HomeMy WebLinkAbout00125 minutes. Ordinance llo. 1355 was read for202
--- =1oce report for the L:onth of January 1959 was road and was ordered filed.
'1Teasurers report for the month of February was read and was reffered to the Finance
The following building permits were presented and road and acted upon as follows:
Karl G. Anderson, Store Building, 241X46t, Frame & Alluminum, Benedict & Jeff. �900.00
E 71 Higdon, Addition to Garage, 121X241 Frame, 47th & Jan Juan, N100.00.
George G. Little, Re -shingle garage roof, 201X24t frame, 545 Lincoln St. ,.560.00.
Dan Buchillo, Car Port, 141X201, Frame, 1533 h:onroe.
It wqs moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Swinhoe that the building permi
be granted. Upon roll call vote all seven Councilmen present voted in the affirmitive and
motion declared carried.
The folloring tear down permit was presented and read and acted upon as follows:
Kenneth R. Lofthus, house, frame, Tyler & Clay, to abide by Or. 907.
It was moved by councilman Sullivan and seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the tear
dawn permit be granted. Upon roll call vote all seven Councilmen present voted in the
affirmative and motion declared carried.
Th following com:::maication wus presented and read and acted upon as follows:
From John Doll & Idrs. John Doll, to -,:mitt
February 27, 1959
The honorable Mayor and
Uity Council of
The City of Port Townsend
Fort 'Townsend 71'ashington
The undersingned arc the a,ners of property located at the intersection of Cook and
Perry Streets, and abutting upon the Fowlers addition Plaza, in Port 'Townsend.
Pie would lake to lease that nortion of the Folvrers Addition Plaza which lies on the
North'aesterly side of Cools Stroet, and which we understand has been dedicated to the
City. We contemplate a long term louse of twenty years or more.
7Ce request that the City Council review this matter tothe And that a lease of the
described land may be made to us. [no
John Doll and I.irs. John Doll
Uouncilman Swin'..oe informed the Mayor and City Council that the home of tIr & L:rs John
Doll ,:as situated on a portion of the platted City owned area known as Fowlers Addition
and h hat their request was justifd:able and Councilman Swinhoe made a motion that a twenty
year lease be granted seconded by Councilman Lafferty. After some discussion Councilman
Swinhoe ammended his motion to include w1.00 prr year for 20 years. Councilman Mueller
again ane:,ended the motion that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary
papers. Seconded by Councilman Lafferty. Upon roll call vote Councilmen Lafferty, Avery
Sullivan, Lindsey Swinhoe, Liueller voted Yes. Councilman Siebonbaum voted no. Mot _on declare
ORDI i; Aiv C 3S
Ordinance No. 1355 wea read to the Council for the first reading at the regular session
ofFeo. 17, 1959 and thereby incorporated in those minutes. Ordinance llo. 1355 was read for
t1T second time at this regular session of March 3, 1959. Councilman ?iiueller informed the
rgyor and City Uouncil that as long as the City was ;2,000.00 in the red and an appropriatic
for 34,500.00 more to the red and that Buhler Motor Company were willing to wait for t1eir
money until the money was available moved that the third readin be by title only seconded la})
Councilmen Sichenbaum. Upon roll call vote all seven Councilmen present voted in the affir-
mitive and motion declared carried.
Ordinance No. 1355 was read for the third reading by title only ^nd it t,ns moved by Sieb-
anbaum and seconded by Councilman Avery that Ordinance No. 1355 do now pass. Upn roll call
vote all seven Councilmen present voted in the affirmitive and motion declared carried.
ORDII:AtiC3 1:0. 1356
i '' 0 Tli:; CURREi.T 7J r t LI SL u tD OF THE CITY, SAID
TRAI;S:^'ER ROT '1O 1-JCEED "tI SU1.1, OF ,r10,000.00, AND
;XCEP'T SUCH TRia1:S1 Lr. A1'L DRA71 u.hP Ar T'S THIAM. OL, N: D
1.7HEREAS, it appears that the revenues anticipated for the current expense fund of the
City for the year 1959 'kill be inadequate to balance the expenditures from said fund until
on or about May 1, 1959, and
Cl'r.EREAS it appears that the Ol•,•mpic Gravity "later Fund of said City has sufficient funds
to enable the temporary trunsfer from: the said Olympic Gravity '^ater Fund to the Current
Expense Fund:
.:..siiiJ.._._,�.r..........�........._..La.:.-�....r.r-..a-._.,.-� .-...-
'.LOIN, 1HEREF'ORE, sE 1T ORDAINED bi+ the Council of the City of Fort Ta,ncend, ':Sada ington 1
i regular session assembled, as follo.'s: F
Section 1. The City Clerk and the City 'Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend are here-
g out orl-z-eU and directed to make such transfer of funds from the Olympic Gravity ?later
Ind of said City tothe Current Expense Fund of Said City as may be necessary -to honor '
irrants duly drawn on the Current Expense Fund,. said transfers tobe made from time to tkme
may be required, but in no event to exceed a total amount of 's10,000.00.
Section 2. The City Clerk is here and hereby authorized do drat, and issue warrants on
as unds provided by Section 1 hereof, and the City 'Treasurer is here and hereby authorized
a honor such warrants from the funds so authorized to be transfered.
