HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Rules- Revised 012725 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE A Comprehensive Collection of Meeting Rules, Coordination Procedures, Public Hearing Procedures, and Applicable References from the Revised Code of Washington Adopted June 19, 2000 Revised October 2, 2000 Revised April 16, 2001 Revised March 4, 2002 Revised April 15, 2002 Revised June 3, 2002 Revised June 17, 2002 Revised August 5, 2002 Revised February 23, 2004 Revised March 1, 2004 Revised February 22, 2005 Revised May 1, 2006 Revised March 3, 2008 Revised September 11, 2014 Revised November 3, 2014 Revised April 8, 2015 Revised June 22, 2016 Revised February 6, 2018 Revised September 17, 2018 Revised April 1, 2019 Revised October 4, 2021 Revised June 4, 2024 Revised January 27, 2025 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ARTICLE 1 – CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS............................................................................1 1.1 City Council Meetings .............................................................................................1 1.2 Election of Officers ..................................................................................................1 1.3 Presiding Officer ......................................................................................................2 1.4 Quorum ....................................................................................................................2 1.5 Attendance/Excused Absences................................................................................2 1.6 Special Council Meetings ........................................................................................2 1.7 Council Packet Material...........................................................................................3 1.8 Council Business Meeting Agenda..........................................................................3 1.9 Consent Agenda .......................................................................................................3 1.10 Workshops...............................................................................................................4 1.11 Retreat ......................................................................................................................4 1.12 Training/Orientation ................................................................................................4 1.13 Council Transparency ..............................................................................................5 1.14 City Clerk/Minutes/Public Information Access .......................................................5 ARTICLE 2 – CITY COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDURES .................................................5 2.1 Rules of Order ..........................................................................................................5 2.2 Motions ....................................................................................................................6 2.3 Order of Business .....................................................................................................6 2.4 Public Comment.......................................................................................................6 2.5 Final Agenda Items ..................................................................................................7 2.6 Permission Required to Address the City Council ..................................................7 2.7 Voting......................................................................................................................8 2.8 Remote Participation by Council Members .............................................................9 2.9 Enacted Ordinances, Resolutions, and Motion ........................................................9 2.10 Resolutions ...............................................................................................................9 2.11 Ordinances ...............................................................................................................9 2.12 Legislative Process for Ordinances, Resolutions, and Motions .............................10 2.13 Reconsideration......................................................................................................10 2.14 Complaints and Suggestions to the City Council ..................................................10 2.15 Photographs, Motion Pictures, Video Tape/Permission Required for Artificial Illumination ............................................................................................................11 2.16 Guidelines for Processing New Matters/Suggestion Board ...................................11 ARTICLE 3 – DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS................................................12 3.1 Forms of Address ...................................................................................................12 3.2 Filing City Council Vacancies ...............................................................................12 ARTICLE 4 - COMMITTEES, BOARDS, WORD GROUPS AND COMMISSIONS ........12 4.1Committees............................................................................................................12 4.2 General Rules Applicable to Citizen Advisory Boards .........................................13 4.3Definitions..............................................................................................................13 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 4.4 Purpose and Application ........................................................................................14 4.5Scope of Work.......................................................................................................14 4.6 Membership, Nomination and Confirmation Process, and Residency Requirements .........................................................................................................15 4.7 Officers/Indemnification and Election ...................................................................16 4.8 Quorums/Transacting Business .............................................................................16 4.9 Terms of Office and Vacancies..............................................................................16 4.10 Conflicts of Interest................................................................................................16 4.11 City Council Committee ........................................................................................16 4.12 Liaison, Representative, and Officer Roles ...........................................................16 4.13 Procedures, Records, and Minutes .........................................................................19 4.14 Meetings, Open Public Meetings Act, and Public Records Act ............................19 4.15 Communications to the City Council.....................................................................20 4.16 Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses ...................................................20 4.17 Lobbying Efforts....................................................................................................20 ARTICLE 5 - RELATIONS WITH CITY MANAGER & ADMINISTRATION ................20 5.1 Role of the City Manager.......................................................................................20 5.2 Administrative Interference by Council Members ................................................21 5.3 Administrative Complaints Made Directly to Individual Council Members.........21 5.4 Administrative Complaints....................................................................................21 5.5 City Manager Evaluation .......................................................................................21 ARTICLE 6 - PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES ...............................................................22 6.1 Appearance of Fairness Doctrine ...........................................................................22 6.2 Actions for a Public Hearing..................................................................................24 ARTICLE 7 - REIMBURSEMENT 7.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................24 7.2 Travel Expenses and Reimbursement. ...................................................................24 7.3 Travel – Authorization – When Required. .............................................................25 Exhibit A Resolution 98-044, Establishing a Policy of Action Minutes ................27 Exhibit B Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance....................................................29 Exhibit C Agenda Format.........................................................................................31 Exhibit D List of Standing Committees and Mission Statements .........................32 Exhibit E City Manager Evaluation Form .............................................................34 Exhibit F Public Hearing Procedures .....................................................................41 Appendix 1 Proclamation Policy.................................................................................55 Revised January 27, 2025 iiCouncil Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Policy Statement:The Council Rules should be considered a means to an end and not an end in themselves. If used well, rules of order will advance fundamental goals and principles. They will help the Council spend its time well and make good decisions on behalf of the community. The rules should not become the master and the primary focus for the meeting. The “horse” (the principles) should come before the “cart” (the rules). Land Acknowledgement: The land that we know as Port Townsend was first known as a thriving village of the S’Klallam People; this Chetzemoka, was born at qatáy in 1808. While this area belonged, and still belongs, to the S’Klallams, it is acknowledged that other local tribes camped along the beaches as they visited or moved along in their travels. The City of Port Townsend honors the sovereignty and treaty rights of the three S’Klallam/Klallam Tribes that are tied to this area and continues to strive in partnership for the betterment of our local Indigenous Peoples. Revised January 27, 2025 iii Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ARTICLE 1 –CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS 1.1 City Council Meetings. (a) All regular meetings of the City Council shall be held at the times and locations specified by applicable ordinances and resolutions of the City Council. (b) All meetings of the City Council and committees thereof shall be open to the public, except as provided for in RCW 42.30.110 or RCW 42.30.140. (c) The Pledge of Allegiance may be recited before every regular meeting, special meeting, workshop, and committee meeting of the City Council. (d) The Presiding Officer may recite the Land Acknowledgment before City Council meetings held during the week of Indigenous Peoples Day, during Native American Heritage month, or on any other appropriate occasion. 1.2 Election of Officers. Procedures for electing officers are as follows: (a) Biennially, at the first meeting of anew City Council, Council members shall choose a presiding officer from their number who shall have the title of Mayor. In addition to the mayoral powers listed in RCW 35A.13.030, the Mayor shall continue to have all the rights, privileges and immunities of a Council member. Following the election of the Mayor, there shall be an election for Deputy Mayor. The term of the Deputy Mayor shall run concurrently with that of the Mayor. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor shall serve for two years consistent with RCW 35A.13.030 and RCW 35A.13.035. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor can be changed by a super majority vote of the City Council. If a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor, the Council members, at their next regular meeting,shall select a Mayor or Deputy Mayor from their number for the unexpired term. (b) The election for Mayor shall be conducted by the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall call for nominations. Each member of the City Council shall be permitted to nominate one person and nomination shall not require a second. A nominee who wishes to decline the nomination shall so state at this time. Nominations are then closed. (c) Except when there is only one nominee, election shall be by written ballot. Each member’s vote shall be signed. The City Clerk shall publicly announce the results of the election. Thereafter, the City Clerk shall record in the minutes the ballot results. (d) In the event the City Council is unable to agree on a Mayor by majority vote of members present, the Office of Mayor shall be temporarily filled by an Acting Mayor. The Acting Revised January 27, 2025 1 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Mayor shall be the Council member who just previously served as Deputy Mayor; or if such person is not a member of the Council, the Council member with the highest seniority as determined by the City Clerk. Ties shall be resolved in a contest by chance. The Acting Mayor and Acting Deputy Mayor shall continue in office and exercise such authority as is described in RCW 35A.13.035 until the Council members agree on a Mayor, at which time the role of Acting Mayor and Acting Deputy Mayor shall cease and terminate. (e) Following the election for Mayor, the newly elected Mayor shall conduct the election for Deputy Mayor following the same process as described for the election of the Mayor. 1.3 Presiding Officer. The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council,be recognized as the head of the City for all ceremonial purposes, and shall have no regular administrative duties in accordance with RCW 35A.13.030. In case of the Mayor's absence or temporary disability, the Deputy Mayor shall act as Mayor during the continuance of the absence. In case of the absence or temporary disability of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore selected by the Council members shall act as Mayor during the continuance of the absences. The Mayor or Deputy Mayor are also referred to as "Presiding Officer" in these Rules of Procedure. (a) The Presiding Officer shall preserve order and decorum, confining Council members to debate the question under discussion. (b) The Presiding Officer may move, second and debate from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as are by these rules imposed on all members, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Council member by reason of acting as the Presiding Officer. 1.4 Quorum. At all meetings of the City Council, four Council members, who are present and eligible to vote, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A number less than four Council members does not constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and a lesser number may adjourn from time-to-time, provided that written notice of such adjournment be posted on the exterior Council chamber doors per RCW 42.30.090. Council meetings adjourned under the previous provision shall be considered regular meetings for all purposes. 1.5 Attendance/Excused Absences. RCW 35A.12.060 provides that Council members shall forfeit their office by failing to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Council without being excused by the City Council. Council members should notify the City Clerk, the City Manager, and the Presiding Officer of any absences at least fourteen days prior to the meeting, if possible. If not possible, Council members must notify the City Clerk, the City Manager, and the Presiding Officer at the earliest possible time. Barring any objections, prior notification of the absence to the Presiding Officer will be considered an excused absence. Excusing unnoticed absences will be considered as part of the consent agenda at the following business meeting. 1.6 Special Council Meetings. Procedures for setting a special meeting are as follows: (a) A special meeting may be called by the Presiding Officer or any four Council members. Revised January 27, 2025 2 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND (b) Notice of the special meeting shall be prepared in writing by the City Clerk. The notice shall contain information designating the time, location, and the subject or agenda of the meeting. (c) The notice shall be delivered by mail, fax, electronic mail, or personally to the residence of each Council member, the City Manager, and the business office of each local newspaper, radio and television station that has on file a written request for notice of special meetings. The notice must be delivered at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. (d) The notices provided in this section may be dispensed with or disregarded within the circumstances provided by RCW 42.30.080, that is: 1. Any member who, at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, files with the City Clerk a written waiver of notice; 2. Any member who was actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes; and 3. In the event a special meeting is called to deal with an emergency involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood of such injury or damage, when time requirements of such notice would make notice impractical and increase the likelihood of such injury or damage as per RCW 42.30.080. 