HomeMy WebLinkAbout00251 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSIOII OF UARCH 17, 1964 C0ITTI1!UEDi 452 Liberty Equipment & Suppl Co. Seattle wash. 1500' Q 32.20 eft "lastern Utilities Supply 4. Seattle Yin. 25 Coils @ 21.30 per coil 34.63 hundred Andrew Miller Co. Inc. Seattle Yin. 1500' Q per ft. H. D. Fouler Co. Inc. Bellevue, IYn. 1500' O .336 Ft. DoLoo Brothers, Port Townsend, .3454 FMom It was :roved by Councilman Thomas seconded by Councilman Judy that the low bid of Liberty Juipment & Supply Co. of Seattle be accepted. notion carried. CO:iIMIR1ICATIOiIS From Port Townsend Fire Department I+?arch 16, 1964 to -wit: onorable Mayor and City Council; efferson County Fire District #1 (Chimacum) has asked to use the radio frequency, which is y our Fire and Police Departments, for mobil radio to be installed in their fire truck. checked with the Police department and as they have no objection, it would be a mutual dvantage that, both fire departments are on the same frequency, I plan to grant them ormission. here would be no cost to the city, and the fire district agrees to abide by the rules of th CC and t:hoose of the city of Port Townsend. Robert Jones Piro Chief Councilman Carter informed the Council that ti:is roquestrf had been discussed with the 'ire committee and felt it should be brought up before the council. Councilman Carter made i motion seconded by Councilman Judy that the Request of Fire Chief be granted. Notion arr ie d. 'rom Port Townsend Planning Commission - to -wit: :»arch 16, 1964 [be honorable Yayor Sullivan :embers of the City Council 'ort Townsend, Washington ,en tl emen . i4he members of the Port Townsend City Planning dommission wish to take this opportunity to thank the City admininstration for their support. IYe especially want to commend Councilman Joe Steve for his excellent efforts on behalf of city planning. You will be interested to know that with'.n the next wook vie will announce the name of the firm that has been selected to do this city's comprehensive plan under the Federal 701 program. This selection will be made after many weoks of extensive studying and interviewing The Com-:ission along with the planning firm, hopes to meet with the city council members soor in order to outline our program. - Sincerely, Marilou Green Chairn.an Pro-tem Port Townsend City Planning Commission, From Penninsula Glass Co. Port Townsend to -wit: !,'.arch 13, 1964 or and City Council y H all t Townsend, 147ashington are moving our Glass Business to the west end of the Safeway Building, March 30th. 'Se evil using the drivouay and find that the Irking meter on the left side of the entrance when ing used blocks the driveway. '1le would like this motor relocated or vacated, if possible. Sincerely Olen Rice 'Jayor Sullivan referred the request to the Police & License committee for a report at the xt regular session. .HE';;' AND OLD BUSIIu:SS Councilmen Steve informed the Siayor and Council that the street committee !led met on the KYJ30= subject of the arterial streets, saying the committee had decided not to work on any of the arterial streets ti-is year due to the fact that there wouddnbe no hot plant mix in the vicinity t:-is year, it was mentioned that the city could sane around three dollars a ton on plant nix if tine- hold off until next year. Councilmen Thomas reported on a meeting of the health district meeting saying that Port Angeles :rare having their troubles with the state on seacrs and that the state would not approve ar.-more se::er lines. Cc ncilman Steve rem'nded the Council again the'. the City of Port Townsend had to 9XUXK redistrict before the next election and tine project should start as soon as possible. Councilman Carter bro giht up the subject of the conditions of the fire hall store room, saying that the some airplane had been there for over two :ears and it looked like that some of the firemen were usir_g the firehall for a storage place. '.:ayor 31.71livan informed Council Carter that it :had been cleaned up and that the airplane was gone. Fire Chief Jones told the Council that he `ed tl-ey would concern. itself core directl;; •aitih fire protection, fire cc + - minor little he fire hall and soforth rather seer. nor details as the storing of a itt_e Jun]: at t.-,. , pointed out that in run in,,; tee fire hall ha ::ow1d use his own judf;:^ant unless contrayy p- o r'.:les and regulat_'rs were forthco-±ng from the Council. p ::ayor Sullivan asked the council to think ever and elect a mayor pro -ten for ¢l t i • r1 11 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSIOII OF UARCH 17, 1964 C0ITTI1!UED Councilmans Staves last meeting on the seventh of April and a new mayor pro -tam would have to be elected. Councilman Lindsey informed the council that he had boon on the Council a good many years and had never asked*for anything so he asked the Council for a street light at 22nd & Sheridan. It visa moved by Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Carter that the request be granted. Motion carried. ADJOURIBMIT As there was no further business to come before the Council at this time it visa moved Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. Attest: 1tie, Ci L.rk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSI'll OF APRIL 7, 1964 April 7, 1964 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend Washington met in regular session this 7t day of April 1964 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Maryor Sullivan presiding. Seating of New Councilman Mayor Sullivan asked Councilman Siebenbaum to escort the newrely elected councilman from the third ward Councilman Byron L Ruby. Councilman Seibenbaum Siebenbaum.escorted Council Ruby before the Council & Mayor and introduced him. Mayor Sullivan welcomed Councilman Hu and asked him to be seated. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham, C Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen, Thomas, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Carter. MINUIES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION The minutes of the previous session wore read in full and it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Oouncilman Lindsey that the minutes be approved as read and that the I4ayor and City Clerk sign same. Notion carried. BID OPENING Councilman Siebenbaum informed the Yayor & Council that due to fact that there were a 1 of bids to open for yurchase of pipe and laying of same, made a motion seconded by Coi,ncil Judy that the regular order of business be dispensed with at this time and the bids be ape and read. lJotion carried. 1 United Concrete & Pipe, Auburn llashington 124,345.52 Beall Pipe & Tank Corp. Portland Oregon 114,598.12 American Pipe & Const. Co. 130,508.56 Hydraulic Supply Mfg. Co. Seattle, ""'ash. 112,518.01 Dominion Bridge Co. LTD Vancouver BC 118,454.96 Alternate B 113,230.30 " Alternate C 105,356.25 m ACCESS ROAD COAST. & INSTALLATION OF PIPE :Sorris Const. Inc. Tacoma, Wash. 33,815.12 Louis Elterich Co. Port Angeles 56,299.20 Joe Surace, Seattle, ,"asihington 53,267.80 DelGuzzi, Inc. Port Angeles 26,696.00 Western Pipq Const. Co. Mercer Island 38,726.92 ® Shoreline Const. Co. Seattle 40,868.00 • Harold Kaeser Co. Seattle 60,816.34 B & B Plumbing & Heating Inc. Anacortes 43,131.64 J & H Mechanical Cont. Seattle 52,272.40 Cotton Corporation, Port Townsend 46,837.86 John 71. Schade - Contractor - Seattle 89,179.20 It was moved b7 Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Judy that the three low bids on the pipe and the three low bids on the access road & Installaion o f pipe be turned over to the City Engineer, Crown Z, Engineer and other help they need to check the bids and that the council return to the normal regular order of business. ::lotion carried. REGULAR ORDER OF BUSIIIESS RESUMMM BILLS & CLAIMS The following t_ills and claims as audited by the finance committ^e were prosented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ----------- Voucher No. 1963 through 2051 --- 13,406.62 LATER FUIiD------------------- Voucher He. 601 through 622 --- 8,048.42 GARBAGE FUND------------------ Voucher Ie. 341 through 349---,1,215.02 TREET Fb:iD-------------------- Voudier No. 408 through 420---$1,420.39 N