HomeMy WebLinkAbout00289 minutes of the ur avious session were read in full ;and it was moved by Councilmanr,.'
•'T if'i"_L i "•T., ITIIT _
1T.V 90 10rrl-
July 20, 1965
Port Townsend, 1".ashin;ton
T11e City Council of the City of Port Townsend :set in regular session this 20tu day of
duly 1p65 at 7:30 p.n. in the council chambers of the City Hall. i+7ayor Sullivan presiding.
Officers and-o.ib-_rs present were as follows: l:ayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham,
City Clor}; Your blood, Councilmen Judy, Hoglund, Ruby, Siobenbaun, Lindsay, Carter.
COuinchnan Thomas absent.
The minutes of the ur avious session were read in full ;and it was moved by Councilman
Lindsey sec:ndea by Councilman ruby that the minutes be approved as road and that the Yayo•
and City Clerk si,-n same. :otion carried.
The following, building pernits were presented and acted upon as follows:
} ovenak Re -roof, 319 VanBu on, _ot-Tar-Roof, r500.00.
?ear•, J. ::oars, Storale Puildir„ 24'X24', Frame, castings Ave. & Howard St., y500.00.
Fred ::oadors, Addit•i'n to 'lone, 141X001, Frame, 114 F. St. f�1,500.00.
71 was -awed by Councilman Siebenbauha seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the building
permits be Granted. :,:oti,n granted
C' r:'1TICAiIOits
Fran c, ar :`.c flan to -wit July 12, 1965
To the ay Or
r:6nbers cf the Council
Dear Sirs:
Z ._m in ".he process of securing proper insurance for Key City Lanes, Both my insurance agent
and t.,-- state insurance inspector '..:_o checked the promises reco:lrended afire hydrant near lr
bu_ir:. -_an t:ea one adjacent to Sims .lay wl.ich is now 'Wha nearest ogle. The State
inspector reco^_-ended that one be 'lace on hlenrney Street at the Northwest cornet` of the
pro `, near ti frame structure lccatnd adjacant to the alley.
latt•er to be c.lnsidered r: 1.atiti n for such a hydrant. Z would ?cope th
the City would consider the installation of such r. hydrant .vs an i.:,orovc-ant to the Citys
fire protecti,,n services to its business community and .culd therefore handle it from
re'uln' cit': fuluds; Out, if t^is could not oe done, I wo.ld be willing to Day for the
- aerials rccu:ired sir:ce it wo.Id mean a substantial savin-s in ny insurance fens over a
period of yenrs. ._,,.:aver, to receive the reduced rate, the h:;dra ::o21 d he 0 to be
'nstalled in .h very near future.
I =One -Ou can uva tills natter -our enrlies consideration and I assure -,,oil that an affir-
ma�i'.'^. res:.once ro-.ld be most appreciated.
Thal]r ::ou.
3dgar �. ;:c'iinn
::ayor Siollivan ref erred the cormunicatiOn to t.'.e water con._mittee for a report at the
next rclrr session.
i^:: .c OI.L BUSIN=S
Ordinance 7o::i472 duly'incorporated in the minutes of the last previous session was
brought up for pnssa e or rejecticn. It was roved b Councilman Siobenbaun seconded by
Councilman Lin soy that 6he first reading Of Ord. 77o. 1472 be considered the second readin
and the third reaein, be by title only. lotion carried. Ord. 7.1o. 1472 was read again by
title only :nd it was no -,,ad by Councilman LLnusey seconded by Councilman F_o lund that
Ord. iic. 1472 o no -ass. l+;otion carried.
'Fay or Sullivan ol.. t`e council that there would be a meeting held Thursday the 29th on
tic seu:cr treatment plant and asked all councilmen to be present.
.ayor Sullivan. reminded the council t7'_::t there would be a L.D.G,;: held in Port Tovmsend
October 29th and ur ed all councilmen and officials to attend.
Councilman Lindsey raid t_:at ha had checked on the request for vacating the rort_on of
Soso Street =n between the South: i o r-dary of T Street and the '.forth boundary of S
Street :e made a-'oticn seconded by Co-.mcil:nnn Judy that a public hearing be hold on
the re - on on the 7t' day of Sept. ::oticn carried.
^_he s�- j,.t Of _:a recrent'_On enter to be ut"lizcd as a city hall was again brought up
and aft r sxac disuussior it was the opinion of the council to have the city clerk contact
':r Gail Stuart on the urc::ase price of the buildin,,^, and to have a report at the next
regular sess5on.
7ayor Sullivan intro duced ':.r. :ud 'Kinsley a re;resentative of the 'ool: Publishing Co. fro
seettlo. }Jager Sual,van asked :'r 7;irsley to c:vmlain to the council the advantages of
^ codify• tihc city's ordinances. A film was shor.n.to illustrate details of such a projec'
and tacncounca wns also told the• cost would be between 3,500. and 4,000. and a
suataining cost of arour_d 500. a year. ;-.ft:;r some further discussion it was roved by
Councilman Judy seconded by Co:hhcilman iuby that the Book Publishing Co. send a proposal
to tho city. ::otion carried.
i inte
JO]IDaOn TL70 resides near t33 irtCraCCt1CII Of rims '.lay and Shor_uan Ave, po
ut to the council "na traffic problems i volved where Sheridan Ave. enters onto the high
,.;r Jo.:nson was infericed by city on-ir_cer Jech-er that the city ]has been in contact with th
state n 'nfey cpartmsnt regarding th.:t particular intersection.