1.7 Council Packet Material. Council members should read the agenda material and ask clarifying questions prior to the City Council meeting, when possible. 1.8 Council Business Meeting Agenda/Consent Agenda. The City Clerk, under the direction of the City Manager, will arrange a list of proposed matters according to the order of business and prepare an agenda for the City Council. After the proposed agenda has been approved by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, a copy of the agenda and supporting materials will be prepared for Council members, the City Manager, the public, the city website and the press and any staff member who has requested a packet, on or before 4:30 p.m., four calendar days before a regular City Council meeting. The Presiding Officer, three Council members, or the City Manager may introduce a new item to the agenda at a meeting. As part of any regular business meeting, the Presiding Officer will seek suggestions for the current or future agenda from Council Members. 1.9 Consent Agenda. The City Manager, in consultation with the Presiding Officer, shall place matters on the consent agenda that: (a) Have been previously discussed by the City Council; (b) Are based on the information delivered to Council members by the administration that can be reviewed by a Council member without further explanation; or Revised January 27, 2025 3 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND (c)Are so routine, technical or “housekeeping” in nature that passage without discussion is likely. Since adoption of any item on the consent agenda implies unanimous consent, any Council member shall have the right to remove any item from the consent agenda. Prior to the vote on the motion to adopt the consent agenda, the Presiding Officer shall inquire if any Council member wishes an item to be withdrawn from the consent agenda. If any matter is withdrawn, the Presiding Officer shall place the item on the agenda for the current or a future meeting. The proper City Council motion on the consent agenda is as follows: “I move adoption of the consent agenda." This motion shall be non-debatable and will have the effect of moving to adopt all items on the consent agenda, although Council members may ask clarifying questions. 1.10 Workshops. The primary purpose of workshops is to shape significant policy and aiding in the development of items that will ultimately requireCity Council action. Agenda items are intended to be substantive and not include day-to-day operational issues or routine, procedural items. No final action will be taken. The City Council will provide direction and recommendations by consensus. However, if there is not clear consensus on an item, a motion may be made and a vote taken. Unless otherwise noted or announced by the Presiding Officer, public comment will be allowed on each agenda item following the staff presentation and Council question and answer period. The City Clerk, under the direction of the City Manager, and with the advice of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor shall arrange a City Council workshop agenda for the meeting. After the proposed agenda has been approved by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, a copy, along with any supporting materials, shall be prepared for Council members, the City Manager, the public, the city website and the press, on or before 4:30 p.m., four (4) calendar days before the City Council workshop. 1.11 Retreat. The City Council shall hold an annual Strategic and Work Plan Retreat with optional additional quarterly retreats to create or review the Strategic and Work Plans for the year and subsequently confer with Staff on progress and possible adjustments. 1.12 Training/Orientation. (a) Open Public Meetings Act. Every new Council member is required to complete Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) training within ninety days of taking the oath of office. Thereafter, every Council member must complete OPMA training every four years. (b) Public Records Act. Every new Council member is required to complete Public Records Act and Preservation and Destruction of Public Records (PRA) training within ninety Revised January 27, 2025 4 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND days of taking the taking the oath of office. Thereafter, every Council member must complete PRA training every four years. (c) Council members are strongly encouraged to attend the Association of Washington Cities Elected Officials training during their first year in office. (d) As new Council members join the City Council, the City Manager and City Clerk will host an orientation program that provides an opportunity for new Council members to tour City facilities, learn about the City technology, and ask any questions about City operations and procedures. 1.13 City Council Transparency. The City Council is dedicated to open and transparent communication, discussion, and governance. Council members and the public should have sufficient time to thoroughly study an issue and ask any questions. In determining whether to proceed to final action, the Council members should consider whether the matter is urgent, routine, or in need of significant public process. Many routine matters may be completed in one meeting; more complicated issues may require more time to completely understand before deciding. The goal is ensuring that the Council members and the public have adequate time to study issues and ask questions. 1.14 City Clerk/Minutes/Public Information Access. The City Clerk shall be ex-officio Clerk-of-the-Council and shall keep minutes as required by law and in accordance with City of Port Townsend, Resolution 98-044 adopted on April 6, 1998, and attached as Exhibit A. In the absence of the City Clerk, the City Clerk shall appoint a replacement to act as Clerk-of-the- Council. The City Clerk shall record the proceedings of all public hearings, regular meetings, workshop sessions, hearings, special sessions, and other meetings when possible. The recordings shall be posted on the City website. All regular meetings, workshop and study sessions shall be live streamed on the City website for public informational purposes if held in appropriate venue. End of Article 1 – City Council Meetings ARTICLE 2 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDURES 2.1 Rules of Order. Rules of order not specified by statute, ordinance or resolution shall be governed by the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order - as published by the Roberts Rules Association. A quick reference chart of the most common "Rules of Order" questions is attached as Exhibit B. (a) Council members should speak to the issues in a civil manner, respecting the viewpoints of others, focusing on the issue at hand, sharing their own motives and reasons for supporting or not supporting an item for discussion, in a polite manner towards each other and the public. (b) Council members shall have five minutes, maximum, per comment (instead of the 10 minutes provided in Robert’s Rules). This is waived unless a Council member raises an objection. Revised January 27, 2025 5 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 2.2Motions.All items of business placed before the City Council that require the expenditure of City Council or administration resources shall be in the form of an affirmative motion. Affirmative motions are preferred to prevent "approval by default" of a failed negative motion. 2.3 Order of Business.The accepted order of business for the first and second regular business meeting of the City Council shall be transacted as shown in the attached Exhibit C Agenda Format; provided, however, that the Presiding Officer may, during a City Council meeting, rearrange items on the agenda to conduct the business before the City Council more expeditiously. This accepted order of business may also be changed from the format shown by a majority of the full City Council. 2.4 Public Comment. The City Council desires to allow a maximum opportunity for public comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At any time, the Presiding Officer, in the Presiding Officer’s discretion, may set such reasonable limits as are necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business. (a) Public comment on items not on the agenda and the consent agenda are limited to a total of 30 minutes per meeting unless revised by the Presiding Officer; speakers will be allotted three minutes per individual. For an item not on the agenda that, based on the number of persons indicating an intent to speak, may require more than 30 minutes for public comment, consideration will be given to setting an agenda item at a future City Council meeting for public comment on the item. After the comment period, the Presiding Officer may recognize the City Manager for the limited purpose of providing a brief response, or comment, or summary of expected action. No debate of the merits of the item should occur at this time. (b) Any member of the public who wishes to address the City Council on an item on the current agenda shall make such request to the Presiding Officer at the time when comments from the public are requested during the agenda item discussion. The Presiding Officer may impose a reasonable time limit (for example thirty minutes) in order to ensure that the City Council may complete the agenda in a timely manner. (c) In person comments shall be made from the microphone, first giving the speaker’s name and relationship to the City, i.e. live or work in the city limits. No in person comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making “out of order” comments shall be subject to removal from the meeting. (d) Persons attending a meeting remotely may be able to make public comment if they are logged in through the remote meeting platform, otherwise remote attendance will not allow for public comment. Persons attending a meeting remotely who wish to make public comment must use the raise your hand function on the remote meeting platform. When asked by the Presiding Officer, the clerk will unmute the speaker for three minutes. Remote speakers should also begin their comments by stating their names and relationship to the City. Revised January 27, 2025 6 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND (e)All comments shall be addressed to the City Council. There will be no demonstrations during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation. (f) These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public meeting, to give every person an opportunity to be heard and to ensure that no individuals are embarrassed by exercising their right of free speech. 2.5 Final Agenda Items: (a) Convening of an executive session is normally shown on each meeting agenda; if added after the agenda is published, it will be announced by the Presiding Officer after the Roll Call. Before convening an executive session, the Presiding Officer will announce the reason for and anticipated length of the executive session. (b) The agenda shall provide a time when the Presiding Officer ("Presiding Officer's Reports") or Council members ("Comments From Council Members") may bring before the City Council any business that they feel should be deliberated upon by the City Council or added to future agenda. These matters need not be specifically listed on the agenda, but formal action on such matters should be deferred until a subsequent City Council meeting unless the matter requires immediate action. Council Committee Chairs may use this time to update the full City Council on the work of the Committee. There shall be no lectures, speeches or grandstanding. (c) Meetings should end before 9:30 p.m. The City Council shall be deemed to have approved an extension of the meeting beyond 9:30 p.m. unless a member requests a vote to whether to extend or adjourn. A new time limit must be established before taking a Council vote to extend the meeting. The items not acted upon or considered shall be deferred to the next regular City Council meeting. (d) In the event of emergency, such as a fire, threatened violence, or inability to regain good order, the Presiding Officer shall forthwith declare the meeting adjourned and the City Council shall immediately leave the premises. If possible, the City Council should reconvene at another location selected by a majority vote of the members. If the City Council reconvenes the meeting in another location, the City Council may only take action on matters appearing on the agenda and members of the press shall be allowed to attend. The minutes of the meeting shall state the reason for the emergency or disruption. 2.6 Permission Required to Address the City Council. Persons other than Council members and administration shall be permitted to address the City Council upon recognition or introduction by the Presiding Officer or the chair of the appropriate City Council committee. Groups may also request time on the agenda for a special presentation, including a proclamation, by contacting the Presiding Officer or the City Clerk at least three weeks prior to the meeting. The Presiding Officer may waive the notice. Revised January 27, 2025 7 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 2.7 Voting. The votes during all meetings of the City Council shall be transacted as follows: (a) Unless otherwise provided for by statute, ordinance, or resolution, all votes shall be taken by voice, except that at the request of any Council member, a roll call vote shall be taken by the City Clerk. The order of the roll call vote shall be determined by the Presiding Officer. (b) In case of a tie in votes on any proposal, the proposal shall be considered lost. (c) Council members who were in or near the Council chambers when the question was put, shall give their votes unless the City Council, for stated, special reasons, shall excuse those members by motion. Council members who are not excused from voting, and who do not vote, shall have their votes counted as “no.” (d) The passage of any ordinance, grant or revocation of franchise or license, any resolution for the payment of money, any approval of warrants, and any resolution for the removal of the City Manager shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the City Council. (e) The passage of any public emergency ordinance (an ordinance that takes effect immediately), expenditures for any calamity or violence of nature or riot or insurrection or war, and provisions for a lesser emergency, such as a budget amendment, shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority plus one of the whole membership of the City Council. (f) The passage of any motion or resolution shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the membership of the City Council who are present and eligible to vote, unless otherwise required by provisions of Washington law, the Port Townsend Municipal Code, or these rules. (g) In the situation when the City Attorney states that a Council member’s participation would violate or appears to be violating the appearance of fairness doctrine by the members failure to recuse, a super majority (majority plus 1 of members present) of the nonaffected Council members may vote to require the affected member not to participate in a particular proceeding, and if so, the affected Council member's vote shall not be counted and the affected Council member shall not participate in the proceeding. (h) A motion or request by a Council member (with or without a second) to “call the question” (or similar words indicating an intent to terminate further debate and take a vote on a pending motion) allows a vote on the pending motion to immediately take place, unless any Council member requests that the motion to “call the question” be put to a vote, in which case, debate is only terminated if adopted by a 2/3 vote of the Council members present. Revised January 27, 2025 8 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 2.8 Remote Participation by Council Members. Teleconference or videoconference participation by Council members may be allowed,but is not preferred,and is subject to reasonable technical availability at the meeting location. Requests to use teleconference or videoconference participation should be limited and will be granted barring any objections. Adequate notice for these requests must be conveyed to the City Clerk and the Presiding Officer to permit installation of the required equipment prior to the specified City Council meeting or meetings. In such case, a microphone pickup must allow the teleconference or videoconference participant to engage in the City Council discussion and be heard. If possible, remote members should turn on cameras during meetings. Teleconferencing or videoconferencing charges are to be at the Council member’s own expense, unless waived in the City Council motion. 