Re: Street Lights
0 ounclLman Sullivan Inquired as to the feasibility of securing more modern street
lighting for the business district, and was informed that this project had been made a part
of the city's Post -.far Planning program.
lie: Removal of Marques
Councilman Steele inquired as to whether or not there were any restrictions to prevent
the removal of n marquee, stating that he particularly had In mind the removal of the one on
the {linger 2uilding. lie was informed that there was nothirg to prevent such removal if
the owner so desires, and further discussion revealed that (viners of the property nd,jncent
to this building desired to improve the sidewalk ndjoining heir. -properties but had not,
so far, been able to secure the cooperation of this owner.
Re: Distribution of t:arrants
Councilman Carroll inquired into the matter of the distribution of warrants issued in
payment of bills, and was informed that affidavits on claim vouchers were required to be
signed before onrrnnts could be delivered to claimants and that warrants could be secured
within a fev; days of allowance of claims if claimants would appear at the office of the
City Clerk and sign such affidavits.
Re: 'theatre Licenses
Councilman 3enedetto introduced the matter of revenue cerived by the city from theatres
stating that he felt the present license fee to be insufficient, and movud that the fee be
Increased to w;100.00 per year, per theatre. Upon being inf rmed that the city received
considerable revenue also from the theatres by reason of th admission tax Levied by the
city, Councilman Benedetto withdrew his motion.
lie: Funds for Surfacing
Councilman ::ueller reported that at a meeting of vario s city officials with the
Jefferson County Commissioners, the commissioners had agreec to match city funds allocated
for bituminous surfacing, dollar for dollar as has been don in the past.
Re: City Trucks
Councilman Carroll reported that at the aforementioned meeting it had been agreed to
give title to the Bounty of Jefferson for the two carryall trucks purchased from tale U.S.
Government upon return of the 1 ton Dodge truck, so purcha ed, to the city.
Farewell and '::elcome
l,:ayor Anderson took this occasion to welcome back to the city, Yr. Jack Hierta, who
is to again represent the Leader Co.; and to bid farewell and godspeed to Mr. Dan C. Hill,
who is leaving the employ of the said company to enter the service.
Surfacing Program outlined.
,r. J. '". Lay, recently appminted City Engineer, was invited to present the program of
street surfacing vrhich had been decided upon. L:r. Lay briefly outlined the plan, verbally,
anti exhibited prints of the proposed work which were inspec ed by those present to their
'.'here being nothing further before the council torequ re their consideration, at this
time; it was moved by Councilman Carroll, and seconded by a uncilman Steele, that the
Council do now adjourn. 1:otion carried.
Attest:�����! /l
City Clerk.
Approved claims not shown in listing above.
Park Fund.
Collector of Internal Revenue let Quarter W thholding Tax $ 29.40
0.G.17.S Replacembnt Fund.
Collector of Internal Revenue let Quarter W thholding Tax
$ 85.00
A+ �r r�� ✓+ s ra�3 � 1F 5 ,i �11 �•:
r "G: ¢u' r ,•�� it �r stK Y+f�'�� +' t• ,
Port hotrnsend, Yrashington
April 17, 1945
, Fa,+',h^� The CITY COUNCIL of the City of Port Washington, nshington, met in regular session this
nlr�,t xr arz`, 17th day of April, 1945, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,
�,: ,,,+ >. + r vif t' •r>} Mayor H. E. Anderson presiding.
br 'c 7a v`t' "°�t,`•;» 'M F,•. ROLL CALL
Officers and ,•.iembers noted present upon Roll Call wore as follows: tiayor, H. E. Anderso 1
"• { +* ".r° ; :,r: City Attorney, 711. J. Daly; City Clerk, C. F. Christian; and Councilmen, J:",Ei: Carroll, Goo.
F. 1,:uoller, 11. E. Gleason, and A. Benedetto; Councilmen Dennis Sullivan and Ralph H. Steele
arrivingduring the session and Councilmen .im. Lammers Sr.excused b reason of illness.
