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I It,'li S OF ... HE RFGULAIi SL'SSION OF '1'}IE CI'1'Y COUNCIL, !,:ARCH 6, 1945# ,.i', "Wirt
YYY 55
City Attoz•ney Daly stated that this matter had been discussed with the City 'Treasurer
and Mr. Dnvisson, Ctate i:xcminor, and offered tht: information that these outstnnding - 4`
worrants totalled approximately ;;6,200.00 in principal, that necumulated interest: was now
about three times the face nmount of each warrant, and a saving of around 1.1400.00 per ,year
would be effected by calling the wnrx•ants rind thereby stopping further interest.
L:r. Uavis::on assured the Council that lie strongly rocomxnenr ded the ndoution of the a `ri;,)�«
resolution, and that a subsequent resolution providing for a loan from other funds, to 1. -r
be repaid by returns from the mandatory levy, should be adopted later, i� t
Resolution Adopted x�
It was gloved by Councilman Carroll and seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the tt
said resolution be adopted, and upon roll call vote, all sip: councilman voted "Aye" and the
motion was declared carried.'
Ylillawr Street Sewer Ordinance � ' �.CC � "
1,n ordinance fixing the rates, and providing for the collection thereof, for sewer j •k t £� � .; #}'
service within the district served by the: ,.allow Street Sawcr was presented and read
for the first reading, in full, as follows: I �
All ORDINAliCE of the City of Port Townsend fixing the rates for newer
service within a certain. area of said city, providing for �
the collection of unpaid and delinquent charges, providing
for liens therefor and the foreclosure thereof, providing
for the shutting off of water service and adopting the ;! .
provisions of Chapter 193 by reference.
Section 1: The City of Port 'Townsend owns the water system supply-
ing said city ::nth water and also owns the sever system providing sewer- {
age facilities to parts of the City of Port Yownsend. This ordinance
Such lien notice shall be recorded as prescribed by law for the record-
ing of mechanicts liens.
Section 4: The City of Port Townsend may foreclose the lien
herein granted in an action in the Superior Court for Jefferson
County, in the manner provided by Chapter 193, Laws of '!lashington,
1941, which said chapter is hereby referred to and by this reference
made a part of this ordinance.
Section. 5: As an additional and concurrent method of enforc-
ing the lien in this ordinance provided and granted, the City of '
Port Townsend may enforce said lien by cutting off the water
service from the premises to which such sewer service has been
furnished, after the chargos become delinquent and unpaid, and
until such rates and charges are paid. The right to enforce such lien
by cutting oft' and refusing water service as herein provided shall
not be exercised after two years from t}.e date of the recording
of sewerage lien notice, as in this ordinance provided, except
to enforce payment of six months' charges for which no lien
notice is required to be recorded.
Section 6: If any section, clause, or sentence of this
ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, az ch
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions
of this ordinance.
Section 7: That this ordinance be published once in the
Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect five days from
and after the date of such publication.
Passed by the City Council Larch , 1945.
Approved by the i.,ayor March , 1945.
is enacted to cover such persons and `7roperty an are served vrith both Attest:
water and sewer service within an area known and described as t."illow, ;
!rose, Scott, and Van Boss streets to Lavrronce Street' � erv—
Section 2: That all property owners within the area served by Y
the sewerage system as described in this ordinance shall connect their It wan m(ved by Council Mueller, and seconded by Councilman Carroll, that
private drains and se:•rers with such system within thirty days after a the first reading be considered as the second reading, and that the third reading
notice shall have been served upon them so to do. If, within said period y be by title only. Upon roll call vote, all six Councilmen present voted in the
they shall not have connected their private drains or private sewers affirmative and motion visa declared. carried.
wrath said systex::, the City of Port Townsend may make such connection and Third Rending and Pnssere
the cost thereof shall stand as an unpaid am: delinquent severer charge. `
Rates for monthly service charges for use and connection to such; The proposed ordinance was read, by title only, for the third rending; and it
sowrerage facility be and hereby is fired at :j1.50 per each dwelling unit, was thereupon moved by Councilman dueller, and seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the
and all bills for such sewer service are due and payable on the first {} ordinance do now pass. All sip: Councilmen present, voted in the affir mntive upon
day of each month in advance at the office of the City 'Treasurer, without roll call, and motion visa declared carried.
any notice to :erson served.
Bid Acceptance Ordinance ( Steel T'arl: &Pipe Co.)
Section 3: That the City of Port Townsend shall have a lien for; An ordinance accepting the bid of "The Steel Tank &Pipe Co., of Portland", for
delinquent and unpaid rates and charges, including interest thereon, for ' replacement of certain portions of the main water supply line, and directing the axe-
sev,er services against the premises to which the same has been furnished,
which lien shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances except cution of contract therefor, was presented and read in full for the first rending,
as follows: tares rind local and snocial assessments. Such delinquent rates t:
and charges shall bear interest at not exceeding eight per cent(8%) per k. URDI?lAllCE 110. XC
annum. Such lien shall be effective for a total not to exceed sir, months' � h
delinquent chargen 'without the necessity of any writing or recording. All ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend accepting the bid of The
In order to make such lien effective for more than six monthst charges Steel '1'anl: and Pine Company of Portland, fez• the
the City 'treasurer shr_11 cause to be filed for record in the office of ! making of certr_in' replacements to the main water
the County Auditor of Jefferson Count;;, a noti::e in substantially the r` supply line of the existing. Municipal Later 'llorks
following form: ; System of said city and directing the execution of
contract therefor.
"Sev:arage Lien liotice
City of Port Townsend i'• a� cY l'iHEREAS, under the specifications and proposal, and invitation
t�. to bidders to Perform the wovic outlined and described for the
--vs-- it t '' �'` construction of a pine line between Engineer's Station 1502 and
1575 and also between stations 16B54rid 1720 of the Big Quilcene
Reputed Ownery %,-- River Extension Project as now on file in the office of the City
1 Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, it was provided that "The
Notice is hereby given that the City of Port Townsend has and claims City of Port Tow;::send reserves the right to re ect any or all
a lien for serrer charges against the following described premises, situated � �` bids, and to waive informality in bids received, as it deenm it
in Jefferson County, ',.naixingto::, to -writ: to be for the interest of the City of fort To::nsenC, so to do",
as and,
('acre insert legal description of premises) 't� ';;gi;•I;E/.,g, after the opening of said bids it appeared to the City
Said lien is clais.cd fo:' not exceeding sir. months such charges x.
Council of the City of Port To:•:nsend, with consent of the lessee
�'I corporation on said venter 1_r:e (which said lessee is obligated
and interest now: delinquent, amounting to j , and is also t' ' clai::.ed for future zwaerago chartes against sa a prom ses. { , to nay the coat thereof) that the construction o= said line
1'., be of steel pine of type as specified in said proposal, as amended,
Plated and,
_ "r1IL EAS, The Steel 'Dank and Pipe Company of Portland, a
City of Port Townsend corporation, has submitted a bid which, .in the opinion: of tlxe
it {•'� City Council oi' the City of Port 'Tow:nsend, and said lessee corpor-
BY I'!' atior., is for the best interest of said city and should be
Said lien notice shall be signed by the City Treasurer or City accepted, now therefore,
Clerl: or other official in charge of the administration of such utility.
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