HomeMy WebLinkAbout00530 Minutes of City Council, July 6m, 1948 continued—�i'w::—.r- a J.v.tw�.v..u..w..v.w.a r �..-5�:�'.+. - .wa ...u�... ...0 ru•...n•.-.w.•._ ..... .... . �:.....: �.u�---•..
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Mihutas of City Counnil, July, 61 1948. continued Minutes of City Council, July 6m, 1948 continued
i'I Following short discussion it was moved by Councilman Steele, and seconded by Council-
;�'"f flu man Mueller that the Council go on record as being favorable to the plan outlined in the
From James Thompson, to -wit: Port 1, r
p proceeding letter. Upon roll call vote Obancilman Osborne, Sullivan, Carroll, Mueller and
July 1, 1948 Steele Wash Steele voted in the affirmative, and Councilmen Benedetto and Gleason voted in the negative
PPP yz i�4trS"y 5 and motion was declared carried.
Honorable Mayor & City Council From Port Townsend Ministerial Association, to -wit:
., 3 rag t Z;c 9r F i 7�'A i'c Wn si.
Port Townsend, ;,ashington t 1� fi'��+ c w 1818 Lawrence St.
Gentleman- C' tx+� +ti , jn@`.vs dzG,.' - ,
,t ,b� ��- ''' j �`e�3tz Pb. Townsend Wash
F Kaia e t�+Y' June 23 1948
Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling, 36+ x 56+ and frame garage, 14+ +' ,r F >r,yo-d�.., �, a?*,'t�^ .c ,; `t, '
x 29+, on the property situate Lots 1 & 2, Block 14, Petty groveb Addition; at an C
ity Council
h i a k;ak 't c S J estimated cost of y4,000.00 for materials. Port Townsend c'Z s�.? x' r ', }��?.�^�,t git
Respectfully submitted, ' " �_i� (� }� ��v,
Xr, � ,�1 �+r Gentlemen: 4
James Thompson fr ;�ozCs
.. r We the members of the Port Townsend Ministerial Association are hereby making a reques
From bars. C. E. McCormick, to -wit: rr iti* that a loading and unlodding zone be created in the front of each church for the pur-
Kr<w�, a yr pose of leading and unloading sunday school buses.
Purt Townsend, Mash Due to the fact that there is no such zone there is considerable hazard from
July 3, 1948hM<"� C care for those who are using the bus as their means of transportation to and from j
Honorable Mayor &City Council �a church services. We feel that's desiginated zone for this purpose would be of great f
B i �4 cause.
Townsend Washin ton
bene2it in this caus
Permission is requested to build an addition, 16+ x 30+, to my dwelling, situate" �4 fJ, Rev. h. E. Walden
20th and Holcomb Sts; at an estimated cost of approximately $1,500.00 for materials.
Secretary, Treasure.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. C. E, '"cCormick a'" $ Councilman Mueller stated that matters concerning handling of traffic we're the provine
of the Police Dept. and he felt that the Chief of Police would be very willing to cooperate
From Mrsr r. Pearl Smith, to -wit:, z with the churches to solve such problems. This matter was then referred, by the Mayor,
Port Townsend, Washington to the Chief of Police. ' m � ,
Jude 30, 1948 +, '• s &• � � *i From the Pt. Townsend Chamber of Commerce, to -wit: P'
Honorable Mayor &City Cou;tcil 7 �'< -���;: July 1, 1948 ,<?
Port Townsend, -lashington
Gentlemen: i�{ ' I ! rs Port al'ownsend,ouncil Wash.
Permissions is requested to build an addition, 6+ x 7+, to my dwelling situate "'�t�, .a �"Kr,�•„1:� Gentleman:
830 Jackson St.; at an estimated cost of 0250.00 for materials. rr
5• ,r m At our last regular meeting held June 30, 1948 the members of our organization unam-
Respectfully submitted, a,.1 lously went on record as opposing the installation of parl<ing meters in Port 'Townsend. "
7Opp We feel that the instellation of such machines will bevvefgy detrimental to the ad -
Mrs. F. Pearl Smith , t' vancement of our twon.
by Lan Buchillo
Vie request that you give this matter serious consideration.
