HomeMy WebLinkAbout00123 session. (2)C A, ,tIiJUTrS OF IU'sGULAR SESSI0IJ Of FEBRUARY 17, 1959, CONTINUED. I think, points up the need to consider a City Ordinnnce to govern the housing of nnimala wi hill the ordinauco City Limits. Each summor this deportment recoivcs complaints about animal and fowl and a ci tlint they do not y would certainly old in controlling the housing of animals in such n mnnnor the being of become nuisances to noighbors or ire any way joopnrcllco proporty values or well a neighborhood. Yours truly, Donald A. Llorrison District Sanitarian Councilman Sullivnn informed the ]Mayor nod Council on the nbovo communicntion thnt Mr. Ellnrd was to movo the animals out to Mr. Ellnrds place which was the old Taitzel hom going in the future. Councilwoman Avery said ther should be an ordinance on situations like nonr this for silo said there woro a lot of onlmoln running loose in the City Limits. Councilman Sullivan land the City Clerk road a pnragraf of 3actlon 1 of Ordinance 837 pertaining to Pnimsls running at large. TMayor Leighton rofferod to the above communication to the harbor end health committee _^or n report at the next re;ulor session. ' From: Frank Holbrook, to -wit: Fobrunry 17th, 1959 Tire Honorable 6Tn,�or Leighton ;llombors of tiro City Council Port Townsend, ;Lnshington To .-thom it cony concern: In order to have our neighborhood anfo for our children and loved onus. Ffo request n stree liiht at the corner of fourth end Logan streets immodialtoly. There ore numorous children in the Pros of nre-sc'nool and school ego who need the ndded protection that proper illuminntimn In recent months, occurences of peeping toms lips pin;uod the neighborhood, nddin. provides. to the rrablon. Very often all the lon e Bono oere lonving woman and children home alone in a dark nei,;hboriiood. It is strongly urged by rrombors of the neighborhhood that a liglet be erected to alleviate this condition. Yours very truly, Frank "olbroolc Thee above communication was roffered to th fire & Light Committee. From: A. Clemons Grady, to -wit: "February 5, 1959 City Council City of Port Townsond City hall Port Townsend, 711nshington Denr Council Members: Ii is rasnectfully ronuostod that n street light ho installed at the intersection of Quincy In and ';;rater ;trouts in the City of Port Townsand, if possible on the ferry aide of the inter- snction. This is nn irtersoction thnt has much activity at the prosent time and will undou - todl,r l:nvo -mre ^ctivity in the future. so that a street light in thhnt vicinity would be of ,r-,ront sorvice to tiro public. Respectful y aura A. Clemons Grady The above communication was reforrad to the fire & Light 0omraittao. ORDIN All :ES *11 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TO.T1iVSE:IL 'MAKING AN .APPROPRI"TION FOR'3X11s11DI'TUR3:i DURING TIIE YE]R 1959 FOR Tti ARB4GE LEP\111.e ITT 111) CURR::ITT EXPENSE "FUND A11D ll CLARING All L,i.IIGLNCY. 'i1rP.:RE':5 it nnpoars that tihe GarbPgo Department of the City is in nood of and requires the purchnse of a tr,lck to "apiece existing equipment which is drfoctivo, and that the need therefor is immedinto and unforeseen, and ERCS' it apponrs to the Council tlhnt th need for the purchaao of n now truck for tlho ,nrbn.;e Depert:aent is l:mm(�diato and thnt the sum of "4,500.00 is a rensonnblo sum for the purchnse nod nitorntion of said truck, end the Council hnving; dotorm'nod sad found that an emor.;ency exists; 3" IT JRullil"D by the Counc '.1 of tho City of Port Townsond, '. uslhington, in rogulnr session essnmblod, as follows: Section 1. Th'iro is hereby n^l.roprintad for the Current 7.xnenso Fund for tin: purpose of DUI'ChPnn truck for till 0nrbn;;o Department of the City of Port Townsond in the year 195b, the sni� um of '4,500.n0. Soction 2. Tttnt the City Clork of the City of Port Townsend be and lie is hereby author izo o saua omcr;,oncy warrants upon the Current Exponso Fund o.' the City of Port Townson not exceeding the fore ;nin,, oneunt, upon prosuntntion of a proporly nperovod voucher. Section 3. This ordlnnnn.. is declnrod to be one necoasnry for the immodiote presorvati 1 of the proporty, hoslth and wclfnre of the people of the City of Port 'Townsend, Slashirigton An emergency is hcrnby declared