HomeMy WebLinkAbout00297 MINUTES OF TIE PREVIOUS SESS'.iONi C1 'i 61IIIUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 19, 1965 c t(bor 19 , Port Townsond, Washington Tno City Council of the City of Port Townsend, '.lashington met in regular session this 19t day of October 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambors or the City Ball. Mayor Sullivan presiding. ROLL CALL officers and mombers present were as follows: Mayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham, Cit Clork Youngblood, Councilmen Lindsey, Siobonbaum, Ruby, Hoglund and Judy. Councilmen Carter end Councilmen Thomas absont. MINUTES OF TIE PREVIOUS SESS'.iON The minutes of the previous session woro road in full and it wen moved by Councilmen Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes be approved as road and thut the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. BUILDING PE11f4ITS The following building permits worn presented and acted upon as follows: Ed Hansen, ilouso Sol X381, Frane, 15th & Sheridan Lot 1&2, Eisenbois Addn. ?12,000.00. Join A. T_'.lndonship, Additi on to home, 121X241, Framo l6th & Kuhn, Qe600.00. Prank :S. Samuelson, Carport, 241X201, Framo 1407 Quincy '300.00. G. J. Thompson, Cnrport, 12t X201, Frame, 1163 Blaino, 1.1160.60. Williinn'Icnodetto, Drive -in -restaurant, Frame, W:itor &Benton, y;12,000.00. it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Sicbenboum that the building permits be grantod, i+lotion carried. CO::i'.dUNICATIONS The following communications were read and acted upon as follows: Prom office of the Police Department - October 18, 1965 - to -wit: Loren J. Ilorthup 424 F St. Port Townsond, aashington Dear Loren: In compliance with Chnober 41.44 of the Revised Code of Jashington, section 41.44.140, paragraph t::roo (3), pertaining to the statewido city employees retirement systom you are hereby notified effectibo December 31, 1965, you shell be retired forthwith from the Police Depurtmont of the City of Port Townsond, Wadiington. It would be to your interest that you apply for retirement benefits at lonst thirty (30) days prior to effoctive retirement date. Yours truly, E. L. Phogloy Chief, Port Townsend Police Dept. Cit,,• Attorney Abraham informed the council that this is a compulsory rotirement. Under'I irhiform'personnal'in"thet,Sashin'teh"Cities-Rotirement--Sinteml whbriva''pol3coman"redches the anc of 55 Ire Ills to retire, lie snid that the Civil Sorvico Coimmission land mot last week and adopted a civil service regulation in line with the Stnto Wide Cities Retirement System. From Port Townsond Public Schools. Oct. 5, 1965 - to -wit: The honorable Dennis Sullivan ;.Inyor of the City of Port Townsend City hall Port Townsend, :.'ashington Dear I.fayor Sullivan: At the regular mooting of the ➢oard of Directors of Port Townsend School District No. 50 hold October 4, 1965, the Board decided to retain possessinn of the ll�Creation Center for nossible future use by the district. Indications •.re that a number of citizens of the community feel that the school district should determine the true sentiments of the public before making any move to dispose of the Recreation Center. hank you for our interest in this matter. Sire erely, Marilin Rose, Clerk Board of Directors Port Townsend School District #50 Prom Roy J. ➢orgstrom, Port Townsend, Wn. August 7, 1965 - to -wit: Momhera of City Council Port Townsend, '67n. Gentlemen: Soars ::fail order office here in town hun again brought in a van load of retail mcrchandiso for ❑ three day sale (cony of their ad in the Port Townsend Leader is attached). Tiffin tacti I believe comas under unfair compotition inasmuch as they are not sot up as a retail oxtabi and consoquontly are not subject to the merchandise inventory tax which all other retail ostabliohmcnts in tine city now must pay. Purchnsors of their merchandise are onriching the coif ors of King County w o levy the tax on their stock in Seattle. After this sale is over whet is loft is snipped back to Seattle and they art�e r. back in the mail order business ngain. yearly`-oiisinossi licenseiandedesignaatorrnsy�;�poeogtirbusinessrtheysiiill con andyrb�q raro R t_ MI id L4 i h1IlTM,S OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 19, 