HomeMy WebLinkAbout00031 minutes be approved as road end that thei �- 48 L;III'J'iE:1 J? fi :1llLA1i SJsS8201: OI' DL'GEIIB';R 18, 1956- Fort Tn o --(", Decomber '10, 1956 The City COullci,l of the City of Port Townsend, Vinshington, mot in regular session this 18th day- a' December, 1^56, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber❑ of the City hall, .dpyor Goorge °nugerter presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and 1lomberc present were as followrs: r'nayor George Bnnrerter, City Attorney ,abrahOf City Clerk Ryan and Councilmen Lindsay, Steve, !dueller, -Avery, Siobonboimr and Sul- livan. iLINUTES OF ?R^VIOUS S3S3I011 The liimitos of the previous session were road in full and it was moved by Councilmen j( :Suollor end socond;d by Councilman Avery that thn minutes be approved as road end that the •�;a or and City Clerk be authorized to sirs, same. Upon roll call veto ell six CourciLnon present voted in the effirmntivo and notion carried. ... j Ap1:LICATIOF ^0B LIC3,1S'_: ,in application for a taxicab drivers license for Pau! Fiigohe-Dale ;vas presented and ii reed: The C].arlt informed the Council that the 113.00 license foe had been nnid but that as Jet the npplir,ation had not been approved by *..ho Chief of Pollee. It was moved bt Counciima 'I Mueller and seconded by Councilman Lindsay that upon approval of the Chief of Police the •� taxi drivers license be granted. Upon roll call vote all six Councilman prosent voted in i the affirmative and motion carried.. RisrORT OF OFFICERS Chief of Police :one Chief of Police' report for the month of Novemberl956 vies road and was ordered filed. -t CO:,SIUhICATIIONS Fro;» the City Clerk to -wit: December 11, 1956 Honorable Mayor & Cit,r Council Port Townsend, vlashington Gentlemen: Renuest that I b^.;;ranted per to publish Call for bids to furnish the various Denartmonts of the City with GasolLiao, Diesel Oil and Heating Oil for the veer commencing Fobruary 1, 1957. Respectfully, Joseph G. Ryan City Clark It was moved by Councilman holler and seconded by Councilman Sullivan the the City Clorz�be authorized to publish call for bids for !.nsoli.ne, Diesel Oil and Heating 011 for thct commencing February 1, 1957. Upon roll call veto all six Councilmen ^resent voted in tl:olnffir:rative and motion carried. iTro�n Plattner :Amusement Company to -wit: December 16, 1S56 To the Honorable Mayor and Council ;1rmbers nelosed find check for $1,O0o.00 for Mpstor License for Amusement games startiry December 31, 11156 and endin, December 31, 1957. uospectfully, Plattner Amusement Co. By jinx Plattner it vies moved by Councilran Sullivan and seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the request of Plattner dmusoment Company for Master License for Aniusanont games be granted for tl,a year 1937. Upon roll call vote: nll six Councilman present votod in tl:e Offiratativo and motion Carried. From Chr•mber of Cormnrrco, Port Townsend, Clsshington, to-v✓i-t: Docember 12, 1956 City Council cite of P:-rt Townsend City +roll Port Tnwnsand, hpahi.nr:'on Denr Council Members: The Port Townsend Chnmber of Commeroo -.,ishes to thnnk -tau fort he find mnnnar in wluich the, streets and roads of our City ^.rare sanded and plowed during, our recent snov;.^all Lind cold snap. T.nis La moat gratoful to the road crown '.which worked from early morning to keen the streets snfo and pnnsablo forme use of our citizens. waa MIIUTES 07 RE'MAR S'ZSSIOiJ OF DEC HBER 18, 1956, COIITINUED Sinooroly yours, I.F. Kannit-h Carter President • I The above Communication was ordered filed. Prom Arthur Onrratt, Quilcone, Washington to-v✓it: City Council of Port Townsend City Hall Port Townsend, lvashington Gentleman: It is sue„osted that tho City Council nuthorizze a committee to negottato with the Port- Commissioners as to the final disposition of sowers and