2.9 Enacted Ordinances, Resolutions, and Motions. (a) An enacted ordinance is a legislative act prescribing general, uniform, and permanent rules or regulations relating to the operation and corporate affairs of the municipality. The City Council action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law or when such conduct is enforced by penalty. (b) An adopted resolution is an administrative act, which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. City Council action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances whenan expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. (c) An adopted motion is a form of action taken by the City Council to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the municipality. A motion, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law, and where such motion is not in conflict with existing State or Federal statutes, City ordinances, resolutions or these rules. 2.10 Resolutions. A resolution may be put to its final passage on the same day on which it was introduced. However, the City Council may invoke the two (2) reading procedure as described below to facilitate public understanding or comment on the resolution. The title of each resolution shall, in all cases, be read prior to its passage; provided, should a Council member request that the entire resolution or certain of its sections be read, such requests shall be granted. Public copies will be available on the City website. 2.11 Ordinances. The procedures for passing ordinances are as follows: (a) A Council member may, in open session, request of the Presiding Officer that the City Council study the wisdom of enacting an ordinance. The Presiding Officer then may assign the proposed ordinance to the administration, a committee, or the committee-of- the-whole for consideration. The committee or administration shall report its findings to Revised January 27, 2025 9 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND the City Council. The City Manager may propose the drafting of ordinances, per RCW 35A.13.080. Citizens and Boards and Commissions may also propose consideration of ordinances and resolutions. (b) All ordinances should have separate readings at two separate City Council meetings. At each reading, the title of an ordinance shall, in all cases, be read prior to its passage; provided that should a Council member request that the entire ordinance or certain of its sections be read, such request shall be granted. Copies should be made available on the City website prior to the meeting. (c) Any ordinance repealing any portion of the Port Townsend Municipal Code shall also repeal the respective portions of the underlying ordinance(s). 2.12 Legislative Process for Ordinances, Resolutions, and Motions. Prior to final passage of all ordinances, resolutions or motions, such documents or proposals shall be designated as DRAFTS. All such drafts shall also be dated to include the most recent revision. (d) PROPOSED DRAFTS may contain the name of the group, organization, committee or individual originating, initiating, or sponsoring the proposal prior to the first presentation to the City Council when vote is taken directing some official action or further consideration. Proposed drafts may be initiated by citizens or by boards, commissions, or other task groups. All such drafts shall be dated. (e) COUNCIL DRAFTS shall be documents or proposals which have been presented in open session and voted on by the City Council when the resultant City Council action was other than passage or a vote to cease further consideration 2.13 Reconsideration. Any action of the City Council, other than final passage of resolutions or ordinances or any action previously reconsidered, shall be subject to a motion to reconsider, including final action on applications for legislative changes in land use status. Reconsideration can be requested only by motion of a member of the prevailing side of the original motion or from a member who had an excused absence the night of the vote. A motion to reconsider an action must be made within thirty days for action to be reconsidered. A motion to reconsider is debatable only if the action being reconsidered is debatable. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, the subject matter is returned to the table anew for any action the City Council deems advisable. 2.14 Complaints and Suggestions to the City Council. When citizen complaints or suggestions are brought before the City Council covering an issue not on an agenda through public comment, City Council correspondence, or other method, the Presiding Officer shall first determine whether the issue is legislative or administrative in nature and then: (a) If legislative, and a complaint about the letter or intent of legislative acts or suggestions for changes to such acts, and if the City Council finds such complaint suggests a change to an ordinance or resolution of the City, the Presiding Officer should refer the matter to the City Manager for study and recommendation as part of the Suggestion Board. Revised January 27, 2025 10Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND (b)If administrative, and a complaint regarding administrative staff performance, administrative execution of legislative policy, or administrative policy within the authority of the City Manager, the Presiding Officer should then refer the complaint directly to the City Manager for review, if the complaint has not been so reviewed. The City Council may direct that the City Manager brief or report to the City Council when the City Manager’s response is made. 2.15 Photographs, Motion Pictures, Video Tape/Permission Required for Artificial Illumination. No photographs, motion pictures, or videotapes that require the use of flashes, flood lights, or similar artificial illumination shall be made at City Council meetings without the consent of the Presiding Officer or a majority of the City Council. 2.16 Guidelines for Processing New Matters/Suggestion Board. (a) The goal of this guideline is to provide a process that allows the City Council to consider proposals that are not part of the approved budget or work plan in a cumulative, orderly process with opportunity to take into consideration the impact of a new project on both existing projects and other proposed projects. This rule does not apply to routine matters that do not involve significant staff or City Council time (for example, contract approvals, proclamations). (b) New matters may come from advisory boards, Council members, or citizens. New matters should be referred to the City Manager who will consider whether the matter fits within the City’s work plan prior to forwarding the recommendation to the City Council. The City Manager may choose to table a request until such time as the City has sufficient resources to assist in completing the task. The City Council may consider the items on the Suggestion Board during the annual work plan retreat. (c) Approximately bimonthly, the City Manager shall present to the City Council a “list of new proposals” (including proposals the City Council previously indicated should be carried forward on the list of proposals for further consideration or action) that may have come up or been suggested for the City Council. This list will include the City Manager’s action on any item: adding to the work plan, tabling the request, or referring to an outside agency or body. Resolved items will be removed from the suggestion board after they have been reported by the City Manager to the City Council. Tabled items may be removed from the suggestion board after the annual work plan retreat. (d) The City Council may, by a vote of the majority, choose to act on any tabled item. In doing so, the City Council shall consider the following: 1. Estimate of time, staff resources and cost (administrative and monetary) to implement the proposal; 2. Estimate of impact of implementing the new proposal on existing projects; 3. Consistency with adopted plans and policies; and Revised January 27, 2025 11Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 4. Ability of the City to resolve the matter. (e) At the meeting(s) which the City Council considers new proposals, public comment on all the items shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes total. The Presiding Officer may allocate this time as necessary among items, giving consideration to the number of persons who have indicated an intent to speak. A majority plus one of the full Council (five members) may approve a motion to extend the above time limits. Such motion shall be non-debatable. (f) Generally, the City Council should discuss the list of new proposals at a business meeting, and place items for possible action on the next Council meeting when New Business is considered. End of Article 2 – City Council Meeting Procedures ARTICLE 3 - DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS 3.1 Forms of Address.The Mayor should be addressed as “Mayor (surname).” The Deputy Mayor should be addressed as “Deputy Mayor (surname).” Council members should be addressed as “Councilor (surname) or “Council member (surname).” 3.2 Filling City Council Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs in the office of a Council member, the City Council will follow the procedures outlined in RCW 42.12.070. In order to fill the vacancy with the most qualified person available until an election is held, the City Council will widely distribute and publish a notice of the vacancy, the procedure, and any application form for the vacancy. The City Council will draw up an application form which contains relevant information to answer set questions posed by theCity Council. The application forms will be used in conjunction with a public interview of each candidate to aid the City Council’s selection of the new Council member. End of Article 3 - Duties and Privileges of Members ARTICLE 4 - COMMITTEES, BOARDS, WORK GROUPS, AND COMMISSIONS 4.1 Committees. The City of Port Townsend is a Council-Manager form of government and has adopted a committee structure applicable to the normal Council-Manager system. The City is constantly working to improve the ways in which the public can meaningfully access the City Council and how the City Council engages with, and encourages, public involvement. The City values community volunteerism and recognizes its importance in promoting the City’s health, safety, and wellbeing. The procedures governing all committees, boards and commissions, and task force groups established by the City Council or involving a Council member, shall be as follows: (a) All standing committees shall be established or provided by City Council resolution. See Exhibit D for current standing committees. Revised January 27, 2025 12Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND (b) All other City Council committees, boards and commissions, and task force group rules or operating procedures shall be established by the City Council directive with special attention to RCW 35A.13.120 and the rules provided in Section 4.2, after consultation with the City Manager. Such committees, boards and commissions, and task force groups enabling legislation shall be subject to periodic review to determine whether its function continues to be necessary and an appropriate use of City and volunteer resources. (c) Committees, boards and commissions, and task force groups shall make recommendations, when appropriate, on proposed ordinances, resolutions, and motions within their area of responsibility or interest, before action is taken by the City Council. The appropriate spokesperson shall present the recommendations that could lead to final action during the discussion of the business item on the CityCouncil agenda. The City Council values community input and will work with staff liaisons and volunteer members to ensure the groups have adequate training to record recommendations in the form of a motion from the body so recommendations may be forthcoming to the City Council. (d) For Advisory Boards, appointments shall be made by the City Council after nomination by the Mayor. (e) Council member appointments shall be made by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council. 4.2 General Rules Applicable to Resident Advisory Boards.All Advisory Boards, Task Forces, and other bodies should assist in completing the City’s adopted work plan. Their work plans should coordinate with the City’s strategic, functional, and work plans. 4.3 Definitions. (a) An “Advisory Board” means any resident committee or commission created by the City Council to give advice on particular subjects and perform such other functions as prescribed by the City Council. Advisory Board also includes task force groups, subcommittees, or working groups formed by City Council resolution for short periods of time or for specific tasks. Each Advisory Board will operate under the direction of and coordinate with one of the standing City Council committees. (b) Committees: Council members appointed to study particular topics. Committees may be standing or ad hoc depending on the topic to be studied and the needs of the City. (c) Commissions: Statutory bodies such as the Planning Commission or the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (d) Task Force: a body appointed by the City Council to study or work on a particular subject or problem for a set project. A task force will cease to meet upon completion of its charge as given by the City Council. Revised January 27, 2025 13Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 4.4 Purpose and Application. The purpose of this section is to establish general provisions applicable to all Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Task Forces. The provisions of this article govern all Advisory Boards unless otherwise specifically provided by ordinance, motion, or resolution of the City Council, or as may be required by State law. In establishing an Advisory Board, the City Council shall consider the following: (a) Scope of work, and clear task description, including whether it is legislative or administrative; (b) Term and sunset provisions; (c) Membership, nomination and confirmation process, and residency or other special member requirements; (d) Place of board within City or City Council structure and to whom the Board will report: (e) Council committee assignment andCity Council committee liaison assignment; (f) Time frames for board action on tasks; (g) Time frames for City Council or committee action; for example, periodic review or interim reports; (h) Staffing, if any, for Advisory Boards and identification of which City Department bears any staffing responsibility or expense for board; and (i) Any other matters appropriate to the Advisory Board’s work 4.5 Scope of Work. (a) Each Advisory Board, when it is formed, will have a specific statement of purpose and function, which will be re-examined periodically by the City Council, with input from the appointed Advisory Board members, to determine its effectiveness. This statement of purpose, as well as other information regarding duties and responsibilities, will be made available to all members when appointed. (b) The City Council or governing committee may determine any specific guidelines or tasks to be referred to the Advisory Board by motion or resolution. If a majority of the board desires to be tasked with an additional project, a resolution will be forwarded through the City Manager’s office to the City Council for consideration. The City Manager will consider whether the project fits within the City’s work plan prior to forwarding the recommendation to the City Council. The City Manager may choose to table a request until such time as the City has sufficient resources to assist the body in completely the task. The City Council will review any tabled requests when formulating the City’s work plan. The City Council recognizes the value of community input in the governing Revised January 27, 2025 14Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND process and encourages generative discussion within Advisory Boards but also must balance the needs of the entire City. (c) Each Advisory Board should develop a work plan as defined by its enabling legislation and submit an annual plan for approval to the governing Council committee. This annual work plan should be consistent with City Council’s own strategic priorities, comprehensive plan, and functional plans. Staff, Council committee liaison, and the board chair will work together to coordinate the drafting and submission of the Board’s annual work plan. For boards that have a working budget and pre-existing funding stream, the work plan must be submitted during the City Council’s budget cycle. (d) The scope of work for the Commissions, such as the Lodging Tax Advisory committee and the Planning Commission, is set by statute. The City Council may refer additional projects or work to the statutory bodies that are related to their statutory remit. Commissions may also request to additional projects using the process above. 