Councilman Judy rer'orted to the council on a tour that he took to tre wnshin_ton correct
center near Shelton.
As there vms no further busin^.ss to co before the council at this time it was moved by
Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Siobenbaun that the meeting do now adjourn. ]dot
' •.>i rh Gk4 µ 1�' i{ .iity
August 3, 1965
„ Port Townsend, Washington
The City Council of the City of Port Townsond met in regular session this 3rd day of
August, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City hall. '.ayor Sullivan presidi ;.
Officers and membors present were as follows: 11ayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham,
City Clerk Youngblood, Councilman Judy, Hoglund, Siobenbaum, Lindsoy, Carter.
Councilmen Thomas and Ruby absent.
Councilman Lindsey made a motion to dispense with the reading of the :minutes in order
to allow more time for opening the bids. Seconded by Councilman Judy. Lotion carried.
� a ,
Councilman Siebonbaum made a :motion, seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the bids for
immprovemont of Sheridan and 19th Streets be opened at this time. MRtion carried.
� r
ij Bids submitted were as follows:
- J. D. Shhotwill Co., Tacoma, ;:ash. ej 92,560.50
i Excavators, Inc., Konmorc, ':nsh. 116,357.00
I� Bass Construction Co., Inc., Seattle, 17as7h. 92,107.35
jF After the rending of the bids, City engineer Ed Bockor stated that since all the bids
(I ;:ore for more than the acceptable 10;'5 in excess of the city's estimate and since only
t62,000.00 is available for the job in the special arterial highway fund created by state
i tax revenues and city matching funds, that it uDuld be impossible to award the bid at this
I! time. it was roved by Councilman Judy and seconded by Councilman Siobenbauum that the bids
�. be tabled. C:otion carried.
Pre following bills and claims audited by the Finance Committee were presented and
acted upon as follows:
CiP:?.::T Z?ENSE FUND Voucher :7o. 3306 through 3367 .18,283.35
,- 'HATER 71TUD Voucher l:o. 9^3 through 100E 2,188.60
STREET 7 u'dD Voucher '_'o. 636 through 647 1,4S1.34
i; GARPAen Fb!D Voucher No. 576 through 584 1,484.19
LIBRARY :ui:D Voucher ::o. 721 through 733 172.46
M P.i. "sUM Voucher No. 422 through 436 597.17
37.:ZR FI771D Voucher !To. 327 through 332 99.35
ORD. NU. 1321 `Joac,,er i:o. 206 through 207 5,891.53
^m S?YC:,:AL ART,�RZAL 3I 11.:AY 71T7D Voucher lie. 1 through 3 91.53
'.�•. "" It pas moved by Councilman 'Hoglund, seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and
�' claims be approved as road mad tnet the :7ayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the
j p_ roper funds for payment of sama. :,otion carried.
City Clerl:
The City Clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the month of July 1965.
Voucher I.e. 328C' through 3305 'A,210.26
`.il:r' R - UM, Voucher :io. 987 through 992 1,663.92
STR -! FIUD Voucher :o. 632 through 635 1,103.47
GARBAGE 7171D Voucher 'To. 570 t7lroth h 575 2,006.79
LIBRARY FU'..D Voucher lio. 716 through 720 385.99
Plv? ; -L: D Voucher ;:o. 421 263.49
�i , *•, � SZ..2R -:::.D _ 'toucher No. 326 344.18
^'S1=';IS P-_LI� J:'r�::S107:: Ji^D Voucher :io. 85 and 66 275.00
�'VS.�.7'LLti• tk[ � t9. ..
+((,,'^.r>�„•x?",� Treasurer
s 4.-....Y '- 10
'lino treasurer's report was read for the ::ontiu of July, _..65, and was ordered flied.
li"'�•Ltl'�''."ty4'1i., AOl1Ce
The police report was read for the month of July, 1^65 and was ordered filed.
3UZ1iiIilG i R':T^_S
�`�.'x �',_•,?-•�t.�xH � ..no following building par -fits ware presented and acted upon as follows:
=h' + -ron Thticy, Addition to hone, 57th :c ::ill, 3,000.00
J. 0. Pierce, Chicken house, 17tih c Sherican,_.%100.'''0
3eneral 'tick, Fence, 55th L Jacic-an Sts., ` 100.R:+0
a, 4
yd' y�;'irl ��, #�, a h.cs -:oved by Comhcil•^an Siebenbaum, seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the building
permits be granted. :otion carried.
n cerr•ied. =>
_._... ..... _.. _. "' :T.ta•L. fx r •. ..;N«,u..�.nrr:3Nf.:'?. a•.: f. .n x<,>4. �.:as i; .7 ..r.,+.-:.'..w.-• . n: ..=t...kl - s