HomeMy WebLinkAbout00115 MINUTES OF (4)3RNYYi>;RE)SESXT9 C (Xtt4iXlxZ Port Townsend Public Sc:iools to -wit:
Dear Mrs. Leighton:
I wish to bring to ,your attention the ver:7 fine cooperative manner in which Mr. Willestof
end Mr. Arey have assisted our school safety patrol. Mr. Arey has painted cross walks and
9r. iWillestoft has assisted Mr. Fart and myself by having iris men compliment the patrol boys
on duty which encourages the boys to do A good Job.
Sincerely Edward I Hanson
General Petroleum Corporation to -wit: October 24, 1958
?Honorable City Council
City of Port Townsend
?ort Townsend, vlash.
Reference is made to the proposed Ordinance No. 1352 granting to General Petroleum Corp-
oration, a Deaware corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, main-
tain, operate and remove ripe lines across certain streets in the City of Port Townsend, vies;
The undersigned, ^-enerel Petroleum Corporation, hereby accepts the terms and conditions set
forth in said proposed Ordinance No. 1352 and agrees to be bound by the terms And conditions
recited therein.
Yours very truly,
General Petroleum Corporation
H. :Iyllengren
Real Estate Representative
City Attorney Abraham informed the Council of the Idmission tax problem he said that the
complaint haV been filed and the hearing will be on the loth of Nov. at the regular police
Court and he believed that it would be in the evening in the commissioners room at the
court house. He also informed the council that a con -faint lied been filed At the same time
on the same defendant for not obtaining a theatre lisence on the down town theatre on that
will be held on the loth of this month also.
Councilmen Siebenbaum brought up to the Council on the finance situation of the Park Dept.
're said that they were now in the red for t663.69 and had two months to go. He said that
the finance situat on Hied been brought to the attention M XU of the park head but evidently
she was ignoring the fact. After a lengttiydiscussion between the Councilmen and the City
Attorney. Mayor Leighton said that she would discuss the matter with Lars Davis sno also
reco:n:nended the finance committee do the same.
A requisition was read from the Supt. of the Garbage Department for t125.00 to repair
the motor on the garbage truck. .,i'Ml5.
Councilmen Siebenbaum moved that the requisition for s4-r l-es be granted, seconded by
Councilmen 3ulliven. Upon roll call vote all seven councilmen present voted in the affir-
mitive =nd motion carried.
Ordinance no 1352 vi::ich v:ns recorder In the m'nutea of October 7, 1958 on page 177 was
again refferred to the Council for pas -,age. Councilman Mueller roved that the fir-t reading
of ordinance no 1352 be considered the second reading and that the third reading be by title
only, seconded by Councilman 3iebenbaum. Upon roll call vote all seven councilmen present
voted in the affirmitive and motion carried.
ORDIII[NCE NO 1352 was read for the third ti:me by title only, and it was moved by Councilman
Siebenbaum and seconded by Councilman Avery that XKIf Ordinance No 1352 do now pass. Upon
roll call vote all seven councilmen present voted in the affirmitive and motion carried.
Mayor Leighton said that Pr 21el he'd been recomended by the Chamber of Commerce to represent
the Olympic Pennisula for t::e :entury 21 exposition, Mayor Leighton then read a letter from
Century 21 expressing their thanks for the choise of Mx Ziel and the interest that was being
taken by the Chamber of Cormorce and officials.
Mayor Leighton said that on Iovember 14th & 15th at Spoken there would be a Civil Defense
directors meeting and all IZeyors And as many councilmen were urged to Attend if possible.
Mayor Leighton said if that any of the members would like to go contact her and she would
send in fof reservations.
As there was no further business to come before the Council at this time it was moved
Councilman Eueller and seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the meeting Adjourn. upon
call vote all seven councilmen present voted in the affirmitive And motion carried.
