HomeMy WebLinkAbout00098 Minutes of Regular Session, October 7, 1941, continued. ti Minutes o£ Regular Session October 7, 1941, continued. _ z11
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Minutes of Regular Session, October 7, 1941, continued. ti Minutes o£ Regular Session October 7, 1941, continued. _ z1
of 1
3rd Reading and Passage
Recess ; " -
1 `. The proposed Ordinance was read by title only for the 3rd reading whereupon it visa t:
It tuns moved by councilman Carroll and seconded by councilman Brown that Che council do ,
)r ' moved by councilman Maroldo 'and seconded by councilman Brown that the Ordinance do now pass
recess at this time (8:30P.L:.) for ❑ short period. Liotion carried, i. Upon roll call vote, all five councilmen voted in the affirmative and motion was declared �0 .
ORDINANCE 110. 1133
The City Council reconvened in regular session at 9:10 otclock P.M. and upon roll call
the following officers and members were noted present: Mayor H. E. Anderson, City Clerk,f' '4 All ORDIVAIICE fixing and adopting a budget for the Plater Department of the City of
C. F. Christian; City Attorney, iP. J. Daly and councilmen, Robt, w. Brown, Wm. Lammers, Sr., Port Townsend for the year 1942.
Dennis Sullivan, J. Li. Carroll, '3. B. Cornett and J. F. Maroldo, +3 i� l The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: (f
Thompson Sales and Service Co. Bid Accepted, fja� Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is hereby
fixed f
T, xed and -adopted for the '3ater Department for the City of Port Townsend, for the
It erns moved by Councilman Cornett and seconded by councilman Maroldo that the lowest y4. year 1942, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes compris-
bid tendered, namely that of Thompson Sales and Service Co, be accepted and that installs- ,+ W ® Sng the whole of said budget, to -writ:
tion proceed. at the earliest possible opportunity. Upon Roll Call vote, all six councilmen f art Salaries and ;;ages $6;970.00
present voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried. Operation and Maintenance 6,335.00
RECESS �` ofCapital +" ,420.00
Reduction uofaDebt (Open Account) ?d'375.00 1-'
It was moved by councilman Brown and seconded by councilman Lammers that the council do d t ® Interest and Bond Redemption 46,900.00
recess until 6:15 o'clock P.M. October 8, 1941 in order that the city Attorney might have A „+
sufficient time to prepare proper Ordinances convening the Budgets for the year, 1942 so Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader
that said Ordinances could be passed by the council at this session. Motion carried. ° �u = and to be in force and take effect as provided by law, '
RECONVE.`'Ell � PASSED by the City Council October 8, 1941
_ r g• nkNlr: APPROVED by the Mayor October 8, 1941.
The City Council reconvened in regular session at6:15 o'clock P.M. this Sth day of Oct.,
941 in the council chambers of the city hall, Lfayor H. E. Anderson presiding. ;� k4 I' H. E. Anderson
ROLL CALL rh'' ' es ' Mayor
Officers and members answering present to roll call were as follows: Mayor H. B. An- �
derson, city Attorney, 71. J. Daly, City Clerk, C. F. Christian and councilmen, Robt. 11. - C. F. Christian, City Clerk
Brown, Plm. Lamers, Sr., ',P. B. Cornett, J. F. Maroldo, councilmen J. M. Carroll arriving ^ +crL (t
later in the session.<t,
`«r The proposed Ordinance as above was read in full for the first reading whereupon it
Re: 011 Heater Installation was moved by councilman Lammers and seconded by councilman Carroll that the first reading
-, be by title only. Upon roll call vote, all five councilmen present voted in the affirmative
and motion was declared carried.
