HomeMy WebLinkAbout00190 MINUTES OF THE. REGULAR SESSION OF SrPTELIBER 5, 1961, CO11'ItI1IUEDMINUTES OF THE. REGULAR SESSION OF SrPTELIBER 5, 1961, CO11'ItI1IUED Prom City Wntor Department - to -wit: August 30, 1961 Honorable Liayor & City Council Port Townsend, R'ashington Gentlemen: The following is it report on the installation of the cantor ropincoment job for the 1961, which included forty-one sepnrote jobs of vari.rus locations throughout the city, as follows 58,080f of Main Pipe Line ------ 58,080l 700 Service connections to homes with average of 211 plus por connection with copper tubing-------15,0001 50 Hydrants with nvernge ditch of 2O1 ----1,0001 Total-----74,080, The entire cost of the above installations, including the cost of labor and onuipment rents in the laying of these lines come to a total cost of $33,557.92. This brings the total cost of laying the ninins, installing the service connections, and hydrnnts to a cost of .45 cents per foot. =71th the completi)n of this yonrs wntor rellacement job, we are now inishad with replacing mnins, etc., for the entire city. This leaves the amount loft in our replucomont fund at y65,OOO.00 for future replacements contemplated in the Chimacum, Hndlock, Irondale & Chevy Chase area. Respectfully yours, BITY UA7,31i DEPT. By: Lynll Arey Supt. From LI.B. ldoyring, Lynnwood, ':'iasoington - to -wit: Soptomb ,r 1, 1961 City Council City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Nost:i ngton gentlemen: The proposed plat of Seaview Estates, a replat of a portion of the plat of Fowler Pork Addition to the City of Port Townsend, is hereby submitted for •yore• approval. This plat wi be developed in two Divisions with Division He. 1 being considered for immediate construct upon approval of the replat. Yours truly, 1d.B. Lieyring Migincer for Senview Estatos, Inc. Lynnwood, Wasington Mayor Green referred the above communication the the City Engineer, City Attorney and the Street Committee, allying that a copy of the proposed plat is available in the Clerks office. CALL FOR BIDS 'Honorable Liayor & City Council Port Townsend, V7as::ington Gentlemen: Permission is requested to advertise for bids on a 3/4 Ton pickup for the City Plater Dept. Rospectfull yours, City 'ilator Department Lyall Aroy, Supt. It was -roved by Councilman Siebonbaum seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the re,+uest be granted. Lotion Cnrried. Notice is hereby given that tine City of Port Townsend, V7ns:i ngton, will receive sealed proposals up to 5:00 P.M., September 19, 1961, at the office of the City Clerk, Port Town- send Washington, to be opened and read at the regular session of the City Council to be hel upon that date for furnishing and delivering, at trench site at the point of installation, the following materinl: 10,400 lineal foot of 30" I.D. X 3" Electric .ielded Steel Pipe, coal tar coatod and asbes wrnpped, together with the necessary couplings. 9,360 feat of pine is to be fabricated in longths of 40 feet and 640 feet of pipe is to fabricated in lengths of 20 feet. 400 feet to be in random lengths for special bonds. Pipe shall be furnished with flexible coupling for each length and shall conform with the adopte specific tions. Each bid shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications kind other contract documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk at Port Townsend, Wadnington, whore copies may be obtained by depositing the sum of five dollars ($5.00) for each set. Deposit will be refunded upon the return of tho plans r:nd specificati )ns in good condition rt thin g ton days. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cortifiod chock, cash, cashier's check ofr bid bond made payable to the order of the City 'treasurer of Port Townsend in the sum of 5% of the amount bid; to be forfeifted to t:e city of Port Townsend by the successful bidder in toss he fails to enter into contract, file an accoptable Surety Bond in the sum of 100% of the contract price, to fill conditions of said contract within 10 days of the date of award. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities in tine bidding. Datod this 5th day of aoptomber, 1961. 3 h 1 Gale I. Youngblood, City Clerk be It roved wst1iot>rononrrounciiran Lindsey seconded by Councilman Steve that the call for bids 0 f— f al MINUTES Cr THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTr6Brll 5, 1061 COIIT37THEM H , + 0RDIIIANCE 110. 1405 h 4s Ordinance lie. 1405 was read in full at the last regular session and visa ngain read in ful `z.. , and it was moved by Councilman !dueller seconded by Councilman ;;iobenbaum that the third read be by title Notion ng oy ,I only. carried. 'sc• 4' THIRD READING & PASSAGE OF ORD. 1,1O. 1405 } Ordinance No. 1405 was read again by title ally and it visa moved by Councilman Siobenbaum zr i seconded b,- Councilman Johnson that Ord. lie. 1405 do now pass. Motion carried. j - hfi k: 1IElY & OLD BUSI11?]BS t r' w Mayor Green said that in regards to the roof repair, the City Engineer had advised her an the Building Committee that it would be %visa rather than to wait any longer for call for bid M �rri `s and that it waant necessary under the law to call for bids for this particular job that it ! could be done much cheoper and it must be done quickly before the rains came and recommended r�atf: •�,,<,• ® to recind the motion made at the last meeting of the call for bids to repair the roof. 4 Councilman Steve made a motion seconded by Councilman Johnson that the call for bids for i fixing the roof of the City Hall Building made at the last regular session be recinded. Aftel some disussion by th City Engineer on the condition of the roof, Ma?or Green called for a vote. Motion carried. Councilman Lafferty made a motion seconded by Councilman Johnson that z° the Enginoor go ahead and trot the roof fixed. Motion carried. { ' ® Councilmen Steve sold that lie happened to have a copy of a letter addressed to the Idey[or n City Council dated August 3Oth and wondered what to do about it. Councilman Sullivan said that if it is ardrossed to the Mayor & Council then it should