~AS, through this Ordinance, the City Council intends to adopt temporary
amendments to Chapter 9.24 PTMC, to enable the City to appropriately regulate special events
and assemblies during the 1999 summer visitor season. In adopting this Ordinance, the City
Council directs the City Manager to review Chapter 9.24 PTMC and consider further
amendments to Chapter 9.24 PTMC, with the assistance of a citizen task force appointed by
the Mayor. The City Council intends that such amendments will establish appropriate
exemptions, clarify administrative processes, and establish appropriate regulatory requirements
to address public health and safety impacts associated with large gatherings or assemblies,
while recognizing that Port Townsend is a preferred destination for conventions, reunions, arts
festivals, and other events ~hich draw substantial tourists and visitors to Port Townsend,
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend does ordain as
SECTION 1. Chapter 9.24, "Assembly Regulations," of the Port Townsend Municipal
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Chapter 9.24
Permit required when.
Permit - Application - Approval or denial.
Permit - Application - Submission of plans for approval - Approving agencies.
Permit- Application - Sanitary facilities.
Permit - Application - Fire protection,
Permit - Application - Traffic control.
Permit - Application - Parking.
Permit - Application - Inspection and enforcement.
Hours and noise restrictions.
Record of attendants - Permit agglic, ati~ f~.
Waiver of requirements.
Compliance required.
Violation- Penalty.
9.24.010 Permit required when.
It is unlawful for any person or persons, corporation, organization, landowner, lessee or lessor
to allow, encourage, organize, promote, conduct, permit or cause to be advertised as an
entertainment, amusement, or assembly of persons for any purpose which said person,
persons, corporation, organization, landowner, lessee or lessor believes or has reason to
believe, will attract 100 or more persons for six four or more continuous hours or--30-ormm~
hm ~uut or ,.vs, ,~,.u.u,.,ua .,,u,a s. ,~,y uay, or who prepares or sells tickets
numbering 100 or more for an event of six four or more continuous hours in one or more
days, at a particular location within the city, unless a valid and current permit has been
obtained for the operating of said amusement, entertainment or assembly as specified in this
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One permit shall be 'required for each entertainment, amusement or assembly. Criminal or civil
liability for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall rest in all persons,
corporations, organizations, landowners, lessees or lessors who are. responsible for the
obtaining of permits under this section. (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 1, 1980).
9.24.020 Def'mitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise:
A. "Amusement" means any act or event causing or inducing relaxation and/or gaiety.
B. "Assembly" means the concourse or meeting together of a considerable number of persons
at the same place.
2 Ord. ~'-1 ~ I
C. "City manager" means the Port Townsend City Manager, or his/her designee
ED. "Entertainment" means an act of entertaining or being entertained; specifically, an
amusement, hospitality given or received, the consideration of an idea, etc., thus, the keeping
of the same in mind. Something that entertains is interesting, diverting, or amusing as a show
or performance.
tgE. "General public" means citizens and members of the community except in groups made
up entirely of related kin. (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 2, 1980).
9.24.030 Permit - Application - Approval or denial.
Written final application for amusement, entertainment or assembly permits shall be made to
the Port Townsend chief-of'lxdice ~ and said application must be submitted three
30 or more days prior to the first day upon which such amusement, entertainment or assembly
is to be or may be held. Approval or denial of permits as provided for in this chapter shall be
made within two 10 business days after application therefor. Permits shall not be denied
provided the following conditions specified in PTMC 9.24.050 through 9.24.090 are
satisfactorily met by the applicant. Denial of the permit by the ct'del-of-police f, ily_illanaggr
shall be in writing with reasons for the denial and shall be subject to appeal to the city council
by action filed within t-0 ~ days of the denial. (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 §
3, 1980).
9.24.040 Permit - Application - Submission of plans for approval - Approving
Whenever approval by the Jefferson County health department is required under this chapter,
application for such approval shall be made 10 or more days prior to making final application
for the entertainment, amusement or a~embly permit. Approval or denial by said agencies
shall be made within two business days of prior to the date of application. When any type of
physical facility is required or subject to approval under this chapter, preliminary approval
may be granted based upon ~pecific plans proposed and submitted by the applicant. All such
facilities shall be in existence three or more days before the event for which an application is
submitted shall begin and shall be subject to inspection by the approving agencies or
departments at their convenience. Said insPeCtions shall be made and approval or disapproval
granted on or before the second day preceding the event. Should the actual facility or
construction fail to meet the standards approved in the proposed piant Pla~, such preliminary
approval shall be withdrawn and any and all permits granted subject to such approval shall be
withdrawn. With the exception of inspection or application fees cha~ed by other agencies or
~pa.rlllmfllz~o inspection fee or approval fee shall be charged other than the general permit
fee required under this chapter. (Ord. __ § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 4, 1980).