It was moved by councilman Lammers and seconded by councilman Cornett that the City r
hater Superintendent be authorized and instructed to proceed with the purchase and installs- �F, '• �'i`^ 3rd Reading and Passage -
tion of the necessary stove oil storage tank and main supply line and act as supervisor for
the city in the installation of the heaters by the bidder. Installation of main supply , The Ordinance was then read by title only for the third reading and it was thereupon
system to be black iron in so far'as possible. Motion carried. �, �moved by councilman L:aroldo and seconded by councilman Carroll that the Ordinance do now
Councilman Carroll Arrives 3 pass. Upon roll call vote, all five councilmen present voted in the affirmative and me-
� tv tion was declared carried,
place0innthe meeting
arrived in the council chambers at this time and assumed his proper ORDINANCE '40. 1134
L, w All ORDIIWICE making and fixing the tax levy for the City of Port Townsend for taxes
URDZ:;AIICES A:� RESOLE=I01I5 �'' n€-. tiY"' -
f� for the year 1942,
The order of business reverted to that of Ordinances and Resolutions at this time by �4r{ The City Council. of theC'ty of Port Tovrnsend do ordain as follows:
order of the Mayor and the following Ordinances were presented, read and acted upon as follo',s: � Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all taxable property in the city of
ti f Port Townsend, Ptashington, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the
different purpo
ORDINANCE 110. 1132 sea herein designated, for the year 1942, and the rate of taxation upon the F
AR ORDINANCE fixing and adopting the official budget for the City of Port Townsend, Sr+ q
r� dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such purposes is as follows:
for the year 1942. �+
First: For the unyment of current expenses and for the Current Expenses Fund,
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows:. 2 the sum of $8,576.33, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 9:00 mills
on the dollar.
Section. 1. That the following be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted � 1� ,: Fx��
as the official budget for the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1942, for taxation �r , a Second: For the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the Library Fund,
purposes, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprisin
the sum of $1,905.85, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fired at 2.00
the whole of said budget, to -wit: g g ��,iM r s;j r ;, mills on the dollar.
Salaries and gages $27;060.00 �- Fa. N j Third: For the purpose of maintaining a public nark and for the Park Fund, the
It r 1 +® sum of 952.93, and the rate of tar levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills
Operation and Maintenance 13,743.66 ��
Capital Outlay 8,255,00 °E,' s on the dollar.
Interest and Bond Redemption 10,005.71
t,r N Fourth: For the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the City,
Section 2. T, at this ordinate be published once in the Port Townsend Leader 'r{ ,v and for the City Street Fund, the sum of 2,858.78, and the rate of tax levy for said pun -
and to be in force and take effect as provided by law. ' pose is hereby fixed at 3.00 mills on the dollar. l
PASSED by the City Council October 8, 1941. I1 Fifth: For tine payment of interest' on bonds and forbondredemption 1911 Refund
APPROVED by the Mayor, October 8, 1941. - � ;f, �. ,� Bonds and Interest Fund, the sum of .ai,905,85, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is `r
thereby fixed- at- 0.00 mills on tt:c dollar.
H. E. Anderson _�.,
Mayor 6 Sixth: For tl:e payment of intercat on bonds and bond redemption, General Indebt-
_ ❑dness 1931 -;rater Bond and Interest Fund, the sum of ;j476.46, and the rate of tax levy for
Attest: said purpose is hereby fixed at 0.50 mills on the dollar,
C. F. Christian, City Clerk "- { fi rr"s i� Seventh: For the payment of indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend 1Cnowrn as
z the Indebtedness Fund", the sum of :j7,623.40, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is t
The foregoing proposed Ordinance visa read in full for the first reading whereupon it r,� ' �,y I hereby fixed at 8.00 mills on the dollar.
was moved by councilman. Brown and seconded by councilman Carroll that the first reading be
considered the second reading End that the third readin" be by title only. Upon roll call 1 ."Y. ' " Section 2. That the Lsyor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and
vote, all five councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion was declared carried, s:• aaK directed to certify to the County Assessor and to the County aa0+ n PP Jeffeson County,
„asirinEton, the foregoing tax levy of said City.
Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to
f as, take effect and be in force as provided by law.
ry 5
�T �'�` ` ` •�?w,,,�, PASSEDby the City Council October 8, 1941 AP'PRO;T_D by the :Moyer October 8, 1941.
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