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To the City Council of the. City of Port 'Townsend, PPashington.
Pie the undersigned petition the City Council for n Street light on the corner of
?,2nd and Rill. This heighborhoodtorssanumber of small
as fordthe towe weling publthat a ict
on this corner would insure g•- Y
there is one Street light within a radius of five blocks and that one is two blocks
Kenneth L. Rose
N.C. '.Knrtin ,
Mrs. Ernest Lnsluta
its above Petition wns referred to the Fire & Light Committee-
Councilmnn Lindsey Chnirmnn of the Piro & Light Committee reported that he had in-
vestigated the above Petition for a Street light and thnt he wan in favor of it. lie
further stated that as yet he had not had an opportunity to consult the rest of the Piro
& Light Committee and that it was agreeable to him to have the Petition lay over until
the next ragular meeting.
Councilman Steve Chairmen of the Streets and Sowers Committee reported on the Claim
for damages against the City of Port Townsend for 1500.00 by Lars. Emma Hanson residing
at Ferndale, Washington. After a little discussion it we, moved by Councilmnn Steve and
seconded by Councilmnn Sullivan that the claim be rejected. Upon roll call vote all six
Councilmen present voiced in the nf.firmntive and motion carried.
City Attorney Sbralinm informed the Council that the City's Insurance Company should
surely be notified and that as a matter of courtesy Mrs. Hanson should also be notified
of the action of the Council.
Co'mr.ilman Sullivan reported on the regional Banquet of the Association of Washington
Cities at Bremerton. He informed thn Council that the, weather had been bad no it rained
henvily,I:owever several of the Lndies had gone shopping and had purchased new hats. He
stated that the mect,ino had been hold at the Elks Club and that it was avory nice place
and a very nice meeting. Its stated that the City of Bremerton should be commended. He
further mentioned that they had met Mr. William Buggc, State Director of Tighwnys an old
employee of the City of Port Townsend and JefCerson County and a very good friend of both.
Councilman Avery stated that the main subject of the meeting seemed to be Homo Rule.
Councilman Steve reported on the Petition at the previous Council Lleei.ing for a
Street opening of that portion of loth Street lying betwoen State 1lighwny 9 and Sheridan
Avenue. He, also stated that the state would have to give permission because the end of
loth St. 'where it would have to be filled abuts on the State Highway. Councilmen Lindsey
stated that there warn projects where dirt was hexing hauled away but that it should be
dumped into the loth Street fill. City Engineer Jones stated that in the future there
was another project that lied to be done and it would ronuir the movement of a lob of dirt,
and that if bothCprojcots could be accomplished at the same time could be Quito a snvIng
of money. He told the Council that the second project was the leveling of Sheridan Ave.
for a distance of 30' where it joins Highway NO.5. He said the City could probably get
both jobs done for the price of one, about 4j2,000.00
City Engineer reported on the 1pth street sewer and told the Council that the bide
would soon be opened and that the project should be completed by the first of the year.
Councilman Steve Chairmsn of the Streets and Sewers Committee reported to the Council
that he had noticed thnt 453 fact of 18" pipe had been added to the end of the Son Juan
Sewer and inquired as to how that lied come about without the Chairman of the Streets and
Sewers Committee knowing anything sbout it. City Engineer Jones told Councilman Steve, that
he hnd ordered the plecoment of the 453 feet of 16" pipe. Iie further explained that the
pipe hnd merely been sn extention of the main with mnterials left over from the Bond
issue of the San Juan Trunk Sewer Line, After a little discussion it was moved by Council-
man Steve ant seconded by Councilmen Sullivan the the San Juan Sower Main be prolongod
03 feet by use of the 18" pipe. Upon roll cal] vote all six Councilmen present voted in
ti:e affirmative and motion carried.
is there was no further business to come before the Council at this time it was
moved by Councilman Steve and Seconded by Councilman Siebonbaum that the meeting adjourn.
Motion cnrricd.
ATTEST: if ,46� `�
City lor1/V
Port Townsend, Washington
November 20, 1956
Alin City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washing ton met in regular session
thin 20tir day of November, 1056, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,
Mayor George Bnngortur presiding.
Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Bangerter, .acting City Attorney
Abraham, City Clerk Ryan and Councilmen Siebcnbnum, Sullivan, Lindsay, Stave, Ellis,
Mueller and Ivory.
Mayor's appointment of City Attorney
Mayor Bongertor expressed his deep sorrow at the Death of the former City attorney
Claude E. Stevens, and stated that at this time he was appointing Ns, Glenn D. Abraham Jr.
no City Attorney to fill out the unexpired portion of the City Attorney's Term.
The minutes of the. 'rovious session were read in full and it wan moved by Councilman
Muollor and seconded by Councilman Ellin that the minutes be approvnd as read and that the
Mayor and City Clerk be outhorized to sign same. Upon roll call vote all seven Councilman
present voted :in the iffiAllative.and motion carried.
The treasurer's report for the month of October, 1956 was road and was referred to
the Finance Committee.
Chief of Police
The Chief of Police' report for the month of October, 1956 was presented and read and
was ordered filed.
The following building permits were presented and read: ..
A.C. Benton, :Addition to homo,12' X 201, Frame, 19th & Ilolcomb,F300.00
Wallace W. Higdon, Erect Cement Block Shop, 26' X 341,Cement B1ock,10th & "ondricks,
It was moved by Councilmnn Siebcnbnum and seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the
building permits be granted. Upon roll call all seven Councilmen present voted in the
affirmative and motion carried.
From State of Washington, Deportment of Conservation & Development to -wit:
November 5, 1956,
Office .of the City Clerk
City of Port 'Townsend
Port Townsend, {Washington
Dear Sir:
Re: Surface dater Permit No. 9259
In chocking over your permit we find that you have not submitted " Notice of beginn-
ing of Construction.
If the work has been started on this project, Kindly fill out the enclosed form. If
it has not, you should request an extension of time for which there is a statutory
fee of $?30.00. Pleaso state 4dly ouch extension is necessary and make check payable
to the Department of Conservation and Development.
If we do not here from you within sixty (60) days from data, we shall assume that you
are no longor interested in retaining the permit and shall cancel it without further
Very truly yours,
M.G. I''lalker
From State of Washington, Department of Conservation and Development to -wit:
Novombnr 5, 1956
Office of the City CloOk
City of Port Townsend
Port Townsend, Wnshington
Door Sir:
Re: Surface `.'later Permit No. R-181
In chodking over your permit we find that you have not submitted "Notice of bo-inning
of Construction". °
If the work has boon started on this project, kindly fill out the enclosed form.If
it has not, you should roqueot an oxtension of time for which there is a statutory