HomeMy WebLinkAbout00197 MINUTES (3)I `344 asurerts report was read in full for the I,fonth of November 1961 and was ordered iled. rliFe Police report was read in full for the Month of November 1961 and was ordered filed. BUILDING PERMITS The following building permits were presented and acted upon as follows: old H. Eggert, Car Fort, 201X24t, Frame, 1023 Tyler, 0500.00 d II. 17alker, Carport, 131X241, Frame, 502 Benton, $130.00. It was moved by Councilman Sullivan seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the building mits be granted. Motion carried. C OM11UNI CA TI ONS m: Plattner Amusement Co. to -wit: December 4, 1961 onorable Mayor and The ity Council ort Towrsond, 1.7ashington hereby wish to make application for a Master License for Amusement games for the year Jan. 1962 to December 31, 1962. Attached is a check in the amount of $,1,000.00 to cover same. Inc, I wish to state that unless business improves I may have to ask the City Council for change in tax rate before the next budget is set up. resently I am paying for a pastor License, $1,000.00, also 2.50 per game per month averagin er year $420.00, nine music machines at $30.00 for a total per year of °270.00, the total o 1,690.00. If I could be taxed on the same basis that the county rate, namely that the rate 1,000.00 would cover all the machines except the vending machines it would help some. Respectfully, Max Plattner. Yayor Green referred the above communication to the Police and License committee. ouncilman Muellor made a motion seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the Master License replication be ranted. notion. carried. bom Seaview Estated IRO. to -wit: December 5, 1961 ity Council ort Townsend, Washington erence is made to the final plat of Seaview Estates. Final plat is ready to be submitted for approval and we would appreciate having it heard your next regular meeting. Seaview Estates Inc. Richard M. Morgan _. Sec. Treasurer After some discussion it was moved by Councilman Mueller seconded by Councilman Steve that hearing date be had on the final plat of the Seaview Estates December l7th. Motion 'carried., rom Mrs. F. E. Blowers to -wit: ort Townsend City Council ort Townsend, Washington ouncil Members: wish to add my protest to those of others in my area, regarding the placing of a used car of area, EAon the corner of clay and Fillmore Street. Such a business should not be put n the center of a residential and church section. It would bring and as it is ow does bring n influx of care to the vicinity which is not desirable and is detrimental to the value of t esidontial propery in the neighborhood. It would seem that Port Townsend is in need of well lanned zoning restrictions to keep business and residential properties separated, both for he good of the businesses and the peace of the home owners. When people come to Port Townse ,o see its progress, a poor impression is given of the towns planning if business places are n the next block and next to churches and homes. I sincerely hope that the used car permit -ill be turned down as the first step in zoning our town. Sincerely, Mrs. F. E. Blowers bom Frank M. Smith - to -wit: December 5, 1961 ort Townsend City Council, 'ort Townsend, Washington note from an article in the last issue of the Leader that the Council has under considerati request submitted by Norman Bumgarner for a used car lot building at Clay and Fillmore St. aving recently purchased the residence at 536 Fillmore, I am vitally interested in the actic y the Council on this request. he obvious residential character of this particular area is an appealing feature of Port ownsend. It is considered that expansion of commercial activity into this and similar areas s wholly undesiroable and unnecessary. Such expansion would tend to make Port Townsend a IF u • • 1 0 • s I 3 x 345 ft , MINUTES OF THE RFCtriAR GEFgT^w OE nFrF,rB coal r ..mr.*Trm "helter skelter" area of residential and commercial activity without the appeal which the Port deserves. Such appeal is necessary to future stability. As a future resident I wish to register stror7 opposition to the request for the used car lot building at Clay and Fillmore r . Streets, t Sincerely yours, j Frank I.T. Smith NEI7 & OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Johnson WEidrethat: the -building com:ittee had met on the request of the used ! car lot building BB hr. Norman Bumgarner but had came to no decision and asked for discussio at this time, and after some discussion by the Council it was moved by Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Johnson that the used car building permit of iSr. Bumgarners be denied Motion carried. Councilman Steve reported on the request of a street light at 58th & Kuhn, saying that it was the opinion of the light commiteeto hold the request over until the first of the year City Engineer Becker reported on the meeting of the street commitbe in regards to the program to be outluyed concerning the half cent gas tax, saying they had made a rough estim to on what would like to be done but hadnt had time to work up the exact figures but before the f next meeting would like to get it made up in a resolution form and give a copy to each membe of the council for study for it had to be in by the first of the year. Fire Chief Jones gave a demostration and talk on the new call out radios for the Voulun eer Firemen, saying they needed hwenty four radios and the cost would be around g2,400.00 which was budgeted and would call for bids in the near future. Councilwoman Johnson said that she would like to reopen the fire code for she was told tr. t if she had left out the building code before that some of the Councilmen would have been mo: Inclined to vote for the Fire Code. Councilwoman Johnson made a motion seconded by Councilm n Steve that the City Council endorse in principal the National Fire Underwriters Code and request the City Attorney on advise of the Fire Chief and Fire Committee of the Council to re-edit and draw up an ordinance which will suit the needs of the City of Port Townsend on fire prevention that is set up by said code and to be presented to the Council for considers ion . at an early date. Upon roll call vote, Councilmen Lafferty, Siebenbaum, Mueller voted nae, Councilman Steve Lindsey, Sullivan, Johnson voted Yee. Motion carried, r ADJOURNME- NT t As there was no further business to come before the Council at this time it was moved by Councilman Sullivan seconded by Councilman Steve that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. ' I,iAyOR i : lttest: `. City C1er �C MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 19, 1961 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 19th day of December 1961 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Mayor Green Presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Green, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Sullivan, Lafferty, Steve, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Johnson, Counci - man Mueller absent. I MINUTES OF THE PREVI)US SESSION - f The minutes of the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the minutes be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMITS .� The following building permits were presented and acted upon as follows: Joseph W. James, House foundation, Concreted Blocks, 19th & Landes, $500.00. {` Ralph B. Raphael, Remodel house, Frame, 633 Van Buren, $200.00. C.M Haug, Fireplace, Prefab, 48" X36", Metal, 620 Pierce, $550.00. Jeann Bumgarner, Addition to building, 3OIX361, Frame, 614 Filmore, $2,000.00. Richard E. Short, Building, 18iX261, Jefferson & Thayer, '�20D.00. i Councilman Johnson said that she thought the permits of Leann Bumgarner and Richard E. Short should be'investigated a little more thourghly and made a motion seconded by Councilmen Stev• that thoes to permits be held over until the next regular session. Councilmen Sullivan, Stev , Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Johnson, voted yes, Councilman Lafferty voted nae. Motion carried. Councilman Johnson made a motion seconded by Councilman Steve that the other permits be gran ad. rlotion carried. COMMUNICATIONS From the Port Townsend Education Association, to -writ: December 12, 1961 To the City Council: Vie, the members of the Port Townsend Education Association, strongly urge the City Council t tI establish a planning commission for the city of Port Townsend. j As teachers, we are ever mindful that the future has been entrusted to our care. And you, the seven members of this council: are there not obligations for the future for whi l I you are directly .'responsible? 'Ne strongly urge you to accept and exercise this responsibili Sincerely, Dorothea Tooker, President, Elizabeth Granger, Secretar•i.