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May 21 1963 �
City Attorney Abraham said that the Port Commission has asked the City Council to conside the Port Townsend, Weagington
problem of the situation of what happens if and when the lagoon is filled, thut a good part �,,'
of the lagoon is composed of city streets and the port assumed that the city would like to y', I' The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 21st day of May
have thous streets filled, and as a matter of fact ZLedidnt think there was much that the cit x `4' F •yip 1963 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the City Hell. Mayor Sullivan presiding.
council has to do or can do because the streets ane not opened. But they did wish to call it
to the attention of the coundil and wanted the council to know that if that project is f ROLL CALL
carried out that they are aware of the cities interest in the platted streets in that area. I. �4 Try
City attorney Abraham mont_oned that there would be a port meeting at the county court nouse 1v3 tr Officers and members present were as follows: Ltayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham, Cit
thursdaY evening and felt that all councilmen and interested persons shuMdbe there. Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Rust, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Judy, Steve, Carter, Councilman
City Engineer Becker said that at the last meeting of '.he St John Sewer district they 4 hir Hoglund absent.
Voted to turn over the sewer line that they just completed to the city, it meant that the „'t„Ftritrt
city would be responsible for the maintensunce of the sewer but also meant that the city s { L MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION
would huve the right to collect service foss on the line beginning the first of the month. si x"nyd ;
He t-ought it would be appropriate at this time for the city to accept the sewer line. fi YKi. The minutes of the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lind lay
Councilman Lindsey made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy that the city accept the new o xa"r�� seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes be approved as read and that the Mayor and City
sewer MaayornSulliyanaintroducedhsomHolcomb
of thethighhschoolostu students wholwereinMotion
the audience and Sk+'s, clerk sign same. Motion carried. i
h¢d taken partue youth day program of Ilay 1st. Each spoke of their appreciation in taking ftt ® Building permits
part as acting city officials on m➢[y 1st. Kim Milton, Mayor on May lst read the following G vxC'
The following building permits wore presented and acted upon as follows: k
resolution. r yl gym•
WHEREAS, the Bonovoolent and Protective Order of Elks designated May 1 as Youth day, and Pori .
Townsend Lodge No. 317 sponsored an observance of same in tribute to the Junior Citizens of ,}r'rlr ,' John J. Perkins, addition to house, 12t X 121, Frame, 31st &FSheridaz, $400.00. j
this Community, and, WHEREAS, an opportunity was provided to members of the senior class of ;a,' ® George Cloakey, Rec. Room, 271X161, Frame, 14th &Sheridan, y400.00.
tl 7 H. W. Crumrine, Garage -Carport, 24�X24�, 14�X18�, Frame, Firm & M at. $400.00.
Port Townsend Hight School to observe and participate in the operation of City government fo p ;r ��✓,.` Ted .CroMenzony, e, Garair ge-CarpoDwelling, 241X1, Composition, Maple i 0 St, $200.00
one day, and, WHEREAS, the city officials, departments of government, civic, fraternal, and rs4g#} t :
Charles, Taylor, House, 251X431, Frame, Willow & K St. $8,500.00
patriotic groups took time, energy, and pains to explain the workings of such a city govern r v•,r.
rent for the benefit of said seniors;
HO't THER FORE, Z, Kim 1!ilton, Mayor of Port Townsend for three hours on said Youth day, as,`y It was moved by Councilman Rust seconded by Councilmen Steve that the building permits be
spokesman for, and by the consent of, those seniors who tools part in the activities, do m%� } r{u$,� g. Motion carried,
;hereby thank the Elks Club for sponsoring the affair, the City council for allowing us the + � s , �''�,'s TEAR DOWN PERMIT �
privileges they granted, and all of the city officials and employees who invested their tin "s Ma �-
in our education, and, THEREFORE, I relay the suggestion of some members of the class that i 1 ia„z j+k The following tear down permit visa presented and acted upon as follows: i
,this fine opportunity be given future classes for its historical and educational value.