(3 , Y s:
sy'zt.'�4'� in t j y;yr '; "3•.' �' MINUTES OF PREVIOUS SESSION
�� The minutes of the previous session were read, and approved without alteration of
correction. i
Sullivan and Steele, arrive.
r�•' x® Councilmen Dennis Sullivan and Ralph H. Steele arrived during the reading of the
minutes, and assumed their duties.
Re: Port Commission meeting.
Councilman Mueller reported that the Port Commission, at their last meeting, which was '
attended by himself, the City Clerk, and Councilman Steele, had agreed to provide the sum of w.
$900.00 for the Cityts oiling program in order that the contemplated oiling for the boat '•�
harbor might be included at this time. Able assistance to the request had been supplied by A
F rti,M1�� City Attorney Daly, and J. T. Lay, ex-officio City Engineer.
Y+ ,
City Treasurer +
4 It
The monthly report of the City Treasurer, for the month of tiarch, 19_5, gas read and ,.
3' , referred to the committee on Finance and Claims.
i .w4Ji� a 'ter t,'ater Superintendent.
•'� t.' `".','iyar,t The monthly report of the ':rater Superintendent, for the month of march, 1945, wus read
and referred to the committee on ';;afar L. Drainage.
hr, i y Mti� k: The ropont of the :;ate-' Supt., shooing flowof crater through main line meters for the }(
i}y,tyt l' q week ending April 16, 1945; and the Crown-Zellerbach meter for the :week ending April 7, 1945 s!,t
�x r% ��� x visa presented and rend and referred to the committee on Water &Drainage.
City Treasurer, Alpha Baker, reported that receipts of the I7illow Street Server Fund, to-
were $27.00. r'tf
w'nS-M a i ti�� n rG'
Y" p , +- y:1;; f�a�`hit�."5ii�iiy+�'4i{�•'�++' s .
ai ,'< ��?.,r�cz�+a`;"2ts xTs• �: 'ire & Light
Councilman Gleason reported that a survey of buildings required by ordinance to have
fire escapes, showed four buildings not in compliance therewith; and inquired as to what
action should be taken further in the matter. Z11
"K: r>y 45, r�lr .7 i• Councilman Sullivan renorted that the representative of the board of underwriters
r r5,•r,� jt����,�� ,t'. expected to visit the city, had not II3 vet arrived; but that n new plan was to be put in
effect with provision for a fire warden in each of various districts throughout the state ?
and further action might well wait upon formulation of said plan. r
Re: Horses at large. !,
Mayor Anderson stated that he had received complaints to the effect that horses running n`
���;•''. c,,,'•i'�s� ,;'iss ns. at large were damaging lawns and Cardona, and asked that the proper committees investigate
fir.-,`Ct)+ �x'"�, °v1 ",,, . this matter and the stabling of the horses.
��%} Re: Clenn-Up Day
In the matter of the proposed "clean-up day", discussed at the last meeting, Councilman
1aSullivan asked expression of opinions on the dates of t,:ay 1st to 4th. Discussion which
followed ddsclosed the fact that the date oT the Rhododendron Festival had been set for L:ay
<� "+ttt�. ttt 25th and 26th, and it visa ggreed that the most feasible dates for the clean up would be
jg 5,4, �::r S* , c, ,:ay 17th and 18th, and plans would be made accordingly.
Re: Street Lights
1,:r. Lay, city engineer, placed the matter of the placement of additional nr more power-
��.sra*`�y ¢ f ul street lighting in the business district temporarily,before those ts};�s r,,`'• E E , present f'or their
4saK�consideration; such additional or increased lighting to carry over until such time as it
ill be practical smorn as contemplated for tial tinstall a delighting s g g stem y post -tear planning.
ti,;'st�•,. fi :..ayor Anderson stated that he would take it upon himself to y�ey p go into this matter with
4 h fc "Jii"FP officials of the Puget Sound Pourer & Light Co. to determine what could be done in the
�1 atter.
. t