to exist end this ordil.nneo shall go Into offoct Immediately unon its passn,,e, npproval nnri publication on roquirod by law. Introduced for tho first time at a ro�lulnr mooting; of the City Council held on February 17, 1959. Rend for the second and third times, passed by the City Council and approved by the binyoi nt n regular :meeting of tiro Council held on March 1950 ' 1,Xz/ Mayor Attest: C 'y er c Approved as to form, r `� ✓ �'I 1 rY" r .GL {+ F3F�e!ypfi+ •_- .r 199 I • • u by me this day of March, 1959. r i I. GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, duly elected, qualified and acting clerk of the City Of Port Town - end, 'Nnshington, certify hereby thnt the within and foregoing is n true and correct copy of rdinonce Ni. of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its mayor at the egular meeting of sold Council hold on the day of 'Tnrclh, 1959. Clerk of the Ci ty of or Townsend The nbove Ordinnnee was read for the first time and :in view of its noture, will have to to Dvor until the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Leighton announced that wednosday the 18th was City Officinld day at Olympia end that most everyone knew th::ro would be threu or four cars going, to a public hearing on hou bill // 296 allocating 10% of state taxes to the cities and anyone who wns interested in go to contact her immediately after the meeting. Mayor Leighton also reminded overyono of the Firemens Ball to be held on tho 21st at the Legion Club. Mayor Leighton said directely eft the Council meeting there would be a Civil defense meetin and et this time Introduced Mr. Ralph Robinson Co-Ordinator of the district, Aidmirnl Grebor of the state departments survi staff and Col. Johnson fire chief from Port Angeles. Mayor Leighton called upon Mr. Robert Miller, representing the Chamber of Conunerce who explained and showed an artists slcetchforn attractive sign that was being constructed and soon would be erected at no cost to the city. Mr. Miller said that after the sign is erec the Port Townsend Garden Club would beautify the area around it and likely that in the fut the maintonance would become a job for the City park department. Mr. Miller introduced Mr. N. A. thitnack end explained that Mr. Whitnnek had a deed granting the city ownersi;ip of a small parcel of ground at the City limits, where the new city entrance and idontifica sign Would be erected, and ironed that the City of Port Townsend would be willing to accept the dead. City Attorney Abraham informed the Mayor and the City Council that he ,just hnpp to have with hint a proposed ordinance which would authorized the Mayor £e City Clerk to ace the dead. y V u i I' 1 f se in er II to r- ticil en op i ORDINANCE 110 1354 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING 1JR) GMPOWM- ING THE M.^.YOR AND THE CIT%' CLERK TO ACCEPT DELIVERY OF A QUIT CLAI74 DE:°D FOR A PARCEL OF LAND TO BE U3ED FOR TH3 ERECTION OF A CITY IDENTIFICATION SIGN. ynerens, o'Quit Claim Deed has been tendered the City of Port Townsend by Mr. and Mrs N.A. 'MiAtnack, through the Chamber of Commerce of said City, said deed being for the convey- ance of certain lands abutting upon the City Limits of said City on State Highway Ito. 9, and it being contemplated that a sign wele)ming visitors to the city be erected on said land by the said Chamber of Commerce. t NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIP CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND SO ORDAIN .4S FOLLO'NS: f Section 1. That the Mayor and the City Clark of the City of Port Townsend are here and lie by nutior zo an.i empowered to accept the delivery of a quit Claim Deed from Mr. and Mrs. N.A. CAhitnack for a parcel of land abutting upon the City Limits of said City and State Highway {. No. 9. 1 Section 2. That this ordinance be bublislhed once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in fo e nod take effect five days from and nftor the data of such publication. Rend for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council, and signed by the Mayo 1 on the 17th day of February, 1959. j Marilou Leighton Mayor Attest: Gale I. `roun-blood Z{;y C er c Approvod as to form: Glenn Abraham Jr. { Ur1iy A tor� 1 It was moved by Councilman Muellor and seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the first I r ceding be considered the second reading and that the third reading bo by title only. Upon •oll call vote all six councilman present voted in the nffirmitive and motion declared cnrriE I.