S7fOfNd UNTO ME THIS EIGHTH DAY OF MAY, Fred Abel, Building, 151X301, 49th & Gise, to abide by Ord. No. 907 f
NINETEEN HU DR-ED AND SIXTY-THREE, �t�� g. � It visa moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the tear down permittM
Kimball A. Milton ;Y s, be granted. Motion carried.
r „
P.S. 1719 had a ball i "'t w v w'" CWMIU iICATIONS
Mr. Obrien who is in charge of installing the new parking meter spoke at the roguost of plr� �Tafr The following comnunicatiens were presented and acted upon as follows:
the h:ayog saying that there were space for 156 meters but about 80. of the meter pipes were $N r F
either loose or bent and should be replaced. After some discussion it was the opinion of the �<, talrar{x'Y' From Pmrt Townsend Lodge No. 317 May 13, 1963 to -wit:
council that Its. Obrien order at least 96 pieces of meter pipe, s r�> ti�+i u;f•
yis`s ' wy The Honorable Mayor, Dennis Sullivan and
members of Port Townsend City Council
As there was no furth-r business to come before the council at thesis time it was moved by 41 zart=s Nn u{$r� Gentlemen:
councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carri�,rr ,x '
",aJ The success of Youth day, iday 1, 1963, promoted by the suggestion of the Benevolent and i
/a, � , �� Protective Order of Elks can only be measured by the enthusiasm and sincere appreciation ; z.� I� of the senior class and our High School who were the principal participants on that oeeasio !f
idAY0Rf1i)Yycc 11 l C l 3�v,', "{ ? ¢ Port Townsend Lodge No. 317 extends sincere thanks to all city officials, vari .us departmen
employees and all others who expended time and energy to expidite this program.
/� ti+s1*+ '+'t"�' io It is hope that this project can be coninued and meet with similar success in the future ?
Attest: .C/. `.'� .!'a•l � i ,. J,?,�„ my P P j
tgJ' lark r ��-rs,si'.�Srr i „.�'n years. I
/ a i``+ , 1 ResVD atfully,I
Sheldon Allen I
Exalted Ruler
�I� From United States Department Of Commerce - May 15, 1963 to -wit:
1 + r { 4y11>TB^
City of Port Townsend
x �s • Port Townsend, Washington '
von Sy '� i Tr r� I
re u'L By virtue of the rights and terms bestowed upon the Government, as contained in the lease
�� herein below described, you are hereby notified that the said lease (as emended) to hereby
renewed for the period beginning, July 1, 1963 and ending June 30, 1964, inclusive, viz: f
Lease C4wb-890, dated June 28, 1955, the terms and conditions of which provide for the
I leasing of a stun yarning tourer site at Franklin and Madison Streets, City of Port Towm end,f
f ` Washington.
!+ �. Very truly yours
r h A. C. Erdahl j
Chief, Procurement and Supply Officer
I To: City Council ?
Port Townsend, Washington
,;a the undersigned, would like to have streetlights installed at the corners of 14th &
f ,• Grand, 14th &Hendricks and 14th & Sherman. "le feel these lights are necessary to eliminat
what is now a very dark street (14th & Gbreot). It is felt that street lights in this area {
{ s r will help to reduce some of the stealing and prowling tht we have experienced. ilia have had
two bicycles and a garden hose stolen, two attempts at stealing earn and numerous prowlers I
in this area during the last two years. We feel justified in asking for these lights; part ularl
now vrith the nevi homes being built in our area and since our dark street is only two blocks
r from a very nice modern school.
Signed: Fulton M. Pourers, Joan C. Powers, George I.T. Frye, Phyllis D. Frye, Dolores J. Cole,
Oliver G. Cole, G. R. Webb, Mrs. G.R. Webb, Jeanne Thomas, Mrs Ed Hanson, Ed fIanson, iBowe
E r Bowe
M. Thomas, Margie It. McCormick, C. E. McCormick, Violet Germeau, Harry Germeau, R
Frakalene R. Boyer, Lucille Vlenko. Mayor Sullivan referred the reguest to the Fire & Lig
I oaml ee.
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