Section 3. All funds transfered from the Olympic Gravity '.later Fund to the Current
tpense i�unndpursuant to this Ordinance shall be refunded and reimbursed to the said Olympic
ravity ',later Fund from the Current Expense Fund on or before :Lay 1, 1959, and the City Clerl
ad City 'treasurer are here and hereby authorized to make such refund and reimbursement.
Section 4. this Ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval
nd u ca on as reauired by Law.
Introduced and read for the first, second and third times at a regular meeting of the
ity Council held on h,arch 3, 1959. passed by the Council and approved by the Idayor, N.ar:h
Marilou Leipston
TTEST cayor
ale I. Youngblood
pproved as to Form:
lenn Abraham Jr.
y j+ttorney
iled by me this 3rd day of I6arch, 1959
ule I. Youn.t-L
er1 k a' the 6�of Port Townsend
I. Gale I. Youngblood, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Port
nensend, Washington, certify hereby that the within and foregoing is a true and correct
opy of Ordinance No. 1356 of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its }.
ayor at the regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of Ma:•ch, 1959.
Gale I. Youn blood
C er c _e art Townsend
City Attorney Abraham informed the Mayor and Council that we are now fresh out of money
.nd that it came co his attention last thurdday of last week. He said that the money .,as
raileble to the City at the bank if ,.e wanted it, but if '..a borrow money from the bank i
,hen there would have to be interest paid. He said that about the only place inside the t
sty government, where money was available was the :later Department and after talking to
;he City Engineer and not wanting to bother water Supertendent Arey who was ill at the time
!ecidod to borrow the money needed from the .,ater department not to exceed 1r10,000.00 and
'elt sure that by MN .I,�st the money could be refunded to the water department. City Att m'ne
+brahom said that Council or anyone else should be upologetic about this for ,:a had a j
rood sound budget for this year and that the Council had not appropriated more money than
;hey were going to have and that the anticipated revenues :^cold come in. He said that th^
I1ty mercly ,:as caught in the same squeeze as the County ,:as in and that the revenue was not
:oming in fast enough to meet the present needs. In past years there has been surpluses that
;ook care of the lean period but now like many cities an the state reaches the point where (
;urpluses pro exhausted, but there was no reason for anyone to feel that a mistake had been
nade in the budget for their wasnt in fact we have a very lean budget. 'Hater Supertcndenc
trey said that the ,rater department was now obligated for around "13,000.00 to pay for pipe
znd that the job was going to be done by day labor and in order to do the work by day labor
aid to buy in advance coppertubing, fittings and etc. which would run around ;500.00 Fr
a a o
month. City Attorney informed Air fu•ey that they were �e:111 aware of that and pointed out
-hat the ordinance dad not say that you had to take z:10,000.00 from the water department
it said you couldnt take more than that, and if we run into trouble with the contract then
bhere ,mould have to go or get money from some other place, like some other department or
Crow. the last resort the bank which would be available to us.
It was moved by Councilmen (dueller and seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the first
reading be considered the second rending and that the third reading be by title only. Upon
roll call vote all seven councilmen present voted an the affirmative and motion declared I
Ordinance No 1356 was rend for the third ETr-re--Fy=-tlo on:y and it was moved by Councilmen
Sullivan and seconded by Councilman Avery that Ordinance No 1356 do no,.' pass. Upn rollcall
vote all seven councilmen present voted in the affirmitive and inotion declared carried.
Mayor Leighton asked for the rending of the City Planning Cc r.:islon Ordinance upon n%nlch
the City Clerk complied. Aftnr completing thu reading of the ordinance upon which a copy is ;
attached and thereby incoporated In these minutes. 'LiTq (;;ayor asked if their were any quest_o:s ; J
concerning the Ordinance.. Councilwoman avory said she could not sae 'slow the Ordinance could b,
workable without funds and at the pres�ent time no funds were available.. Councilman Sieben.) um
said that he felt that tiro Ordinance took in too much territor and to much red tape and felt
that x1'4P1Xii2MlYtI+rX at the present time in view of the financial situation was no time for It
Mayor Leighton said that she felt that one of the reasons that the City was in the plil-aIt it:
is in today partly the financcal plight and many of the problems that become before the -
Council every meeting is bocause they didnt have a planning commission set up many years ago
^ tLat r� encountered tod � tv v h f t._8�r
t t n of t_u� problems area would not o hero i
and fait that may py
been n planning co
mmission for thetrwould be set up legally to handle problems that the City 1,
Council could not otherwise handle.
City Attorney ,lbrahnm explained why the great length of the Ordinance erns necessary and that
erns to meet the renuire-nonts of State Statutes governing the establishment and operntions of -
1anning Commissions.. Councilman Swinhoe said that ha tnd read the alanr.i.ng commission
rdinance over nine tirtesand as ire sees it the purpose of the planning ordinance was one of
long range and was not alarmed concernIn; what offects it might ?rave. Councilman Swiniroe
made n motion that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third rending I o b
title only. Seconded b Councilman Sullivan. Upon roll call vote Councilinon Lafferty, /very
Siebenbeu, ?dueller voted rise, Councilman Swinhoe Lindsey, Sullivan, voted -ea.. Mot -'-on did I -
not carry.