From Evelyn Stevens to -wit:
To meyor Bangerter u City Council,
I deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending the beautiful flowers,
Evelyn Stevens
From Keith F. Jones, City Engineer, to —grit:
Office of the City cn;^ineor t-
Docmnbnr 3, 1956 �•i
Cotton 'nginoering Z- Construction
126 Madison
Port Townsend, t':nshinton ;-
ticntlomen: ,
".a rash to confirm our c5nversntion of November 23rd regarding unfinished portions
the cast Dam, Contract•/?,r3L-2. These items are no follows:
1. Crown and dress top of dam for drainage. r-
2. Dress up b•+ck face of dam for seeding. r;
3. Ditch roads and'bnne of darn.
4. P.ipran at overflow box.
5. Level and gravel Snow Creek road cut-off.
6. Sot Riprap at intake tower when to -,-,,or is finished.
7. Mnko thane over after 30^ pipe is plecod.
o. 71ni31c outlet tower end walk.
c. General cleenu;, of area fortis, etc.
10. Side road shoulder over 30" . pe on 11-1 slope.
There b a few Lem which ::i none comprise _so the major 'ob:. loofa may e e small items i _1
'elope. ';'a trust you will give these items your earliest possible attention. The items
.ch concern drainage are critical an the Forest Service is concerned as regards road
lye expect to :raker in the lnk_o by December 31 and it is necessary brie
,ject be completed by that date.
Keith F. Jones
cc: City Clerk City Engineer
From 'v,iti, _ . Jones, Cite., En.;ineor tO-wit:
CI_! O: FORT Or r T ., d 3-I,u
07FIC3 OF CITY _NGI.:v-i
November 23, 1-56
Cotton Enslne,.ring a S]ri; building Corp.
126 Nelson Street.
Port 10 .nc�nd, l7ashington
This is to .notif- you that you have been granted an extension of time to complete the
reject called ]forth matt at Lord)a Lake, Contract no. 1.75L 3. 'Z is extension will be to illy
,"e take this ection because wo feel it will be mutually financially beneficial. You
ay resume crock. at an time e you wish, , provided earth can be compacted satisfactorily in the
:,bile this extension is hntil July 1, 1957, we will expect you to prosecute the work at
very reasonable opportunity. This extension is contingent on ;;our returning to the job
ithin five (5) days after :,e have pronounced conditions f*vorable.
reign. F. Jone_/mb Faith F. Jones
cc: Sity ;lark., Fort Townsend. City/ 3n7inaer
_4e above t.o communicationswere referred to the Water Committee.
=row: Anooe'_at'•or. of `ashington Cities to -wit:
:1ovember 23, 1S56
De> eyor: Pe. 1?57
The ,-,ro;ras of the Association of TeahirEton Cities for the forthcoming legislative
Session will center around the all important problem of City Finance. Calling for on
act :ahich'wa.•1a enable cities to !vvy a lcca. sales tax of up to two-thirds of lv,it
att•.mpts for thn first time in many years to obtain a broader tax base for :.anhington
cities by eneblinZ them to enter an entirely new field of taration, The sales tax,
incidentally v'as selected, not nocauze anyone bed any particular liking for it as such,
but because it obviously was the only feasible and practical source available which
would return the amount of :honey ( between v12,00 tO '15.00 per conita recta
local financial If he
meet pressing government needs. such a rro,gran can a^.i•_vet, it
�� 3fi..x't Mr 'hLt�,a�# + t 1..
�- tiff
� 4
4k{$ t f
4 p
will no doubt have, sooner or later at least, for -ranching consequences for every
municipality i# the State,
To gain the objective by selling the idea to local legislative delogations, the full
cooperation of every member city is most essential. The loss of one legislative distract
or one legislator could spell defeat. May we, therefoe, count on your full assistance in
immediately organizing a program to explain, lair,� inform and convince your own roprosentativos
and sonator immediately of the justiceceor the proponal?
A memorandum is enclosed, giving certain basic, suggestions ao to how cities can most
effectively help in furthering the program. Another memo is enclosed, explaining the sales
tax plan more in detail. It is hoped this memo will be helpful in informing all those who
,will present the mnttor to their legislative dolagntions. it should be noted that the
memorandum includes some financial data made on a statewide basis. It must be borne in
mind, however, that if local legislators are to be convinced, it will be on the basis of the
financial situation in your own municipality, rather then that of cities in other parts
of the state. Therefore, it is suggested that all possible local tax data and other infor-
mation deemed helpful be accumulated locnlly and utilized for contacting your arm people.
