HomeMy WebLinkAbout00246 minutes of tho previous session were road in full and it visa moved by Councilman442
January 7, 1964
Port Townsend, Cinahin„ton
Me City Council of the city,; of ;ort Townsend mot in regular session this 7th day of Jan.
1964 at 7:30 p.m. in tho council chambers of the city hall. Mayor Sullivan presiding.
Officers and :rmbern pronant r:oro on follows: Mayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham, Cit
Cl.;rlc Youn-blood, Council;non Carter, Lindsay, Siobonbntm, Steve, Judy, Thomas, Councilman
to,lund absent.
Tlhe minutes of tho previous session were road in full and it visa moved by Councilman
Lindsoy seconded by Councilman Stove that the minutes be npprovod as read end that the Maya,
and City Clark si-n sand. 'lotion cnrriod.
T:co folloain- bills and claims as audited by the finnnco committoo wore presented and not
..,,on as follows:
Ci :' -.T EX:'Ei:SE 7-1T------------------- Voucher lie. 1722 through 1784-----64,930.69
-;,?+:3RFUMD----------------------------- Vouchor iio. 536 through 549----- `-1,219.98
STR=-T 71:it ------------------------------- Vouchor ila. 354 through 365-----6 789.43
?U::D--------------------------- Voucher Iio., 303 tlrou;h 312----- $11,202.30
--- ------u 253.62
Li'RARY Fit:D--------------------------- Vouchor iio. 343 through 362----- �1,148.66
PARKFUND------------------------------ Vouciher Ito. 204 through 210-----); 202.24
ORD 1:0. 1321--------------------------- Voucher Iio. 114 through 117------ ?25,146.30
It •,:•,a :-loved l:y Councilman Siebonbaum seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the bills bad
claims be approved as road and that the :iayor and City Clark be authorized to draw warrants
u-non t:_o pronor fluids for payment of wine. motion carried.
Cleric Salary warrants for the Month of Doc. 1963
71IT X'E:;SE :u.------------- .... --Voucher Iio. 1709 through 1729-----tr3,176.45
_R c----------------------------- Voucher iio, 530 throu l 535---- �1,661.74
a T D----------------------------Touch•:r Iio. 349 tlroupl 353----- 1,130.25
„R . , 7D --------------------------- Voucher i?o. 297 tirough 320-----u1,829.06
P _-.'D --------------------------Voucher 'Ito. 157 through---------- 343.00
i1 ID ________________________ Voucher Ito. 341 through 342-----.0 380.89
P.R. ,,ll -----------------------------Voucher H- o. 203 ----------------lu 263.22
'• 1_T3=03 "177---------------------Vouch r Ito. 47 through 48-----w 275.00
ear e '_reasurcrs report v. s read in full for the month of Doc. 1963 and was ordered filed.
Pilo Pol e report Gras road in f•:ill for ti:e month of Dec. 1963 end was ordered filed.
BU=1'1 , P R!lITS
The foliow_n- buildin permit .,rus presented and acted upon as follows:
Terry ':itcholl, addition to h.omc, 120X161, Frame, Hastings Avo., r:1-600.00.
It Grns moved by Councilman Carter seconded by Councilman Siobonbaum that the building
permit be granted. Iiotion carried.
`rile follovrin; avzn permits wore presented and acted upon as follow3-
Loonard Balch, Steel Tan', 15tX.161X551, Cottons Dock to Discovery Bay Road.
Clare Tucker, 7 bui.ldin-s, From 'Lasthin;ton £• :.:onroo to 1218 Rose.
Councilman Lln' sey said t'ih t :he land a lot of poopla ask where tl:oes "houses were going to
..a aovod to and reco:h-;endod t^nt the permit of :.ovin7 of the seven horses he turned over to
a com:•:iWae for h:rt.aer studtY::a:,-or Sullivan reforrod the permit to the street and sewer
committee. Councilman _n_sey Made n :nation seconded by Councilman Judo- that t'iho moving
per -.it be -ranted 'or .-.ovin- th^ tank. :..otion carried.
Councilman C:.rter said and nskod that as long ,:.s the city, hnd no zonoing or pinnnin,,
would it he nosziblo to atop ti•a ^:ov'n- of t:hc hounes. City Attorney Abraham aaie that
the city c :uld st,n - fro-: movie- the hD,,Ses, so .'n; that there :rare a number of rcnu'ro +0.
connected with the n-,vin- of bu'ldir s, but if sou complied with all t;as ronu_rnrents the
-op coul:.nt sto: t.o -,v`n, of ti;c build'-n-s, b t _n vinrr of the fact `That tar, city _cd
1 $-do rrossed :_e co-,!nty to d_s,one of t'ne buildi^-s, probly tl:e sit-,,' should trko a lons
fool: at it. Sup' !:ray -Id t.:at the crnhnty coc^tissloners Thud Civen . 'm until the lnt of
Feb. to ^ovc tz build n.^. 'l.^.o an-•n'; t'.hnt r Tuucl:ar Iced told .aim that Ile Grns coln to
build a t:vaa car a out of thebuildin:s no .tat :ho could Ioen tin trucks off the stro t
Oouncilman .lava made . .tion seconded 'o,- 'oanrilmon 3artcr t:zat t:.c r.:ovin normit of
._ itiuc'.:er 'ha -Glen cprr'_ad.
o-.. to-,._t. Doc. 30, 1963
7it-r of Port Townsend
ort•t� ^o;:fisend, :;as:-.ingtoa
44.3 I
Attention, Mayor Dennis Sullivan
Dear olayor Sullivan:
Pursuant to your request vie are enclosing our invoice M 221 in the amount of w768.29 for
cost of pipe standards, freight and sales tax and the installation costs of the narking
meters. 'ile have attached to the invoice an itemized list of bills paid and photocopies
of same.