} THIRD R .^.UING AIiD PASSAGE i Sill { Ordinance Iio 1345 was road for the third time by title only end it was moved by Councilno Sullivan and seconded by Councilmnn .:very that the ordinance no 1354 do now pass. U,'on roll 1 call vote all six Councilmen present voted in tho nffirmitiva and motion declared carried. Mayor Leighton thankod Mr. Nhitnnek for hie Fonerosity,and was given a ovation from every Dne in the Council Chambers. Councilman Muellor made a motion sa.:ondod by Councilman Sullivei that the t.inyor and City Clerk write a letter to Mr & Mrs Ainitnock thanking them for their vesture in tusking the entrance to Port Townsend more attrnetiiro. Upon roll call vote nil Oix Councilmen present voted in the offirmitivo and motion doclnrod cnrriod. ADJOURN'T"111T As there was no furthor bunincns before the Council for their consideration at this time it was movud by Councilmnn Sullivan and socondad by Councilmen Lnff'erty that the Council do now adjourn. Upon roll call vote all six Councilman prosont voted in the offirni.t:iva and motion declared carried, 'Attest;� Clt T��>ii� �or' MAYOR or ORDINANCE 110 1354 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING 1JR) GMPOWM- ING THE M.^.YOR AND THE CIT%' CLERK TO ACCEPT DELIVERY OF A QUIT CLAI74 DE:°D FOR A PARCEL OF LAND TO BE U3ED FOR TH3 ERECTION OF A CITY IDENTIFICATION SIGN. ynerens, o'Quit Claim Deed has been tendered the City of Port Townsend by Mr. and Mrs N.A. 'MiAtnack, through the Chamber of Commerce of said City, said deed being for the convey- ance of certain lands abutting upon the City Limits of said City on State Highway Ito. 9, and it being contemplated that a sign wele)ming visitors to the city be erected on said land by the said Chamber of Commerce. t NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIP CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND SO ORDAIN .4S FOLLO'NS: f Section 1. That the Mayor and the City Clark of the City of Port Townsend are here and lie by nutior zo an.i empowered to accept the delivery of a quit Claim Deed from Mr. and Mrs. N.A. CAhitnack for a parcel of land abutting upon the City Limits of said City and State Highway {. No. 9. 1 Section 2. That this ordinance be bublislhed once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in fo e nod take effect five days from and nftor the data of such publication. Rend for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council, and signed by the Mayo 1 on the 17th day of February, 1959. j Marilou Leighton Mayor Attest: Gale I. `roun-blood Z{;y C er c Approvod as to form: Glenn Abraham Jr. { Ur1iy A tor� 1 It was moved by Councilman Muellor and seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the first I r ceding be considered the second reading and that the third reading bo by title only. Upon •oll call vote all six councilman present voted in the nffirmitive and motion declared cnrriE I.} THIRD R .^.UING AIiD PASSAGE i Sill { Ordinance Iio 1345 was road for the third time by title only end it was moved by Councilno Sullivan and seconded by Councilmnn .:very that the ordinance no 1354 do now pass. U,'on roll 1 call vote all six Councilmen present voted in tho nffirmitiva and motion declared carried. Mayor Leighton thankod Mr. Nhitnnek for hie Fonerosity,and was given a ovation from every Dne in the Council Chambers. Councilman Muellor made a motion sa.:ondod by Councilman Sullivei that the t.inyor and City Clerk write a letter to Mr & Mrs Ainitnock thanking them for their vesture in tusking the entrance to Port Townsend more attrnetiiro. Upon roll call vote nil Oix Councilmen present voted in the offirmitivo and motion doclnrod cnrriod. ADJOURN'T"111T As there was no furthor bunincns before the Council for their consideration at this time it was movud by Councilmnn Sullivan and socondad by Councilmen Lnff'erty that the Council do now adjourn. Upon roll call vote all six Councilman prosont voted in the offirni.t:iva and motion declared carried, 'Attest;� Clt T��>ii� �or' MAYOR or