HomeMy WebLinkAbout2824 Amending Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations Amendment ProcessOrdinance No. 2824
WHEREAS, Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) Chapter 20.04 sets forth the
process by which the City's comprehensive plan and development regulations are amended; and
WHEREAS, the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 36.70A. 130 was amended in 2002
to require cities within Jefferson County to update their comprehensive plans by December 1,
2004 and at least every 7 years thereafter; and
WHEREAS, the City has conducted an annual amendment process pursuant to PTMC
Chapter 20.04 each year since 1998; and
WHEREAS, since 1998 the City has considered five (5) site specific rezone requests and
forty-two (42) suggested amendments. During that period seven (7) suggested amendments were
not docketed for final consideration; and
WHEREAS, since 1998 the Planning Commission has conducted an annual assessment
each year as part of the Comprehensive Plan amendment process; and
WHEREAS, by conducting Planning Commission assessments and considering
suggested comprehensive plan amendments on a less frequent basis, City staff, the Planning
Commission, and City Council will be able to dedicate more time to implementation of the
Comprehensive Plan's adopted goals and policies; and
WHEREAS, the City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Responsible Official
determined the amendments to be procedural in nature only, and therefore exempt from SEPA
environmental review per WAC 197-11-800(20) Procedural Actions; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after timely notice, held a public heating to
accept public testimony on this matter on November 14, 2002, and recommended to the City
Council on this matter that PTMC Chapter 20.04 be amended to increase the time between
suggested amendment cycles and plan assessments while allowing formal, site-specific
amendments to be proposed on an annual basis; and
WHEREAS, the City Council determines that PTMC Chapter 20.04 provides a regular
and predictable process for the amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan;
1 Ordinance 2824
NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing FINDINGS, and based upon the
record before the Port Townsend Planning Commission and City Council, the City Council
hereby ordains as follows:
SECTION 1. The title and index to Chapter 20.04 is hereby amended as follows (strike
is deleted, underlined is added):
Chapter 20.04
Amendments - Purpose and introduction.
Amendment process to be once per year - Cumulative effects must be considered.
Exceptions to the annual amendment process.
Schedule for Suggested and Formal Comprehensive Plan Amendments and
Applications for comprehensive plan amendment.
Compilation of preliminary docket - Planning Commission Assessment.
Process for selection of amendments to be considered during ~mua! re-Aew
suggested amendment cycles - Public notice.
Review of proposed amendments - SEPA - Transmittal to State.
Review of final docket by planning commission and city council - Public notice.
Land use code text revisions.
SECTION 2. Those portions of PTMC 20.04.010 - 030 which read as follows is hereby
amended as follows (strike is deleted, underlined is added):
20.04.10 Amendments - Purpose and introduction.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for amending the Port
Townsend comprehensive plan, defined for the purposes of this chapter as including the plan text
and/or the land use map. The Growth Management Act (GMA) generally requires a!!zws
amendments to comprehensive plans occur at least once every seven (7) years (by December 1,
2004 and every 7 years thereafter) and no more frequently than en!y once per year, except in
emergency situations. This chapter is intended to provide a process based upon a 7-year
amendment cycle that includes: (1) an annual process with timelines and procedures whereby
property owners, their agents or project proponents may submit applications for formal, site-
specific amendments to the comprehensive planl; (2) a process whereby the city will compile
and maintain a preliminary docket of proposed suggested amendments to the comprehensive plan
coinciding with 7-year plan updates and mid-cycle assessments (see table 20.04.035), and then
select which proposed amendments will be placed on the final docket for review; fox
! This deadline shall be effective on March 1, 2003, for applications submitted for the 2003 amendment
2 Ordinance 2824
........ · ........ ,-t,, evmers) '--- ,ha r,,,~l ,~^otr~*; and (3) criteria for review of the final docket
by the pl~ng commission ~d ciW co~cil. This chapter ~ also intended te provide~a process
for ~e plying co~ission to periodically monitor ~d assess the comprehensive pl~, ~d
based on t~s review to reco~end mendments (if ~y) to the pl~ as p~ of the 7-yem update
~mua! ~endment ~d mid-cycle ~sessment process.
