HomeMy WebLinkAbout00244 minutes of the provioun session were road in fullCouncilman Stove said he would like to make a statement - he said thtt he had missed la ouncil mooting and the opinion was that he missed it for a pur;rose. Iie said he would lilte ;o be quoted that if he had of boon hero that his vote mould have Trent to the majority and Led the outcome of the votoin( had boon different he mould at this time requested a roe onsi leration of the nunsti n. linter Supt Arey reported to tiip council of tie meeting of himself the mayor and city nrinoar . th :'r Zoil. He said that lir roil tnouglit the contractor was pretty slow putting in ,ho 661, of steel line for the :dater visa now boin, used from Lords liako and the lake had Lropped 6' 3" in sixteen days. i:r Arcy said that the cit-; engineer had been up to the job iiGiit and the line should be comnloted by this friday ho said that t.ir Zeil tiros concerned :o the noint t:at lie didnt Thant to close the mill down for lack of water. City Attorney Abrhham informed the I;iayor and City Council that a protest had bean entered xn the as ses:.:ent b;, the tax co:Imiss on on the crown z lease and had asked for a conference. 3:ay-or Sullivan brourlit up tho meter problem saying that he had a call from l:r Christianso Prom San?'rancisco viantinr n contract of Some kind on the motors. After considerable discus ion Dn the legality of hour to pay for ti:e motors, contracts etc it was the opinion of the count 1 Chet a letter be written to ar Christianson to het the exact mnount of tho motors and installation asyor Sullivan introduced i,.r Johnson & idr Jerry :larpor of the State pollution commission Cron Dly-npia. :,r Johnson said that it had been brought to his attention that a new Sevier line had boon put in for the hospital and that no plans of the project had been received by the pollition commission, saying that according to law everytime a new line was installs a nlan of that line wns to be sent to Olympia. Engineer Becker said that it was his fault that a plan had not been sent in but had one at the office that would be sent to the commis ion. luestipns were asked by the council on treatment of sewage, size of pipe, present flouring of sourage, eligiblity' :or federal fund grants and etc. I,Ir Robeots was also asked if the co•r.•dss,'on had an ut to date manual, he admitted that the old manual was outdated but they were workinS on n now one and hoped to have one soon, which would be sent out to all cities. :r Roberts also re-:idod the Council that in the future when sewer lines were to be put in that a plan of the project be submittod to the ptate regardless of the length of the lir3m. ADJOlJRTT ..t•'TT As the.e was no further business to come before the Council at this time it was moved by Councilmnn Carter seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the meeting do now adjourn. notion carried. O I Attest: -er ty Flu :11" TES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEIMER 3, 1963 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 3rd day of Dec. 1963 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. Iriayor Sullivan presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members nresent were as follows: Ikayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham, Cit Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen, Carter, Lindsey, Siebenbaum, Steve, Hoglund, Judy. Councilman Thomas absent. :1IINUTES OF Thly RREVIOUS SESSION Tno minutes of the provioun session were road in full and it was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the minutes be approved as read and that the L.ayor and City Clerk sign sane. tlotion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills and claims as audited b,; the finance committee were presented and acts upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUh:D------------------ Voucher Eo. 1657 through 1708----- F'2,847.87 �1,47W WATER FLIED ---------------------------Voucher !To. 518 through 