4.6 Member Requirements, Nomination and Confirmation Process, and Residency Requirements. The number of members and any specific qualifications of each Advisory Board shall be set forth by resolution of the City Council. Unless otherwise specifically provided by applicable resolution or motion, or as may be required by State law, the following procedures and requirements shall apply to all members of each Advisory Board: (a) Each person, at the time of nomination and continuing uninterrupted thereafter, serving on an Advisory Board shall be a resident of, own a business located in, or work in the City. (b) Each person to be appointed shall be nominated by the Mayor for a specific numbered position on each Advisory Board. Vacant positions shall be posted and advertised according to City procedures. All applications received shall be reviewed by the Mayor who will confer and work with the City Council committee liaison to conduct an interview of the candidates and recommend the appointment to theCity Council for a vote. (c) Each person shall be deemed appointed and shall commence service after confirmation by the City Council or on the effective date of the previous member’s resignation, or on the expiration of the existing term for the position, as applicable. (d) Each confirmation motion by the City Council shall include ending date and term for the position to which the person is appointed and such information shall be entered into the City Council minutes. (e) At the expiration of a member’s term, the member may, at the discretion of the City Council, hold over and continue to serve as a member until the member or a successor is appointed and confirmed by the City Council. Revised January 27, 2025 15Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND (f)Advisory Board membership shall constitute a cross section of related interests. The City values community diversity among members serving on its boards. (g) While volunteers are not limited to serving on more than one board at a time, pre-existing appointments on other boards will be a factor in any new nomination. 4.7 Officers Identification and Election. Each Advisory Board shall elect from its membership a presiding officer who will be referred to as “Chair.” The Chair shall serve in this capacity for one full calendar year, or until their successor is elected, or until the Board discontinues its operation, whichever is shorter. The Advisory Board may elect other officers as it deems necessary and such officers shall be set forth in the rules of procedure adopted by the Advisory Board. 4.8 Quorums/Transacting Business. A majority of the appointed members of the Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. An affirmative vote of the majority of a quorum in attendance at any meeting shall be necessary to transact business or carry any proposition. 4.9 Terms of Office and Vacancies. Appointments to boards shall be provided in the resolution establishing or providing for a Board. Vacancies shall be filled by the City Council, upon nomination from the Mayor, for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. Membership vacancies other than through expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term. Any member may be removed by City Council action based on the City Council’s decision that removal is in the best interests of the City. Removal should not occur for disagreement with an official recommendation of the board or its members. A member voluntarily forfeits their position by the occurrence of three (3) consecutive and unexcused absences. 4.10 Conflicts of Interest. If any members of an Advisory Board conclude that they have a conflict of interest or an appearance of fairness problem with respect to a matter pending before the Advisory Board so that they cannot discharge their duties on such an Advisory Board, they shall disqualify themselves from participating in the deliberations and the decision-making process with respect to the matter in question. Upon appointment, members shall complete and sign an acknowledgement that they have been given and reviewed the City’s Code of Ethics. All Advisory Board Members shall complete a Code of Ethics, Open Public Meetings Act, and Public Records Act training in-person during their appointment and shall complete the next available offering. 4.11 City Council Committee. Each Advisory Board, Task Force, and statutory body (other than the Planning Commission) will be assigned to a City Council committee. The City Council committee will be responsible for monitoring the body’s work and ensuring that it meets the needs of the City and contributes to moving the City’s work plan forward. 4.12 Liaison, Representative, and Officer Roles Revised January 27, 2025 16Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND (a) A City Council committee liaison shall be available to each Advisory Board for the purpose of providing a constructive relationship and open channel of communication between the City Council committee, the full City Council, and the Advisory Board without implying direction, review, or management of the activities of the Advisory Board. The Mayor will make appointment recommendations to the full City Council for the Council committee liaison appointments. The City Council committee liaison should review the Advisory Board’s agendas and minutes and stay apprised of the Advisory Board’s work. The City Council committee liaison may attend meetings as appropriate but is not a voting member of the Advisory Board. The City Council committee liaison should address any concerns regarding the Advisory Board to the City Manager. A City Council committee liaison may not be appointed to the statutory commissions. If appropriate, theCity Councilcommittee may assign aCity Council committee liaison to a task force. Liaison functions and duties may be further defined or directed by the Presiding Officer with concurrence of the City Council City Council committee liaisons to the Planning Commission should refrain from engaging in any activity that could be construed as demonstrating bias or as engaging in ex parte communications. Such activities could include facial expressions or body language, engaging in conversations with citizens, or other such activities.. (b) The City Manager may appoint a primary staff liaison for each committee, board or commission, or task force group, to ensure that meeting notifications and recordkeeping occurs consistent with applicable State laws; to provide professional guidance, issue analysis and recommendations; to assist the board with research, report preparation, and correspondence in keeping with the board’s City Council-approved work plan; and to perform other liaison duties as may be assigned by the City Manager. Incorporated by reference herein, Article 5, Relations with City Manager and Administration, Section 5.1, City of Port Townsend Council Rules, and Chapter 35A.13 RCW. The role of the staff liaison is as follows: 1. to provide factual information upon which the members can rely in making their decisions and formulating their advice to the Mayor, the City Council, and City Administration; 2. to facilitate the meeting process by working with the Chair to schedule meeting times, dates, and locations, so as not to conflict with other City functions and activities; 3. to ensure that the City’s policies on open meetings and public records are adhered to at all times by the committee, board or commission, or task force group; 4. to coordinate with the Chair on the various activities of the committee, board or commission, or task force group; 5. to provide continuity to the work of the committee, board or commission, or task force group by maintaining complete files of the work of the committee, Revised January 27, 2025 17Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND board or commission, or task force group; 6. to facilitate access to these records upon request by any member, City official, City employee, and members of the public; and 7. to facilitate communication with the City Manager to ensure that the activities of the body are consistent with the City’s adopted work plan. To ensure that advisory board members receive the appropriate training and background information, including governing legislation. (c) A Chair is selected annually by the Advisory Board members and shall serve a term of at least one full calendar year. The membership may request of the City Council that a Chair continue to serve for more than one year. The Chair’s role is to: 1. Call meetings; 2. Chair meetings; 3. Set the meeting agendas in concert with appointed staff and the City Council committee liaison; 4. Coordinate with appointed staff, the City Council Committee liaison, and City Manager, the City’s needs, policies, and interests, when determined, and to communicate the same to the members on any matters under discussion or consideration; 5. Serve as the focal point of communication between individual members and staff and the City Council committee liaisons; 6. Serve as parliamentarian, ensuring that proper parliamentary procedures are followed at all times: and 7. Foster leadership development in the Board for purposes of succession planning. (d) Resident Advisory Boards must be aware and cognizant of the following: 1. All meetings are to be conducted in public session, noticed in accordance with State Law, and in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act; 2. Individual members and the collective group should strive to be fair, impartial and respectful of the public, staff, and each other; 3. Members should respect the limitations of their individual and collective authority. The role of the committee is to advise the City Council. The Revised January 27, 2025 18Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND appointment does not empower the committee to make final decisions, unless authorized by State law or the group’s enabling legislation; 4. Members should appreciate differences in approach and point of view, whether from each other, the community, the City Council, or staff; 5. Each member should participate in the group’s discussions and work assignments, without dominating the discussion or activity of the committee; 6. The Chair should ensure that all members have a fair, balanced and respectful opportunity to share their knowledge and perspective; 7. Members should attempt to reach consensus on issues. If consensus is not possible, strong differing opinions should be recorded and acknowledged in the committee’s report to the City Council. 8. Members should be transparent and shall disclose any information, interest or relationship of the member in or connected or related to the nature of the work being undertaken by the committee and in the method and timing for conveyance of recommendations to the City Council. 4.13 Procedures, Records, and Minutes. Rules of order not specified by statute, ordinance or the City Council generally will be governed by the most recent version of Robert’s Rules of th Order Newly Revised, 12edition,or its successor volume. The Advisory Board may adopt supplemental rules of procedure. The City should provide for the taking of minutes and maintain the records of all regular and special meetings. Any Advisory Board may establish standing or ad hoc committees comprised of Board members to assist in accomplishing its duties and responsibilities. Minutes should be filed with the City Clerk's office within 10 days of approval. All correspondence conducted in the course of government business is a matter of official public record. “Public Record” is defined by its nature and not where it resides. A “Public Record” includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics. For the full statutory definition, see RCW 42.56.010(3). 4.14 Meetings, Open Public Meetings Act, and Public Records Act. Each Advisory Board shall hold regular public meetings at such times and places as is deemed advisable or as provided for in the resolution establishing the board. All meetings of the entire committee, board or commission, and task force body, and of any subcommittee thereof, shall be subject to all requirements of the Washington Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act, and shall be open to the public, and shall be held at a public place at a regularly scheduled time, or at a special meeting time following notice as set by the City Manager. Notice of all meetings shall be provided to the Clerk's Office for publication. No meeting shall be scheduled without at least 48 hours’ notice to the Clerk's Office unless special arrangements are otherwise made with the City Clerk or City Manager. Revised January 27, 2025 19Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 4.15Communications to the City Council. Expressions of an Advisory Board's position, recommendation or request for any action shall be in the form of a resolution, motion, or other written communication, setting forth the reasons, facts, policies, andfindings of the body supporting the communication, and shall be directed to the City Council via the City Manager and staff liaison. Communications from such boards shall be acknowledged by the Presiding Officer; thereafter the City Clerk shall make an appropriate notation in the minutes. Should any member of the City Council determine that any such communication be officially answered by the City Council, the Presiding Officer shall place the matter on the agenda under New Business for the current meeting or any subsequent meeting. Any recommendations should be brought forward in agenda bill format with reference to the recommended action. The Board’s Chair, or other appointed representative is encouraged to attend the City Council meeting and, if so, will be given time to share highlights of the recommendation or deliberation process. 4.16 Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses. Members of Advisory Boards shall serve without compensation. Members shall be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incidental to that service, which are authorized by the City Manager or by the City Council resolution or motion. Members shall seek pre-authorization for any proposed expense. 4.17 Lobbying Efforts. The City Council establishes Advisory Boards and Task Forces primarily to assist with carrying out the City work plan. They are not advocacy groups. For this reason, lobbying—as defined by the Public Disclosure Commission—of other local, state or federal agencies or legislative bodies, by these groups is discouraged. Any lobbying by the body must be coordinated with the City Manager and the City Council. An Advisory Board is free to communicate positions to the City Council or a Council committee on matters pertaining to the Body’s purpose and function. A member of the Advisory Board is not authorized to speak for the Board unless the Board has expressly authorized the member’s statement. An individual member is free to voice a position, oral or written, on any issue as long as it is made clear that the member is not speaking as a representative of the City or as a member of an Advisory Board. When the Advisory Board reaches a decision on a particular subject, the members shall abide by the group’s decision once formalized and shall not advocate counter to the majority’s decision in their capacity as an Advisory Board member. End of Article 4 - Committees, Boards, Work Groups & Commissions ARTICLE 5 - RELATIONS WITH CITY MANAGER & ADMINISTRATION 5.1 Role of the City Manager. The City Manager is the chief administrative officer of the City of Port Townsend. The Manager is directly accountable to the City Council for the execution of the City Council’s policy directives and for the administration and management of all City departments. The powers and duties of the City Manager are defined by Washington law, RCW 35A.13.080. Balanced with City Manager’s accountability to the City Council for policy implementation is the need for the City Council to allow the City Manager to perform Revised January 27, 2025 20Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND legally defined duties and responsibilities without inappropriate interference by the City Council in the day-to-day management decisions of the City Manager. 