Pleene note that Consolidated Froi„ht Bill !,to. 415-177,132 covers charges for shipment of
100 pipe standards, fifty of w;ich were not used and more forwarded to Winslow. In view of
t::is vie are invoicing the City `38.70 or on -half the total cost.
Vie are also enclosing specifications coverin; the twin and sin -,lc type mnnual rioters.
'rnanlcin you for ;-our cooperation in trams matter and wishing you and all the city official:
a very happy ;low Year, we are
Yours Sincerely
''Traffic Appliance. Corporation
S. L. Christenson
City Attorney Abraham conunontod on the above cou:mt.mication saying It was written in
response for our request for clarification on the amount of installation coats.
Tile City Clerk asked permission from the Council to call for bids on parking meters
with the folloW-ng specifications.
Proposals will be received for 54 twin t;;pe and 32 single typo mnnual parking meters.
Bids on meters vr3ich require periodical Grinding by city employees will not be considered.
A twin type meter is defined ns a meter with two (2) separate mechanisms housed in soperatc
compartments securely fastened to a single cash collection housing designod to serve two
parkin,,, spaces. Each mechanism compartment shall be capable of boin(; faced in one
of threw
directions without changing the position of the collection housin, on the nine standard.
A single meter in defined as a meter with a sin le mechanism within a single hausin,g design
to serve one parlcing space.
All cases, mechanisms and other parts nhall be interchonreable betwoon arch type narking
Tho company shall guarantee each moter aga:i.not defoctivo vorlonansliip and material for a
period of tLroe years from date of delivery.
The mechanism shall be deai;,nod to oporate on pennies, nickels and dimes; pennies, nickels,
dimes and tokens or on nickels, dimes, quarters and tckons if so ro�uost:ad.
The mechanisms shall be desi,ned to pormit conversion from 12 minutes to two hours in incrN
ments of 12 minutes by a s'nt_ple adjustment without replacing any -arts, except the dial.
The entire metor op::ratin7 mechanism shall be constructed as a completely assembled single
unit so that it may be romavod from the motor as a while, including the operating handle,
for the purpose of insnection, repair and replacement.
btoters, housing and clock works must conform to highest normal standards in construction,
matorialn and resistance to corrossion.
Tnose snocificat_ons are not intended to be restrictive. Bids on equivalent items meeting
the standards of quality thereby indicated will the considered, providing, the bid clearly
describes the article offered and "how it differs from the snecifications.
Bids will be publicly o;>enod and read at tile regular session of the City Council February
16, 1964 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as prncticablo.
'file city reserves tine ri,,,ilt to reject nag or all bids, or to waive informalities in the
It was moved by Barter seconded by councilman :>teve that the clork be permission to
call for bids on rend. ',lotion carried
ORll1.W;GL NO. 1453
All ORDT_:,A...r A?.: :CDi'•G SECT1071 21 AND
SECTION. 23 0? ORDi:iAI:C3 iio. 1110, AS
After some discussion it was moved by Councilman Stove seconded by Councilman Judy that
the first reading be considered the seconds rendin; and the third reading be by title only
-ation carried.
T.iIRD 3EADIJU AID P::.1SA'=E C7 ORD. 710 1453
The City Clark o;;aln read Ord. lie. 1453 bytitle only and it was :loved by Councilman Ste
seconded by Councilman Judy that Ondinanco Iio. 1453 do now pass. Ilotion carried.
01131U110:1 NO. 1454
0? Iis'LR'' ,. ^t i r..-.:Ir T:i_ S0 'L, x,...IIDARY
OF 71AS.:IiTGTO1: S1R...T r.aD T:1 2 NORT.-,.u., EC'h,hARY OF
T:iE LT_iTE 0? '13A71 HIM'! ';;A"ER.
it was gloved by Co,mcilntnn Lindsey seconded by Councilman Slobenbaum that tho first
reading, be considered the second reading and tits t::ird roa3_n- be by title only. 'iotian
Tile City Clark again read Ord. lie. 1454 by title oray vnd it was 'moved by Councilman
Sicbenbamn seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord. iio. 1454 do norr pass. ].lotion carried.
"2 & OLD BUS-:: SS
Cou c-'lman Steve oriu.--it up the carbod&es that Tied beon dumped alon- side the otato hiril:•rn
ao oP tYiYitvt�r n an eyesore one 'acandered if' tt. ^tat oli7d do or w unI do, rst',in: rioutift:
..ay said tiant t:m State tole him they violi7.c� nice care of File nil iiatian-o no t
nothing "tad been mono.