HomeMy WebLinkAbout00276 SESSION OF FEBRIJARY 2. l9fn
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U' 2ESSIO V i V , a
w Subject: The placing of Ston Sinrns y .
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Due to steady incronse in traffic and traffic accidents on city streets in past years and — �• ' 5•,,F t`i"s°' 'a
' foreseeing a increase in comin; yonrs, request that step singns be erected on all streets
on on to the following stracts:
Sheridan Ave from :+tnto IkiSluray 113 to khnittila Avo. All of San Juan Avo. All of 19th at. iawAll
All of F St. All of Vinshington St. All of Lawronco St. All of Fir St. Ionroe St from
�- Vlntor St. to Roosevelt St. All of Harrison St. All of T♦flor St. All of Hastings Ave. All ��; Uv �'�'��f�4�•H�A-
of Discovery Road. All of 49th St. All of Walkor St. All of Cherry St. Jackson St. From
Roosevolt to Rood St. All of Roosevelt St. All of Koarnoy St. All of McPherson Ave. All Vlq tier St.
Respectively yours,
E.L. Phogloy
Clhiof 01, Police
Port Townsend, Washington
Mayor Sullivan rofdnred the request to tho Street Cbm:hittee.
From Arthur Garrott, 429 Harrison, Port Townsend, Yin. to -wit:
January 22, 1965
Port Townsend City Council
Port Towmsond, Vinshington
A few i:undrod years, ago when the Dutch came to what is now Now York City, they led the natives
to believe their land wasn't worth much. Vlhon they gat ghrough with their salesmanship and
their relations woutines, they had all of t.tanhattan Island for 04 worth of beads.
;tow the City of Port Townsend is asked to rive away the use of numerous streets including
Polk and Fillmoro Streets from ,later to Front Streets, which in themselves are among the most
valuable :;iecos of water front in Jefferson County - for not oven f24 worth of beads.
Snonninr Centers Don't Heed Streets
It isn't necessary to -ive away Polk and Fillmore Streets or Front Street to have a shopping
center. E ch of the three blocks facing hater Street has an area of around 40,000 square fecb,
over twice the 15,000 square feet :mentioned as desirable for the large chain store involved.
:he three blocks torother without including the streets have an area of around 120,000 squaw
feet, or Oita times the 15,000 fact ranuired by the chain store. In the three blocks facing
w-ter Street there is room for six 15,000 Squnre feet Super Markets, each with a 33 1/3
reserve of space or 5,000 square foot, for future oxnanszon without iving away the streets.
1 It is said that the streets are necessary to provide customer parking. Cfnon our local bank
i built a drive-in branch and needed customer parking, I don't believe it asked the City Count
to vacate Adams Strout or a portion of Snshington Street. There can be no objection to the
use of Fillmore and rolk Streets for the public to go to and from customer parking; on private
pronorty in the new, shopping center. But you don't have to vacate these streets for such use
City 3hotki ikot Aid Ono ..Ierchant and Not Others
T:,is brin-s up the nuostion of the propriety of the City Council in aiding one merchant's
customer narlanr ,without aiding the customer narkirr of other merchants. If the City should
vacate Fillmore and Polk Streets to aid the customer narking in the now shopping center, why
shouldn't it vacate Taylor and Adams Streets to aid the customer parking requirements of the
".erchants in tint area? .flint will happen to the parking meters? If the City vacates streets
to provide free parking for the customers of the new shopping center, why should it renuire
arkin•_; :meter contrlbutions from customers of other merchants who nark in front of their sto s?
Unused City Streets Are ]lot Useless
There are times that many city streets are not in use like some of the extra bedrooms in
peoples houses. :.:ost neople would say they want to keep their extra bedrooms, thank you,
whether troy are constantly used or not. One of the froodoma of a city is the ability to go
any place in towm on the city streets without tPresnassing: on the water front, on Front otr t
at exteme low tide, on hills, dales, anyplace there is a city street, without asking anybody.
It is the modern co.:nterpart of the common pasture and Cayman woodland in bygone ages, and t
Green of Old hie;: England towns. Tk:is right is a precious ho,itn?o and belongs to every citize
in Port Townsend and hould be preserved as much as possible against land grabs. I am sure thet
the City could sell Chetzemoka Park and Memorial Field but wouldn't. The City Shoots ore eui
as valuable for the peoplos freedom of movement throughout the City.
t isnt often considered by the Public because of their unobtrusiveness: but City
and the City Fire Department and the Electric Company and Gas Company and Telephone Co. all
need as many city streets as possible to providec the best and cheapest service to the Public,
and a nolicy of giving away the City Streets will sooner or later hamper their efficiency.
f Crown Zellerbach or -art Worden, or the Coast Guard or Royal Chef, or the Sash and door
Factory wantod a street or two and needed them vacated to produce more goods and thus bring i
additional payrolls and bank deposits, and monoy to spend for mechandise, the City would have a
sound economic reason to rive all the help it could. But now shopping centers simply transfer
the soendinr; of its present ,weekly crop of money from one store building to another without I i-
-reasinr- the money crop by one nickel.