Port Townsend Washington
November 18, 1958
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend washington, met in regular session this 18t
ay of November 1958, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Mayor Leighton
Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Leighton, City Attorney Abraham, Cit
lark Youngblood, Councilman Swinhoe, Lindsey, SiebenbAum, Avery, Lafferty, and Councilman
The minutes of the session of November 4, 195B were read in full and it was moved by
® Councilmen ?duller and seconded by Councilman Sullivan that the minutes be approved as read
and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Upon roll call vote all seven
councilmen present voted in the affirmitive and motion carried. Councilman Sullivan arrived
during the reading of minutes and participated in the remainder of the regular meeting.
® Chief of Police
The Chief of Police report for the month of October, 1958 was read and was ordered filed.
The following building permits were presented and read.
Worley U Jenkins, Sidewalk & Repair roof, 601 Sidewalk, 421X141 roof, Hastings Ave. Rt2,`.140
John 3chwilke, Re -model & install office, 11,Xl61, frame, Water & Calhoun, $100.00.
Irene M. Lake, Repair Garage, 121X18I, Frame, 916 Adams, $50.00.
Lawrence Short, House & Carport, Frame, 261X441, 141X241, Clay & VanBuren, $4000.00.
Sffi>f IQXiiXi'FXXNXX�XX�CffiiiXXRPO[ilSbX?�Y!ft?C�7fY,
It was moved by Councilman Avery and seconded by Councilman Lafferty that the building
permits be granted. Upon roll call vote all seven councilmen present voted in the affirmiti
and motion carried.
Gerold G. Grim, Shed, Frame, 23rd & Landes, To abide by all the provisions of Ord. No. 907.
T It •,vas moved by Councilman Lindsey and seconded by Councilman Seibenbaum that the tear
down permit be granted upon roll call vote all seven councilmen present voted in the
affirmitive and motion carried.
Mayor Leighton said that site attended the Civil Defense Directors Fall Conference in
Spokane and was accompanied by Mr z Mrs Ronald 'Milder, Mr ,Vilder who is the Port Townsend
Civil Defiance Director. Mayor Leighton said that the tonic of discussion was the continuity
of government in the event of local emergency or national disaster.
LHay�r Leighton informed the Council that their were some citizens who whould like to
sneak to the Council on the Thentre problem. Mr.•"-..C. Grady addresed the Mayor and Council
"sr -•
and said he vies apneering as a private citizen and not in his capacity of police judge or
president of the Chamber of Commerce or as Thompsons attorney. He said that he had reviewed
the situation to date and suggested that the admission tax, be repealed because it vies impose(
when the theatres were doing good business and when they did not have the present competitioi
from television and others entertainment. He said that he was not arguing about the license
fee, but ask that the adnission tax be repealed. Mr Grady read a list of cities over the
state which have either renealed or reduced the theatre admission tax..;.:
Mr Hufford addresed the Mayor and Council and said that he know for a fact that all types
of small business were in a terrific squeeze at the present time and that the theatre was th
worst of all. He expressed the belief the City had a duty to the children and that serious
consideration be given to taking off the tax.
l .�xr
Mr. Hawkings spoke of Mr Thompsons community activities and interests on behalf of the
young people, and declared -and said that lie know Mr. Thomson was not Waking money in the
Mr. DaubenbarF,er said that he felt that the tax vies unfair and objected to it as a matter
of Drnci-1e.
' 4
Mr. Kunz said that as a taxi driver that he has been called b7 new arrivals in town such
i "ha:lr
r �•
as fishermen aboard boats here, to take then. to t.ie theatre end ifthe theatres ere closed
then those people are not going to come here.
Councilman John Siebenbaum said that in his opinion Ur Thompson should appear personally
to he heard.
CouncilwomanAsaid that in her seven years on the council there has been continuous troub.
involving payment of money due the city from 7hompsons theatres.
mayor Leighton referred the tax problem to the police And license committee And to the
inence committee and asked for a full report at the next regular session.
Councilman Sullivan said that people were still dumping rubbish along the north beech are
instead o using the city garbage dump.
Mayor Leighton asked that action be taken by the garbage, police and street dommittees
to put an end to the dumring of rubbish and asked Supt. Arey to place no dumping singns in ti
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