5.2 Administrative Interference by Council Members. The City of Port Townsend has a Council-Manager from of government as described in Chapter 35A.13 RCW as amended. Neither the City Council nor any of its committees or members shall direct or request the appointment of any persons to, or their removal from, any office by the City Manager or any the City Manager’ssubordinates. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the CityCouncil and its members shall deal with the administrative branch solely through the City Manager and neither the City Council or any Council member shall give any orders to any subordinate of the City Manager, either publicly or privately. Nothing prohibits the City Council, while in open session, from fully and freely discussing with the City Manager anything pertaining to appointments and removals of City officers and employees and City affairs. See RCW 35A.13.120. 5.3 Administrative Complaints Made Directly to Individual Council Members. When administrative policy or administrative performance complaints are made directly to individual Council members, the Council member shall then refer the matter directly to the City Manager for review or action. The individual Council member may request to be informed of the action or response made to the complaint. 5.4 Administrative Complaints. Although citizen’s direct access to elected officials is to be encouraged to help develop public policy, Council members should not develop a personal intervention pattern in minor calls for service or administrative appeals. The best practice is to get the citizen into direct contact with customer service unless an unsatisfactory result has occurred. 5.5. City Manager Evaluation. (a) The City Council shall evaluate the City Manager on an annual basis. The evaluation process shall be completed no later than April 30 of each year. To begin the evaluation process, the City Manager will provide a presentation of their self-assessment to the City Councilbefore January 31 via an executive session. Such executive session is encouraged to be set as a special meeting. (b) The Mayor, with assistance from Human Resources Department (HR), shall distribute an evaluation form following the example given in Exhibit E to each Council member no later than January 31 of each year. Each Council member will, using the adopted performance goals and criteria, rate the City Manager’s performance, returning the evaluation to HR by February 14. The Mayor and HR shall consolidate all individual evaluations into one summary evaluation form. (c) The City Council shall schedule at least one executive session without the City Manager and at least one executive session with the City Manager to meet and discuss the self-assessment and the summary evaluation form and any proposed changes thereto. After this discussion, if no changes are required, the City Council shall adopt the written summary of the evaluation results in open session and provide a copy to the City Manager within 5 days of adoption. If Revised January 27, 2025 21Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND changes are necessary, then the City Council may schedule another executive session to further revise the evaluation form. It is encouraged that executive sessions are scheduled as special meetings to allow adequate time for discussion. (d)The City Manager or the City Council may propose a mid-year performance check-in. (e) In order to provide for a “360 degree” evaluation, the City Manager shall initiate a review using the ICMA multi-rater evaluation tool, or equivalent evaluation to be agreed upon by the Council and the City Manager, at a minimum of once every four years. End of Article 5 - Relations with City Manager & Administration ARTICLE 6 - PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES 6.1 Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. Appearance of Fairness Doctrine and its Application: (a) Appearance of Fairness Doctrine Defined. “In short, when the law which calls for public hearings gives the public not only the right to attend, but the right to be heard as well, the hearings must not only be fair but must appear to be so. It is a situation where appearances are quite as important as substance.” Smith vs. Skagit County, 75 Wn.2d 715, 740 (1969). “The test of whether the appearance of fairness doctrine has been violated is ... as follows: Would a disinterested person, having been apprised of the totality of a board member's personal interest in a matter being acted upon, be reasonably justified in thinking that partiality may exist? If answered in the affirmative, such deliberations, and any course of conduct reached thereon, should be voided." Swift vs. Island County, 87 Wn.2d 348, 361 (1976). (b) Types of Hearings to Which Doctrine Applies. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine shall apply only to those actions of the City Council which are quasi-judicial in nature. Quasi-judicial actions are defined as actions of the City Council which determine the legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties in a hearing or other contested proceeding. Quasi-judicial actions do not include the legislative actions adopting, amending, or revising comprehensive, community, or neighborhood plans or other land use planning documents or the adoption of area-wide zoning ordinances or the adoption of a zoning amendment that is of area-wide (versus site-specific) significance (RCW 42.36.010). Street vacations are typically legislative actions, unless clearly tied to, and integrated into, a site-specific development proposal which is quasi-judicial in nature. (c) Obligations of Council Members. 1. Council members should recognize that the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine does not require establishment of a conflict of interest, but whether there is an appearance of conflict of interest to the average person. This may involve the Council members or a Council member's business associate, or a member of the Council member's immediate family. It could involve ex parte (outside the Revised January 27, 2025 22 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND hearing) communications, ownership of property in the vicinity, business dealings with the proponents or opponents before or after the hearing, business dealings of the Council member's employer with the proponents or opponents, announced predisposition, and the like. Prior to any quasi-judicial hearing, each Council member should give consideration to whether a potential violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists. If the answer is in the affirmative, no matter how remote, the Council member should disclose such facts to the City Manager who will seek the opinion of the City Attorney as to whether a potential violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists. The City Manager shall communicate such opinion to the Council member and to the Presiding Officer. 2. Anyone seeking to disqualify Council members from participating in a decision on the basis of a violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine must raise the challenge as soon as the basis for disqualification is made known, or reasonably should have been made known, prior to the issuance of the decision. Upon failure to do so, the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine may not be relied upon to invalidate the decision. The party seeking to disqualify Council members shall state with specificity the basis for disqualification; for example: demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against a party to the proceedings, a monetary interest in outcome of the proceedings, prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or ex parte contact. Should such challenge be made prior to the hearing, the City Manager shall direct the City Attorney to interview the Council members and render an opinion as to the likelihood that an Appearance of Fairness violation would be sustained in Superior Court. Should such challenge be made in the course of a quasi-judicial hearing, the affected Council members shall either recuse themselves or the Presiding Officer shall call a recess to permit the City Attorney to make such interview and render such opinion. (d) Specific Statutory Provisions. 1. Candidates for the City Council may express their opinions about pending or proposed quasi-judicial actions while campaigning (RCW 42.36.040), except that sitting Council members shall not express their opinions on any such matter which may come before the City Council. 2. A candidate for the City Council who complies with all provisions of applicable public disclosure and ethics laws shall not be limited under the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine from accepting campaign contributions to finance the campaign, including outstanding debts. RCW 42.36.050. 3. During the pendency of any quasi-judicial proceeding, no Council members may engage in ex parte communications with proponents or opponents about a proposal involved in the pending proceeding, unless the Council members: (1) places on the record the substance of such oral or written communications; and (2) provided that a public announcement of the content of the communication and of the parties' right to rebut the substance of the communication shall be made at Revised January 27, 2025 23 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND each hearing where action is taken or considered on the subject. This does not prohibit correspondence between a citizen and his or her elected official if the correspondence is made a part of the record, when it pertains to the subject matter of a quasi-judicial proceeding. RCW 42.36.060. 6.2 Actions for a Public Hearing. The procedures for public hearings are attached in Exhibit F. End of Article 6 - Public Hearing Procedures ARTICLE 7 - REIMBURSEMENT 7.1 Purpose. (a) The City Council recognizes and encourages Council member attendance and participation in trainings, conferences and seminars that will help Council members stay current with issues and be useful to Council members’ Council duties, for example, events hosted by Association of Washington Cities, Washington Finance Officers’ Association, Washington Cities Insurance Authority. (b) In addition, the City Council recognizes and encourages Council members to meet with other elected officials or their staffs to stay connected with current issues and present information and work with officials on issues that affect the City, for example, travel to Olympia to meet with elected officials or their staffs. (c) Travel expenses are reimbursed on the same basis as City employees as set forth in the City’s Personnel Policies Manual (presently applicable to City employees but not to City Council members), which adopts by reference Chapter 10 - Travel of The State of Washington Administrative & Accounting Manual Issued by the Office of Financial Management (“OFM Travel Manual”). 7.2 Travel Expenses and Reimbursement. (a) Subject to the rule in Article 7.1, City elected officials will be reimbursed for reasonable and customary expenses incurred in the conduct of their business for the City (“business travel”), including food, lodging and travel expenses while away, but excluding any expenses for personal entertainment and alcoholic beverages. (b) Reimbursement for such expenses will be made subject to conformance with the following: 1. These Council Rules; 2. Chapter 42.24 RCW, Payment of Claims for Expenses, Material, Purchases— Advancements; and Revised January 27, 2025 24Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 3. Chapter 10 - Travel of The State of Washington Administrative & Accounting Manual Issued by the Office of Financial Management (“OFM Travel Manual”) (including amendments, as applicable). The City Manager determines applicability and interpretation of the OFM Travel Manual. Terminology references in the OFM Manual are changed as follows: Where OFM Manual uses -Change to - State City Agency Department Travel Expense Voucher City form providing equivalent information State Charge Card System City purchasing card Travel Authorization City form providing equivalent information statute Ordinance or Resolution Director of OFMCity Manager 7.3 Travel/Authorization/When Required. (a) For all Council member travel when the Council member seeks travel expense reimbursement: 1. Requirement to check with City Manager on travel plans and budget availability. Before making travel plans, Council members must check with the City Manager for any comments or input on travel and training budget availability. The City Manager may advise the Council member’s proposed travel or training expense may impact budget availability that in the City Manager view is or should be reserved for other Council member’s expected or planned travel or training. If the Council member and City Manager do not agree on the City Manager’s recommendation, then the City Council would resolve the matter; 2. Situation where travel reimbursement is requested without first checking with City Manager. If a Council member without checking with the City Manager on budget availability makes a request for travel reimbursement, travel reimbursement does not occur unless the City Manager or the City Council subsequently approves reimbursement for the travel; 3. Travel arrangements through City Administration. Council members are encouraged to make travel arrangements through CityAdministration; and 4. Council member Report Following Travel. Following the travel, the Council member would provide a brief report of the purpose of the travel to the City Council at the next regular meeting of the City Council. (b) Out-of-State Travel. For all out-of-state Council member travel on City business where Council members seek travel expense reimbursement or intend to use Council travel Revised January 27, 2025 25 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND budget, Council members must receive prior authorization for travel from the City Council, except, the Mayor, in consultation with the CityManager, may authorize a Council member’s out-of-state travel withoutthe City Council prior authorization if the matter is time sensitive and there is not adequate time to bring the matter to the City Council at a regular meeting. In such circumstance, the City Manager or Mayor shall promptly notify Council members by email or similar means. (c) In-State Travel - Trainings. For in-state Council member travel on City business to trainings, conferences and seminars that will be useful to the Council member’s duties, for example, events hosted by Association of Washington Cities, Washington Finance Officers’ Association, Washington Cities Insurance Authority, when the Council member seeks travel expense reimbursement, prior authorization for travel from the City Council is not required. (d) In-State Travel – Intergovernmental Relations. For in-state Council member travel on City business to meet with other elected officials or their staffs to present information and work with officials on issues that affect the City, for example, travel to Olympia to meet with elected officials and their staffs, when the Council member seeks travel expense reimbursement, prior authorization for travel from the City Council is not required. (e) Travel – Other. For all other Council member travel on City business when the Council member seeks travel expense reimbursement, and subject to available budget, prior authorization for travel from the City Council is required. End of Article 7 - Reimbursement Revised January 27, 2025 26 Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 98-044 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ESTABLISHING A POLICY OF ACTION MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Government Operations Committee has recommended to the full City Council adoption of a policy of streamlining the practice of taking detailed minutes for the City Council, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to establish a uniform policy for the preparation of council minutes; and WHEREAS, the preparation of “action minutes” maximizes personnel resources and is more cost effective and time efficient; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend as follows: SECTION 1. The policy of taking action minutes for the City Council is established. SECTION 2. The following information shall be reflected in the action minutes: A. Name of the body. B. Date, hour, and place of the meeting. C. The names of members in attendance and members absent. If a member arrives late or departs before adjournment, the minutes should reflect the time of arrival and/or departure at that point in the minutes. D. Whether it is a regular, adjourned, or special meeting. E. That proper notice has been given if it is a special meeting. F. Time the meeting commenced. Time of meeting recess (if any). G. Topics of business. H. Actions taken on each business item: - Record motions and votes - Include direction given to staff by general consensus. I. Statements made “for the record” or which clarify the intent of the body. J. Oral communications/public comment need only reference the name of the person, subject matter addressed, and direction (if any) given. K. Adjournment time and, if applicable, whether the meeting was adjourned to another time prior to the next regular meeting. L. Signature block for the City Clerk. Revised January 27, 2025 27Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND SECTION 3. With respect to public hearings, the action minutes shall include: A. The fact that the public hearing was opened. B.The fact that required notice was given, the manner of giving notice (publishing, posting, mailing), dates(s) of publishing, posting or mailing, and number of copies posted or mailed (if this information is given in the staff report accompanying the public hearing, it need not be repeated in the minutes). C.Appropriate reference to any written evidence in the form of statements, affidavits, reports, photographs, maps, correspondence, or other objects filed at the hearing and included as part of the record. D. The names of people who spoke and whether their testimony was for or against the hearing subject. E. Findings of the body (if the findings are modified or otherwise not incorporate d in the ordinance, resolution or staff report as a result of the hearing). F. The motion and vote to close the public hearing. If the hearing is continued, the date, time and place of the continued hearing shall be reflected in the minutes. G. Statements made “for the record” or which clarify the intent of the body. H. Action taken on the subject matter: - Record motions and votes - Include direction given to staff by general consensus SECTION 4. The audio tapes of City Council meetings shall be maintained by the City Clerk for a period of six years, according to the state retention schedule. