HomeMy WebLinkAbout00142 session this 5th day -of October 1959, in the Council Chambors of the City Ball, :8ayor Leighto II23 :I ,i i be on record that the prosecuting Attorney submited to him n proposed contract for the onorntion of the contribution by the city to the operation of the jail and felt that he had which could be called serious objection to the contract. As it is now pronentod primaroly because the contract contimplates that the jailor would be on the city payroll but be entirely within the control and under the dominion of the shorrifs office. This raises the question on yr other the city is authorized to pay the salary of a county employee, because the jailor eis the contract presently reads will to entirely a county employee, the city is given no decronion in the control of that person or in the manner in which he or she conducts the job, and v+'iilo that of course is the same as what via have had before, the difference was that wo were pny'n the county on n voucher basis for a jailor, thin would put the jailor In the samo category as n policomnn or andomployoo on the street dopnrtment or any other payable ampleyeo of the city but with all the payroll omployoes of the city we have the control and seriously question on whothor wo have the authority to put a person on the payroll who is not our omnloyce. Attorney Abraham said that there were various other questions l:e would raise in regard to the contract but felt that visa tl.o .:^ `• aorious. .lttorney Abrahriln said it uvt:s still open to noggtifttion and while the nrosocuting attorney and himself did not sou eye to eye felt that it should be pointed out no for as he ]maw neither the prosecuting attorney nor himself had boon dolagutod the authority to negotiate the contrnet and for that reason would rosarvo any harsh commontsuhtil the commins.oners had a chahce to be heard. Attorney Abraham mentioned that In the suction of the contract whore the statutes are cited or quoted, the statutes are made to road, that you any hrvo joint ;nnintonanco of jails in this situation. lie said that indicated that somothin had been left out and that vraa - ar,uisition, oroction, ownership find control. Attorney Abraham said tt:at the statutes does rotor to control, aq13iaition, erietion and � ownership and it sunned to him that the city was loosing that jail or a portion of the jail from the count nn3 it. would sour.: that the city should be entitled to some of the rights of the lonsoo,.rbut also ronlizod that the county owned the jail and they do not have to enter in any neogation with the city if they chose not to, but felt that the city should not lonve it cntirelp up to them mid doubted if the city could enter a contract on those basis, but however would discuss this with the prosecuting attorney again and possibly work out a more acceptable lnn,,ungo in the contract. Attorney Abraham the reason for till of thin visa of the 'examiners being critical of them in his last report and it would seem if via go along with what they have in mind that the ox mninor would be critical with us in our next audit. Councilman Aullivan coumsonted on the dog and cat situation noying he could not figure out There they w'ero all co:aing from for they were were being disposed of ovary day ato the shelter. Ho s9id thst city officials receive many calls concerning the dog nuisance donrite efforts of the pound mnstor to round up find dinposo of unwanted nnimols. Councilmnn Mueller raised the question of the jnil situation saying the city would be puyinr t:+c county around y600.00 next your for jail facilities and seersed the city could find suitable ^ufirters for prisoners for around .,2,000.00 or '2,500.00 that would accomndato three or :our ,risonors at a time. ADJ iURN1n11T As there was no further business to come before the co ncil at this time it visa movod by Councilman Sullivan seconded by Councilman Mueller that the moating do now adjourn. Upon roll cnll vote all councilmen prosont voted in the affirmitive and motion doclnrod carried. MAYOR C1Jcc,QotiCi "` A:TEST•�L(:i 0 �r 11 r r- Port Townsend, 'Vashington October 5, 1959 The City "ouncil of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, met in Statutory (Budget) session this 5th day -of October 1959, in the Council Chambors of the City Ball, :8ayor Leighto II residing. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Leighton, City Attorney Abraham, City I lurk Youhgblood, Councilmen, Sullivan, Lueller, Lafferty, Avery, Siebenbau, Lindsey, Swinhoe BUDGET SESSION 1 + :,Iayor Leighton announced that the purpose of the meeting visa for the consideration of the f budget of the City of Port 'Townsend, as required by statute and that no other business would e considered at this meeting. BUDGET CONSIDERATION The Council considered each item of the budget, making changes as necessary, changes to be 4 onfirmed after full consideration. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND un der he division of i Government. nder t 0 of General t G n o e division s scare soup nth No changes e and d y C the City Treasurer, the item of Salary, City Treasurer was reduced from N450000 to $4200.00. No changes were made under the division of the City Clerk, City Attorney, Police Court, City .ngineer, City liall Building, Election & Registration. Under the Division of the Humane ocied•ty, the City Uontribution to humane Sociedty visa raised from $1200.00 to ?l500.00. Under the division of the Police Department the item of Emergency Patrolmen of $600.00 was eleted and the new item of Jail Rental was added for #300.00. Under the division of Fire epartment the item of salaries of 3 truck drivers was raised from $12,840.00 to $12,960.00. under the item of salary, Fire Chief visa reduced from 840.00 to $720.00, under the item of 'spital Outlay of Fire Department capital outlay Reserve Fund of $2,900.00 was deleted. No hanges made under the division of Civil Defense Director Expense, Court costs other than „ olice Court, Civil Service Commission, Street Lighting Service. Under the division of liealt apartment, was loacrod from Q3570.00 to :;f3500.00. OLYMPIC GRAVITY F!ATER FUND Under the division of Salary, Crater Superintendent, was raised from ''2700.00 to $3000.00. n y, P a Yr Garbage Department i1 Under the divisi.on d' Wages, Labor, was lowered from N800.00 to-�700.00. Under repairs & i!k eplacements was lousered from �700.00 to :500.00. E I t. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND No changes were made in the Public Library Fund, PARK FUND { The item of Replacement & Addition to Park Tables & Benches of $100.00 was deleted. t CITY STREET FUidD No changes were mado in the City Street Fund. F IR�i ER S RELIL: AND Ml. ION 11." No changes r:ere made in the Firemens relief and Pension Fund. PORT TO'!. NSE:ID GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 1955 lie changes wore :nude in the Port Townsend General Obligation Bonds 1955. At this time :Cnyor �aighton called for any objection of the budget for 1960, upon which the City 'Treasurer, Dolores Hoyt said that she would like to have her objection go on record in the cutting of her salary from u4500.00 to $4200.00. Miss Hoyt contended the city clerk who receives 44500.00 has no greater work load than the treasurerand the discrimination was not in keenong with the dignity of her office and th rasp: at it should be shown, and could not see why an elected public official should be paid less than city employees, for the offi reserved that much respect. CHANGES CONF'IRE':13D & i3UDGET ADOPTED It was moved by Councilvroman Avery seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the cjamges nov: be confirmed and that the 8udgot now be adopted. Upon roll call vote all seven Councilmen present voted in the affirmitive and motion carried. PREPARATION OF ORDINANCES It visa ma cd by Councilman Mueller seconded by Councilman Siebenbnum that the City Attorne )rapers the ncessary ordinances. Upon roll call vote all seven councilmen present voted in he affirmitive and motion declared carried. ORDINANCE FOR CITY TREASURER SALARY ( NEW TERM) St visa moved by Councilman dueller and seconded by Councilman'Siebenbaum that the City attorney dray up the proper ordinance for the City Treasurers salary for the new term. Upon roll call vote all councilmen present voted in the affirmitive and motion declared carried. os; ,