B. Public P~icipation. The public p~icipation process set fo~h in this chapter is intended to
solicit from the public suggested men~ents to the Po~ Tomsend comprehensive pl~ for
~e consideration, ~d to provide ~ oppoa~ity for public cogent on ~y proposed
mendments. This is achieved by e~ly ~d continuous public involvement ~th broad
dissemination of proposals ~d alternatives, oppo~ity for ~i~en co~ents, public meetings
aRer effective notice, provisions for open discussion, info~ation se~ices, ~d consideration ~d
response to public comments.
C. Pl~ng Co~ission Role. ~e pl~ng commission shall m~e reco~endations to ~e
ci~ co~cil on all comprehensive pl~ matters, including men~ents to the pl~ text ~d l~d
use map, development regulations ~d sub-mca plus.
~ D. Applicability of Chapter 20.01 PTMC. ~en~ents to the comprehensive pl~ text, the
l~d use map, ~d the development regulations ~e legislative, Type V decisions ~der Chapter
20.01 PTMC, ~d p~iculmly PTMC 20.01.060 ~d 20.01.070. Accordingly, ~1 applicable
provisions of that chapter apply to the decision-m~ing process adopted in this chapter,
reg~dless of whether they ~e specifically refe~ed to herein.
20.04.020 Amendment process - Schedule for Amendments to be enee per year -
Cumulative effects must be considered.
A. Annual Amendments Process. Except as provided in PTMC 20.04.030, '- ...... ~o c~
...... ~ ...... *'" *~ ............ ppli
............ ~ ...... ~ .............. ~ yem fo~fl a cations to mend the text of the
comprehensive plan or the l~d use map shall be considered by ~e city co~cil no more
frequently th~ once every ye~ per the schedule outlined in Table 20.04.035; provided, that
proposed mendments relate to a site-specific proposal. ~y such application must be
accomp~ied by a filing fee as set fo~ in Chapter 20.09 PTMC.
B. Suggested ~en~ents - Mid Cycle Review. Except as provided in PTMC 20.04.030,
suggested men~ents to ~e Po~ To--send Comprehensive PI~ shall be considered by the
City Co~cil conc~ently wi~ a scheduled 7-ye~ update or mid-cycle assessmem per Table
C~ Proposals for pl~ men~ent shall be considered concu~ently so that the cmulative effect
of all items on ~e final docket Mi1 be asce~ned. Proposals may be considered at sep~ate
meetings or he~ings, so long as the final action t~en considers the cmulative effect of all the
proposed mendments to the comprehensive pl~.
20.04.030 Exceptions to the annual amendment process.
3 Ordinance 2824
A. Emergenzies. Exceptions. In addition to the annual amendment process specified in
20.04.020 and .035, the city council may amend the Port Townsend comprehensive plan in any
of the following circumstances:
1. The City Council may initiate amendments to the comprehensive plan during each annual
amendment. An affirmative vote of not less than a maiority of the total members of the Council
is required to initiate consideration of such an amendment. During formal amendment cycles per
table 20.04.035, the Council shall enter a finding that to wait until the next suggested amendment
cycle would be detrimental to the public's interests. Council initiated amendments shall be
automatically placed on the docket and shall be considered in the next scheduled annual
amendment process. The BCD Director and the Planning Commission may request the City
Council initiate a particular amendment during the next annual amendment process;
2. -1-:. Resolution of an emergency condition or situation that involves public health, safety or
welfare and when adherence to the annual amendment process would be detrimental to public
health, safety or welfare;
3. ~ Initial adoption of an identified subarea plan that does not modify the Comprehensive Plan
policies and designations applicable to the subarea;
4. ~3. Resolution of a decision by an administrative agency or court of competent jurisdiction.
Situations involving official legal or administrative action (such as decisions by the Western
Washington Growth Management Hearings Board, or the state or federal courts, actions of a
state agency or office, or the state legislature) affecting Port Townsend will be reviewed by the
planning commission with advice from the city attorney's office to determine if an appropriate
"emergency" exists, necessitating an emergency comprehensive plan amendment;
5. The correction of unintentional mapping "errors" on the City's official zoning, shoreline,
nonmotorized, critical areas, or other regulatory or planning maps;
6. The adoption or amendment of the City's Shoreline Master Program under the procedures set
forth in chapter 90.58 RCW; and
7. The amendment of the capital facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan that occurs
concurrently with the adoption or amendment of the City's budget.