9.24.050 Permit - Application - Sanitary facilities.
No permit for an entertainment, amusement, or assembly shall be granted unless the
application is accompanied by the written approval of the Olyiii~,ic llealhh P_,ish-ic~ Jefferson
County_ health d~_ ~ment affecting the following minimum standards:
3 Ord.
A. Water supply:
1. Every location for which a permit must be obtained under this chapter shall have an
adequate supply of water which is of a sanitary quality meeting the demands as prescribed by
the, ~.~.~,. o~ D~pai-hiier, t v. Health Jefferson County health department.
2. Drinking fountains or drinking facilities shall be provided to meet the requirements of the
· ..,.., Jefferson County health department.
B. Toilets and washing facilities: Every location for which a permit must be obtained
hereunder shall be provided with toilets, urinals and hand washing facilities conveniently
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~ in a manner and with a minimum number of
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wiul ul~ uiu~l~ ul u~. ul.y~lpiv -.~m. iui ~_~i;~[i-iC[ mi~t the reouirements of the
Jefferson County health department.
C. Food preparation and food service facilities: Should the applicant for a permit under this
chapter provide or have reason to believe that there will be provided any type of public food
services for the event for which the permit is required, then the applicant shall submit with his
application the approval of the Olympic .~,, ,.,,.u,~[ Jefferson County health department for
the facilities so provided. Such facilities shall meet the specifications required by the health
district Jefferson County health department, (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 5, 1980)·
9.24.060 Permit - Application - Fire protection.
No permit shall be granted under this chapter unless the applicant has shown that ~
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w,,~,~ u,. ~.,,[ ,a ~, b~ '-,,~,u-' ~ has approved fire protection devices and equipment available at,
in or near any building, tent, stadium or enclosure or wherein or whereupon more than 10
persons may be expected to congregate at any time during the course of such entertainment,
amusement or assembly for which a permit is required. Fire prevention standards shall be
those as provided by state law. (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 6, 1980).
9.24.070 Permit - Application - Traffic control.
No permit shall be granted under this chapter unless it shall be shown in the application to the
~ ~ that adequate traffic control and crowd protection policing have
been contracted for or otherwise provided by the applicant. Traffic control/crowd control
personnel shall be patrolmen city police officers or reserve officers or named persons approved
by the chief of police ~ and submitting affidavits that they have not been convicted
of a felony within the previous 10 years. To be eligible to serve as privately contracted traffic
or crowd control personnel, such persons shall consent in writing to a police department
criminal background check, There shall be provided one traffic control/crowd control person
for each 100 persons expected or reasonably to be expected to be in attendance at any time
during the event; provided, that the city manager is authorized to rex{_uire additional traffic
4 Ord.
control and crowd control officers or personnel as may be necessary, to address public safety.
and traffic and crowd control needs for the particular event. Unless waived by the city
maaage~a minimum of three such personnel shall be provided for any event coming within
the provisions of this chapter. Sufficient personnel shall be provided so that the above
requirements will be met throughout the event without working any personnel more than 12
hours without at least any eight-hour rest period before his next hours on duty. 2.tl~klZplif, a~
shall provide the city manager with a written assurance that privately contracted traffic control
and crowd control personnel shall not be under the influence of or affected by alcohol or
controlled substances during the course of the event (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 7,
9.24.080 Permit- Application- Parking.
Application for a permit under this chapter shall be accompanied by scale drawing showing
adequate parking facilities have been made available adjacent to the location for which the
permit is requested. Such parking facility shall provide parking space for one vehicle per every
four persons expected or reasonably to be expected to attend the amusement, entertainment or
assembly. Adequate ingress and egress shall be provided from such parking area to facilitate
the movement of any vehicle at any time or from the parking area and the access for delivery.
of emergency service.q; provided, that should buses be used to transport persons to the
entertainment, amusement or assembly, it shall be shown that public parking or parking as
described above is available at any site from which buses are scheduled to transport persons to
an event regulated by this chapter. (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 8, 1980).
9.24.090 Permit - Application - Inspection and enforcement.
No permit shall be granted under this chapter unless the applicant shall in writing upon the
application for such a permit consent to allow the law enforcement and public health and fire
control officers of the ~ county to come upon the premises for which the permit has
been granted for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of the terms and conditions under
which the permit is granted. (Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 9, 1980).
9.24.100 Hours and noise restrictions.
No entertainment, amusement or assembly coming within the provisions of PTMC 9.24.010
shall be conducted in the city between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., except as
provided in this section. Should it be planned, advertised, or should there be reason to believe
that an assembly of persons coming within the provisions of this chapter shall create an
unusual amount of noise or that it is anticipated that there will be an unusual amount of noise
detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, then the city coancil ~ may set
additional limitations or extensions on the hours; provided, that any limitations shall not
infringe on activities during daylight hours after the hour of 7:00 a.m. (Ord. § 1, 1999;
Ord. 1858 § 10, 1980).
