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The aforesaid plan shall be subject to such additions or
changes in pipe, length, Size or location, or other details not
affecting the main general plan hereinbefore act forth as shall be
authorized by the City Council either prior to or during the actual
course of construction, and may be constructed in such stages as the
Council shall determine to be in the best interests of the City.
Section 3. The estimated cost of the acquisition, con-
struction and installation of the above described plan of additions
and improvements to the water system of the City is hereby declared
to be as nearly as may be,the sum of $100,000, which cost shall be
paid from the proceeds of the sale of the water revenue bonds of the
City hereinafter provided for.
Section 4. The City does hereby adopt as an integral part
of the plan for acquisition, construction and installation of the
additions and improvements to its water system authorized herein,
that to provide the funds necessary to pay the cost thereof it shall issue
its water revenue bonds (herein called the "Bonds") in the principal sum
of $100,000. The Bonds shall be dated April 1, 1957, shall be in
denominations of $1,000 each, shall bear interest payable semi-annually
on the first days of April and October of each year and shall be
numbered and mature in order of their number as follows:
Bond Nos. Maturity Date Amount Interest Rate
1-10 April 1, 1958 $10;000 3
11-20 April 1, 1959 10,000 3
21-30 April 1, 1960 10,000 3
31-40 April 1, 1961 10,000 3
41-51 April 1, 1962 11,000 3-3/4%
52-63 April 1, 1963 11,000 3-3/4%
64-75 April 1, 1964 12,000 3-3/4%
76-88 April 1, 1965 13,000 3-3/4%
89-101 April 1, 1966 13,000 3-3/4%
Both principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable
in lawful money of the United States of America ae-the office of the
City Treasurer in Port Townsend, Washington, and shall be obligations
only of the special Bond Redemption Fund of the City created by this
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Plans, Specifications, Proposal,
Contract, and Bond Form, General
The work herein outlined and described for fabrication, furnishing and delivering at the
point of installation 6,860 linear feet of 30-inch T.D. 'Melded Steel pipe, in lengths of
40 feet, coal tar coated and abbestos-vmapped, replacing an equivalent size and section of
wood stave transmission Maier in the Olympic Gravity System Pipe line, located approxi-
mately 1;� miles southwect from Crocker Lake in Jefferson Councy, from station 1048 plus 47
to station 1092 plus 00, and from Station 1227/ plug 47 to Station 1252 plus 47.
A supplementary replacement consisting of fabrication and delivery of 7800 liniar feet of
28"-inch I.D. Welded Steel Pipe, in lengths of 40feet, coal tar coated and asbestos -
wrapped, replacing an equal section of 24-inch Wood Stave Transmission Main in the Olympic
Gravity System Pipe Line, located approximately 1 mile northeast from the Olympic Highway
crossing near Crocker Lake from station 1205 plus 47 and from Station 1252 plus 47 to
Station 1306 plus 00, all a3 shorn on the approved plans and attached specifications.
Mayor _
City Attorney
Each bid to be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the super-scription"Proposal for
furnishing and delivering 28-inch and 30-inch Steel Pipe under Contract W.T.R. No.of 1967."
NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Port Townsend, Washington, will receive
sealed proposals up to B100 P.M. on April 16, 1957, at the office of the City Clerk, Port
Townsend, Washington, to be opened a regular session of the City Council, to be held
upon that date for furnishing and delivering at trench side , the following material at
the point of installation:
6880 Linier feet of 30" I.D. x h" Electric Welded Steel Pipe, coal tar coated and
asbestos wrapped, together with the necessary couplings and welded steel plate reducing
connection in the vicinity of and approximately 1 3 miles southwest of the Olympic Highway
Crossing near Crocker Lake in Jefferson County, along the Olympic Gravity Pipeline Right-
7800 Linier feet of 28" I.D. x -,,,,,Electrssary
Yielded Electric Steel Pipe coal ter coated
and asbestos -wrapped, together with -the nee couplings and welded steel plate re-
ducing connections in the vicinity of and aximately 1 mile northeast from the Olympic
highway crossing near Crocker Lake, along the Olympic Gravity Pipe Line Right -of -Way.
All pipes to be fabricated in lengths of 40 feet, shall be furnished with a flexible
coupling for each length, and shall conform with the adopted specifications.
Each bid shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and other contract
documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk at Port Townsend, Washington, where
copies may be obtained by depositing the sum of five dollars (N5.00) for each set. Deposit
will be refunded upon the return of the plans and specifications in good condition.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashierts check or bid bond made
payable to the order of the City Treasurer of Port Townsend, in the sum of 5% of the
amount bid, to be forfeited to the City of Port Townsend by the successful bidder in case
he fails to enter into contract, file an acceptable surety Bond in the sum of 100% of the
Contract price, to fill conditions of said Contract within ten (10) days of the date of
award. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities
in the bidding.
Dated this 19th day of March 21957
( S ) da}aeph ZG Ryan
J sap an
City Clerk
It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum and seconded by Councilman Steve that the City
Clerk be authorized to publish the above call for bids. Upon roll call vote all seven
Councilmen present voted in the affirmative and motion carried.
March 18, 1957
Mr. Joseph G. Ryan
City Clerk
Port Townsend, Washington
Re: Port Townsend Water Revenue
Bonds, April 1, 1957-$100.000
Dear Mr. Ryan:
After I read Ordinance No. 1330, I decided that the same should be clarified by
amending Section 1 to clearly show that the wq'rd " System" as used throughout th:e
ordinance meant all the water supply anddri'ibution system of the city but that
portion leased to Crown Zellerback. I alsd decided that the use of the words " Water
Revenue Fund" throughout the ordinance was slightly confusing and that we should show
clearly that such words referred to the fund of the City under its true name, to -wit:
"Olympic Gravity Water Fund".
Therefore, please find enclosed original and three copies of an ordinance amending
Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1330 to clarify these two matters. Will you please have
the same introduced at the regular meeting of the 19th and then passed at the regular
meeting of April 2nd. If in your opinion this ordinance can be passed at the same
meeting of its introduction, we will accept this proceedure, as that is the proceedure
that appears to have been followed in the adoption of Ordinance No. 1330.
Will you then please send us as soon as possible a completed and certified copy of thi
ordinance, along with an affidavit of its publication and certified excerpts of the
minutes of the meeting showing the adoption of the ordinance.
1!'ill you also pleas send us oertified excerots of the minutes of the meeting of March
5, 1957 showing the adoption of Ordinance No.1330, and a certificate from the treasure
setting forth the principal amount and date of issue of all water revenue bonds of
the city outstanding.
We have sent the bond form to the printer, and imagine that you will have the bonds
in about two weeks for sealing and execution. Will ,you please phone me or drop me a
line immediately giving me a number that the enclosed ordinance will bear. 1'