May fro count on you to start work on this matter immediately?
With boot rashes,
Sincerely. yours,
Chost r Bieson
The above communication was referred to the City Attorney and the Financo Committee...
U1]r^I';iSTi D AND 10..7 BUSINESS
Councilmen Siobenbaum referring to the two !otters from the Department of Conservation
and Development concerning Notice of Construction read at the last regular meeting and
entered in the minutes of that meeting, informed the Council that: the City Engineer had
been attending to the subject and was supposed to have attended this Council Meeting but
was probably held up because of the blizzard, He also stated that the two letters read
nt thin Council Meeting from tin City Engineer was only for the information of the Cou_cil
and for the purpose of making n record of these communications.
Council Mueller reported that there wan no railing along the: sidewalk on the East side
4 }
� 1 +
1 0 i t] D (` a r of re oleo ,lab and that it l'rII3 a ire -are] to rodestrinnn ^ounril are Love said she,, he had
.� m � �
informed the ocoupnnt that n railing van necessary and that he :would see hire. again_.
Councilmen ]zuellor informed the Council that a now low enlled for ell agencies that
had air radio communication to purchase some now onuipmont to be cttached to the present
sot -up 'or Civil Defense purposes In case of a national alert. Fsyor Pro-Tem Sulliven re-
ferred the matter to the Police and License CoA.Ittno for invostiZation and report at the
next regular session.
Councilman L'nesay reported that the area na•r• L^ cots at the lagoon 1,00 like the
City; Cnrhage Dump and requested thrt alottar be written to DoLnala informing them of the
nation of the Co until. The mutter was referred to the Harbor & Haelth Committee for report
at the next regular session.
Councilman Avery told the Council that sho was still getting calls regarding cars
parked perpendicularly in the 700 and 300 `irck of Taylor St. �nposite the old tennis Court.
Councilman Lindsey reported on the request f6r a Strent light at the corner of 22nd
`-n } n. fir
and hill ^fro t ":, sate. had t, ,r,
., o s. _. _ na n d vi h name of the residents in tl., aloe and a.,,_r
some discussion of the coatis and the need for the light at this time agreed with him that
the situation did not call for it at present.
Councilman Steve informed the Council that 2/3rds of Precinct No. 7 hasonly 6 street
lights and that r_ thought good planning � this time would alleviate the arrest li
probven t o future. :e rise stated that he didnt think it was visa to consistatly hvve
petitions coming into the Council for Street Lights. Good planning for futur: thnnqLt
waulel stop this.
Coune0van Mueller stutvd that at one time a survey Tin - and each street light was
apotted on a map :and that if the Fire &• Light Co: m^ ttoe would get together and check the
graph they would have a basis for placid of future street lights.
Cocn7'7:nnn Lindsey informed the Council that Mr. Phil Copps of the Puget Sound Favor
and light Company had nromissed :rim a map with the locn.tien of nil the Street lights and
that hi would secure one later on.
Ce n ilman Store nakad Pho Council i. they are in agreement with eventually lighting;
4h ]
f ,_r L iup the .,efts seta Area and they signified agreement.
Councilman Siebenbaum stated that the matter should be planned now and any extra coat
be placed in next ;;ears budget., but in the menntimo to check nrd see if the city puts in
soma light; if the City could got the extra extontion of lines for noticing.
Councilmen 'Fun filer cited vandalism in the. City and in particular at, the City Library.
the breaking of windows leaving cost the city a loin of money in the Pent month and that even
while the Library Board wan having . meeting a *rock was thrown through a window. He eaked
the Port Townsend Lander to to take notice of the vandalism in an article. Reporter Tom
Canfield signified that the Leader would.
Councilmen -tove asked what the status of the 'later Distribution System replacement
in the City was and war informed by Councilman Slebenheum that lees of an Engineer was the
main obstacle at present.
AD o,777' •..Il
An there was no further business to some before the Counc-ll at this time, it wns
or_d by Councilman icbenba_.: nn� seconded b• t.,r� a n Councilman .tan Lindsay that ,.he meeting adjourn.
otign carried. qq (((
mayor _ro-Tom