529----- 61 'STREET 777ND--------------------------Voucher No. 339 through 348 ---- 546.61 ^• -Voucher Ile. 291 UrvRR:.:.E r Ti D------------------------ ?.96 p o98.50 through ----- " � -,•^ No. 150 �s„�R F TiiD--------------------------- Voucher " through 156 -----B76.56 i,I2RARY F111ID------------------------- Voucher No. 32& tkroug)r 340 ----- 380.72 203.21 P I R1K Ft'D----------------------------Voucher Iie. 196 through 202 -----k CRD. "iC. 1321-------------------------Voucher No. 106 through 113-----1,,32,216.53 Ord. Ito. 1379-------------------------Voucher 'To. 85 -----------------}r 27.09 it was roved b-- Councilman 3iobenbaum Seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Li❑.,or and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. :,tot on carried. OFFICERS REPORT CL^RP Salary wnrrantS for trio i¢ontl� of 170v. 1963 EXPE:'SE FUM ------------------ Voucher No. 1644 through 1663----- L.3,154.61 �1,648.66 F-j'TD----------------------------Voucher IIo. 512 through 517----- 91 STREETVoucher No. 334 throe 338 ----- 130.25 GAROAGE FTTIID--------------------------Voucher '_lo. 265 through 290 -----Ql, 820.E vrm- 7n."'7P rr1-..L ----•---------x------------Voucher 7-o. 149------------------- 343.00 101 l5- j�j 1 iIk L " i • n U L 1 r1 U • n 1 " LIBRARY FUM-----------------------Voucher No. 322 through 323 ----- 8 360.69 PART: FUND -------------------------- Voucher No. 195----------------- 1% 263.22 FIRE'9ENS RELIE & PEN. FUND": -----Voucher Eo. 45 through 46------N 275.00 TREASURER The treasurers report was read for the L'.onth of ]November and wns ordered filed. POLICE The police report was read for the month of November end was ordered filed. i[ v BUiLDIIi1 PERMITS The following building permits were presented and acted upon as follows. John S. Johnson, House, 3OIX401, :rave, Tremont & Beach, 1$6,000.00. Buliler 74ofor Co. Side Walk, 55' long, Concrete, WasL•in-,ton St. %e200.00 Iien Brin1r, Garage, 14'X30t, Frame, Chestnut & T, b500.00. It was moved b7 Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Roglund, that the building permits be granted. I,iotion Carrid. ORDINANCE A0. 1451 AIi ORDIF.AITCZ R3LA"_'ING TO A PEITSI0N, RELIEF, DISABILITY, AND RZTTI' E'-EaT SYSTEM; HALING Al? ELECTION TO JOIN THE STATZ; ID-_ CITY E';:PLOYEES 113TIR21' 11T SISTEM PURSUAI I TO CHAPTER 41.44 RCpl: ELECTTI?G A CHOICE OF 'PRIOR SEf-VTCE CREDIT' social security coordination or supplementation, AID PRVIDIIdG FOR PROPER NOTiFICATION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T'^ STATM.71DE SYS2SIS OF S7iCH ELECTION. City Attorney Abralsam mentioned to the council that the itom of prior service credit had been left out, that the clerk had informed him that when he received the papers from state wide that it was marked full prior service, and that at the meeting of the employees and the represenitive from state side it was the opinion of the council to go one half prior service and it visa up to the council at t.:is time to either go full prior service or the half prior service. Toe City Clerk informed the Council that the figures that had been given him by _ State :fide was for full prior service and that amount had been budgeted in the 1964 budget. After some discussion it was the deces on of the Council to go full prior service. It was moved b Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the first reading Y be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. lotion Carried. T IRD READING AND PASSAGE OF ORD. i70. 1451 Ord. No. 1451 was again read by title only and it eras roved by Councilman Steve'..seconded by Councilman Hoglund that Ord. No. 1451 do now pass. Yotion carried. ORDI:l917OE F.O. 1452 All ORDINANCE ESTABLISTUEG A LOCAL I.PROVZ:ZIIT DISTRICT Ak TO BE vl-0lv17 AS"LOCAL I`:PRO1"'.:::IS DISTRICT 110. 