There are no charitable institutions putting up shopping centers. Their purpose is simply
to attract all the business possible from oti:er merchants in order to make moro money. No me
ter what the store buildings in a torn cost, V1,000,000 or ,,,2,000,000, or $10,000,000 it is
the people themselves who have to pay the u1,000,000 or w2,000,000 or $10,000,000. Every slit of
Dan or dozen egr_.s or box of strawberries or box of Vihoaties has to have a penny or nidol or
ime tacked on its price to pay the rent to pay off the mortgage and taxes. To say a new shop ing
enter will nay the City new taxes is absurd when you consider that the City will lose the to ces
it has been receiving from merchants whoso business is bein; lost to the now shopping center.
_here is only so :ouch money in town to buy 7roceries and if you houso a grocery store in a new
million dollar Peoples Palace Market, :,,on i.ave to take that much more away from the farmer wh
raises the food and from the buyer of the good to rive to the owner of the million dollar
c onles Palace ::arket. Overbuilding of retail facilities is bound to raise the cost of retail
ing. The City Council shouldnt encourage inch overbuilding by giving away atreots.
One of Port To•wnsends most illu;tr_ous men of affairs in years cone by, commented on the
.•wrong kind of progress at a Chnmber of Commerce lunch. He said the Steel plant at Irondale
7as really a Stool S-,t-Y-A-L plant. I dont think he would call giving, array the streets a
Ala iSm�e Washv&i}yoF4 . a gentleman. But I think if he were here today he would ad$ise ver
h$ve ppegi th�
ese ideas In opposition to avactinf, at Gets to latter form and have given
c py o. o no i,eaaer to save ;-our Public nearinirtrme. Sincerely, Arthur Garrott
d6 V v,
3.n�cc ]�t� ie phi ? tw
From Mrs G. T. Chuljian, Port Townsend, :Washington to -writ:
The Port Townsend City Council
city Hall
Port Townsend, Vladmington
Recently a large and choice piece of beach land was removed from the general public for use
as such, this is gone forever. Now you propose to give away the last remaining bit of view
property in close proximity to down term, and another large piece of beach land which is
available for ov:;ryone to enjoy. If this does go through, it seems to me you should at least
get a good price for it as some compensation to the tax payors, and not give it array to an
outside organization which previously has had no interest in the town.
The streets adjoining either side of my property are viorr street, hence I have not felt free
to ask to have them vacated. however since the city apparently does not seem to feel any
obligations towards its citizenry to retain other of its view streets, I would assume it wil
not object to vacating my streets also.
The streets I have in mind are darrison and Van Buren streets adjoining my lots on Slashingto.
street. I mould like to point out to the council that for the past five years I have kept
these streets up for the city at my own expense. This I have done for the benefit of any who
might wish to walk to the edge of the bluff -and --enjoy the view. If the city no longer feels
It necessary to offer any view to its inhabitants and to visitors, as it would appear by the
give array of Polk, Fillmore, and Front streets then I would wish to have these streets for m
own use.
I might add that I mould prefer that no view streets which can be enjoyed by the entire publ
ve vacated. However if the council feels it must vacate the property for a commercial pro ec
then it should receive a large enough sum to make up for the loss to the city of a part of i
natuarl beauty. Any action less than this ,would be unfair to all the citizens of Port Townse
and all who will live here in the future.
Mrs G. T. Chuljian
From Central Labor Council, Port 'Townsend Vlashingte n - to -wit:
Port Townsend City Council;
Dear Sirs;
At the last meeting of the East Jefferson County Central Labor Council, discussion was made
concerning the vacating of streets in town to permit the building of the sixteen unit
apartment building and the proposed shopping center. At its conclusion, a motion visa made
seconded and passed that the East Jefferson County Central "abor Council be in favor of
vacating streets permitting the construction of the new shopping center and the sixteen
unit anartment house, and to notify the City Coucil of our findings.
Fraternally and sincerely,
Cecil hall
The undersigned, owner of all real estate abutting upon that portion of the street hereina.
described, does hereby petition the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, State of
Washington, to make vacation of and to vacate that portion of ,Fifth Street described as
follows, to -wit:
That portion of Fifth Street lying between the Westerly
lino of Hendricks Street and the Easterly line of Seherman
Street in the Eisenbeis' Addition to the City of Port
Townsend, Jefferson County, State of Vinshington
Petitioner prays that this matter be referred to the proper committee and after the
committee has reported that notice of hearing of this Petition be had in the manner and
form as prescribed by ordinance and law.
Attached to this Petition is a copy of a plat showing the street to be Vacated.
DATED this 25th day of January, 1965
Gilbert E. Condon
After some discussion it was moved by Councilman Lindsay seconded by Councilman Ruby that
a public hearing be held for the above petition on march 16, 1965. motion carried.
CO:LES I1017 H. A. PARKER DEVELOPb�ENT COI:IPAIiY, INC., a Washington Corporation, by and through
its President, H.A. PARKER, and hereby petitions the city council of the City of Port Town -
.send for a vacation of the streets hereinafter described.
Your Petitioner shows the Council that he is the holder of an option to purchase the
following described prone:-ty, to -wit:
Blocks 1 12 and the Vlestorl 78 foot f lock 1, , y o Block
10, original plot of Port Townsend, together with
tidelands fronting and abutting thereon, situated
in Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington
Your Petitioner shows, as heretofore alleged, that he is the owner of all the property
fronting upon the streets petitioned to be vacated herin: that the streets petitioned to be
vacated are described as follows:
All of that portion of Filmore 3troot and Polk Street