Permits granted"
Var truly ours
It wqa moved by Councilman Gleason, and seconded by Councilman Sullivan, that permits` a £ pt +
be granted in accordance with the foregoing requests. Motion carried. 3 ; rG; Adkisson
'I Y
COMMUNICATIONSInasmuch as this communication was in line with the motion passed at the last regular
k2# y,rd x"�Z session of the Council to reopen consideration upon the installation of parking metera, L ,
Vsrioua communications were resented read and acted upon as follows: " a Ma P P P g
presented, p ai ��k ke. T Mayor Anderson called for ex resaion of opinion from visitors resent. Mr. E. A. Witharid
5n++t +� Y', ,tr,�' J�• bar, hobert Lussier, Mr. Morrison and "'r. Clark Aldridge a eke in opposition stating that
B p. PP B y
From P. T. Rotary Club, to -wit: the public did not favor meters. Mr. Cheater :Irle stated that he was speaking neither for "
q „Yr or against, personally, but that business surveyshad shown the need for ready parking
June 30, 1948^` r , facilities near business eatabllahments h� that metera were a means to this endd No actio
r�ws� was taken by the Council upon this matteP.
Mr. Harry E. Anderson, Mayor ivy
City of Port Townsend +�"'+'Me`•'a `'" ''�i"{.;,
Port Townsend, Washington Al y � From Fort Worden contracting office.
Dear Mayor Anderson: ;yuKSz '� The city clerk announced receipt of a contract to provdde water for Fort Flagler, and
Y a: z r#� i s
e�a:�,� reµ; b,r•��,�,4+; stated that provisions of the contract offered had been approved by the water superintenden -
At the recent meeting of citizens called June 29th by the Rotary club, it was
f�^..,�=z ;;
decided that the most practical way to finance the constnuction of a ❑wimming pool was z'�$>>•' ,/ z, uaf>t } It was moved by Councilmen Gleason, and seconded by Cpuncilman Carroll, that the
through a tax lavg. contract be accepted by the city and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute
same. Upon rollccdll vote, all seven councilmen present feted in the affirmative and I
Inasmuch as this comes within the jurisdiction of the School Board it 1s requests
ureK ° q zmotion was declared carried.
that your group Secretary write to the School board Clerk, School District No. 50, [ "r1� � p� ; a t+ Y
c/o Mrs. Harry Brown, Port Townsend, expressing the sentiment of your group for or wvr' st4 t
against the construction of a swimming pool by the School District. fA+,,` 1 R From Aaeocn. of Wash. Cities.
.E i aY
In order to permit this to be placed on the ballot at the earliest possible 'f�+�F��'aF+rz•,`' � G „4�'� ',f bulletins of the Association of Washington Cities were acknowledged received and were
moment and to assure the completion of the pool by next summer, the letters will have Ipr,,'+, t$a7 rh ' ordered filed for reference in the office of the City Clerk.
to be consiered at the July 9th meeting of the School BoardWe urge that yyou send
a letter as soon as possible and would appreciate a copy being sent to the Robbry Club
Very truly yours,
Jtes' +tsK y 'r�} Re: Operation of 'Traffic Light.
• Port Townsend Rotary Club , �s'�'"^f +a ' '^-`�,'.r-'T�: '
t It was moved by Councilman Benedetto, and seconded by Councilman Osborne, that the
E. B. Irvine Secretary.'G z Police Dpartment be instructed to turn on the braffic light at the corner of Water & 'Taylor
' Streets, daily except Sundays and Holidays, at 9:00 A.M. and turn the same off at 6:00 P.M.
until further notice by this council.
SaS 3 J ' i