be read. The City Clerk read th s` letter which teas written by James DeLso a Volunteer Fireman recommending that the Council consider n raina in wages for the Fire Chief that was l•ut in tine Preliminary Budget which a.t. !,: amounted to forty dollars a month which would increase the Fire Chiefs salary to 100.00 per r, x�r'- month the letter visa written on behalf of all the Volunteer Firemen. Mayor Green referred r-• a�h the letter th the Finance Committee and the Budget Committee. + ' 41 �{ ' ir?ayor Green suggested to the Council that when the meeting is hold or going over the Prelims nary i 3,F budget, that the council should invite all the department heads and hhvo them explain their budget requests. i'k• Councilman Sullivan said that he had a letter on Mosnuitoes from the Department of Health and thought it should be read. The City Clerk road the letter in full. The department " communique listed varous control measures "aand said that same could nob&ably entail full time five work months or so a year for at less, several years. The State investigators found 250 forming osquitoes in a single cup of sample water. Mayor Green referred the letter to the ^�•, s Health Committee. " Councilman Siebenbsum reported on the request of property owners for more pressure of water. Saying that there was some inch and a half line and some XXX one inch and that it was : ak• rn1`t ut in by private individuals and that it did not belong to the City rind said that the City (' c '_erg ould do nothing about it. Councilman Lindsey said that lie knew of soveral people who would � 4 ike to build in that area but finding the rioter pressure no low decided against it. Councillin Steve said the monios that was loft to rej,lace the water lines into Chimncum, there should be ; S .... �..• - study mode to roploco some of the city lines in the city first. Councilman Mueller reminded '+�,' •� ..ouncilman Steve that the water line in question was a private line. Councilman Sullivan said j =^r,• rr• what seemed to be holding everything up eras an ordinance of the city and if anew Ordinance � vns made up that the City could extend thes lines. Councilmon Sullivan made a motion seconded •.. `>L y Councilman Stove that the City Attorney draw up a now Ordinance to extend tine water lines. 9".y a, u •. , eu " 'inter Supt. Arey told tre Council if they viere going to extend the 1 fines* every d: her block -n town would hove to be done, there was 33 miles of rioter the mains now and with population _s is now it would be hard to keep up. Councilmnn Sullivan said that the City is growing and iust as well start now by extending the mains. Mayor Green commented that if the new ordinanc hiss vas drawn up it wouldnt specify thnt these linos would have to bo repinced immediatly, it won d my grant the rower to the Council and tine Slater Dept. to lay the linos nn could be n£fordod ouncilmnn Johnson said that thin was one of tho many examples for the need of ❑ City Plannin •, - ," ,; omnissi�n. After some further discussion Mayor Green Called for a vote, Councilman Sullivan, � w ^ Mueller, Laffnrty, Steve, Lindsoy, Johnson voted yao, Councilman Siebenbsum voted nee. Motion f { arried. ouncilman Sullivan reported that the Liquor Store 1'ke would to have one nour on every Vied. or the unloading of Freight. Idnyeor Green said that it had boon taken care of. t '+ - iayor Green asked for a discussion on the lease of the City Golg+ club to the Elks club. M ouncilman Steve said that lie vies apposed to a twenty five year lease to anyone on tks Golf �`zt3'•, F y•.' • ourse but didnt mind a shorter lease and even with a shorter loose would like to have it palled out nacifiely the improvements to be made on the Golf course and also assurance that nyone wonting to use the golf course is not to be ronuired to become a member and also spell d at the fees of the non member .vino would like to use tine Golf course. City Attonney Abroham aid that this was just n renewal of an existing lease and the existing lease states that it 5z +1 s a public course and must be maintained as such. Councilmm Johnson said that it was an • .dventage of the city to have this golf course and there certainly was no other organization a rt' hat would keep it up as well as the Elks Club and was sure that no one in this room would - �pt`gri-' ant to take it on hny less than a twenty five year lease and sj'end tis money tnat they wento call=�Ka = o spend in fixing the course up. - '4°} ouncilmnn Steve asked tine Mayor if she realized that at thin moment that vie !love a fifty yeta > ase now and that he and the Mayors childrens children swill never sea the day that the City 1: •ill never be able to control the Utilities that the lease is issued to, and now tnis is a I wenty five year lease again, •youare leasing another piece of City property for a life tire. f ouncilmnn Steve said that the hereday has it that tine Elks want to buy n building and nro ,1f,,' ,°i'- _� • orrying ,:bout finaneeinr, the now if they cant do that do tiioy think they are going to ,just sy vie want a twenty five ,years on it so they can got a hold of it and have it. 7fneros them or ey xv of ng to come from to inorove the Golf course. Snying that this might just be a rumor but if `(_ £'rt is no a rumor then it worried me, if they lirvont got enough money to do the things that they to do, they to their - e want yet want got hands on tire Golf course. After sons further discussio j '.inyor Green suggested some of the Council member most with the board of Trustees of the Elks (((( 3 L ^ n and asked Councilman Steve to set up the meotin kind for a report at the next regular session. iSr. Morgan spoke upon the roplating of the fo*lor addition and after some discussion Mayor i s k' i Green referred the matter to the Street Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney for study. l sb ' ADJOURUi.II:ZiT All there was no fur trier business to come before the Council at this tine it was moved by yf Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Lindsey that tine meeting do now adjourn, Llotion Carrl 3d. Attest' 6LTfORC�c.----�-�--= /r-r� Ci er 1