HomeMy WebLinkAbout00181 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 2, 19610 T ...{— SK4.I+X RESOLITTON NO. 61-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO1d1NSEND, WASHINGTON, REQUIRING ADVANCF APPLICATION AUD REQUISITION FOR r:XnFTTDITIIRFS RY ANY DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY 14HFRF SIICH FXP7,!%DITVRES SHALL EXCEED IN THE AGORFGATR THE SITM OF $100.00. It was moved by Councilman Mueller seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the resolution be adopted. Motio carried. Mayor Green called upon Mr Ziel who wanted to.tilk before the Mayor k Council on why some of the residents of the City iind sn�r smiTl fish in their drinking water, Saying that the same situation had happened before about twenty years ago, the reason that the small fish mature faster than they could be eaten by the bass that were in the lake. 'cith the coonernti,,n of the Denartment of Fish and Came, trout were to be planted in the city lake to devour the smaller acacia s of fish. Saying also that smaller screens had been placed on the outl.ts to curb tie smaller fish from roing into the main line. 4'ater Sunt. Arey saidthat the local reservoir was bcinr drained to set rid of any small fish that hareendd to be there. CO'^'UNICATTONS The fol.l.owinr communication was read and acted upon as follows: From: Kenneth L. TBilson, Chairman St. Johns Hospital Advisory Committee. to -wit: April 18, 1961 City Council Fr Mayor City of Port Tbwnsend, Washington Gentlemen: The undersigned is the Chairman of the St. John's Hospital Advisory Committee. As I am sure you know, the Committee has been active in promoting the formation of a Hospital District in Eastern Jefferson County. It i our considered opinion that a Hospital is vital to the welfare and future prosperity of the Fort Townsend Are, and we are assured that unless some action is taken wo will be without a hospital in the very near future. In our ,judgment. the. formation of a Hospital District is the only practical solution to the problem. The Petitions which were circulated for the purpose of holding an el,ectinn in a Hospital District were very favorably received, and more than 1400 people in Eastern Jefferson "ounty signed them. Almost three times as many si^,natures ns were required •sere obtained in Port Townsend proper. We believe that t'+is is a clear indication of the interest of the citizens of this City in the nroble, and we invite the council to examine the Petition "hifh is on file with the County Auditor. '.•,'c have every confidence that each member of the City ^rnn,7il is as vitally interested in the health and welfare of the community as any member of the Committee, and was do not doubt that con will take anorooriate action to enable the City to participate in this venture. '•'e have examined the financial requirements in detail, ^nd are aware that the City of Port Townsend now levies the fall forty mil.ls, •pith City and County tares, which is allowed by the state constitution. Hospital Sistricts are allowed a maxim,in of three mills ns an annual levy. In order for the City to participate, it will be necessary for a certain amount of millage, tin two three mills, to be derived from milinge now applied two other tiles It` -in the City boundaries. In other words, the City will hive to yield same of its millage in order to enable a 'uosnit.al District to effectively operate. The only other possibility wo,ild be that School District ?50, in w'Ich Port Townsend is located, world yield all or a nart of the necessary mIllige, in which case there wield he no effect on pity revenues. LTe will be contacting the School ➢onrd for School District drn in the near future for the nureose of asking, them to do +••hat they cnn in this regard. '•'e are also •,ell. aware that the City of Port Townsend oneratcs on a very close budget, and is Probably least able of any GO+'enment.nl unit to afford this sort of thing. n the other hand, we feel that if it is absolutely necessary it is more de-ireeble to curtail certain other services -nd maintain ndeaunte hospital facilities fo• the nenole of the City. '•'e hone that such curtailment will not he necessary, but are are convinced that Hosoita. peels are of mire urrent d nand than some of the other services provided. In light of the foregoing, ire ask the City Council to indicate by its vote that it will be willing to provide t least enough millage from its existing fourteen mill levy to permit the effective organization of a Hospital District. Of course, if the Hosnital District proposition shbuld not carry on the ballot, no millage would nee to be a allocated. 