HomeMy WebLinkAbout00053 Session for !larch 16, 1941, continued.I 98 1,:inutes of Regular Session for !larch 16, 1941, continued. I,iay we wort respectfully draw your attention to tihe following existing state of facts, the correction of which we feel comes within the police power of this city, At ti•e corner of Clay and Scott Strcets, 1.:r. Buhler has erected a nine -foot fence. Ile stat-s that tlhis is for the purpose of protecting 1113 garden, but we do not understand why such an extreme height is necessary so to do. 'l2his structure is unsightly, adds another unpainted object to the city scenery at a time 'alien the rest of us are engaged rather in beautifying and improving our tuvm. Further, it cuts off cntirel;,* all scenic portions of our view --and it is for views that our town should be most noted. Your attention to and correction of this condition would be an act of ouol_c benefit and lic+s well wit'nin, ere feel, your civic duty as public officers. Sincerely yours, :.a•. and ldrs, H. P. Nielson. This communication was referred to the Street Committee i'or consideration and recommendation at the next regular session. Re: Taft Strtet Opening, to -wit: port Townsend, ash. !larch 16, 1941 To the Honorable ;la.tor and City Council: port To••^send, ',lash. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, owners of all property abutting on Taft Street between hadison and ilonroe and residents thereon, wish to submit our objections to cutting of the trees and grading of the above part of Taft Street for the following reasons:- 1. i:'e consider that the grading of t'.'is part of the s11reet will be an unnecessary expense for the city as there are ample and convenient streets to handle all traffic. 2. That the removal of the trees and grading of this part of the street will, in our opinion, depreciate our property. The native shrubbery is one thing that makes I,organ Hill a desirable place to live and one reason why '::e built there. 3. The street will be to steep for traffic without heavy grading. Vie have no objection to work on other parts of the street. Very truly, Ray S. Crist John C. Phillips Earl 71. Helander This communication was referred to the Street Committee for consideration. From A. Clemens Grady A letter from A. Clemens Grad-, 0. airman of the ..rmy-:iavy Y.i;:.C.A. of Port Townsend, in accord= ce t.ith the request of the Zayor to i;;r. Grady to put in letter form the matter brought before the Council at the last regular session, was presented and read as follows: Port Townsend, l'iashi_gton ;March 11, 1941 To the Honorable Liayor and the 1.:embers of the Ci`„7 Council: port Tv.,;nsend, 6'asr:ington The Y. 1Z. C. A. has been organized in Port 'lbe+nsend with a personnel comprised of a Committee of local business men and a representative of the Y. il. C. A. in the person of a trained salaried executive secretary who is to be on duty at the Organizationts head- quarters. However, up to the present, only temporary quarters have bec:i obtained through the local School Board in th.. Old High School BuiJ.dirg, and in view of the enormity of the project of servicemen's recreational facilities, it is urgent that some permanent location be secured before it is feasible to launch and handle any adequate program along this line. 71ith the: old HigIn School Building availabL- and ready for occupancy, that would appear to be an ideal opportunity to solve two very urgent needs of the community, that is, for it to serve the dual purpose of a civic community center and also provide space for housing the "Y" to handle the recreational requirements for the Armed Forces stationed in this territory. v r � - S- - a o indicated local Executive �cr„t r for the _.E:.C.A. lino ind c ..d his r:illin Hess :,ir. Gi_ fen t. 0 1 Ex to cooperate in any manner possible to further not only the "Y" program but anything of community interest as well, a:,d u.doubtedly some arrangement could be worked out to eliminate the necessity of an attendant in the smplw., of the cii.y. '17e, of the Y.:,:,C,A. Co:.u..ittec therefore, petition that the City Council take favorable action on this measure to talce over the Building for community purposes and at the same t: allocate a portion Hereof for the Y.:d.C,A, headquarters. A. Clemens Grady, Chairman Army a Navy Y.II.C.A. of Port Townsend This communication was ordered filed for future reference. �i 4 g� 7 rA 4 n 99 F om Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce, to-17it: Port Townsend, 17asihington March 6, 1941 honorable I6ayor and City Council, Port 'Tor:•ns�-nd, !'cash. Gentlemen: This Chamber wishes to thank you for your courteous consideration of the rem est Made by our representative A.C.Grady, at a recent meeting of your honorable body. His request ;as that the City taste over the old Central School property and conduct it as a community center, which would be very advantageous to our entire population. We are unanimously in favor of this proposition and trust you will take favorable action on the :natter as presented by our 1,1^. Grady. It was suggested that this Char.:ber address a communication to the Park Board and ascertain their attitude towards the project. 17t have sent such a letter to the Park Board and trust their attitude will prove favorable. If there is anything further we can do to further this project, please let us Imow. Very respectfully yours, Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce By Jas. G. I.;cCurdy Secretary Fgom Jas. G. L:cCurdy, to -wit: Port Townsend, mash. :=arch 10, 1941. Honorable Iisyor and City Council, Port Tow::send, Wash. Gentlemen: I would respectfully petition that a light be installed at the junction of Taylor and Taft Streets. This is an important junction and is a dangerous corner at the approach to "'organ dill. 'M-.en I first moved to this location, about thirty years ago, there was a light on this corner, but it was taken away and placed elsewhere; I would appreciate very much if it were replaced. TL•anking you for your ]rind consideration, I remain, Very respectfully, Jas. G. hcCurdy This communisation was referred to the Fi_•e and Light Committee for their consideration From State Dent. of Health A copy of a letter from the State Dept. of Health, Division of Public Health Engineers, to l7illiam and Steve Bishop, Chimacum, l';ashington, a cony of which had been sent Dr. L.E. H1 Foster, ealth Officer, and of :hich Dr. roster h.d promised the City Council a cop;, was presented and read and ordered filed. From Dept. of Highways A regular form letter of the Dept. of Highways showing this city's January kllotment of Gas Tax funds to be N661.69, was read and ordered filed., From Assoc. of hash. Cities The City Clerk ackno:rledced receipt of various bulletins from the Assoc. of hash. Cities and stated that same would be on file in the City Cleric's office, available to anyone wishing to read seine. tFiFI1;IS D A D 15.^.,7 BDSL;ESS Recess It was moved by Councilman Brown and seconded by Council -man Karoldo, that; the City Council recess at this time (6:00 o'clock, P.I;i.) for a short period. Motion carried. Reconvened The City* Council reconvened in regular session at 6:30 o'clock, p.i., and upon Roll Cal_ officers and members were noted present as follows: ;.ay -or H. z. Anderson, City Attorney X. J. Daly, City oltrk, C. F. Christian, and Councilman J. Ilaroldo, Robt. W. 3-own, 7m. Lammers, Sr., and 1.7. D. Cornett. Re: Fort 17orden Access Hoed It was moved by Councilman 3ro;:n, and seconded by Councilman Cornett, that tile city's contribution to Fort 17orden-Cherry Street Improvement be the amount of cast-iron pipe } f :tt , I O