SECTION 3. New Section 18.12.060 (A)(3) relating to a schedule for suggested and
formal comprehensive plan amendments, which reads as follows, is hereby added in its entirety:
20.04.035 Schedule for Suggested and Formal Comprehensive Plan Amendments and
A. Table 20.04.035 establishes processes and yearly schedules for the amendment and
assessment of the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan. Prior to 2002 comprehensive plan
amendments and planning commission assessments of the plan occurred on an annual basis. The
schedule of amendments and assessments per Table 20.04.035 increases the time between
suggested amendment cycles and plan assessments while allowing formal site-specific
amendments to be proposed on an annual basis.
B. State mandated 7-year updates. Each 7-year update shall be conducted pursuant to RCW
36.70A. 130 and the procedures contained in this chapter. The scope of work for each 7-year
update may vary depending upon applicable state mandates and local needs. Each 7-year update
may include, but not be limited to the following work items:
1. Establish a scope of work for each 7-year update including a public participation
4 Ordinance 2824
2. Review of state growth management amendments adopted since last 7-year update;
3. Review of comprehensive plan for consistency with adopted County-wide Planning
Policies and the Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan;
4. Review of U.S. Census data, population prqjections from the State Office of Financial
management, and local data on growth trends;
5. Update of the plan's database including existing conditions and inventories;
6. Review of text, tables, goals, and policies of the comprehensive plan against the
assessment criteria of PTMC 20.04.050(C).
C. Site-specific amendments. Site-specific amendments may be proposed annually consistent
with the processes and requirements of PTMC 20.04.040 for "formal" applications.
D. Suggested Amendments. The consideration of suggested comprehensive plan amendments is
limited to the second phase of each 7-year update and to years corresponding to mid-cycle
assessments. The limitation on suggested amendments is intended to allow for increased
implementation of the comprehensive plan and consideration of suggested amendments in a
more concerted fashion with broader public participation.
E. Planning Commission Assessment. Conducted pursuant to PTMC 20.04.050(C) during the
first phase of each 7-year update and during each mid-cycle assessment. Intended to periodically
assess changes in the community and whether amendments to the comprehensive plan are
F. Implementation. The process and timelines of comprehensive plan amendments specified in
Table 20.04.035 include references to plan "implementation." During implementation cycles,
suggested amendments to the comprehensive plan will not be considered and planning
commission assessments of the plan will not be conducted. These "off-years" will be devoted to
other planning tasks including implementation of adopted goals and policies of the
comprehensive plan.
G. Years not specified. Table 20.04.035 provides a yearly schedule of amendments through
year 2022. It is intended that this pattern of amendments be continued beyond 2022 unless
otherwise amended.
Table 20.04.035: Schedule for Suggested and Formal
Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Updates
2003 Phase I of 7-year update Yes No No'
2004 Phase II of 7-year update Yes Yes No
2005 Implementation Yes No No
2006 Implementation Yes No No
2007 Mid-Cycle Assessment Yes Yes Yes
2008 Implementation Yes No No
1 Beginning in 2003 the planning commission will no longer conduct an "annual assessment" of the
comprehensive plan. Instead, planning commission assessments will occur less frequently and shall occur
during Phase I of each 7-year update and also during each mid-cycle assessment, beginning in 2007.
5 Ordinance 2824
2009 Implementation Yes No No
2010 Phase I of 7-year update Yes No Yes
2011 Phase II of 7-year update Yes Yes No
2012 Implementation Yes No No
2013 Implementation Yes No No
2014 Mid-Cycle Assessment Yes Yes Yes
2015 Implementation Yes No No
2016 Implementation Yes No No
2017 Phase I of 7-year update Yes No Yes
2018 Phase II of 7-year update Yes Yes No
2019 Implementation Yes No No
2020 Implementation Yes No No
2021 Mid-Cycle Assessment Yes Yes Yes
2022 Implementation Yes No No
SECTION 4. Those portions of PTMC 20.04.040 - .090 are hereby amended as follows:
20.04.040 Applications for comprehensive plan amendment - Formal and suggested
A. Who May Propose an Amendment - Application - Fee.
1. Formal Applications. Any interested person, defined as proponents of land development
projects and/or property owner(s) or their authorized representative(s), may file a formal
application for an amendment to the comprehensive plan; provided, that the proposed
amendment relates to a site-specific proposal. Any such application must be accompanied by a
filing fee as set forth in Chapter 20.09 PTMC.
