HomeMy WebLinkAbout00139 session. (3)r , v, F ; �r ,rt , I s% i j l f ..1 i f' ,u u �i Mayor Leighton referred the communication to next regular session. REGULAR SESSION OF AUGUST 4, 1959, CONTINUE committee for a report uo, RECESS At this time :Gayor Laic•+ton called for a five minute recess. RECONVENE AND ROLL CALL After a short recess the Council reconvened and all officers and members were present. COILS?,:ITTEE REPORTS Councilman Siebenbaum reported on contacting an official at Indian Island on giving water that eras requested for the Green Spot. Iie said that thu inib sriation that he received vies that Indi^_n Isl^.nd doss not receive enough e saidrin thattvie haveeonime to keep obligation toefurnishoir l woter cwlth6ut.ppernting its auxiliary pump. we could give any water to the green spot until the Indian Island, and and could not see how Navy gave up Indian Island entirely. City 'Water Supt. Arey, reported that the contract with .Crown Zellerbach provides that no more than 400,000 gallons of water r day can be diverted from the main line at Four Corners t0 the smeller line now serving the Chevy Chaue area, irondale, 3adlock, Chimacum and Indian Island. He said tint the muter siinnSullivan haid b the line ranges between 267,000 and 360,000 gallons daily. city Councilman Sullivan said ha favored furnishing vaster to the Green Spot but withdrew his objections to the water committe recom.,endation after considerable discussion. Councilman Sullivan reported on the vacating a portion of Benton Street that aivies strtheeste in a petition at the last regular session. He said that the committee g vacating the sRid street at this time. City Attorney Abraham said that it would be necessar for and to extend the people involved to be heard under the statutes and would recomrend the cler}c to post three notices for a hearing. After some discussion Councilman Llueller moved that a public hearing be held on October the 6th, motion seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum, Upon roll call vote all Councilmen present voted in the affi.rmitive and motion declared carried. Councilman Siebenbaum reported for the Finance Committee saying that the Current Expcn3a needed around ,}94,000.00 to operate I'or 1960. He said that the comrittee recommended a franchise tax f all Oar: er�hoolupsoandhtheater Dept. repealing gfdtheediscount osame on tn waterabillept. alai e 1.00 ge on ORDINANCE 140. 1396 AN ORDINA'JCE OF THE CIPY OF FORT TO':?NSEND, 77AShINGTON, ESTABLISHING THE POI T Tot: NS--- WD GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE AS AN INDEPENDANT PUBLIC UTILITY, PROVIDING FO, THE ORGANIZATION AND AD:.:INISTRATION THEREOF, PROVIDING FOR F;cyUIPL:cNT THEREFORE, ESTABLI�-:1NG A FORT WINN- SEND GARBAGE COLLECTION .SERVICE FUND AND FOR THE ADLIINISTRATION OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEI,!ENTS THEREIN, PROVIDING FO? FEES FOR GARBAGE SERVICE, AND SETTING FOI'PH THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES 0? SAID PORT TOSNSEI•ID GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVM E. As the above titled ordinance was read in full at the last regular session it vies moved by Councilmen dueller seconded b-y Councilman Srrinl:oe that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only, 1;:otion carried THIRD READII':G & PASSAGE Ordinance No. 1366 was read for the third time by title only and it, was moved by Ceuncilm! Sd311van seconded by Councilman Siebonbaum that Ordinance Ile 13h6 do now pass. 2dotion carries ORDINANCE NO. 1347 . AN oiiDINAIICE Q` THE CITY 0' PM T TM' NSEI.9 ESTA.BLIFz ING 1,14 ANNUAL LICENSE kIM LICENSE; Fist FM GARBAGE COLLECTION AIM DISPOSAL UTILITES HOLDING FRANCHISES FROI,I SAID CITY. Ordinance No. 1367 was read in full and it was moved by Councilman Sullivan seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the first reading be considered the second reading end the third reading be by title only. I;,otion Carried. THIRD READING & PASSAGE Ordinance No. 1357 !•'ae read for t. e ._ r t me by t tie only and it was moved by Councih Siebenbaum seconded b-t- Councilman Svrinhoe that Ordinance No 1367 do now pass. motion carried ORDINANCE NO. 1398 AN ORJI111Ai10E 0 THE CJY OF P0, T TOIIISEIID ESTABLISI ING A 1XIITHLY SEER LIAINTENAIICE CHARGE OF $1.00 ON EACH FREIaSES CONNECTED TO A SE'SER Ill SAID CITY. Ordinance 110. 135Q •vas read in full and it was moved by Councilman ;Zueller seconded by Ccuncilman-Lafferty that the 8 rst reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. I,.otion Carried. THIRD READING & PAS:IAGE Ordinance No. 1368 was read for the third time by title only and it vies moved by Counci Avery, seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that Ord. Ile. 130E do now pass. 3lotion carried. ORD1I4AliCE NO 1369 All 01%DINAIGCE OF THE CI' Y OF PORT 'I'OCIIISE,;D AIZIi DING OEDINi IXE 110 1110 PASS'cD ON DECF:1-13ER L9, 1939 ORDINANCE DO 1172 PAS ED 01; AUGUST 15, 1944 AND THLHL'3Y REPEALING THE DISCOUIi'1' OF FIFTY FIVE CENTS ALLO:'."M Oi' "ONTi:LY .PATER nILLS PAID 13EFORE TIPS: 10th OF E%CH iXIITil. an i L i' 229 h r. F 0 THE REGULAR SESSION OF AUGUST 4, 1959 COI;T1NUED Ordinance No. 1g9 was read in full and it was moved by Councilman L:ueller secondod by Councilman Svinhoe that the 11 rat reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Yotion carried. THIRD READING & PASSAGE Ordinance No. 1369 vies read for the third time by title only and it :'vas moved by Councih Avery seconded by Councilman Svrinhoe that Ord. No. 1369 do don pass. Lotion Carried. 776 ORDINANCE; NO.139 AN ORDINAN'E OF THE CITY 0 PORT TO7711SEIND ESTABLISHING AN AIi1.UAL LICENSE AIM LICENSE FEE FOR 76'ATER UTI:LITL S IiUL1)11;G FRANCHIS-S FROli SAID CITY, AND PROVIDING FO R 'i'H:. PROTECTION OF OL21:PIC GRAVITY ATER SYSTELi RESERVE FUNDS A.1D SECURITY. v. Ordinance ivo. 13G8 rras read in full and it v:as moved by Councilman L;ueller seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. LSotion carried THIRD READING & PASSAGE v' Ordinance No. 13f,0 was read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Council Lindsey seconded by Councilwoman Avery that Ord. No. 13'do nor., pass. LSotion carried. 70 ORDINANCE 110. 13j�1 All ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TO YiNSEND YMKING All APPROPRIATION FOR Er.P ENDITURES DURING TI97 YEAR 1959, IN THE SUY OF $467.38, Fbr THE CITY CURRENT EXPENSE FUND AL)' DECLARING AN EE:ERG'311CY. Due to the nature of Ordinance Ile. 13;Pl had to be held over to the next regular session. 107 AND OLD i5USILESS IGayor Leighton. thanked Councilman Lafferty on the use of his bus and his time in driving the Fort Flagler Iiusic Students to a rehersal last Saturday. Councilman Siebenbaum thanked everyone on behalf of the Siebenbaum family ib r the donati to the church on the memorandum for tTveir mother. ADJOURIWENT As there was no further business to come before the Council at this time it vies moved by Councilman Svrinhoe seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do no. adjourn, upon rol call vote all Councilmen present voted in. the offirmitive and motion declared carried. MAYOR r ATTEST d& E