water mains acqui'rod or to be acquired by tine Port at Fort IVorden and Point Hudson. Yours vary truly, .Arthur Garrott Attorney for the Port of Port; Townsend The above communication was tabled. UII1'IIIISHGD AND MEW BUSINES3 Councilman Sullivan reported to tho Council. that it land boon brought to his attension that the City tYns losing money in the outlying r:i.atricts because of the prpetico of some property owners in clearing their property also cleared the timber off of adjoining City Streets. Councilman Sieborbaum nsoortod that the pronarty owners should pay stumpago.Tho matter wns roforrad to tho•Stroet Conunittee, City Attorney and the Polico and License Committee. Councilrum ]dueller reported that on th— pornondicular parl:'.ng of automobiles in the 700 and 800 blocks of Taylor Street that the Police had been advised Lind were doing all in their uo'.nr to correct the situation. lie furt7.or reported that the area l:olai.nd DelooIs bei.n, iisod fora somi-dump was to be fencod in and vrould stop that practice. In speaking of t.'.io nurchnso of necessary additionnl radio �qui:pnont to confo,- With Civil Dofenso purposes, lie stated that no annoy vies avnilnble Tit nresont but that nuthorized norsonall. would ao to Soattla to furthor chock tl;o possibilities. Councilman Lindsey informed the Council that a eeting lied been hold at the F.I.re i:r,ll m i!i ?•: and eo Lh poss'iblo •nue'r•r•:e a^ _^t :1. :a that ta-1 be ner..�sary for the Department when the Dial systom of tclnohoning is instal'cd in Port Townsend. i stated that the.a.7uipment nocnasary was tho lacing o!' nni Ra;In , two otliors, plus G rocioving sets which would host apprn,.imatoly N1164.01 the City tps able to.tako advnrtago of a ,rogrmn of the Government end the State to pay 50 and 25,, respectively, plus tax. lie further stated that the Volunteer firemen should each have one and that would l.9 more sets at an approximate coat of ;2660.00. The matter wns referred to the Fire And Light Committee and the City,- Attorhoy. Councilman ISueller told tho Council that in the pent the Council had authorized free parking fro'n 12:00 Otelock noon on -on the lnst sho)ing day brforo Christmas and made e motion that t% Police be instructed not to ticket automobiles in tho pprkinr area from 12:00 P.M. December, 24th for that day only. The motion was seconded by Couucilman Steve and upon roll call vote all six Coiinclimen nresnnt voted in the effirinatitia pad motion cnrriod. Councilman livery stated clwt she had been ashod by ?:I•. Stevens of the Rose ?:heater to sea If it wns possible to abolish thr admission tnx to theaters.Llnyor Bnngertor slated that If the City did abolish the tax that tho State v✓ould conic in and tax theaters. Councilmanu Sullivan renor''.ed that lie Earl recioved 5 or 6 prone onlls i:i tho last threo dnys co:ieeining a repnosontative of a direct sales co. operating In the Clty,v.hore thecustomer could buy practically anythi.nS wholessle except automobiles by paying a foe of ?';6.00. Iftor some discussion it was a5rood that nothing could be done until some customer got stuck and eomplainod to the Police. Councilman Lindsay stptod that he had been asked :nnny times about the difference in fins for spoodiag, negligent driving, drunken driving etc. Tel: City Attorney explained the differences by citing various cases whereby one spooder might be charred o ,j1C.00 lino for spoedi.rti 35 miled an hour in a twenty-five mile :one and another mi,,llt be finod Q50.00 for Goinr90 miles ong hour in a fifty mile zone and various other oxeni?)les where the offence sounded the same but the circumstances wore differort. ADJOURIMIENT As there was no further business to come bef:ro the Council at this time it vies moved by Counci.lrnan Sullivan end seconded by Councilmen Lindsey that the meetinz adjourn. ?lotion carried. ATTy'::T