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend and signed by the Mayor on this sixth day of April, 1998. ___________________________ Julie McCulloch, Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form: ______________________________________________________________ Pamela Kolacy, City Clerk Timothy L. McMahan, City Attorney EDITOR’S NOTE - This resolution was adopted and signed on April 6, 1999. Revised January 27, 2025 28Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND EXHIBIT B Motion "To Approve the Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance Herein Contained and Incorporated as Exhibit A-4 of the City of Port Townsend Council Rules of Procedure." PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE AT A GLANCE (cannot be amended) May you Must be Is motion Vote interrupt secondeddebatable To do this: You say this: required speaker? ?? Introduce business “I move that …" NO YES YES MAJORITY Amend a motion“I move to amend this motion”NOYESYESMAJORITY Request information “Point of information” YES NO NO NO VOTE Suspend further "I move we table it” discussion NO YES NO MAJORITY End debate “I move the previous question ...” NO YES NO 2/3 VOTE “I move we postpone this matter until Postpone discussion ...” NO YES YES MAJORITY Have something further “I move we refer ...” studied by a committee NO YES YES MAJORITY Ask for a vote count to “I call for a division of the house” verify a voice vote NO NO NO NO VOTE Object to considering “I object to consideration of this” some matter YES NO NO 2/3 VOTE Take up a matter “I move to take from the table ...” previously tabled NO YES NO MAJORITY Reconsider something “I move we reconsider action on ...” already disposed of YES YES YES MAJORITY Consider something in “I move we suspend the rules and ...” unscheduled order NO YES NO 2/3 VOTE Vote on a ruling by the “I appeal the chair’s decision” chair YES YES YES MAJORITY Object to procedure or “Point of order” personal affront--chair decides YES NO NO NO VOTE Complain about noise, “Point of privilege” room temperature, etc. YES NO NO NO VOTE Recess the meeting “I move that we recess until ...” NO YES NO MAJORITY Adjourn the meeting “I move that we adjourn” NO YES NO MAJORITY Revised January 27, 2025 29Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Revised January 27, 2025 30Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND EXHIBIT C AGENDA FORMAT PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 Water Street Business Meeting 6:00 p.m. Date I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Executive Session IV. Changes to the Agenda V. Proclamation(s) and Special Presentation(s) VI. City Manager’s Report VII. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) A. Public comment B. Staff or Council response, as needed VIII. Consent Agenda A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants B. Approval of Minutes C. Additional consent agenda items Proposed Action: Move to adopt the consent agenda and/or request to remove any individual item from the consent agenda. IX. Public Hearing(s) A. Example: Public hearing on matter a. Staff presentation b. Comments from members of the public c. Response from staff d. Questions from Council members e. Clarifying comments from the public, if necessary f. Council deliberation and action. X. Unfinished Business XI. New Business A. Example: Resolution by number and name a. Staff presentation and Council questions b. Public Comment c. Council deliberation and action Proposed Action: XII. Presiding Officer’s Report XIII. Suggestions for Future Agendas XIV. Comments from Council Revised January 27, 2025 31Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND XV. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act those requiring accommodation for this meeting should notify the City Clerk’s Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045. Revised January 27, 2025 32Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND EXHIBIT D CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE Standing Committees and Mission Statements COMMITTEES The Council shall have a Finance and Budget standing committee, an Infrastructure standing committee, and a Culture and Society standing committee. Other committees may be formed by resolution as ad hoc committees when needed. Any ad hoc committees shall be created by Council resolution that will define the purpose and role of each committee. Ad hoc committees will cease meeting once the committee has completed their assigned tasks. The committees are created to support the Council in review of complex issues and provide a means to facilitate public policy formation. The committees are also assigned as the Council’s liaison with resident-based advisory board activities. The committees are not intended to supplant the Council’s role. The Council assigns agenda items to the committees that are consistent with the City’s strategic and work plans. A regular meeting schedule will be determined by each committee and reported to the Clerk for purposes of public notice and inclusion in the Meetings Update, the City web site, and elsewhere as appropriate. FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE Mission Statement: The committee is entrusted with the responsibility of advising and making recommendations in regard to the formulation of City Council policy with respect to matters relating to the City’s finances, including the budget, rates and fees, risk management, interlocal agreements, and grants. The Committee will oversee the City’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. In addition, the committee, with the consent of the City Council, may create such subcommittees as it may deem necessary or expedient to expand public process and participation. The Committee may recommend such task forces or advisory boards as it may deem necessary, as opposed to creating such subcommittees. CULTURE AND SOCIETY COMMITTEE Mission Statement: The committee is entrusted with the responsibility of advising and making recommendations in regard to the formation of City Council policy with respect to matters relating to the City culture and society. The committee will oversee the Library Advisory Board and the Arts Commission. Revised January 27, 2025 33Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND In addition, the committee, with the consent of the City Council, may create such subcommittees as it may deem necessary or expedient to expand public process and participation. The Committee may recommend such task forces or advisory boards as it may deem necessary, as opposed to creating such subcommittees. INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mission Statement: The committee is entrusted with the responsibility of advising and making recommendations in regard to the formation of City Council policy with respect to matters relating to the City’s infrastructure assets needs, including the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of City streets, sidewalks, rights of way, parks, utility assets, and other physical structures. The committee will oversee Parks, Recreation, and Tree Advisory Board. In addition, the committee, with the consent of the City Council, may create such subcommittees as it may deem necessary or expedient to expand public process and participation. The Committee may recommend such task forces or advisory boards as it may deem necessary, as opposed to creating such subcommittees. Revised January 27, 2025 34Council Rules of Procedure CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND EXHIBIT E City Manager Performance Evaluation City of Port Townsend Evaluation period: __________________ to ____________________ ______________________________________ Council member’s Name Each member of the City Council should complete this evaluation form, sign it in the space below, and return it to the Human Resources Manager. The deadline for submitting this performance evaluation is _________________. Evaluations will be summarized and included on the agenda for discussion in executive session on _______________________. ________________________________________ Mayor’s Signature ______________________ Date ________________________________________ Council member’s Signature ______________________ Date Submitted 35 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND INSTRUCTIONS This evaluation form contains ten categories of evaluation criteria. Each category contains a statement to describe a behavior standard in that category. For each statement, use the following scale to indicate your rating of the City Manager’s performance: 5 = Excellent (almost always exceeds the performance standard) 4 = Above average (generally exceeds the performance standard) 3 = Average (generally meets the performance standard) 2 = Below average (usually does not meet the performance standard) 1 = Poor (rarely meets the performance standard) Any item left blank will be interpreted as a score of “3 = Average” This evaluation form also contains a provision for entering narrative comments, including an opportunity to enter responses to specific questions and an opportunity to list any comments you believe appropriate and pertinent to the rating period. Please write legibly. Leave all pages of this evaluation form attached. Initial each page. Sign and date the cover page. On the date space of the cover page, enter the date the evaluation form was submitted. All evaluations presented prior to the deadline identified on the cover page will be summarized into a performance evaluation to be presented by the City Council to the City Manager as part of the agenda for the meeting indicated on the cover page. PERFORMANCE CATEGORY SCORING 1. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS ____ Diligent and thorough in the discharge of duties, “self-starter” ____ Exercises good judgment ____ Displays enthusiasm, cooperation, and will to adapt ____ Mental and physical stamina appropriate for the position ____ Exhibits composure, appearance and attitude appropriate for executive position Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 36 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 2. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND STATUS ____ Maintains knowledge of current developments affecting the practice of local government management ____ Demonstrates a capacity for innovation and creativity ____ Anticipates and analyzes problems to develop effective approaches for solving them ____ Willing to try new ideas proposed by governing body members and/or staff ____ Sets a professional example by handling affairs of the public office in a fair and impartial manner Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 3. RELATIONS WITH ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY ____ Carries out directives of the body as a whole as opposed to those of any one member or minority group ____Sets meeting agendas that reflect the guidance of the governing body and avoids unnecessary involvement in administrative actions ____ Disseminates complete and accurate information equally to all members in a timely manner ____Assists by facilitating decision making without usurping authority ____Responds well to requests, advice, and constructive criticism Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 4. POLICY EXECUTION ____ Implements governing body actions in accordance with the intent of council ____ Supports the actions of the governing body after a decision has been reached, both inside and outside the organization ____ Understands, supports, and enforces local government’s laws, policies, and ordinances ____ Reviews ordinance and policy procedures periodically to suggest improvements to their effectiveness ____ Offers workable alternatives to the governing body for changes in law or policy when an existing policy or ordinance is no longer practical Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 37 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 5. REPORTING ____Provides regular information and reports to the governing body concerning matters of importance to the local government, using the city charter as guide ____Responds in a timely manner to requests from the governing body for special reports ____Takes the initiative to provide information, advice, and recommendations to the governing body on matters that are non-routine and not administrative in nature ____ Reports produced by the manager are accurate, comprehensive, concise and written to their intended audience ____ Produces and handles reports in a way to convey the message that affairs of the organization are open to public scrutiny Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 6. CITIZEN RELATIONS ____Responsive to requests from citizens ____ Demonstrates a dedication to service to the community and its citizens ____ Maintains a nonpartisan approach in dealing with the news media ____ Meets with and listens to members of the community to discuss their concerns and strives to understand their interests ____ Gives an appropriate effort to maintain citizen satisfaction with city services Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 7. STAFFING ____Recruits and retains competent personnel for staff positions ____Applies an appropriate level of supervision to improve any areas of substandard performance ____Stays accurately informed and appropriately concerned about employee relations ____Professionally manages the compensation and benefits plan ____Promotes training and development opportunities for employees at all levels of the organization Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 38 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 8. SUPERVISION ____Encourages heads of departments to make decisions within their jurisdictions with minimal city manager involvement, yet maintains general control of operations by providing the right amount of communication to the staff ____Instills confidence and promotes initiative in subordinates through supportive rather than restrictive controls for their programs while still monitoring operations at the department level ____Develops and maintains a friendly and informal relationship with the staff and work force in general, yet maintains the professional dignity of the city manager’s office ____Sustains or improves staff performance by evaluating the performance of staff members at least annually, setting goals and objectives for them, periodically assessing their progress, and providing appropriate feedback ____Encourages teamwork, innovation, and effective problem-solving among the staff members Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 9. FISCAL MANAGEMENT ____Prepares a balanced budget to provide services at a level directed by council ____Makes the best possible use of available funds, conscious of the need to operate the local government efficiently and effectively ____ Prepares a budget and budgetary recommendations in an intelligent and accessible format ____ Ensures actions and decisions reflect an appropriate level of responsibility for financial planning and accountability ____ Appropriately monitors and manages fiscal activities of the organization Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 10. COMMUNITY ____Shares responsibility for addressing the difficult issues facing the city ____Avoids unnecessary controversy ____Cooperates with neighboring communities and the county ____Helps the council address future needs and develop adequate plans to address long term trends ____Cooperates with other regional, state and federal government agencies Add the values from above and enter the subtotal ____ ÷ 5 = _____ score for this category. 