2. Suggested Amendments. Anyone may suggest an amendment, which shall be added to the
"list of proposed amendments" to be maintained by the BCD director and considered during the
next scheduled suggested amendment cycle per Table 20.04.035. In general, suggested
amendments should be limited to proposals that broadly apply to the goals, policies and
implementing strategies of the comprehensive plan, rather than amendments designed to address
site-specific issues of limited applicability. Whether such amendments are considered during the
~.ua! re'Aew precess next scheduled suggested amendment cycle shall be governed by the
process outlined in PTMC 20.04.060. No fee shall be required for such proposals.
B. Amendment Deadline/Form. All suggested or formal amendments must be submitted to the
BCD department by Ma5' March 1st of the current year in order to be considered during that
year's ~meaa! amendment process per Table 20.04.035, except that city-sponsored amendments
to the capital facilities and utilities element of the comprehensive plan may be accepted later than
other proposed amendments because of their relationship to the city's annual budget process. All
proposed amendments shall be submitted on BCD forms and include the following information,
as determined by BCD to be necessary to evaluate the particular proposal:
1. Name and address of applicant;
2. A description of proposed plan amendment and associated development proposals (if
applicable). Site-specific or project related amendments shall include plans, information and/or
studies that accurately depict existing and proposed use(s) and improvements. Proposed site-
specific or project related comprehensive plan amendments that do not specify proposed use(s)
6 Ordinance 2824
and potential impact will be assumed to have maximum impact to the environment and public
facilities and services;
3. Proposed amendatory language,v'"'"4"'"°*'l"J shown in a "bill" format (new language
underlined; language proposed for deletion in strikeout);
4. An explanation of why the amendment is being proposed;
5. An explanation of how the amendment and associated development proposals (if any) meet,
conflict with or relate to the criteria set forth in PTMC 20.04.080(A)(3);
6. A SEPA checklist (for site-specific applications); and
7. Any additional information deemed reasonably necessary by the BCD director to evaluate the
proposed amendment.
20.04.050 Compilation of preliminary docket - Planning Commission Assessment.
A. B.. Formal Applications for Amendments by Interested Persons. Tko ~.,~1;~ .... A,-~,.I~,~T oholl
o~,, ~h,~ ~n r~ ~,~o r ........ ~ ....... p!~. ~mendments. Focal applications
which ~e properly ~d timely filed will be automatically placed on ~e final docket for
consideration d~ing the cu~ent ~ual mendment process.
B.~. )wmua! L~st ef Suggested Amendments. Ea:h yom, tThe BCD dep~ment shall maintain
for public review the ~mua! list of suggested mendments made by citizens, the ciW co~cil or
members of the city co~cil, city staff, city depa~ents or other agencies to be considered
d~ing ~e next suggested mendment review cycle per Table 20.04.035. By...~axao" M~ch 31 st of
each ye~ in which suggested mendments ~11 be considered per Table 20.04.035, ~is list of
suggested men~ents shall be compiled into a prelimin~ docket. PTMC 20.04.060 sets fo~h
~e process for selecting w~ch suggested mendments Mll be placed on a the final docket to go
fo~ard d~ing the :u~ent ~mua! suggested ~endment review process cycles per Table
C. Plying Co~ission )wmua! Assessment of Comprehensive PI~.
1. Criteria for Avmua! Assessment. Begi~ing in ! 998 2007, the pl~ng co~ission shall
assess ~d monitor ~e comprehensive pl~ d~ng .... v .... ~ eac~ yom mid-cycle assessment
~d d~ing Phase I of each 7-ye~ update per Table 20.04.035, ~ the exception of 2003. This
assessment should be based on a consideration of the following criteria:
a. ~ether gro~h ~d development as envisioned in the comprehensive pl~ is occ~ing hster
or slower th~ ~ticipated, or is hiling to materialize;
b. ~ether the capacity to provide adequate services is diminished or increased;
c. ~ether sufficiem l~d is designmed ~d zoned to meet prQected dem~d ~d needs;
d. ~ether the assmptions upon w~ch the pl~ is based me fo~d to be invalid;
e. ~ether ch~ges in co~ity Mde a~itudes necessitate mendments to the goals ~d
p~oses of the comprehensive pl~ ~d the basic values embodied ~n ~e comprehensive
pl~ co~ity direction s~tement;
f. ~e~er sufficient ch~ge or lack of ch~ge in circmsmces dictate the need for ~
mendment; ~d
g. ~ether bconsistencies exist between ~e comprehensive pl~ ~d ~e GMA or the co~ty-
~de plying policy for Jefferson Co~ty or the Jefferson Co~W comprehensive pl~.