1965 CONTINUED THAT THEY ADHERL TO THIS. Also in this ordinance it would be required that all businesses pay a business tax based on yearly gross sales whother it be retail or mail order. This would provide sufficont funds for the city to operate efficiently and givo.us the services vie need. Sincerely Roy J. Bergstrom ➢ergstrom's 1042 Water Street Port Townsond, Washington STREET LIGHT REQUEST Sept. 29, 1965 We, the undoraigndd, request that a city street light be installed on the street running in "rent of the San Juan Baptist I+iission and to the back of the SanJuan Grovory: South side of Block 7, in the littlefiold addition. By - Mirs Alison Galen, Mrs Charles N. Edwar+ Mrs Beulah Senior, airs Judy Porkins, Mr Owen Porter, C.P. Van Frank, inyrl R. Woodwnrd, C. H. :!ack, Etrs Marjorie Baker, Frances C Woodward, Lyrl F. Woodward, Helen J. Woodward, , Robert E. John, Larry a Eliiott, Beverly A. E'iliott, Sharon Dunn, Denny Dunn, Viola Rowzor, Ira B. Rowzer, Edwin C. Nall Sr., CmEdogrds, ?.Ira Audria Van Frank, I,lr & Mrs A. Gal, Ray L. Hopper, Frank Porter. Mayor Sullivan referred the request to the Fire & Light Committee. Councilman Ruby said that he. had talked to tl:e people and had told them not to expect a lig:�t until after the first of the year but felt they she ld have their request in early. Councilman Judy, Chairman of the Fire & Light Committeo said that -lie had invostigated the location for the light and said that there was a need for one but. it could not be put in this year. NEV & OLD BUSIIIESS City Attorney Abraham reported that Ron Mayo, Consulting Engineer for Cary & Cramer, had called him and l:ointod out that one of the plans for the proposed sewago treatment plant w envolvo in acquiring two acres of what is now For 17orden pronorty. lie said that Mr Mayo had boon in contact with the State Parks and Recreation Coinminnion who are in the process of buyin this land from General Sorvic;a Adminstration, and they indicated in a letter thu they would be willing to part with the two acres but in order to do that via mould In ve to write to them and mako a formal requost for the land and than they will kick It on back to General Services vino will then dlfM carve the two acres of land out of the sale and me it available to the city. Attorney Abraham said that what he would like to have done is t have a motion authorizing him to roquest by lhtter to the Parks L Recreation Commission to release the two acres to be sold to the City of Port Townsend for a sewngo treatment plant Councilman Siobonbaum made a motion seconded by Councilman Rube that the City Attorney be authorized to go ahead an make arrangomonts to acquire the two acres of land. Motion carried. Yn.:yer Sullivan again reminded the council and .officials of a LD0ti1ieat1flg.-which.willrr§e hold'att:the:Surj3;Chf.e,;at 7:30 pm on the 26th of Oct. lie also urgod all supervisors to attend. He also asked !,lr Tom Camfiold aE the Port Townsend Loader and Mr Jerry Simpson of the Port Angles nows to attend. Councilman Judy said that he had visited Mr Max Boo who recently had a fire at his place i:ir Boo complimented the fired depurtmont, saying they woro at his home in no time, they cane in, covered ovurything and it was the most efficient thing they had over soon perform in taking care of the fire. Mr Bonzo Delon said that tno forth com•nIng election on liov. 2nd was very important, it we going to cost the county and city money to hold the election and would like to ask the permission of the council to take the fire trucks on Iiov. 2nd with appropriate signs on them and try to stir up onourh interest in the community so to got them out to vote that it would take 900 or more to validato the election. It. visa moved by Councilman Rub., necon by Councilman Judy that Mr. Doloos request be grantod. Motion carried. Councilman Ruby mentioned thutbsoina city eiiployoes would be rotiring the first of the ye and that tho city should show some gesture of appreciation to bho employees for theio long service to the city. ADJGURilnfi: NT As there visa no further business to come before the council at this time it visa moved by Councilman Siobonbaum seconded by Councilman Judy that the mooting do now adjourn. hSotion carried. I fIanvoR_1C(� i