39 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND NARRATIVE EVALUATION What would you identify as the City Manager’s strength(s), expressed in terms of the principle results achieved during the rating period? What performance area(s) would you identify as most criticalfor improvement? 40 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND What constructive suggestions or assistance can you offer the City Manager to enhance performance? What other comments do you have for the City Manager; e.g., priorities,expectations, goals or objectives forthe newrating period? 41 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND EXHIBIT F PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES Council Rules – Exhibit F F(1) Legislative Public Hearing Procedures – Script The procedure for Public Hearings involving a legislative matter shall be substantially as follows: Opening \[All statements by Mayor/Presiding Officer.\] 1. The public hearing for the \[state name of matter\] is now open. 2. All persons wishing to be heard are encouraged to either sign in at the table in front or raise your hand using the meeting software. Purpose of Hearing and Order of Speaking 3. The purpose of this hearing is for the Council to hear and consider pertinent facts and to take action relating to the \[name of action – from the agenda\]. 4. Do any Council members have any interests, financial or property, to disclose in connection with this matter? 5. The order of speaking will be: a. Staff presentation; b. Comments from members of the public; c. Response from staff; d. Questions from Council members; e. Clarifying comments from the public, if necessary; and f. Council deliberation and action. Staff Presentation 6. Before hearing from members of the public, I am going to introduce \[name in memo in agenda packet\] who will make the staff presentation. Public Testimony and Comment 7. \[To the Clerk:\] Are there any written materials that have been submitted? 8. \[To the public:\] Does anyone wish to submit written materials? If so, please present them to the City Clerk at this time. 9. \[If written materials have been submitted:\] The Council acknowledges receipt of written materials, and they will be included in the record of this hearing. 10. I will now read the rules that are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, to give every person an opportunity to be heard, and to ensure that no 42 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND individual is discouraged from exercising their right of free speech. Out of respect for all speakers, unruly behavior such as applause, booing, harassing remarks, or other audience participation during or at the conclusion of anyone’s presentation is not allowed. The Council will not consider such demonstrations. I would like to ask your cooperation in the following procedures: 11. Everyone will be given an opportunity to be heard. All in-person comments shall be made at the microphone, and virtual commenters shall raise their hand using the meeting software. Anyone making comments shall give their name and relationship to the city. Please speak slowly and clearly. 12. \[To the City Clerk:\] Has anyone requested special accommodation in order to speak? 13. In fairness to all in attendance, each person will be given an opportunity to address the Council for an initial period not to exceed three minutes. If you are unable to complete your comments in your initial three minutes, you may have another three minutes after everyone has had a chance to speak. I am requesting Council members to hold their questions of the public until everyone is done. 14. This is the time for presentation of testimony to the Council and all comments should be directed to the Council. 15. At this time, the floor is open for comments from the public. Questions and Answers 16. \[If there was any public comment:\] Does staff wish to respond to any subjects raised by any speaker, or make any additional statement? 17. At this time, any Council member may ask any questions of any speaker or staff. Please respond into the microphone. 18. \[If there have been Council member questions:\] Does anyone in the audience have any comments solely to clarify any item raised by a Council member’s questions? Please, no new issues can be presented, and please do not repeat any previous testimony. Your comments should be limited to clarifying any item raised by any Council member or staff. Council Deliberation and Action 19. There being no further testimony, I will close the public testimony portion of the hearing. 20. The Council will now discuss this matter. \[Presiding officer calls on Council members wishing to be recognized.\] 21. Are there any further recommendations or comments from staff? 43 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Motions from Council 22. Does any Council member or staff wish to keep the public record open for the submittal of additional written materials? a. \[If so, ask staff for a date when they want the record to be closed, and ask Council to make a motion to keep the record open until that date. The motion should be specific that the record will close at 4:00 p.m., local time, on that date. If the motion passes:\] The record in this matter shall remain open until 4:00 p.m. local time on \[date in motion\]. b. \[If there has been a decision to keep the record open:\] May I have a motion to continue this matter to a date after the close of the record? \[Ask staff and the City Clerk for a possible future council date.\] c. \[If the record is not being kept open:\] The record in this matter is now closed, and the public hearing is now closed. d. \[If there has not been a request to keep the record open:\] Is there a motion from Council? Continuation of Public Hearing – Script Opening \[All statements by Mayor/Presiding Officer.\] 1. The public hearing for the \[state name of matter\] is now open. 2. The public record for this hearing was closed at 4:00pm today, in accordance with Council decision on DATE. 3. \[To the City Clerk:\] Have additional written materials been submitted? 4. \[If written materials have been submitted:\] The Council acknowledges receipt of written materials, and they will be included in the record of this hearing. Purpose of Hearing 5. The purpose of this hearing is for the Council to hear and consider pertinent facts and to take action relating to the \[name of action – from the agenda\]. 6. Do any Council members have any interests, financial or property, to disclose in connection with this matter? 7. The order of speaking will be: a.Staff presentation; b. Questions from Council members; and c.Council deliberation and action. Staff Presentation 8. I am going to introduce ___________ \[name in memo in agenda packet\] who will make 44 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND the staff presentation. 9. At this time, any Council member may ask any questions of staff. 10. The Council will now discuss this matter. \[Presiding officer calls on Council members wishing to be recognized.\] 11. Are there any further recommendations or comments from staff? Motions from Council 12. The public hearing is now closed. Is there a motion from Council? 45 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND F(2) Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing Procedures – Script The procedure for Public Hearings involving a Quasi-Judicial matter shall be substantially as follows: Opening \[All statements by Mayor/Presiding Officer.\] 1. The public hearing for the (state name of application) is now open. 2. All persons wishing to be heard should have signed in at the sign-in at the table in front. If you have not done so, please do so now. Rules of Order 3. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, to give every person an opportunity to be heard and to ensure that no individual are embarrassed by exercising their right of free speech. 4. The public hearing will proceed in an orderly fashion and I would like to ask your cooperation in the following procedures: 5. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak. 6. Everyone will be given an opportunity to be heard. All comments shall be made from the speaker’s rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his or her name and address. Please speak slowly and clearly. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the hearing is being made. If there is an appeal, the court must make its decision on the basis of what was said here. 7. If anyone requires special accommodation in order to speak, please let me know and we will make arrangements. 8. In fairness to all in attendance, each person will be given an opportunity to address the Council for an initial period not to exceed 3 minutes. The applicant shall be given 5 minutes to make their initial presentation. If more time is needed, it will be made available after everyone has had a chance to speak. I am requesting Council members to hold their questions of the public until everyone is done. 9. There shall be no demonstrations (clapping or cheering) during or at the conclusion of anyone’s presentation. 10. This is the time for presentation of testimony. No debate is allowed. 46 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Swearing-in 11. The City Attorney will now swear in all those who have signed in and who wish to testify. Please stand and raise your right hand. Appearance of Fairness and Conflict of Interest Issues 12. This hearing is quasi-judicial in nature, and therefore the appearance of fairness and conflict of interest rules apply. Quasi-judicial actions are defined as actions of the Council that determine legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties in a hearing. The public hearing must be fair in three respects: form, substance and appearance. 13. \[Option A - Long Form\] All council members, and this includes the Mayor, should now give consideration as to whether they have (1) a demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings; (2) a direct or indirect monetary interest in the outcome of the proceedings; (3) a prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or (4) ex parte contact with any individual, excluding administrative staff, with regard to an issue prior to the hearing. Does any Council member have an Appearance of Fairness or Conflict of Interest issue or disclosure to make? Seeing none, . . .. (to next item, or if there is a question or disclosure, refer to City Attorney.) \[Option B - Short Form\] Do any Council members, and this includes the Mayor, have an interest in this property or issue, or stand to gain or lose any financial benefit as a result of the outcome of this hearing, or have any disclosures to make? Seeing none, . . . \[to next item, or if there is a question or disclosure, refer to City Attorney.\] 14. Is there anyone in the audience who objects to my participation or any other Council member’s participation in these proceedings? (Refer any affirmative answer to City Attorney.) Purpose of Hearing and Order of Speaking 15. The purpose of this hearing is for the Council to hear and consider pertinent facts and to take action relating to the (name of proposal – from the agenda). 16. The order of speaking will be: a. Staff presentation b. Then comments from the applicant c. Then comments from proponents, and persons in support of the application. d. Then comments from opponents, and persons in opposition to the application. e. The comments from any others wishing to speak f.Then any comment from the applicant in response g. Then response from staff h. Then questions from Council members Staff Presentation 17. Before hearing from the audience, I am going to introduce ___________ (name in memo 47 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND in agenda packet) who will make the staff presentation. Public Testimony and Comment 18. (To Clerk) Are there any written materials that have been submitted, or does anyone wish to submit written materials without speaking? (Any documents are given to City Attorney, who will read or summarize the document.) 19. I will call upon the applicant to speak. 20. Is there anyone else who favors the item, or is neutral, who wishes to speak. 21. At this time, I will call upon opponents to speak. 22. Are there any other opponents, or anyone else who has not spoken, who wishes to speak. 23. I will now call upon the applicant to speak in rebuttal. You may not introduce new material. Questions and Answers 24. Does staff wish to respond to respond to any subjects raised by any speaker, or make any additional statement? 25. At this time, any Council member may ask any questions of any speaker or staff. (Any person recalled will speak from the rostrum.) 26. Does anyone in the audience have any comments solely to clarify any item raised by a Council member’s questions? Please, no new issues can be presented, and please do not repeat your or any other person’s previous testimony. Your comments should be limited to clarifying any item raised by any Council member or staff. Council Discussion 27. There being no further testimony, I will close the public testimony portion of the hearing. It is now in order for the Council to discuss this matter and for a Council member to make a motion to take action or postpone. (Mayor calls on Council members wishing to be recognized.) 28. Is there any further discussion by Council members? 29.Is there any further recommendation or comments from staff? 30.Does any party, or staff, wish to keep the public record open for the submittal of additional materials? a.\[If so, ask staff for a date when they want the record to be closed, and ask Council to make a motion to keep the record open until that date. The motion should be specific that the record will close at 4:30 p.m., local time, on that date. Then, say “The record in this matter shall remain open until 4:30 p.m. local time on (date in motion). The public hearing in this matter is now closed\]”. 48 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND b.\[If not, say “The record in this matter is now closed, and the public hearing is now closed.”\] 31. Motions from Council. a. \[If there has been a request to keep the record open,\]May I have a motion to continue this matter to a date after the close of the record? \[Ask staff and the City Clerk for a possible future council date\] b. \[If there has not been a request to keep the record open\]. Is there a motion from Council? (Mayor states the motion and calls for a vote. Following a vote by the Council-) Staff is directed to prepare findings and decision 49 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND F(3) Quasi-Judicial Closed Record Appeal Procedures – Script The procedure for Public Hearings involving a Quasi-Judicial closed record appeal (for example, major CUPs, plats, PUDs) shall be substantially as follows: Opening \[All statements by Mayor/Presiding Officer.\] 1. The closed record appeal for the (state name of application) is now open. 2. All persons who participated in the open record hearing on this matter before the Hearing Examiner wishing to be heard should have signed in at the sign-in at the table in front. If you have not done so, please do so now. Rules of Order 3. The public hearing will proceed in an orderly fashion and I would like to ask your cooperation in the following procedures: This is a closed record appeal. There has been an open record hearing before the Hearing Examiner. Under state law, there is only one public hearing allowed in this proceeding. This closed record appeal means the Council bases its decision on the record developed at the public hearing before the Hearing Examiner; therefore no new testimony is allowed except in very limited circumstances. If a party has submitted a motion to supplement the record, Council will deliberate and vote on that motion before hearing argument from the parties. Comments from speakers must be in the nature of argument only, based on and limited to facts in the written and oral record developed before the Hearing Examiner. If anyone presents comments that are not based on facts in the record, anyone may make an objection. If an objection is made, the person speaking will stop until the issue of the objection is resolved. 