'ce are aware that the City Council could not formally commit itself at this time to the allocation of such mill -ire, but we and the County Commissioners are perfectly willing to accent the word of a majority c the c,-uncil that they enu'd mnke the necessary budgetary provisions if a hosnital District is formed. '•le will have representatives from the St. Johns Hospital Advisory Committee present at the Council meeting on this date, and they will he more than willing to answer any questions which you may ask of them. Wo thank ,you for your ittentlin to this matter, and we are sure that we can put our faith in you for the proper solution to this problem which concerns us ill. Sincerely, Kenneth L. Wilson Chairman St. Johns Hospital Advisory Committee t'ayor Green sari tl.nt three members of the City Government were involved with the hospital committee and the �emtiers -cre conncilmoman Johnson, City Attorney Abraham and herself, and all were f+illy aware of the problems facing the '•psnit_1. committee and not only the hosnital committee but the entire eastern Jefferson rrinnty area. Councilman Steve recommended that if and when a hosniLnl district is about to be put on the ballot for a vote, that the Co•ncil memorialize school district N50 to out on the very same ballot the funds that are now enrmnr'+ed for a swimning pool. Mr. Tice responded that he did not believe that the school district could nut that on the ballot and had been advised that it could not be removed even b y the voters, nod it wnsnt the nnnnimous opinion of the community that it sho-ld be done, and knew that a hosnital was very important but nlhrrs too^?ht thnt other things in the community was also very important. city Attorney Abraham -aid that •rh at the letter requested was that the council indicatelf necessary it will yield a nortion of its mo111 ge now derived from the property Lax which is now 14 mills which is all that the pity is entitled to reoeive, and the council pre being requested to yiild a nortion of that in order that the city of Port Tonnsend may effectively come into a hosnital. district. Tie said he did not have to tell the councilmen th,,L the 110 mill li^:it was the limit and could not go beyond that. In order to levie any milln_ge it must he uniform thr ighnnt the district and that means that if the City of Port Townsend is in a hosnital district and is Tillable to levie any millage for that area then the county could not levy millage for hospital district in any area of the hosnital district. The hosnital commitee was well aware of the tight fininencial position of the City and as the letter also mentioned that some relief Gould be obtained brom School District ASO end was his generil expression that they are better able to afford this than the city . Co,incilwoman ,Johnson said that as the .ouneil was the renresentstion of the greater majority of the people in the county, that they •could be doing a tread deal less in their duty if the council didnt consider the Yimportance of somehow of finding ways and means to nssist with the hospital, because it would he unthinkable that the City of Port Townsend wopld not have Hosnital vacilities. She pointed out that if the City did not do something 0 I t k`T er r .t .1 . 7 • a MINUTFS OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 19th 1961 CONTINUED very soon and make some sacrifices to provid a hospital for the community that we will not have one for the { state health R• fire people ire going to close the hosoital. She said that the Council have a mandate through 11 their own election to do the best they could to serve the citizens of this town and also have a mandate throug i the petition that went around to provide a hospital somehow in the city and believed there has been enough 1 'nvestigation on the finance to know that there are ways and means. to do our share. Councilman Mueller said that when the times comes and the council reexamine the financial structure some solution could be made to l keep a hospital in Port Townsend. Councilman Mueller made a motion seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the Council will do everything they can possibly do to see to the request for the hospital. Motion carried. Tfr Tice mentioned to the Council that the problem of funds seemed to