101" ., Z?dBRACI:IG Tiif1T AR :A O-P T CITY BO'.71.TDED S THE I:OR"'F BY 3P.D STREET, ON Tin: SOUZi BY Tot: CITY L_::iTS, Oil THE EAST BY A LIi:L PARALLELL TO A:iD 133 J ET EASTERLY OF THE CE1•:T.R LINE OF GRANT STP, ET, ANDO:I THE ..EST 5�' A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 133 FEET ^ESTERLY OF Tip'-. CEI:TER 1,11M x '+ OF GRAPIT STREET, P30CIDI:•i3 FOR CO::STRUL.iTJl? OF A ATER ji LIP2 I37 GRA11T STREET OF SAID LOCAL I, FROVE: 77T DISTRICT, DIRECTING THAT COSTS 0 THE CO::STRU'OTI_-N OF SAID WATM LINE BE PAID I:I .i:IOLE By ASSE3&:3I:T AGAI> T THE PROPERTY IH SAiD LOCAL I12R07 -.1 DISTRICT, PROVIDIIG FOR AN `N ESTIMATED COST OF e:1,250 00, AND DTRECTLIG THE ENTRY OF " ASSES3:,11'iv°15 07i T:i PSS_:,�:jI:T ROLLS AI:D THE riLI:P3 OF SAT D 't , ASSESK'EI'IT ROLL '.-IT-1 Tr. CITY CLERK sty' A 3 City Attorney Abraham said that the above ordinance inplementn a local improvement distri t li.ch is numbered local improvement district no. 101. After some discussion it :;as asked whon the project could be Started, Supt. Arey said t-at he could start right assay on the ' project. Supt. Prcy was reminded that the bills on the project would have to come off of next years bud -et. It was moved by Councilman Carter seconded by Councilman Hoglund that th first reading; be considered the Second readin2- and tare t;,ird reading be by title only. `_:otio carried. T:SRU OF ORD. 110. 1452 Ordinanco 11o. 1452 was a�sin read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Carter seconded by Councilman Iioglpnd that Ord. W"o. 1452 do now pass. :Cotion carr HEOLD BUST 23S Another ordinance .-ad boon prepared for a Io sae to ':r Loftus for a street lease at 25.00 per year, it was bro:;.t out tisat i.:r. Loftus had not been told of t.o citys decis_rn nor had Loftus _n or^eel the .its* if the lease vms accoptable. :-a-.Tor Sullivan ref a red them atter to ti:e Street commAttLe and have a report o- :.-r Loftus decision nt thoinoxt regular sers_on. Councilman Siebenbaum said that t _erc :;a., a 2" water :-:ain rm7ninE through ,'.c hospital is in t:ic center of ::pale the new .osp_tel is to be built and before ti:ey property, L:he line can start the line would have to be moved, t ere a 6" main on the corner of Cth Cl=_vel, nd that thrr e line could be isoohed on to, `..he.e would beJab°ut 600' of 6" nipe needed and also a hydrant at a cost of around 1700.00, there was Still around a thousand dollars in the fund loft over from the vat r line t;:at vas put in the country whiich could be used and t.e.e wp 1 have to be an e -ency ordinance for tl=e balance. Copncilrian 3•_ebenbaum made a notion seconded by Counci7_snn Carter t".nt t-e water do, artme t bnod aRia°Lee17to,aET°^kicy ap;:uiliatc �'�°C1K¢tna P Loyc tj7,- C�aC't a`txloi iBISe ti OBEt .�;k" l^�A1'n r6 '1 1� `�.] t ie n Pc y an hand. 1ot_on carried. I " LIBRARY FUM-----------------------Voucher No. 322 through 323 ----- 8 360.69 PART: FUND -------------------------- Voucher No. 195----------------- 1% 263.22 FIRE'9ENS RELIE & PEN. FUND": -----Voucher Eo. 45 through 46------N 275.00 TREASURER The treasurers report was read for the L'.onth of ]November and wns ordered filed. POLICE The police report was read for the month of November end was ordered filed. i[ v BUiLDIIi1 PERMITS The following building permits were presented and acted upon as follows. John S. Johnson, House, 3OIX401, :rave, Tremont & Beach, 1$6,000.00. Buliler 74ofor Co. Side Walk, 55' long, Concrete, WasL•in-,ton St. %e200.00 Iien Brin1r, Garage, 14'X30t, Frame, Chestnut & T, b500.00. It was moved b7 Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Roglund, that the building permits be granted. I,iotion Carrid. ORDINANCE A0. 