2. Timelines. The plying co~ission shall complete its ~mua! ~sessment of the Po~
Tomsend comprehensive pl~ by ~ Febru~ 28th of each mid-cycle assessmem yem,
~d ~y recommended men~ents shall be founded to the BCD director by May M~ch &a
7 Ordinance 2824
15th. The director shall place such suggested amendments on the preliminary docket, to be
considered during the selection process outlined in PTMC 20.04.060.
20.04.060 Process for selection of amendments to be considered during ~
suggested amendment cycles - Setting the docket - Public notice.
A. BCD Review of Proposed Amendments. After compiling the preliminary docket during
suggested amendment cycles per Table 20.04.035, the BCD director should make a
recommendation as to which amendments suggested by citizens, agencies or city departments he
or she believes should be placed on the final docket for consideration during the
suggested amendment process cycle.
B. Joint Workshop - Notice. During each suggested amendment cycle :l:the city council and
planning commission may, but are not required to, hold a noticed joint workshop to serve as an
informational meeting between the two governmental bodies. If held, notice of the joint
workshop should be given by publication in the city's official newspaper at least 10 days prior to
the date of the he~ing workshop and by posting a copy of the he~ing workshop notice at City
Hall, which shall include a statement of the purpose of the joint workshop.
C. Planning Commission Hearing. The planning commission shall hold a noticed public heating
on the preliminary docket. Following the hearing, the planning commission shall adopt a
recommendation, identifying those amendments which it is recommending for city council
consideration during tb.e ammat each suggested amendment process cycle. The decision shall be
based on an evaluation of the need, urgency, and appropriateness of each suggested amendment.
The planning commission shall take a vote on each suggested amendment to recommend or not
recommend docketing to the city council. The language of suggested amendments may not be
modified at time of docketing. However, the planning commission may choose to docket
additional or alternative suggested amendments provided such amendments are drafted in line-in/
line-out bill format by the planning commission or staff. The planning commission's
recommendation should also include those proposed amendments coming out of its avmu~
comprehensive plan assessment process. Notice of the planning commission heating shall be
given by publication in the city's official newspaper at least 10 days prior to the date of the
hearing and by posting a copy of the hearing notice at City Hall, which shall include a statement
of the purpose of the hearing.
D. City Council Decision. By the second council meeting of June April of each ye~av suggested
amendment cycle, the council shall consider the planning commission's recommended docket at
a regularly scheduled public meeting. Council may adopt the planning commission's
recommended docket without a public hearing; however, in the event that a majority of the
council decides to add or subtract amendments, it shall first hold a public hearing, noticed as set
forth in subsection C above, which shall be held by the first council meeting in July May. The
final docket as adopted shall include all formal applications and any suggested ov rece~mended
amendments whiz.h. co"~ci! decides to consider during tb.e c"..~, erX o~m'~a! review process the
council chooses to forward from the preliminary docket. Amendments shall be docketed in
whole or not at all, provided, the city council may docket additional or alternative suggested
amendments crafted in line-in/line-out bill format. The council's decision to ......... .... ~,. ~-~'1~"~ .... a
proposed amendment on the final docket does not constitute a decision or recommendation that
the proposed amendment should be adopted. No additional amendments may be considered after
council adoption of the docket for that year, with the exception of amendments to the capital
facilities and utilities element or emergencies.
8 Ordinance 2824
20.04.070 Review of proposed amendments - SEPA - Transmittal to State.
A. The final docket as adopted by council shall first be reviewed by the BCD department, and
city staff shall prepare a staff report. BCD is also responsible for conducting SEPA review. As
appropriate, the BCD department shall solicit comments regarding the proposed amendments
from the public and/or government agencies. The BCD department will also provide notice and
opportunity for public comment as deemed appropriate given the nature of the proposed
amendments, and consistent with RCW 36.70A. 140 and SEPA.
B. Transmittal to State. Once the final docket is established, BCD will transmit a copy of all
proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan or land use code to the DCTED at least 60 days
prior the expected date of final city council action on the proposed amendment as consistent with
Chapter 36.70A RCW.