5 Ord. ~ ~] g) I
9.24.110 Applicability.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to regularly scheduled entertainments,
amusements and assemblies held at camps, parks, fairgrounds, Indian gathering places or
resorts. (Ord. 1858 § 11, 1980).
9.24.120 Record of attendants - Permit ~ fee schedule.
A. Record of attendants. Application for a permit under the provisions of this chapter
shall state the number of persons expected or reasonably expected and/or the number of tickets
printed and sold. It shall be the duty of the applicant to record the number of persons admitted
to and exited from any event coming within the provisions of this chapter in such a manner
that the number of persons present can be reasonably known at any time. Failure to provide a
reasonably accurate record of the number of persons present shall give public law enforcement
personnel the right to reasonably estimate the number present. Should the number of persons
present at any time exceed by 20 percent or more the number for which the permit was
granted, it shall be the right and the duty of the public law enforcement agencies to prohibit
further access to the event until such time as the number in attendance allows for compliance
with the permit.
B. Permit application fee. A $50.00 permit application fee shall be fried with the
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cation, auujc~t
o,,,,,,, ,~.,~ ,.,,,~, ,,ow.,,,, The cit.v manaeer is authorized to waive the hermit anulicafion
fee if the applicant satisfies all of the following requirements: (1) the event is sponsored by
government entity, or non-profit co .rporation; (2) the community will receive substantial public
benefit from the event; and (3) the event will cause nominal impacts upon public services,
(Ord. § 1, 1999; Ord. 1858 § 13, 1980).
9.24.125 Waiver of requirements,
Under appropriate circumstances, the city manager is authorized to waive any requirement.q
stated in this chapter 9.24 PTMC which are not im_m)sed by other agencies or jurisdictions
(such as the Jefferson County health department). "Appropriate circumstances" for waiving the
re~.uirements of this chapter include, but are not limited to the following: (1) the event is
planned for a limited duration of time and will have nominal impacts upon public health,
safety, traffic circulation and the delivery, of public services; (2) the event is sponsored in
whole or in part by the city of Port Townsend or another governmental entity, and all
considerations addressed in this chapter are sufficiently addressed through the City's inte~al
review procedures; (3) the event is otherwise sufficiently regulated in other chapters of the
Port Townsend Municipal Code; or (4) in the judgment of the city manager, the public will
derive substantial benefits from the event, such as tourism promotion and the promotion of
economic development, and in the balance, the event will have nominal impacts upon public,
health, safety, traffic circulation and the delivery, of public services. (Ord. § 1, 1999).
6 Ord.
9.24.130 Compliance required.
Compliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter shall constitute minimum health,
sanitation and safety provisions, and noncompliance with said terms and conditions shall
constitute a public nuisance and be subject to all criminal, civil and equitable remedies as such.
(Ord. 1858 § 14,-1980).
9.24.140 Violation - Penalty.
Any perSOn who violates or fails to comply with any provision of this chapter, or who, having
obtained a permit under this chapter, wilfully fails to continue to comPly with the terms and
conditions thereof, or who counsels, aids or abets such violation, or fails to comply, is guilty
of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 1858 § 13, 1980).
SECTION 2. Temporary applicability; Citizen work group to be formed. In
adopting this Ordinance, the City Council intends that the amendments made to Chapter 9.24
PTMC shall be a temporary correction of indef'mite duration, addressing identified concerns
with the application of Chapter 9.24 PTMC. The City Council directs the City Manager to
review Chapter 9.24 PTMC and consider further amendments to Chapter 9.24 PTMC, with
the assistance of a citizen task force appointed in accordance with the City Council Rules of
Procedure. The City Council intends that such amendments will establish appropriate
exemptions, clarify administrative processes, and establish appropriate regulatory requirements
to address public health and safety impacts associated with large gatherings or assemblies,
while recognizing that Port Townsend is a preferred destination for conventions, reunions, arts
festivals, and other events which draw substantial numbers of tourists and visitors to Port
Townsend. The City Council directs the City Manager to report his recommendations to the
City Council at such time as the task force has completed its deliberations, and as staff
reSOurces enable full consideration of appropriate amendments.
SECTION 3. Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any
perSOn or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, or the application of
the provision to other perSOns or circumstances is not affected.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after the date of its publication
in the manner provided by law.
Adopted by the City Council o~he City of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular
meeting thereof, held this "7 day of ~_,, ~ , 1999.
~n Kolacy, City tent ~j
6/02/99 [eodo filo -- 9.24 PTMC] Ord\tlm{ch9-24to.doc}
8 Ord.