4. All comments shall be made from the speaker’s rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his or her name and address. Please speak slowly and clearly. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the hearing is being made. If there is an appeal, the court must make its decision on the basis of what was said here and the record. 5. If anyone requires special accommodation in order to speak, please let me know and we will make arrangements. 6. In fairness to all in attendance, each person will be given an opportunity to address the Council for an initial period not to exceed 3 minutes. The appellant shall be given 5 minutes to make their initial presentation. If more time is needed, it will be made available after everyone has had a chance to speak. I am requesting Council members to hold their questions of the public until everyone is done. 7. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak. 8. There should be no demonstrations (clapping or cheering) during or at the conclusion of 50 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND anyone’s presentation. Appearance of Fairness and Conflict of Interest Issues 9. This hearing is quasi-judicial in nature, and therefore the appearance of fairness and conflict of interest rules apply. Quasi-judicial actions are defined as actions of the Council that determine legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties in a hearing. The public hearing must be fair in three respects: form, substance and appearance. 10. \[Option A - Long Form\] All council members, and this includes the Mayor, should now give consideration as to whether they have (1) a demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings; (2) a direct or indirect monetary interest in the outcome of the proceedings; (3) a prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or (4) ex parte contact with any individual, excluding administrative staff, with regard to an issue prior to the hearing. Does any Council member have an Appearance of Fairness or Conflict of Interest issue or disclosure to make? Seeing none, . . .. (to next item, or if there is a question or disclosure, refer to City Attorney.) \[Option B - Short Form\] Do any Council members, and this includes the Mayor, have an interest in this property or issue, or stand to gain or lose any financial benefit as a result of the outcome of this hearing, or have any disclosures to make? Seeing none, . . . \[to next item, or if there is a question or disclosure, refer to City Attorney.\] 11. Is there anyone in the audience who objects to my participation or any other Council member’s participation in these proceedings? (Refer any affirmative answer to City Attorney.) Purpose of Hearing and Order of Speaking 12. The purpose of this hearing is for the Council to hear the appeal and to take action relating to the (name of proposal – from the agenda). 13. The order of speaking will be: c. Staff presentation d. Then argument from the appellant, or those in support of the application, or those who are neutral e. Then argument from opponents to the appeal, or those who are neutral f. Then any argument from the applicant in response g. Then response from staff h. Then questions from Council members Staff Presentation 14. Is there a pending motion to supplement the record? City Attorney to respond. a. If there is a motion, it will be in Council packets. City Attorney will summarize the motion, and the criteria for granting or denying the motion. If there is a motion pending, after the City Attorney’s presentation, ask Council if they are ready to make a decision on that motion, or if they wish to adjourn to a closed session to deliberate on that motion. 1) If Council is ready to vote, ask for a motion to grant or deny the motion to 51 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND supplement the record. 2) If Council wishes to deliberate, say “Council will now adjourn to a closed session to deliberate on this motion. We shall return to the hearing in ____ minutes” (then adjourn) 3) On return from deliberations, ask for a motion to grant or deny the motion to supplement the record. b. If there is no pending motion to supplement the record, continue. Before hearing argument, I am going to introduce ___________ (name in memo in agenda packet) who will make the staff presentation. Public Testimony and Comment 15. (To Clerk) Are there any written materials that have been submitted, or does anyone wish to submit written materials without speaking? (Any documents are given to City Attorney, who will read or summarize the document.) 16. I will call upon the appellant to speak. 17. Is there anyone else who favors the item, or is neutral, who wishes to speak. 18. At this time, I will call upon opponents to speak. 19. Are there any other opponents, or anyone else who has not spoken, who wishes to speak. 20. I will now call upon the applicant to speak in rebuttal. Questions and Answers 21. Does staff wish to respond to respond to any subjects raised by any speaker, or make any additional statement? 22. At this time, any Council member may ask any questions of any speaker or staff. (Any person recalled will speak from the rostrum.) 23. Does any speaker have any comments solely to clarify any item raised by a Council member’s questions? Please, no new issues can be presented, and please do not repeat your or any other person’s previous testimony. Your comments should be limited to clarifying any item raised by any Council member or staff. Council Discussion 24. There being no further comment, I will close this portion of the hearing. It is now in order for the Council to discuss this matter and for a Council member to make a motion to take action or postpone. a. RCW 42.30.140(2) allows, but does not require, the Council to deliberate (but not vote) on quasi-judicial matters in a closed session. Does any Councilor wish to make a motion to adjourn to a closed session? (If so, vote on motion if it passes, adjourn for a set period of time 52 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND for deliberations) b. If no one wants to go to a closed session, or the vote to do so fails: (Mayor calls on Council members wishing to be recognized.) 25.(Upon conclusion of discussion and return, if applicable, from closed session): Does any Councilor wish additional briefing on any matter related to this issue? Remember, that any supplemental briefing must be in the form of argument, not additional facts, (If so, have the City Attorney work the with Councilor to frame the motion, then vote) 23. Is there any further discussion by Council members? 24. Is there any further recommendation or comments from staff? 25. (Mayor states the motion and calls for a vote. Following a vote by the Council-) Staff is directed to prepare findings and decision. F(4) Quasi-Judicial Closed Record Hearing Procedures – Script The procedure for Public Hearings involving a Quasi-Judicial closed record hearing, where there is no appeal (for example, major CUPs, plats, PUDs), shall be substantially as follows: Opening \[All statements by Mayor/Presiding Officer.\] 1. The closed record hearing for the (state name of application) is now open. 2. All persons who participated in the open record hearing on this matter before the Planning Commission \[or Hearing Examiner\] wishing to be heard should have signed in at the sign- in at the table in front. If you have not done so, please do so now. Rules of Order 3. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak. 4. The public hearing will proceed in an orderly fashion and I would like to ask your cooperation in the following procedures: This is a closed record hearing. There has been an open record hearing before the Planning Commission \[or Hearing Examiner\]. Under state law, there is only one public hearing allowed in this proceeding. This closed record hearing means the Council bases its decision on the record developed at the public hearing before the Planning commission. Therefore no new testimony is allowed except in very limited circumstances. If a party has submitted a motion to supplement the record, Council will deliberate and vote on that motion before hearing argument from the parties. Comments from speakers must be in the nature of argument only, based on and limited to facts in the written and oral record developed before the Planning Commission. If anyone presents comments that are not 53 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND based on facts in the record, anyone may make an objection. If an objection is made, the person speaking will stop until the issue of the objection is resolved. 5. All comments shall be made from the speaker’s rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his or her name and address. Please speak slowly and clearly. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the hearing is being made. If there is an appeal, the court must make its decision on the basis of what was said here and the record. 6. If anyone requires special accommodation in order to speak, please let me know and we will make arrangements. 7. In fairness to all in attendance, each person will be given an opportunity to address the Council for an initial period not to exceed 3 minutes. The applicant shall be given 5 minutes to make their initial presentation. If more time is needed, it will be made available after everyone has had a chance to speak. I am requesting Council members to hold their questions of the public until everyone is done. 8. There shall be no demonstrations (clapping or cheering) during or at the conclusion of anyone’s presentation. Appearance of Fairness and Conflict of Interest Issues 9. This hearing is quasi-judicial in nature, and therefore the appearance of fairness and conflict of interest rules apply. Quasi-judicial actions are defined as actions of the Council which determine legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties in a hearing. The public hearing must be fair in three respects: form, substance and appearance. 10. \[Option A - Long Form\] All council members, and this includes the Mayor, should now give consideration as to whether they have (1) a demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings; (2) a direct or indirect monetary interest in the outcome of the proceedings; (3) a prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or (4) ex parte contact with any individual, excluding administrative staff, with regard to an issue prior to the hearing. Does any Council member have an Appearance of Fairness or Conflict of Interest issue or disclosure to make? Seeing none, . . .. (to next item, or if there is a question or disclosure, refer to City Attorney.) \[Option B - Short Form\] Do any Council members, and this includes the Mayor, have an interest in this property or issue, or stand to gain or lose any financial benefit as a result of the outcome of this hearing, or have any disclosures to make? Seeing none, . . . \[to next item, or if there is a question or disclosure, refer to City Attorney.\] 11. Is there anyone in the audience who objects to my participation or any other Council member’s participation in these proceedings? (Refer any affirmative answer to City Attorney.) Purpose of Hearing and Order of Speaking 12. The purpose of this hearing is for the Council to take action relating to the (name of proposal – from the agenda). 54 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 13. The order of speaking will be: a. Staff presentation b. Then presentation from the applicant c. Then presentation from the public; to the extent possible, we will alternate between proponents and opponents of the application. d. Then any response from the applicant e. Then response from staff f.Then questions from Council members Staff Presentation 14. Before hearing from the applicant and the public, I am going to introduce ___________ (name in memo in agenda packet) who will make the staff presentation. Public Testimony and Comment 15. (To Clerk) Are there any written materials that have been submitted, or does anyone wish to submit written materials without speaking? (Any documents are given to City Attorney, who will read or summarize the document.) 16. I will call upon the applicant to speak. 17. Now I will call on members of the public who have signed up. If you have not signed up and wish to speak, you will be given an opportunity after all who have signed up have spoken. 18. I will now call upon the applicant to speak in rebuttal. Questions and Answers 19. Does staff wish to respond to respond to any subjects raised by any speaker, or make any additional statement? 20. At this time, any Council member may ask any questions of any speaker or staff. (Any person recalled will speak from the rostrum.) 21. Does any speaker have any comments solely to clarify any item raised by a Council member’s questions? Please, no new issues can be presented, and please do not repeat your or any other person’s previous testimony. Your comments should be limited to clarifying any item raised by any Council member or staff. Council Discussion 22. There being no further comment, I will close this portion of the hearing. It is now in order for the Council to discuss this matter and for a Council member to make a motion to take action or postpone. 55 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND a.RCW 42.30.140(2) allows, but does not require, the Council to deliberate (but not vote) on quasi-judicial matters in a closed session. Does anyCouncilor wish to make a motion to adjourn to a closed session? (if so, vote on motion -- if it passes, adjourn for a set period of time for deliberations) b. If no one wants to go to a closed session, or the vote to do so fails: (Mayor calls on Council members wishing to be recognized.) 23. (Upon conclusion of discussion and return, if applicable, from closed session): Does any Council member wish additional briefing on any matter related to this issue? Remember, that any supplemental briefing must be in the form of argument, not additional facts? (If so, have the City Attorney work with the Councilor to frame the motion, then vote) 24. Is there any further discussion by Council members? 25. Is there any further recommendation or comments from staff? 26. (Mayor states the motion and calls for a vote. Following a vote by the Council-) Staff is directed to prepare findings and decision. 56 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPENDIX 1 City Council Rules of Procedure Policy: Public Requests for Proclamations The Council considersrequests to proclaim certain events or causes when such proclamations pertain to a Port Townsend event, person, organization, or cause with local implications. The Council will consider requests that are timely, have potential relevance to a majority of Port Townsend’s population, and either forward positive messages or call upon the support of the community. The following guidelines and requirements apply to requests for consideration of Proclamations which are read at Council meetings. Proclamations to be read at Council meetings 1. The person(s) or organization making the request must submit a completed Application Requesting a City Proclamation and submit a copy of the proposed Proclamation to the City Clerk’s office. 2. The request should be made at least three weeks in advance of the requested Council meeting. 3. The Mayor and City Manager (or staff designee) will determine if the proposed proclamation meets the intent of this policy. 4. The Council will make no more than two proclamations at a Council Meeting. Either the person making the request or a representative of the organization making the request must be present at the Council meeting to accept the proclamation. 5. The City retains the right to modify, edit, or otherwise amend the proposed proclamation to meet its requirements, needs, or policy determinations. 6. The City retains the right to decide if the proclamation will or will not be issued. 7. Once approved, the proclamation will be included on the appropriate Council agenda. 8. If not approved, the applicant will be notified of the decision and the reason(s) for the decision. Proclamations Requested Which Will Not Be Read at a Council Meeting If a person or organization requests a proclamation for an event or presentation and does not request it be read at a Council meeting, the same policy will apply. The requestor must arrange with the Clerk’s office to either pick up the proclamation or have it mailed. 57