20.04.080 Review of final docket by planning commission and city council - Public
A. Planning Commission Hearing - Notice. All proposed amendments on the final docket shall
first be considered by the planning commission, which shall make a recommendation to the city
council after holding at least one open record public hearing.
1. The hearing before the planning commission shall be noticed by one publication in the official
newspaper of the city at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing and by posting ora copy of
the notice of hearing in the Port Townsend City Hall. Additional public notice of site-specific
amendment proposals will be mailed to current property owners within 300 feet of the site
boundaries and by posting on the site itself at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing. This
notice shall include: (a) the purpose(s) of amending and/or updating the comprehensive plan; (b)
the deadline for submitting comments on the amendments; and (c) a tentative hearing schedule.
Continued hearings may be held by the planning commission but no additional notices need be
2. The planning commission may establish subcommittees for more detailed study which shall
include members of the public and at least two planning commissioners.
3. For all amendments, the planning commission shall develop findings and conclusions and a
recommendation which consider:
a. Whether circumstances related to the proposed amendment and/or the area in which it is
located have substantially changed since the adoption of the Port Townsend comprehensive plan;
b. Whether the assumptions upon which the Port Townsend comprehensive plan is based are no
longer valid, or whether new information is available which was not considered during the
adoption process or ~ arc. ua! during previous amendments cycles of the Port Townsend
comprehensive plan; and
c. Whether the proposed amendment reflects current widely held community values.
4. Site-Specific Amendments. In addition to considering the criteria set forth in subsection
(A)(3) of this section, in order to recommend a proposed plan amendment which relates to a site-
specific request, the planning commission must also find that:
a. The proposed amendment meets concurrency requirements for transportation, sewer, and
water, and does not adversely affect adopted level of service standards for other public facilities
and services, such as police, fire and emergency medical services, park services, and general
government services.
9 Ordinance 2824
b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the various
elements of the Port Townsend comprehensive plan.
c. The proposed amendment will not result in probable significant adverse impacts to the city's
transportation network, capital facilities, utilities, parks, and environmental features that cannot
be mitigated, and will not place uncompensated burdens upon existing or planned service
d. In the case of an amendment to the land use map, that the subject parcels are physically
suitable for the requested land use designation and the anticipated land use development,
including but not limited to access, provision of utilities and compatibility with existing and
planned surrounding land uses.
e. The proposed amendment will not create a pressure to change the land use designation of other
properties, unless the change of land use designation for other properties is in the long-term
interests of the community in general.
f. The proposed action does not materially affect the land use and growth projections which are
the bases of the comprehensive plan.
g. The proposed action does not materially affect the adequacy or availability of urban facilities
and services to the immediate area and the overall area of the city.
h. The proposed amendment is consistent with the GMA, the adopted cotmty-wide planning
policy of Jefferson County, any other applicable interjurisdictional policies, plans, or
agreements, and any other state or local laws.
5. The planning commission's findings and conclusions shall include a recommendation to the
city council that the proposed amendment(s) be denied, approved or approved with conditions or
B. City Council Review/Appeal.
1. City Council Workshop. The city council may first review the recommendation of the
planning commission in a workshop meeting.
2. City Council Hearing. The city council shall consider the changes to the comprehensive plan
o, ...... ~o~ .... ~,~a,,~ ~,~.,- ~, .,~,.u ~, and shall hold an open record public hearing on the
amendments under the procedures set forth for public hearings in PTMC 20.01.240. The hearing
shall be noticed by one publication in the official newspaper of the city at least 10 days prior to
the date of the hearing, and by posting copies of the notice of hearing in the Port Townsend City
Hall. Additional public notice of site-specific amendment proposals will be mailed to current
property owners within 300 feet of the site boundaries and by posting on the site itself at least 10
days prior to the date of the hearing. The notice and public hearing for proposed comprehensive
plan amendments may be combined with any notice or public hearing for proposed amendments
to the land use code or for other actions of the city council. Written comments may be given by
anyone to the city council regarding proposed plan amendments, and may be received up to and
until the close of the public hearing.
3. Criteria for Evaluation of Plan Amendments. The city council shall apply the same criteria as
the planning commission as set forth in subsections (A)(3) and (A)(4) of this section. Once
docketed, comprehensive plan amendments may be denied, approved or approved with
conditions or modifications.