be that the cost of government has gone up while the valuation of property has not and suggested that the county assessor institue a progre.m of proper reevaluation. After some further dismission Mayor Green called for further business to come before the Council whereuron Fire Chief Jones give a report on a fire meeting that he attended in Yakima saying that there was many things discussed that he thought could be a help to the local fire dept. Mayor Green read a letter recliv d from the director of highways which pointed out that the additional half cent vehicle fuel tax revenue availib on a per capita basis to cities must be used exclusively for construction, improvement and repair of arterial streets. In addition matching funds amounting to 25 per cent of the total must be suonlied by cities using the i! funds. E ADJONRNMENT As there, was no further business to come before the Council at this time it was moved by Councilman Suliiva seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion Carried. Attest: lid;-IllCi.�` 1 '�.Cityy Clerk�- 1 s V }P r Mi t y •S 3 i ' YCR MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 2, 1961 Port Townsend Washington ! t The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 2nd day of May 1961 at 7:30 PM in the rnuncil Chambers of the City Hall., Mayor Green oresiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Cr&gh, City Attorney Aboraham, City Clerk Youngblood,Lr Councilman Sullivan, dueller, Lafferty, Steve, Siebenbaum, Johnson, Codncilman Lindsey, absent. i vI%tUTFS OF THE PRFVICUS SESSION_ ' The minutes of the nrevinus session was read in full and it was moved b Couhcilman Mueller seconded b Y Y rouncilmnn Siebenbaum that the minutes be anoroved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried.,i�'t ➢ILLS & CLAIMS Approved bills as audited by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows: CIIRoraTT EXDF"9E FTTUD ---------------------------- Voucher Ile. 5741 through 5790------ $2,541.56 OT,YT'nIC GRAVITY '•!ATFR FUND--------------------- Voucher Ile. 2665 through 2679------ $1,487.53 PORT T0'•f!';vND GARRAGE COLLECTION 13FRVICE-------- Voucher No. 159 through 163 $ 237.94 R.4RY PA PARK FU41D---------------- D--------------------------------------Voucher No. 1695 through 1701------$ 173.78 +•1..;. rITY STRrrT FTIND-------------------------------- Voucher No. 4897 through 4904------ $ 366.08 PORT TO'•a?Sr'+D '+TATrR WORKS -R, SYSTF!M CONST. " r'Tnmi w90E11 ORD. N0. 1321------------------------ Voucher No. 218 through 221 $7,122.35 h OT;^'PIC GRAVITY WATFR SYSTEM CONST. FUND MTnFR ORD. NO. 1379------------------------- Voucher No. 191 through 221------$14,1179.41 a It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Sullivan, that the bills be approved as read nrd that the viyor R, City Clerk be authorized to draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same.; Motion Carried. REPORT OF OmFIrFRS ' ,1 r,T.*RK Tur r.ITY r,T,r•RK reported the regular salary warrants for the month of April 1961 as follows. .t , r,'VeR Mr r T+rp'g7 FMD ___________________________Voucher No. 572 through 40-----_, 2 1 T x � 5 g 57 $3,3 5 7 .. nT,vi'Plr, GRAVITY I-IATrR FOND _____________________Voucher No. 2659 through 2664------ G1,375.70 PORT Tn'-PTSP�T) GARnAr9F COT,T,rCTin'a SF.RVTrm________Voucher No. 156 through 158------$ 933.71 r, " ,. ..:. LIDRARY FITND------------------------------------ Voucher No. 5741 through 5742------$ 389.70 PRRKFilmD--------------------------------------- Voucher No. 1694-------------------$ 262.72 OITY 9IRPET FUND -------------------------------- Voucher No. I0891 through 4896------ $1,512.82 ".. >:IRT"MIS P7MUnN AtD RELIEF FUtID---------------- Voucher No. 270 through 271------$ 275.00 ''•' TRFASTTPFR The Treasurer's report was read in full for,tiic Month of April 1961 and was ordered filed. PnT,T4E R710RT • The Police report was read in full for the Month of April 1961 and was ordered filed. ➢UILDING PERMITS i The following building permits were presented and acted upon as follows: c Ralph Therieult, House, 1300 Sq. Ft., Frame, Lots 5e6 - ➢lk 294, Eisenbeis Sddntn. t7,000.00. Stella Albright, Fence, 160X461, Cedar ➢asketweave, 241 Van ➢urns, $125 00. el Fletcher, Carport, 161X181, Frame ,t Fiberglass, 53rd & Jackman St. $200.00 . N. Wel3b, Remodel Standard Oil Office, 91X161, Frame, T•7ater & Harrison, $350.00 I f Y I i f f v:i 3 f �' a {.:'rnH rc +.•. ,.. � f -n: Ar' �'. ..., t.✓5 `{r .t .. y. A .,w, t, f'�"F+f