1451 AIi ORDIF.AITCZ R3LA"_'ING TO A PEITSI0N, RELIEF, DISABILITY, AND RZTTI' E'-EaT SYSTEM; HALING Al? ELECTION TO JOIN THE STATZ; ID-_ CITY E';:PLOYEES 113TIR21' 11T SISTEM PURSUAI I TO CHAPTER 41.44 RCpl: ELECTTI?G A CHOICE OF 'PRIOR SEf-VTCE CREDIT' social security coordination or supplementation, AID PRVIDIIdG FOR PROPER NOTiFICATION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T'^ STATM.71DE SYS2SIS OF S7iCH ELECTION. City Attorney Abralsam mentioned to the council that the itom of prior service credit had been left out, that the clerk had informed him that when he received the papers from state wide that it was marked full prior service, and that at the meeting of the employees and the represenitive from state side it was the opinion of the council to go one half prior service and it visa up to the council at t.:is time to either go full prior service or the half prior service. Toe City Clerk informed the Council that the figures that had been given him by _ State :fide was for full prior service and that amount had been budgeted in the 1964 budget. After some discussion it was the deces on of the Council to go full prior service. It was moved b Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the first reading Y be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. lotion Carried. T IRD READING AND PASSAGE OF ORD. i70. 1451 Ord. No. 1451 was again read by title only and it eras roved by Councilman Steve'..seconded by Councilman Hoglund that Ord. No. 1451 do now pass. Yotion carried. ORDI:l917OE F.O. 1452 All ORDINANCE ESTABLISTUEG A LOCAL I.PROVZ:ZIIT DISTRICT Ak TO BE vl-0lv17 AS"LOCAL I`:PRO1"'.:::IS DISTRICT 110. 101" ., Z?dBRACI:IG Tiif1T AR :A O-P T CITY BO'.71.TDED S THE I:OR"'F BY 3P.D STREET, ON Tin: SOUZi BY Tot: CITY L_::iTS, Oil THE EAST BY A LIi:L PARALLELL TO A:iD 133 J ET EASTERLY OF THE CE1•:T.R LINE OF GRANT STP, ET, ANDO:I THE ..EST 5�' A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 133 FEET ^ESTERLY OF Tip'-. CEI:TER 1,11M x '+ OF GRAPIT STREET, P30CIDI:•i3 FOR CO::STRUL.iTJl? OF A ATER ji LIP2 I37 GRA11T STREET OF SAID LOCAL I, FROVE: 77T DISTRICT, DIRECTING THAT COSTS 0 THE CO::STRU'OTI_-N OF SAID WATM LINE BE PAID I:I .i:IOLE By ASSE3&:3I:T AGAI> T THE PROPERTY IH SAiD LOCAL I12R07 -.1 DISTRICT, PROVIDIIG FOR AN `N ESTIMATED COST OF e:1,250 00, AND DTRECTLIG THE ENTRY OF " ASSES3:,11'iv°15 07i T:i PSS_:,�:jI:T ROLLS AI:D THE riLI:P3 OF SAT D 't , ASSESK'EI'IT ROLL '.-IT-1 Tr. CITY CLERK sty' A 3 City Attorney Abraham said that the above ordinance inplementn a local improvement distri t li.ch is numbered local improvement district no. 101. After some discussion it :;as asked whon the project could be Started, Supt. Arey said t-at he could start right assay on the ' project. Supt. Prcy was reminded that the bills on the project would have to come off of next years bud -et. It was moved by Councilman Carter seconded by Councilman Hoglund that th first reading; be considered the Second readin2- and tare t;,ird reading be by title only. `_:otio carried. T:SRU OF ORD. 110. 1452 Ordinanco 11o. 1452 was a�sin read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Carter seconded by Councilman Iioglpnd that Ord. W"o. 1452 do now pass. :Cotion carr HEOLD BUST 23S Another ordinance .-ad boon prepared for a Io sae to ':r Loftus for a street lease at 25.00 per year, it was bro:;.t out tisat i.:r. Loftus had not been told of t.o citys decis_rn nor had Loftus _n or^eel the .its* if the lease vms accoptable. :-a-.Tor Sullivan ref a red them atter to ti:e Street commAttLe and have a report o- :.-r Loftus decision nt thoinoxt regular sers_on. Councilman Siebenbaum said that t _erc :;a., a 2" water :-:ain rm7ninE through ,'.c hospital is in t:ic center of ::pale the new .osp_tel is to be built and before ti:ey property, L:he line can start the line would have to be moved, t ere a 6" main on the corner of Cth Cl=_vel, nd that thrr e line could be isoohed on to, `..he.e would beJab°ut 600' of 6" nipe needed and also a hydrant at a cost of around 1700.00, there was Still around a thousand dollars in the fund loft over from the vat r line t;:at vas put in the country whiich could be used and t.e.e wp 1 have to be an e -ency ordinance for tl=e balance. Copncilrian 3•_ebenbaum made a notion seconded by Counci7_snn Carter t".nt t-e water do, artme t bnod aRia°Lee17to,aET°^kicy ap;:uiliatc �'�°C1K¢tna P Loyc tj7,- C�aC't a`txloi iBISe ti OBEt .�;k" l^�A1'n r6 '1 1� `�.] t ie n Pc y an hand. 1ot_on carried. I