4. Adoption by Ordinance. The city council shall adopt any amendments to the Port Townsend
comprehensive plan by ordinance. The city council shall make reasonable efforts to take This
final action on the docket must be *°~.~.., .... ~* *h,~..~ .~o~,1~*'~°* by the second council meeting of
Nevember September of each year.
10 Ordinance 2824
5. Transmittal to State. nc, n ..m~, .....;* o copy ~'~ ........... ,~ ....~,~o,,, ~c,h~
~ .... 1 ..... + r~TP~ ~* 1~oo+ ~ d~,s prior the ~vp ........... ~ .....................
....... ~ .... ~., ...... ;o,.., ..;,h Chapter 2~ ~na v~x~t Per RCW 36.70A, BCD ~ll
tr~smit a copy of ~y adopted mendment to DCTED (the Washin~on State Dep~ent of
Comm~iV, Trade ~d Economic Development) within 10 days after adoption by co~cil.
6. Appeals. All appeals to ~e adoption of ~ mendment to the comprehensive pl~ shall be filed
wi~ ~d processed by the Western Washington Gro~ M~agement He~ings Bo~d in
accord~ce ~th the provisions of Chapter 36.70A RCW.
20.04.090 Land use code text revisions.
A. Initiation. The text of the adopted land use code (also referred to interchangeably as
"development regulations") may be changed as long as the change is consistent with the Port
Townsend comprehensive plan and land use map. The land use code means the controls placed
on development or land use activities by the city, including, but not limited to, zoning ordinances
(including PTMC Titles 17, 18, 19 and 20), critical areas ordinances, shoreline master programs,
official controls, planned unit development ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and binding site
plan ordinances. (RCW 36.70A.030.) Proposed amendments, changes, or modifications may be
initiated as follows:
1. At any time at the request of the city council or the planning commission, or by BCD staff; or
2. Under the process and time lines (May March 1 st deadline for submittal) for comprehensive
plan suggested or formal amendments as specified by PTMC sections 20.04.035 - 040 by tony
· .'merested perzon. Any such application must be made to BCD on forms provided by the city and
accompanied by payment of the filing fee for land use code text amendments as set forth in
Chapter 20.09 PTMC, unless the proposal is in the form of a suggested comprehensive
3. In addition, immediately following a change or changes in the Port Townsend comprehensive
plan and land use map, the land use code must be changed to be consistent with the Port
Townsend comprehensive plan and land use map.
]3. Notice.
1. Proposed changes to the land use code pursuant to subsection (A)(2) of this section (which
must be processed concurrently with the comprehensive plan and land use map) shall be
processed and noticed in the same manner as other proposed amendments.
2. Notice of any hearing on text amendments generated by staff, the city council or the planning
commission outside of the o~mua! comprehensive plan amendment processes established by
PTMC sections 20.04.035 -.080 shall be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the
city at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing and by posting a copy of the notice of hearing
in the Port Townsend City Hall.
3. Any additional notice required by state or local law (such as statutory notice requirements
required for amendments to the shoreline master program), or deemed appropriate by the BCD
director, shall be paid for by the applicant.
C. Planning Commission Review. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on any
text amendment to the land use code and make a recommendation to city council, using the site-
specific criteria set forth in PTMC 20.04.080(A)(3) as applicable.
D. City Council Review. The city council shall hold a noticed public hearing on the proposed
text amendment and, after considering the recommendation of the planning commission and
11 Ordinance 2824
applying the same criteria, make a final determination on the amendments to the land use code.
Any amendments shall be adopted by ordinance.
E. Transmittal to State. BCD will transmit a copy of any proposed amendment to the land use
code to the DCTED at least 60 days prior to the expected date of final city council action on the
proposed amendment as consistent with Chapter 36.70A RCW. BCD will transmit a copy of any
adopted amendment to DCTED within 10 days after adoption by council.
F. Appeals. All appeals to the adoption of an amendment to the land use code shall be filed with
and processed by the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 36.70A RCW.
SECTION 5. City of Port Townsend/Port of Port Townsend MOU. The ordinance does
not affect the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Port Townsend and the Port
of Port Townsend dated June 14, 2002.
SECTION 6. Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any
person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, or the application of the
provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after the date of its publication
in the manner provided by law.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular
meeting thereof, held this ninth day of December 2002.
t Kee~Kolff
Pamela Kolacy, CMC, City CJ~5~k
Approved as to Form:
12 Ordinance 2824